Follow General Secretary to See China | The Story of Linzhi's "Peach Blossom Village" Renews Jiangnan | Villagers | Peach Blossom Village

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:27 PM

In August, Xizang's Nyingchi, known as the "snow covered Jiangnan", is a thriving landscape, surrounded by clouds and trees, by the Yarlung Zangbo River.

Gala Village, located in Linzhi Town, Bayi District, Linzhi City, is famous for its spring blooming mountain peach blossoms.

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xueren

Remember to entrust a new life

"I went for a sports car today, and I'm still in the city at the moment. Please wait for a moment, I'll be back home soon." Recently, villager Dawa Jiancan followed the village transportation team to transport goods and sports cars, and was very busy.

Following the clean and tidy bluestone road, the reporter arrived at Dawa Jiancan's house, where the two-story magnificent and spacious Tibetan style residential buildings came into view. Inside, the furniture is as new as new and all household appliances are complete, making it a warm and comfortable small and comfortable home.

The spacious and bright Tibetan style houses in Gala Village. Photo by Li Haixia from People's Daily Online

Follow General Secretary to See China | The Story of Linzhi's "Peach Blossom Village" Renews Jiangnan | Villagers | Peach Blossom Village

In the courtyard, there are lush fruit trees. The red plums hung on the branches, heavy and heavy, with a gust of wind blowing and a refreshing fragrance wafting down the nose.

"Come and try it, it's really delicious. We grow it ourselves, without pesticides, it's green and healthy." When guests visit, Zhuoma, the mother of Dawa Jianshen, always greets them with a smile. "The peaches are also ripe soon. You must come and taste them then."

"My daughter Pubalam is in high school this year and has good grades, which is reassuring for parents. My son Pubuciren is about to go to Lhasa Sports School and join the football team. His dream has taken the first step. In the future, he will rely on himself and make more efforts."

Dawa Jian participated in his transport vehicle. Photo by Li Haixia from People's Daily Online

The education of the child is worry free, and Dawa Jianshen is more motivated to work outside. Now he is a member of the village transportation team, and he has to go to fetch goods and sports cars every day. "Running transportation, land transfer rent, combined with raising cattle and sheep, can generate an annual income of over 300000 yuan."

The days of Dawa Jiancan's family have gone by with greater vigor.

Home and talent make everything prosper. The younger generation strives outside, while the older generation can enjoy the joy of family. The smile on Zhuoma's face never faded. She always receives guests, takes care of the courtyard, and takes care of the younger generation with a calm and composed demeanor. "I'm living a very happy life now," she smiled and her eyes narrowed.

"With the care and concern of the Party and the government, our village has continuously invested funds to implement projects such as improving and renovating village infrastructure and improving the living environment. Our days are getting better and better. We must always remember the instructions of General Secretary and continue to work hard." Gala Village Party Branch Secretary Bian Ba smiled and said.

Follow General Secretary to See China | The Story of Linzhi's "Peach Blossom Village" Renews Jiangnan | Villagers | Peach Blossom Village

Work together to expand the village industry

Gala Village, also known as "Peach Blossom Village," is surrounded by wild peach trees. Every spring, the blooming peach blossoms attract a large number of tourists to come for sightseeing and tourism, opening up channels for local villagers to increase income and become rich.

Tailor measures to local conditions, rely on peach resources, and make efforts in "tourism+" to continuously strengthen the village collective industry. "The Peach Blossom Festival is a major event in our village every year, and most of our income comes from it. During this spring's Peach Blossom Festival, the total income from tickets, homestays, and other activities was nearly 4 million yuan, accounting for 50% of the village's collective economy." Bianba explained, "Since the General Secretary came, the people in our village have become more united because no one wants to 'hold back'."

In order not to delay, Bianba did a lot of work. "There have been more tourists, more demands, and higher demands. We cannot stop moving forward. Therefore, in the past two years, the village has been building a peach garden scenic area, continuously improving infrastructure construction, upgrading pedestrian walkways, renovating homestay bathrooms, building observation platforms, setting up special production areas, and so on." He said, "Moreover, there are now more than 20 farmhouses in the village, allowing tourists to not only enjoy the beautiful scenery, but also taste local delicacies, experience unique customs, and come and want to come again. This will also promote secondary consumption and drive more income growth."

During the Peach Blossom Festival, photo shoots are very popular. Photo by Li Haixia from People's Daily Online

"Our village has collectively selected villagers to launch a tourism experience project, promoting the improvement of tourism service quality in Taohuayuan Scenic Area through night school training and other methods." Border bus introduced. Since 2021, Gala Village has received 285000 tourists, achieved tourism revenue of 9.33 million yuan, and distributed nearly 200000 yuan per household.

Relying on the Party's policy of benefiting the people and actively building three major industries, with Taohuayuan Scenic Area as the main focus, agricultural and pastoral transportation teams, and sightseeing and picking parks advancing side by side. Currently, the industry in Gala Village is flourishing.

The construction of major projects such as the Sichuan Tibet Railway is in full swing, and Gala Village has seized the great opportunity of national key project construction. It has established a farmer and herdsman transportation team, and has achieved income of more than 15 million yuan since 2021. "Our village now has more than 30 freight trucks, more than 30 excavators, and more than 20 forklifts. When there is work, everyone takes turns running and can make money," said villager Dawa Danzeng.

Follow General Secretary to See China | The Story of Linzhi's "Peach Blossom Village" Renews Jiangnan | Villagers | Peach Blossom Village

In the late summer season, walking into Gala Village feels like walking into a picture of a bountiful harvest. Apples, plums, apricots and other fruits hang all over the branches, making people drool. The climate conditions are favorable, and the villagers have seen opportunities for wealth creation. They raised 500000 yuan to build a sightseeing and picking park covering more than 100 acres, with an average annual income of 700000 yuan.

"In spring, you can come to our village to admire peach blossoms, pick peaches to eat in summer, and in autumn, you can also have a glass of peach blossom wine. How wonderful!" villager Yang Jin smiled and said. In everyone's eyes, peach trees are full of treasures.

"Last year, our village's total economic income was 12.06 million yuan, and the per capita disposable income reached 35900 yuan." Bianba introduced, "In the first half of this year, the village's collective economic income was over 7 million yuan, and everyone is looking forward to the year-end dividend."

"To be honest, many places do not have such good resources as our village. Many people in these places want to increase their income and have to leave their hometowns to work outside. We guard our unique resources and make money at our doorstep, so we must not waste or destroy them." This is the unanimous idea of the villagers in Gala Village.

Anchor the target and play a good ecological chess game

To promote high-quality development of the local economy, a good ecology is the most important prerequisite. In order to comprehensively strengthen ecological protection and create a livable rural environment, Gala Village has been solidly promoting the construction of projects such as a moderately prosperous demonstration village, a beautiful countryside, and an agricultural and tourism complex in accordance with the concept of "integrating resources, promoting the whole village, and integrating village scenery" over the past two years. "Party members have taken the lead in carrying out illegal demolition and cleaning work, building green fences and fruit courtyards. Now, every household has achieved full coverage of courtyard greening."

The clean and tidy village road in Gala Village. Photo by Li Haixia from People's Daily Online

Hand planted spring light, everything is abundant. Every year, villagers also carry out afforestation, especially vigorously planting peach trees. "The artificially planted peach trees are all local varieties, and local tree species will not cause ecological damage," Bian Ba said. "This year, we have planted more than 3000 trees."

Follow General Secretary to See China | The Story of Linzhi's "Peach Blossom Village" Renews Jiangnan | Villagers | Peach Blossom Village

After the autumn harvest, Gala Village will enter the period of tree cultivation and protection. Pruning and shaping branches, filling soil and protecting roots, these are all big things. "Without peach trees, there wouldn't be a happy life in our village," said villager Ciren with a smile. "Our village is a typical example of having an eco-tourism meal, and everyone is watching. We can't embarrass ourselves!"

In addition to tree planting and protection, the tourism economy developed by Gala Village relying on peach trees also relies on the contribution of "green banks".

"Green Bank" is a volunteer service brand of Gala Village's New Era Civilization Practice Station. The original intention of its establishment is to use the form of "garbage exchange points, points exchange goods" to enhance everyone's ecological and environmental awareness, guide villagers to actively participate in ecological civilization construction, and build a livable ecological environment. Gala Village has achieved significant results by leading the development of "green banks" and continuously promoting ecological and environmental protection concepts.

Gala Village has also taken innovative measures to establish a green credit record "Green Finance Points Ranking List". Those with high points can increase their loan limits in bank credit. Currently, many people have upgraded to "diamond card holders" and have been approved for "Huinong e-loans", enjoying tangible "Green Bank" benefits.

"Nowadays, the environmental awareness of villagers has been further enhanced, and everyone actively cleans up the garbage and debris in the village. Nearby mountain and forest villagers voluntarily take turns patrolling. In addition, Gala Village firmly adheres to the red line of cultivated land, transferring more than 100 acres of land each year with an average rent of 1300 yuan per acre, effectively expanding the path of ecological value transformation." Chen Dixiong, a member of the Linzhi Town Party Committee and Propaganda Committee, introduced.

From blooming to fruiting, the four seasons of a peach tree are the annual life trajectory of the villagers in Gala Village. They revolve around the peach tree and also revolve around a happy life.

The story of "Peach Blossom Village" in Linzhi is written year after year with new stories.

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