First Observation | The ambition, confidence and confidence of China-Arab solidarity and cooperation to "achieve acceleration" Xi Jinping | China-Arab | Acceleration

Release time:Jun 01, 2024 13:27 PM

In the past few days, the unity and friendship between China and Arab countries have attracted much attention from the international community.

On May 30, the 10th Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum was held at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. The most prominent highlight of this meeting was that President Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony and delivered keynote speeches together with four Arab heads of state, including King Hamad of Bahrain, President Sisi of Egypt, President Said of Tunisia, and President Mohammed of the United Arab Emirates, laying the foundation for the new era. The development of China-UAE relations has pointed out the direction and drawn up a blueprint.

After carefully studying President Xi Jinping's keynote speech of more than 2,000 words, words such as "community with a shared future" and "cooperation" that fully reflect China's view of international order appear many times. President Xi Jinping’s ardent expectation to “accelerate the construction of a community with a shared future between China and Arab states” aroused strong resonance from all parties present at the meeting.

The word "acceleration" heralds the bright prospect of accelerating and upgrading the development of China-Arab relations, highlights the high-spirited state of China and Arab states working together, and gives positive power to a world intertwined with chaos, which is very encouraging.

The word "acceleration" also contains China's philosophical and dialectical thinking on how different civilizations can achieve harmonious coexistence, exchanges and mutual learning, and win-win cooperation in the face of great changes in the world. It highlights the vision, pursuit and responsibility of China's head of state diplomacy.

Running at an accelerated pace is not just a temporary gain, but a long-term struggle based on existing results and continuous forge ahead——

From a numerical perspective, China-Arab pragmatic cooperation has ample potential. In the 20 years since the establishment of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, the total value of China's import and export of goods trade with the Arab League has increased from 303.81 billion yuan in 2004 to 2.8 trillion yuan in 2023, an increase of 820.9%. At a time when the world's economic recovery is sluggish and the scum of unilateralism and protectionism is emerging, China and Afghanistan continue to expand the flow of technology, capital, products, and personnel, which is bound to further benefit the people of both sides and the international community.

When considering international relations, we can’t just consider “economic accounts”.

As President Xi Jinping emphasized, China is willing to work with Afghanistan to help each other, achieve equality and mutual benefit, tolerate and learn from each other, and collaborate closely to build China-Afghanistan relations into a benchmark for maintaining world peace and stability, a model for high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road", and harmony among different civilizations. A model of symbiosis and an example of exploring the correct path for global governance.

The great contemporary value and far-reaching historical significance of the construction of a China-Arab community with a shared future are highly condensed in these four visions. Clear goals, long-term planning, and profound considerations allow the world to see the overall pattern of China seeking progress for mankind and harmony for the world.

Running out of acceleration has a profound historical accumulation, a solid foundation for cooperation and a clear path forward——

The friendship between China and the Chinese people and Arab countries and peoples stems from the friendly exchanges along the ancient Silk Road, from the side-by-side fight for national liberation, and from the win-win cooperation in the process of national construction. The progress of China-Arab cooperation relies on historical inheritance and long-term success.

First Observation | The ambition, confidence and confidence of China-Arab solidarity and cooperation to "achieve acceleration" Xi Jinping | China-Arab | Acceleration

In recent years, with the care and concern of the leaders of China and Arab countries, relations between China and Arab countries have continued to make new gains in many aspects. China's relations with many Arab countries have developed from "partnership" to "strategic cooperation" and then to "strategic partnership", achieving leapfrog development.

This is the third time President Xi Jinping has attended the opening ceremony of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum Ministerial Conference, and the fifth time he has made important policy announcements to the Arab world. In December 2022, President Xi Jinping went to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, to attend the first China-Arab Summit. He and his Arab colleagues unanimously agreed to make every effort to build a China-Arab community with a shared future for the new era. China-Arab relations have thus entered a new era of comprehensive and deepened development.

Over the past year or so, many early gains have been achieved in many aspects in building a China-Arab community with a shared future. Now, it is the right time for China and Arab states to jointly promote the "speed up" of the construction of a community with a shared future between China and Arab states.

A more dynamic innovation-driven landscape, a larger-scale investment and finance landscape, a more three-dimensional energy cooperation landscape, a more balanced economic and trade mutually beneficial landscape, and a broader cultural exchange landscape... President Xi Jinping pointed out in his keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the conference , is willing to build the "five major cooperation patterns" with the Albanian side, which has triggered a warm response from the Albanian side.

Running faster is not only the common expectation of the people of China and Afghanistan, but also conforms to the common call of the righteous forces of the international community——

The Middle East is a fertile land for development, but war is still raging in this land. Since October last year, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has escalated violently, causing a large number of innocent civilian casualties, leading to a serious humanitarian crisis and triggering strong concerns among people around the world.

China and the majority of Arab countries share a common position on the Palestinian issue. At the opening ceremony of this ministerial conference, President Xi Jinping pointed out that "the war cannot continue indefinitely, justice cannot be permanently absent, and the 'two-state solution' cannot be wavered arbitrarily"... At the moment when friends gather, China once again sends a push to the world The voice of justice is to end the conflict in Gaza as soon as possible and promote a comprehensive, fair and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue.

China's fair and just stance on the Palestinian issue has been highly praised by Albanian leaders. After the ministerial meeting, Albanian President and Mauritanian Foreign Minister Marzouk specifically mentioned when meeting reporters with China and the Arab League that the level of cooperation between Albania and China has reached a very high level, both bilaterally and multilaterally. At the meeting, Afghanistan and China reached broad consensus on many regional and international hot and difficult issues.

"We will continue to work with our Arab friends to carry forward the spirit of China-Arab friendship, unite to create a better future, and fill the road of building a China-Arab community with a shared future with sunshine!"

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