The new head coach of the Chinese women’s football team responded to reporters from Shangguan News: U20 athletes need to increase their league playing time

Release time:May 23, 2024 12:48 PM

Less than two weeks after officially taking office, the new women's football head coach Ante Milicic held a media meeting at the Xianghe National Football Training Base today to introduce the current women's football team.

Milicic once served as the head coach of the Australian women's football team and led the team to the top 16 of the 2019 Women's World Cup in France within about 18 months of coaching. After becoming the head coach of the Chinese women's football team, Milicic's first major competition task was the 2026 Women's Asian Cup. He is fully aware of the responsibilities and expectations on his shoulders.

Women's football head coach Milicic answered questions from Shangguan News reporters.

As soon as he sat down on the stage, Milicic said sincerely: "I fully understand the millions of expectations and important responsibilities that come with being the head coach of the Chinese women's football team. I am very grateful to the Chinese Football Association for giving me this coaching opportunity."

On May 17, the Chinese Football Association announced on its official website the first training list after Milicic took charge. A total of 27 people were selected. "Due to time constraints, my team and I can only watch most of the Women's Super League games and previous women's national team games through video. The list of 27 people was selected in this way." Milicic explained. He said that the most important task of the first training camp is "run-in", which not only allows the coaching team to fully understand this group of women's football players, but also allows the women's football players to understand the coaching team's style and ideas. "Once the run-in is completed, we can be better." Let’s work together and make progress together.”

The new training session started on May 19 at the Xianghe National Football Training Base. This training camp will last until May 26, after which the team will go to Australia to participate in the invitational tournament.

"When I was the head coach of the Australian women's football team, I played against the Chinese women's football team. At that time, the Chinese women's football team was a team with strong overall ability, high level of technical and tactical execution, and strong defensive ability. However, now We have to look forward and I will make corresponding adjustments to the current Chinese women's football team based on my own style." Milicic said.

The new head coach of the Chinese women’s football team responded to reporters from Shangguan News: U20 athletes need to increase their league playing time

Milicic said the first adjustment he wanted to make was in possession. "I hope my players can play more aggressively and improve possession of the ball, and I will also use more technical players."

Currently, there is less than a week until the first warm-up match against the Australian women's football team on May 31. Milicic frankly pointed out that it is difficult to make changes in such a short period of time, but he still hopes to make full use of it. Daily video analysis sessions allow the players to understand his philosophy as best as possible.

The Chinese women's football team is currently in a period of transition between new and old players. Milicic said that he very much hopes to see more young players emerge during his tenure. "If young players want to get ahead, they must first increase their playing time in the Women's Super League through their own efforts, and even gain a foothold, so that they can be called up to the national team."

Milicic promised that if young players are recruited into the national team, he will give them 15 to 20 international game opportunities before the 2026 Asian Cup to help them grow. "In the next few months, we will discover more young players through the Women's Super League and give them opportunities."

Women's football head coach Milicic answered questions from Shangguan News reporters.

To discover more and better quality young women’s football players, youth training is essential. When answering a question from a reporter from Liberation Daily and Shangguan News, Milicic said that youth training is very important to the construction of the national team. Athletes in the age group of 17 to 19 need training in high-level competitions in order to truly gain a foothold in adult competitions. He hopes to communicate well with the club at the national team level to increase the playing time of U20 athletes. "For example, some countries stipulate that three U20 athletes must play in each league game. Of course, this is just one way. We can also have other ways to train young athletes and benefit both the club and the national team. ”

At the end of the press conference, Milicic said very frankly that the selection of the first training roster was relatively conservative, but he would continue to adjust the list based on subsequent contacts with Chinese women's football players. "In addition, I also hope that the intensity of the Chinese Women's Super League can be further improved, which will be good for improving the level of women's football."

The new head coach of the Chinese women’s football team responded to reporters from Shangguan News: U20 athletes need to increase their league playing time
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