Olympic champion Wang Liqin walked into the Children's Hospital to spend the Children's Day with his children, and the "Gelsang Flower Love" from the snowy areas to the Pujiang River

Release time:Jun 01, 2024 10:05 AM

On the morning of June 1, in the ward of Shanghai Children's Hospital, Tibetan children who were receiving treatment for congenital hip dysplasia and congenital heart disease received a special holiday gift. Wang Liqin, Olympic champion and president of the Shanghai Table Tennis Association, made a surprise appearance, bringing stationery and toys and sending warm wishes to the children, hoping they would recover soon and enjoy a wonderful childhood.

That day is the 74th "June 1" International Children's Day. Sponsored by Shanghai Children's Hospital and supported by Shanghai Stock Exchange Charity Foundation and Huatai Securities, the "Flashing Balls" and "Gelsang Flower Love" public welfare projects were promoted The event was held at Shanghai Children's Hospital. Wang Liqin was awarded the title of "Charity Charity Ambassador" of the "Gelsang Flower Love" project.

"Love of Kelsang Flower" is a public welfare project launched by Shanghai Children's Hospital in 2013. Taking the aid to Tibet as the starting point, a "Love of Kelsang Flower" public welfare service team was formed to carry out health care projects around the prevention and treatment of congenital hip dysplasia. Public welfare work such as science education, screening and diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation.

In Shigatse, due to factors such as local medical conditions and popular science, the incidence of DDH far exceeds the national average. Data show that in mainland cities, the incidence rate of DDH is 1 per 1,000 people, and the prevalence rate in Shigatse is as high as 32.4 per 1,000 people. If DDH is not treated in time, it will cause lifelong disability and make it impossible to stand again.

Yang Xiaodong, vice president of Shanghai Children's Hospital, is the seventh batch of Shanghai's health aid cadres for Tibet. He once served as vice president of Xigaze Municipal People's Hospital. He introduced that early diagnosis and early treatment are the key factors that determine the good prognosis of DDH surgery. Therefore, the "Love of Kelsang Flower"-DDH early screening and early diagnosis and treatment public welfare project in Shigatse, Tibet has been launched in Shanghai Children's Hospital and Shigatse City, Tibet. The People's Hospital was established. Every spring, medical experts from Shanghai Children’s Hospital will form a team to the snowy plateau and drive thousands of kilometers to carry out DDH screening.

The public welfare project has been continuously carried out for more than 10 years, and a total of 13 rounds of inspections have been carried out in 18 districts and counties in Tibet and more than 10,000 people have been screened. In Tibet, more than 700 children with early mild DDH have been successfully treated conservatively, and 70 The remaining children received surgical correction locally. In addition, 668 older children with severe DDH received assistance through public welfare projects such as the Shanghai Stock Exchange Foundation.

The "Gelsang Flower Love" project continues to gather the care of governments at all levels and social forces to promote the establishment of a mature and effective DDH social special assistance system, further improve the equity and accessibility of children's health, promote the health of all people, and achieve shared development .

A few years ago, Wang Liqin visited Shanghai Children's Hospital to express condolences to children with leukemia; now he has become the "Charity Charity Ambassador" of the "Gelsang Flower Love" project, which also makes him sigh that it is "quite a fate" to "support children's health public welfare undertakings. By spreading the health concept of physical and health integration, I hope to attract the attention of the whole society. The power of one person is limited, and we need the continuous support of all parties to do more meaningful things and benefit more people.”

Wang Liqin wears many hats. As the director of the Shanghai Competitive Sports Training and Management Center, his work focuses on the training of professional athletes in competitive sports. After becoming the president of the Shanghai Table Tennis Association at the end of 2022, part of his energy has been devoted to national fitness. "Table tennis has a deep mass base in Shanghai, especially as a national sport, which has a great influence in Shanghai. Judging from various mass events, the number of participants, including teenagers, is also leading in the country."

At the event, Wang Liqin staged a "wheel battle" and interacted with second-generation medical children and medical representatives. There are children who have just picked up a racket, and there are also children who are receiving professional training at the junior sports school. Everyone is rushing to "compete" with Wang Liqin, and the on-site guidance of the Olympic champion also benefits the children a lot. Wang Liqin said with a smile that his children are also getting into table tennis. "I hope it can cultivate children's sports skills and become a lifelong hobby. If my children like table tennis and are talented, I, as a parent, will definitely encourage and support them."

Liu Haifeng, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Children's Hospital, awarded Wang Liqin the "Charity Charity Ambassador" certificate for the "Gelsang Flower Love" project

"The Love of Gesanghua" builds a barrier for the health of teenagers and allows former children with DDH to run again. Wang Liqin hopes that children can enjoy sports and grow up healthily. A children's popular science book "The King Enters the Arena" is another gift he gives to the children. Wang Liqin used his personal growth experience to start a magical journey of understanding table tennis and discovering the charm of table tennis, and encouraged children to be brave enough to pursue their dreams.

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