Stir up the hope of youth with a fighting attitude| Youth | Youth

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:09 PM

Youth is the future of our country, the hope of our nation, and also the future and hope of our party.

In his New Year's message in 2002, General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out: "Tomorrow's China, hope is placed on the youth. The youth will prosper the country, and China's development depends on the broad masses of young people to stand up and take responsibility. Young people are full of vigor and vitality, and youth nurtures hope. The broad masses of young people should cultivate their feelings of home and country, cultivate their enterprising character, and promote their youth with a striving attitude to live up to live up to live up to the times and live up to the year."

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has attached great importance to youth, enthusiastically cared for youth, and fully trusted youth. It has devoted a lot of effort to youth work: convening the first group work meeting of the Central Party in the history of the party, Promulgated the first youth development plan in the history of New China, and issued the first Young Pioneers work document in the history of the party in the name of the party, deployment of the Communist Youth League reform ...... Youth development to achieve all-round progress, made historic achievements, the Communist Youth League organization under the leadership of the party to deepen reform, the new era of the Communist Youth League image gradually established.

General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on youth work provide a fundamental basis for the party's youth work in the new era.

Stir up the surging spring tide of national rejuvenation with the energy and creativity of youth, and work hard to create a better China with the wisdom and sweat of youth.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping, based on the strategic height of successors to the cause of the party and the country and the sustainable development of the Chinese nation, has always placed the party's youth work in an important position in governing the country, and has profoundly clarified the party's youth work. The status, role, goals, tasks, responsibilities, missions, and practical requirements have profoundly answered what kind of youth to cultivate in the new era and how to cultivate youth, major issues such as what kind of Communist Youth League to build and how to build the Communist Youth League have formed General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on youth work, which provides a fundamental basis for doing a good job in the party's youth work in the new era.

——We must regard the cultivation of socialist builders and successors as the fundamental task, and guide young people to consciously strive for the lofty ideals of communism and the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

"Through hard work, the youth cause you have achieved is highly compatible with the cause of the party and the country, and the cause of the people, so that the spectrum of the cause will be broader and the energy will be stronger." On the first May Fourth Youth Day after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the China Academy of Space Technology of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation to participate in the theme group day activities. Pei Xianfeng, a post-90s youth who won the silver medal in the welding project, said this.

General Secretary Pei Xianfeng was greatly inspired by his praise and expectations, saying, "Only by mastering the solid skills required for national construction can one realize their youthful dreams and achieve a beautiful life."

General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the continuation and inheritance of the red gene and has always stressed the need to train socialist builders and successors. At the meeting to commemorate the 100 anniversary of the May Fourth Movement, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Cultivating the young generation into socialist builders and successors with comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physical education, and labor is a major strategic task related to the future and destiny of the party and the country. It is the common political responsibility of the whole party."

——It is necessary to take consolidating and expanding the youth base of the Party's governance as a political responsibility, and to tightly gather the largest number of young people around the Party.

Winning the youth for the Party and consolidating the youth foundation of the Party's governance is an important task of youth work.

——We must take focusing on the center and serving the overall situation as the main line of work, and widely organize and mobilize young people to fully play the role of a new force in deepening reform and opening up and promoting economic and social development.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that only by focusing on the center can we find the right direction and serve the overall situation to reflect the value.

In an important speech at the celebration of the 100 anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping sent an affectionate message to the youth: "The Chinese youth in the new era must take the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as their own responsibility, and strengthen the ambition, backbone, and confidence of being Chinese. Times, live up to the youth, live up to the ardent expectations of the party and the people!"

In his important speech at the meeting celebrating the 100 anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China, and in the report of the 20th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping asked young people to aspire to be good young people in the new era who have ideals, dare to take responsibility, can bear hardships, and are willing to struggle.

The vast number of youth league cadres adhere to the principle of putting youth first and improving their work skills through close communication with young people.

Significant achievements in youth ideological and political guidance

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the Communist Youth League organizations at all levels have persisted in arming young people with Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, educating young people with the great achievements of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and shaping young people with socialist core values. Youth ideological and political guidance has achieved remarkable results, and the young generation is more positive, more patriotic and good.

The Communist Youth League organizations at all levels insist on learning, understanding and practicing the socialist thoughts with Chinese characteristics in the new era as the primary political task, promoting the normalization, systematization, and institutionalization of youth theoretical arms, and guiding the majority of young people to learn and believe, learn and use, and learn. And walk.

In the past five years, every Monday except for winter and summer vacations, the online themed group class "Youth Learning" has always met with a large number of young people. As of now, a total of 176 online themed group courses on "Youth Learning" have been launched, attracting over 7.096 billion young people to participate.

In the process of deepening the "Youth Great Learning" action, youth organizations at all levels adhere to the combination of "guidance, lectures, research, comparison, practice, and supervision", and carry out various activities such as special training, exchange and discussion, special lectures, and on-site visits and practices.

The promotion of the "Youth Lecturer Group" plan is a powerful measure for the Communist Youth League to carry out youth ideological and political guidance. Time and time again vivid and vivid preaching, allowing the voice of the Party to reach the youth as widely as possible. Since the launch of the event, the entire Youth League has organized more than 21000 lecturers and members at all levels to regularly visit enterprises, rural areas, government agencies, campuses, communities, etc., and carry out targeted, interactive, and face-to-face preaching activities for young members and young people, focusing on building a "young cavalry" with theoretical armed youth.

In terms of strengthening education on the national situation, youth organizations at all levels accurately and vividly disseminate the Party's line, principles, and policies, interpret the national situation, and promote the widespread dissemination and recognition of the Party and state's major policies among young people. Actively carry out activities such as national situation reports, forums, seminars, and youth open classes, promote and interpret youth policies in various fields, and research and answer youth development issues.

In April this year, a new group of students from the National "Young Marxist Training Project" gathered in Beijing, embarking on a journey of "little sparks, gathering into a torch". Over the past five years, the Communist Youth League has regarded the "Green Horse Project" as an important carrier for fulfilling fundamental tasks and political responsibilities, cultivating young political backbone with firm beliefs, outstanding abilities, excellent qualities, and excellent work style for the Party, and has trained over 2 million students.

The principle of the Party governing youth has taken root

In April 2017, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued and implemented the "Medium - and Long Term Youth Development Plan", which clearly stated for the first time the principle of "adhering to the Party's management of youth".

Since the implementation of the Plan, the principle of the Party governing youth has taken root, the mechanism for youth work has become more sound, the policy system for youth development has gradually improved, and the development status of youth has achieved a qualitative leap.

The mid-term evaluation of the "Plan" conducted in 2021 shows that the phased goal of "by 2020, a youth development policy system and working mechanism with Chinese characteristics will be preliminarily formed" proposed in the Plan has been basically completed. In April 2022, the first white paper on youth in the history of New China, "Chinese Youth in the New Era," was released.

According to the principle of the Party managing youth, the Plan focused on building an implementation mechanism led by the Party Committee, responsible by the government, coordinated by the Communist Youth League, and jointly managed by various departments at the beginning of implementation. Driven by the national 13th and 14th Five Year Plans, 9 provincial-level, 112 city level, and 627 county-level Youth Development Festivals have been established for the first time in the 14th Five Year Plan. At the same time, all provinces, 158 cities, and 530 counties have formulated local youth development special plans, and the "national+local" planning system has been further improved.

In order to effectively and fully convey the warmth of the Party to young people, party committees and governments at all levels focus on the urgent and difficult issues faced by young people, formulate and introduce a series of specific policy measures to serve the development of young people, and work together with relevant functional departments to strengthen policy advocacy and publicity. According to statistics, after the official implementation of the "Plan" alone, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the State Council, and relevant departments have issued more than 240 youth development policies, covering ten major areas such as youth ideology and morality, education, and employment.

The whole team worked together and made every effort to do practical things and solve difficulties for the youth. The Communist Youth League has deeply carried out employment assistance. Since 2019, it has focused on providing full process employment services to low-income students from general colleges and universities, helping a total of 359900 students find jobs; The Guangdong Youth Housing Plan aims to alleviate housing difficulties for college graduates, raising more than 12000 units of various types of housing and serving more than 450000 young people; The "Sunshine Balang" Youth Home project has been launched throughout Xinjiang, serving more than 7 million young people through programs such as ethnic unity education and national language training

With the deepening implementation of the Plan, the policy toolbox for serving youth development has become more diverse, and the integration of policies has become more prominent.

In April 2022, 17 departments including the Central Propaganda Department, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, and the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League jointly issued the "Opinions on Carrying out Pilot Projects for the Construction of Youth Development oriented Cities". Since the launch of the pilot program, 45 pilot cities have boldly tried and ventured based on their own realities, striving to be at the forefront of youth development oriented city construction. According to incomplete statistics, 187 cities in China have proposed to build youth development oriented cities, and 13 provinces have included the "Plan" and youth development related content in their party congress or government work reports.

Cities are more friendly to young people, and young people are more active in the city. More and more cities are opening up a two-way journey with young people.

Starting Again from the Reform of the Communist Youth League

"The times are developing and the society is changing. The Communist Youth League must continuously improve the scientific level of the league's construction with the spirit of reform and innovation, especially to expand the effective coverage of the league's work." On June 20, 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping had a collective conversation with members of the new leadership team of the League Central Committee in Zhongnanhai, and pointed out that efforts should be made to make the League organization a strong fortress for contacting and serving youth.

In the conversation, General Secretary spoke earnestly and proposed that Youth League cadres should be young friends and not young "officials". He also opposed formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism, and extravagance.

The deafening words have made the majority of youth league cadres more clear about their work direction.

The meetings of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, the Leading Group for Comprehensive Deepening Reform of the Central Committee, and the Office of the Central Secretariat conducted special research and deliberation on the reform plan of the Communist Youth League Central Committee, pointing out the direction for the reform.

In August 2016, the Central Reform Plan of the Communist Youth League was drafted and officially issued under the guidance of the Secretariat of the Communist Party of China, marking the comprehensive entry of the Communist Youth League, an advanced youth mass organization created and led by the Party, into the era of reform.

In the following years, the Reform Plan of the All China Youth Federation and the Reform Plan of the Student Union Organization of the Student Union of the All China Youth Federation were issued in succession, constantly enhancing the political, progressiveness and mass character of the Communist Youth League.

On July 2, 2018, after the conclusion of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Youth League, General Secretary Xi Jinping, in a collective conversation with the new leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, fully affirmed the achievements of the reform of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and the idea of "starting again with the reform of the Communist Youth League" put forward by the 18th National Congress of the Communist Youth League, requiring the reform to be pushed forward in depth.

Under the personal guidance and promotion of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the reform of the party's youth organization with the Communist Youth League as the backbone has made significant progress, the political, advanced, and mass nature has been significantly enhanced, the grassroots construction and reform have achieved outstanding results, and the organizational combat effectiveness and work vitality have been further improved.

——The proportion of frontline personnel at the grassroots level in the leadership structure of the Youth League has significantly increased, and its representativeness and breadth continue to improve. The entire Youth League has vigorously expanded its organizational coverage and built a database covering 3.68 million Youth League organizations and over 73 million members.

——Deepening the reform of county-level grassroots organizations has significantly alleviated the problem of "shortage of personnel and staff" in county-level youth organizations. Build hub oriented youth homes, activity oriented youth clubs, and interactive online communities, effectively integrating into youth social circles, life circles, and residential circles.

——Solidly promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the Youth League.

Youth in the New Era Contribute to the Main Battlefield

Should I choose a stable life in Beijing or go back to the countryside to farm?

Wei Qiao's answer is the latter. The post-80s youth, who was once an assistant researcher of the Institute of Geography of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, quit his job at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Peking University with his husband six years ago and returned to his hometown in Jiangsu Province to plant more than 20000 mu of rice. Through digital management, the yield per mu reached 1100 jin, effectively driving surrounding farmers to become rich.

"It's good for a comrade like Wei Qiao to go to the countryside!" On March 5, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping listened to Wei Qiao's story about his "new farmer" and gave encouragement and support to young people to participate in rural revitalization.

This is a microcosm of young people in the new era contributing their strength to the main battlefield.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Communist Youth League organizations at all levels have deepened the implementation of the Youth Merit Action for Poverty Alleviation and Rural Revitalization, guiding young people with aspirations to showcase their talents and realize their dreams on the main battlefield of poverty alleviation and the stage of rural revitalization.

Jointly selected by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs as the first "National Youth Pioneer for Rural Revitalization", demonstrating and leading young people to participate in the construction of an agricultural power; Over the past five years, more than 210000 university students have been mobilized to provide volunteer services in the western region, relying on projects such as the "College Student Volunteer Service Western Plan" and the "Graduate Teaching Support Team"; Carry out high-quality farmer cultivation, hold over 900 classes, and train more than 60000 people.

"I hope that the students will be ambitious and down-to-earth, closely integrate classroom learning with rural practice, cultivate the feelings of loving agriculture, cultivate the ability to promote agriculture, and make contributions on the big stage of rural revitalization, in order to accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas and comprehensively build A modern socialist country contributes to youth." On the eve of the May 4th Youth Day in 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping wrote back to the students of the Science and Technology Institute of China Agricultural University, offering ardent hopes.

Over the past five years, more than 3000 universities and over 6 million students have formed teams every year to participate in the summer cultural, technological, and health "Three Down to the Countryside" social practice activities of national college and vocational college student volunteers at the grassroots level in rural areas; Youth organizations at all levels have also established and deepened national social practice activities for college students to return to their hometowns. Hundreds of thousands of college students use their learned knowledge to serve the construction of their hometowns during winter and summer vacations.

Youth are always new, with the greatest enthusiasm and drive for innovation. The average age of core personnel in the Beidou satellite team is 36 years old, the average age of the quantum science team is 35 years old, and the average age of the China Tianyan FAST R&D team is 30 years old... In the cause of "Mozi", "Tianwen", and "Chang'e", which embody the dream of national rejuvenation, the figures of young people can be seen everywhere.

On the journey of accelerating the construction of a strong science and technology country, the Youth League continues to promote the Youth Science and Technology Innovation Climbing Action: the "Challenge Cup" National College Students Extracurricular Academic and Technological Works Competition innovatively holds the "Unveiling and Leading" special competition, red special and "black technology" activities, and the scale and radiation range of the competition have repeatedly reached new highs; The support system for the China Youth Science and Technology Innovation Award Fund continues to deepen. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China, 280 winners of the China Youth Science and Technology Innovation Award have been selected, commended, and publicized. We have also promoted the construction of 1000 "Xiaoping Science and Technology Innovation Laboratories" to encourage more young people to participate in scientific and technological innovation practices.

To build a modern socialist country in all respects, we must, first and foremost, pursue high-quality development. Centered around this primary task, various levels of youth organizations rely on the "Qing" brand to mobilize young people to contribute to their positions.

In February 2022, the Beijing Winter Olympics arrived as scheduled, and China State Construction Corporation (CSCEC) formed more than 10000 youth assault teams to fight on the main battlefield of production and operation, engineering construction, and technological innovation. Huo Wenzhen, a young generation born in the 1990s, led the establishment of the Youth Assault Team for the "Ice Cube" project at the Winter Olympics venue, completing the scaffolding installation three months in advance.

Over the past five years, the entire Youth League has formed more than 500000 youth assault teams and mobilized more than 9 million young members, fully playing a role in the "urgent, difficult, and dangerous" task of tackling challenges; 7776 one star national youth civilization accounts serve various fields at the window, creating first-class job performance and leading the trend of professional civilization; 2576 national young professionals are striving and dedicating themselves to their positions, leading and driving a large number of young people to grow into industry backbone and youth pioneers; 1274 national youth safety production demonstration posts fulfill the youth responsibility of "safety production, youth first" on the production and operation front line; More than 4 million young people participated in various levels of youth vocational skills competitions, firmly adhering to the youth aspiration of "skill success and skill service to the country".

The golden signboards such as "Youth Civilization Number", "Youth Job Expert", "Youth Safety Production Demonstration Post", and "Youth Skills Competition" are also constantly being polished.

For over three years, young people on various fronts have played an important role in coordinating epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. A total of 20.13 million young volunteers, especially returning college students, have formed more than 19000 service teams, surveyed more than 42000 families of frontline medical personnel in the fight against the epidemic, completed more than 97000 service needs such as academic counseling, family companionship, and daily care, and provided a total of 130700 services with a service duration of over 1.24 million hours.

On March 10, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping met Xie Xiaoyu, a post -00 community volunteer who took the initiative to fight the epidemic in Wuhan. After listening to Xie Xiaoyu's report, the General Secretary was deeply touched: "In the past, some people said that they were a delicate generation, but now it seems that they have become the main force in the front line of the epidemic, not afraid of hardship and sacrifice. The front line of the epidemic is a better test of people than elsewhere."

In the forefront of scientific and technological innovation, the big stage of rural revitalization, the front line of serving the society, the Xintiandi of international exchanges, and urgent and dangerous tasks, the majority of young people keep in mind the earnest instructions of the General Secretary, and strive to become contemporary new people who can shoulder the heavy responsibility of national rejuvenation.

Significant achievements in cultivating young talents

Young talents are an important component of the Party's talent team. Deeply promoting the work of young talents in the new era is of great strategic and practical significance in ensuring that the development of the Party and the country's cause is passed down and has successors.

In June 2022, the Action Plan of the Communist Youth League for Doing a Good Job in Cultivating Young Talents in the New Era was officially issued, constructing a "1+5" work pattern with the cultivation of young political talents as the core, and coordinating and strengthening the cultivation of young scientific and technological talents, young skilled talents, young management talents, rural revitalization young talents, and young public welfare talents. This marks a clearer action guide for the Communist Youth League to closely focus on the overall situation of the Party's talent work in the future, grasp the fundamental plan of having successors, widely gather and cultivate young talents, and do a better job in the Party's youth talent work.

Since the release of the "Plan", the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League has formulated 17 policy documents and work guidelines related to various talents, promoted the construction of 14 backbone talent pools, directly contacted more than 7000 young talents, and innovatively created a series of new brands that are popular among young people, such as "Qingma Student Talk", "Qingke Lecture Hall", "Qingyun China", and "Youth Development Talk".

For the past 5 years, the Communist Youth League has launched and implemented the Rural Entrepreneurship Assistance Plan for college students, providing no less than 60 million yuan of financial support annually to college students who have graduated within 2 years; Build a platform for communication and growth, hold the "Creating Youth" China Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, the "Challenge Cup" China University Student Entrepreneurship Plan Competition, etc. The latter has attracted 1.424 million students from over 3000 universities to submit 330000 entrepreneurship plan projects in 2022 alone.

The Communist Youth League organizations at all levels have implemented actions to cultivate young political talents, support young scientific and technological talents, forge young skilled talents, empower young management talents, develop young talents for rural revitalization, and promote the growth of young public welfare talents. They have made practical efforts in the education chain, promoted the connection and connection of the party, youth league, and team education chains, and provided strong talent guarantees for the party's cause.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the care and guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping, my country's youth development work has made great achievements:

——The material conditions that support youth development have significantly improved. China's economy is developing rapidly, and the country has the ability to provide more material support for youth development;

——The health level of young people is improving and becoming stronger. The average height and weight of young people aged 20 to 24 have increased, with teenagers growing taller and stronger;

——The education level of young people has significantly improved. In 2022, the average number of years of education for the newly added labor force in China reached 14 years, with the majority being young people

A strong youth makes a strong country. At the right time, the stage for contemporary Chinese youth to showcase their talents is incredibly vast, and the prospects for realizing their dreams are incredibly bright.

"Youth is like a thriving tree on the earth, one day it will grow into a towering tree and prop up a sky. Youth is like a rising sun, accumulating energy and spilling light and heat all over the earth for a moment. The hope of the Party and the country rests on the youth!" In May 2022, at the meeting celebrating the 100 anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping placed high hopes on the broad masses of young people.

Youth is in its prime, and hard work is just right.

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