1 dead, 13 injured, South African government: National Defense Forces in Congo were attacked

Release time:Jun 01, 2024 18:31 PM

China News Service, Johannesburg, June 1 (Xinhua) The South African Defense Force held a press conference in Johannesburg on the 1st and disclosed that the South African Defense Force, which was assisting the country's government in counter-insurgency tasks in the Congo, was attacked recently, resulting in the death of one soldier and the injury of 13 others.

In February this year, Ramaphosa ordered the deployment of 2,900 South African Defense Force soldiers to Congo to assist in combating the illegal armed group "M23 Movement" in the east of the country. This move is intended to fulfill South Africa's international obligations within the Southern African Development Community.

According to the South African Defense Force, on May 30, local time, a group of South African Defense Force soldiers on a mission unexpectedly encountered members of the local M23 rebel organization in the Sac region of eastern Congo, and a fierce conflict ensued.

In the end, in this incident, two South African Defense Force military vehicles were attacked and damaged. The attack also resulted in the death of one soldier and the injury of 13 others.

The South African Defense Force subsequently confirmed that, fortunately, after timely rescue, as of press time, all injured soldiers had been sent to the local Goma Hospital for treatment.

Previously, South African Foreign Minister Pandor made it clear that sending troops to Congo is an obligation undertaken by all Southern African Development Community member states, and South Africa is naturally bound to do so. She also promised that South Africa's efforts to end conflicts and promote and promote peace processes are by no means limited to the African continent.

1 dead, 13 injured, South African government: National Defense Forces in Congo were attacked
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