Battery car charging cable is flying and refuses to correct? Talk about punishment! Pengpu Xincun Street issues correction notice today

Release time:Jun 01, 2024 11:16 AM

From June 1, the newly revised "Shanghai Non-motor Vehicle Safety Management Regulations" will be officially implemented. Early this morning, law enforcement officers from the Comprehensive Law Enforcement Team of Pengpu Xincun Street in Jing'an District and staff from the Street Safety Office went deep into six key residential communities, including Pengwu Community, Lane 517 of Sanquan Road, and Lane 2601 of Changzhong Road, and jointly inspected the communities with neighborhood committees and property owners. In areas such as public passages, stairwells, and safety exits, surprise inspections will be carried out on charging electric bicycles with flying cables, occupying shared areas for parking and charging, and charging at home.

According to the newly revised "Shanghai Non-motor Vehicle Safety Management Regulations", relevant law enforcement units can carry out special law enforcement actions against illegal occupation of public areas in residential areas under their jurisdiction, such as parking electric bicycles, entering buildings, flying wire charging and other violations. Administrative penalties will be imposed on residents who do not listen to dissuasion.

At 10:08 today, the law enforcement officers of the Pengpu Xincun Subdistrict Comprehensive Law Enforcement Team issued the first correction notice to a resident who refused to make corrections due to flying cable charging, and interviewed and punished the parties involved in the violation. As of press time, the law enforcement team had discovered and rectified more than 20 hidden problems and hazards on that day.

The Pengpu Xincun Street Comprehensive Law Enforcement Team adopts the method of "inspection, publicity, and rectification" during the inspection operation. During the inspection, the inspectors also carried out law-enhancing publicity to residents in the community, patiently publicized the "Shanghai Non-motor Vehicle Safety Management Regulations", "Shanghai Residential Property Management Regulations" and other laws and regulations, and explained in detail the possible consequences of illegal charging and parking of electric vehicles. In the event of a major safety incident, we will inform you of the legal responsibilities and harmful consequences of illegal charging of electric bicycles, and call on residents to start with themselves, supervise each other, and improve residents' safety awareness. Regarding the problems discovered during the inspection, the inspectors guided residents one by one to park electric bicycles illegally parked in the corridors to the designated centralized parking areas, and cleaned up the flammable items illegally stacked in the corridors, forming a closed-loop management of hidden dangers.

Battery car charging cable is flying and refuses to correct? Talk about punishment! Pengpu Xincun Street issues correction notice today

Pengpu Xincun Street is an old workers' village with a concentration of old residences and a large number of battery cars. As of now, a total of 39,728 electric cars have been registered in the street, ranking first in Jing'an District.

The relevant person in charge of Pengpu Xincun Street told reporters that since last year, Pengpu Xincun Street has produced a "Four Hundred" visit map for each residential area: a detailed survey of residents' use of electric bicycles, corridor charging and flying line charging. And "label" on the operational map, it is clear at a glance which household has electric bicycles, how many there are, and whether the charging and parking habits are standardized, etc., forming a refined management model of "one household, one gear, one policy". It is precisely with the help of the "combat map" that in the city-wide electric bicycle registration work that began in late April this year, each residential area was able to achieve a clear situation and clear base, and complete the target vehicle information registration in a targeted and efficient manner.

Today, in response to the problems found during the inspection that some residents' buildings are far away from charging points, daily charging is inconvenient, and charging points are unevenly distributed, the inspectors held on-site discussions with the neighborhood committee and property management, and will form a "small community" in the future. "One Plan" is to build a new batch of charging piles in the community to alleviate the problem of charging difficulties in residential areas.

The relevant person in charge of the Pengpu Xincun Street Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Team said that in the next stage, the law enforcement team will further strengthen joint work with fire protection, public security, housing management and other departments to effectively prevent and resolve illegal parking and charging risks of electric bicycles; guide neighborhood committees and property committees The community has completed the construction of charging piles to provide convenience for residents to charge; continue to give full play to the enthusiasm and initiative of community autonomy, mobilize building team leaders, safety volunteers and other backbone forces in the residential area, and work with the property management to establish and improve "extensive publicity, daily inspections, centralized A long-term mechanism that combines "cleaning up" to promptly discourage and stop e-bike violations, continuously enhance residents' awareness of safety and the rule of law, and form a good social atmosphere in which all people know and abide by the law.

Battery car charging cable is flying and refuses to correct? Talk about punishment! Pengpu Xincun Street issues correction notice today
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