What do they usually do? , 1,039 primary and secondary schools in Shanghai have deputy principals for rule of law

Release time:May 31, 2024 15:36 PM

Today, the Municipal Procuratorate held a Procuratorate Open Day under the theme of "Inspection, Education, and Collaboration to Protect Growth". Representatives of teachers and students from Shanghai Middle School and Shanghai Commerce and Tourism School were invited to visit the Municipal Procuratorate's Big Data Center, Judicial Appraisal Center and other places to display self-written and self-written documents by teachers and students. An immersive legal education drama directed by the school, and participated in the interactive experience of "school inspection and consultation".

The Shanghai Procuratorate has always collaborated closely with the education department, jointly innovated and explored, and worked together to protect the legitimate rights and interests of minors. The city's procuratorial organs continue to promote the work of vice principals for the rule of law. A total of 724 prosecutors serve as vice principals for the rule of law in 1,039 primary and secondary schools. They proactively provide legal support for schools to improve campus safety measures, prevent student bullying, and carry out education on the management of students with bad behavior. The Municipal Procuratorate, together with 16 units including the Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Education Commission, created a system for restricting the employment of persons involved in sexual assault crimes, and the relevant system was absorbed by the Law on the Protection of Minors.

On the open day, the Municipal Procuratorate and the Municipal Education Commission jointly signed the "Opinions on Establishing a "School Inspection and Consultation" Working Mechanism for Primary and Secondary Schools" and "Implementation Opinions on Establishing a Cooperation and Cooperation Mechanism for Controlling Dropout and Ensuring Schooling for Minors in Shanghai." In the next step, the procuratorial organs will deepen and implement the duties of the vice president of law, strengthen cooperation with the education department, and jointly implement special mechanisms for the protection of minors such as "school inspection and consultation" and "dropout control and guarantee". , proactively assist schools in improving various systems, handling and resolving conflicts, and strive to improve the implementation of students' rights and interests and the quality and effectiveness of crime prevention.

Chen Yong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Municipal Procuratorate and Chief Prosecutor, attended the open day event.

What do they usually do? , 1,039 primary and secondary schools in Shanghai have deputy principals for rule of law
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It's all for this matter... more than ten presidents and experts from law universities from different countries came to Shanghai's Yema Beach

On the morning of September 12th, 2023, the SCO Law University Alliance Forum opened in Shanghai. Experts and scholars from multiple countries and universities of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) have come to the border area of Songjiang and Qingpu, located at the location of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, to discuss the development of the Law University Alliance, the cultivation of high-end foreign-related talents, and cooperation in foreign-related legal services. They will also engage in practical cooperation in disciplines, academic exchanges, talent cultivation, scientific research cooperation, international exchanges, and other fields.

A cadre in Minhang District has been expelled from the Party and public office, concealing the fact of being a "naked official" and applying for foreign immigration without authorization. Minhang District | Shi Jianfei | Immigration
A cadre in Minhang District has been expelled from the Party and public office, concealing the fact of being a "naked official" and applying for foreign immigration without authorization. Minhang District | Shi Jianfei | Immigration

According to the Minhang District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, recently, the Minhang District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision conducted a case review and investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by Shi Jianfei, former head of the Enterprise Management Department of the Minhang District Building Materials Industry Management Institute. After investigation, it was found that Shi Jianfei, as a party member and cadre, lost his ideals and beliefs, deviated from his original intention to join the party, was lawless, and lost his bottom line. He was willing to make friends and was willing to be "hunted". He managed projects and "ate" them, turning his regulatory power into a tool for personal gain, seriously damaging the credibility of the government and seriously damaging the "pro" and "clean" political and business relations. Shi Jianfei violated organizational discipline by failing to truthfully explain issues during conversations, concealing marital changes, overseas home purchases, and "naked official" facts, applying for foreign immigration without authorization, and obtaining permanent residency abroad in violation of regulations; Violating integrity discipline and engaging in paid intermediary activities in violation of regulations; Violation of life discipline, towards others

Like several fallen high-ranking officials, they are all suspected of this crime, and two central management cadres have been expelled from party work | positions | two
Like several fallen high-ranking officials, they are all suspected of this crime, and two central management cadres have been expelled from party work | positions | two

Two retired central management cadres who fell from office on the same day on January 6th this year were both given disciplinary notices six months later. On the afternoon of July 6th, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission simultaneously released two messages: Wang Xuefeng, former member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Hebei Provincial People's Congress, and He Zehua, former member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the National Tobacco Monopoly Administration, were both expelled from the Party due to serious violations of discipline and law, and were transferred to the procuratorial organs for examination and prosecution in accordance with the law. Several "old colleagues" have fallen from grace. When Wang Xuefeng was investigated, he had already retired for 5 years. He was born in November 1954 and is from Yongnian, Hebei. He has been working in Hebei for 47 years and has served in the disciplinary inspection and supervision system for a long time. He also served as the director of the Hebei Provincial Bureau of Corruption Prevention. In his early years, Wang Xuefeng worked in his hometown Yongnian County for 21 years, from a worker in an ironworks to the deputy secretary of the county party committee

The amount involved in the case is particularly huge, and multiple illegal details have been disclosed for the first time! Vice ministerial level who has been greedy until retirement has been tried for bribery | Chen Jiadong | Retired
The amount involved in the case is particularly huge, and multiple illegal details have been disclosed for the first time! Vice ministerial level who has been greedy until retirement has been tried for bribery | Chen Jiadong | Retired

On June 29th, the Nanchang Intermediate People's Court held a public trial of Chen Jiadong, former director of the Standing Committee of the Xiamen Municipal People's Congress in Fujian Province, for bribery, corruption, and abuse of power. Chen Jiadong pleaded guilty and repented in court, and the court announced an alternate sentence. The details of Chen Jiadong's multiple illegal acts were disclosed for the first time in the prosecution charges by the procuratorial organs. Firstly, regarding the time of bribery, Chen Jiadong's behavior of accumulating wealth continued from 2000 to 2022, spanning a period of 22 years. He stepped down in January 2022 and was investigated in February, indicating that he had been "greedy" until retirement. The procuratorial organ accused Chen Jiadong of using his position as Deputy Secretary of Linzhi Prefecture Committee of the Xizang Autonomous Region, Executive Deputy Commissioner of the Regional Administrative Office, Deputy Secretary and Mayor of Ningde Municipal Party Committee, Secretary and Director of the Party Leadership Group of the Forestry Department of Fujian Province, Secretary of the Zhangzhou Municipal Party Committee of Fujian Province, and Xiamen Municipal People's Congress

A deputy ministerial level cadre who was once criticized for "calculating multiple ways to pursue personal fame and fortune" and for 26 years of corruption was sentenced to 15 years in prison for convenience | Xu Baoyi | fame and fortune
A deputy ministerial level cadre who was once criticized for "calculating multiple ways to pursue personal fame and fortune" and for 26 years of corruption was sentenced to 15 years in prison for convenience | Xu Baoyi | fame and fortune

After nearly two years of falling off the horse, the 65 year old "tiger" Xu Ming was sentenced to 15 years in prison. On June 20th, Xu Ming, a former member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the State Grain Administration, was publicly sentenced in the first instance of the bribery and bribery case using his influence. Xu Ming was sentenced to 15 years in prison and fined 4.1 million yuan. Xu Ming was born in January 1958 in Fengyang, Anhui. He had experience in joining the military in his early years. Since 1987, he has served as a cadre in the Personnel Department of the National Economic Commission and the National Development and Reform Commission. Since then, he has served in multiple ministries and commissions, including the Director of the Foreign Investment Department, Director of the Foreign Investment Enterprise Department, and Deputy Director of the Foreign Economic Coordination Department of the former State Economic and Trade Commission. He has also served as the Deputy Director, Director, and Director of the Comprehensive Department of the Market System Construction Department of the Ministry of Commerce. In 2008, Xu Ming "parachuted" to Chongqing and served as the Deputy Secretary General of the Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Research Office,