Qianlong prescribed royal medicine to the king of ancient Afghanistan, and the medicine was fragrant: Kangxi gave Western medicine to treat Grandpa Cao Xueqin's illness, and the treasures are on display

Release time:May 29, 2024 18:16 PM

From the memorial that Emperor Kangxi gave to Cao Yin to cure his illness, to the list of medicines that Emperor Qianlong gave to King Aiwuhan, these precious historical archives faithfully record how Chinese and foreign civilizations, especially traditional medical cultures, exchanged along the Silk Road. Learn from each other. On the 29th, on the occasion of the 17th International Archives Day, the touring exhibition "Across the Road and Opening Up All Rivers - From the Historical Echoes of the 'Silk Road' to the Shanghai Practice of the 'Belt and Road'" entered the teaching building of Shanghai University , the "Walking Cultural Classroom" jointly created by the school and the library was launched at the same time.

A reporter from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News learned that the archival cultural relics exhibition "Walking Along the Road to Open All Rivers - From the Historical Echoes of the 'Silk Road' to the Shanghai Practice of the 'Belt and Road'" was officially opened to the public in the new building of the Shanghai Municipal Archives in December last year. display. The exhibition is directed by the Central Archives and the State Archives Administration, and is co-organized by the Shanghai Archives, the First Historical Archives of China, and the China Maritime Museum. This time, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Shanghai Municipal Archives jointly initiated it and introduced it to the school for the first time, using more than 250 archives, photos, and cultural relics, into the "combination of exhibition and education" cultural education practice base, allowing a large number of Xinglin students to deepen their cultural confidence.

Emperor Qianlong gave King Aiwuhan a list of medical treatments.

The touring exhibition is divided into four major sections: "Connecting China and Foreign Countries", "Harmonizing the Four Worlds", "Pioneering the Trend" and "The Road to Happiness". Teacher Hu Jie from the Shanghai Municipal Archives told the medical stories in the archives and witnessed the spread and spread of traditional medicine along the Silk Road. enter. For example, in the twenty-seventh year of Qianlong's reign, Aiwuhan Khan-Aihamut Shah sent envoys to Beijing for an audience, and were warmly received by governors from various places along the way. In February 1763, when Emperor Qianlong received an envoy, he learned that King Ahammet Shah was ill, and specially gave him Ping'an Pills and other royal medicines, and told him the detailed usage as a token of condolences.

Emperor Kangxi gave Cao Yin a memorial with Golden Rooster and Frost to cure his illness.

Traffic at home and abroad is always two-way. In 1693, the French missionary Hong Ruohan presented the Western medicine Cinchona cream, which cured Emperor Kangxi's malaria, and was therefore highly valued. On July 18, the fifty-first year of Kangxi, a memorial file at the exhibition mentioned that Cao Yin, the grandfather of Cao Xueqin, who had been a weaver in Jiangning, was seriously ill. Li Xu, a weaver in Suzhou, wrote a letter on behalf of Emperor Kangxi, asking for a golden rooster and frost treatment. sick. Emperor Kangxi not only approved it, but also wrote a special Manchu text about Cinchona Frost, as well as detailed instructions for taking it. However, Hu Jie explained that due to the vast distance, the medicine could not be delivered in time, and Cao Yin unfortunately died of illness.

Pursuant to the order, I purchased Gannan incense and handed it over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Interestingly, the imperial court used a large amount of medicines and still had to import precious medicinal materials. At the exhibition, on the fourth day of November in the seventh year of the reign of Emperor Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty, Guangdong Customs Supervisor Zu Binggui "purchased Gannan incense and submitted it to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in accordance with the order", which shows that the Qing Palace purchased large quantities of Gannan incense for dispensing medicine, which shows that China and China Trade exchanges in Southeast Asia are quite large.

Duan Yishan, Wang Qingqi and Liu Pingping, tenured professors of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, visited the exhibition.

Canaan incense, also known as Qinan incense, is a valuable category of agarwood. It is produced from the resin-containing wood of agarwood and agarwood of the Thymeaceae family. It is usually used as a spice and is used as medicine to reduce qi and stop vomiting, warm the kidneys, It has the effect of promoting qi and relieving pain. At that time, gananxiang mainly relied on imports, especially from Kalimantan, Sumatra, Medan and other places. At the first theme forum of "Walking Cultural Classroom", Wang Lili, deputy director of the Shanghai Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine, believed that since the "Fragrant Song Dynasty", the Silk Road has also been a road of medicinal fragrance to some extent.

Display the Shanghai Municipal People's Government's "Notice on Agreeing to Dispatch a Medical Team to Morocco"

In fact, the college tour is also a "two-way" ideological and political course. Experts such as Duan Yishan, Wang Qingqi, and Liu Ping, tenured professors of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhang Jianzhong, executive deputy director of the school's Caring for the Next Generation Working Committee, Gu Youmei, retired deputy secretary of the Party Committee, and other experts , visited the tour exhibition and sent messages to young students through video, hoping that they would grow into innovative pioneers in promoting traditional Chinese medicine to the world in the vast world of "One Belt, One Road".

The "General Star Chart of the North and South of the Equator" was revised in the Ming Chongzhen Dynasty in the seventh year of the Ming Dynasty. The chart was presided over by Xu Guangqi, the Minister of Rites and a bachelor of Wenyuan Pavilion, and was completed in cooperation with missionaries Tang Ruowang, Luo Yagu and others. It is a painted woodblock print with 8 vertical panels. It is the most complete star map in the world in the 17th century.

"Introducing the 'Walk Together, Opening Up All Rivers' exhibition to the campus is not only an inheritance of the connotation of the 'Silk Road', but also a vivid interpretation of the 'Belt and Road' initiative, which has far-reaching educational significance for our young students." 2022 Senior Chinese medicine doctor Jia Yanmei said. It is reported that the touring exhibition will continue to be on display on the fourth floor of the No. 8 Teaching Building of Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine School until September. A team of commentators formed by the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine will provide "menu-style" and "interactive" lectures for teachers and students inside and outside the school.

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