The Story of General Secretary Xi Jinping and Inner Mongolia when Learning is in Progress | Xi Jinping | Inner Mongolia

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:59 PM

Xinhua News Agency reporter Jin Jiaxu

The original brand column "Workshop" of "Learning in Progress" by Xinhua News Agency will provide you with a summary and narration.

From June 5th to 6th, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Bayannaoer City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, presided over a symposium on strengthening the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification and promoting the construction of key ecological projects such as the "Three Norths" and delivered an important speech. This is the third time that General Secretary Xi Jinping has visited Inner Mongolia since the 18th CPC National Congress.

Inner Mongolia is located in the northern frontier of our country, spanning across the "three northern regions". It is the "northern gateway" of our country and holds an important position and significant responsibility in the overall national situation.

"Today, I stand guard with you on duty."

On January 26, 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Aershan, Inner Mongolia, on the border of the motherland, braved the severe cold of more than minus 30 degrees Celsius, and walked against the wind and snow to condolences to the officers and soldiers patrolling on the border line.

In the biting cold wind, General Secretary Xi Jinping stepped on the thick snow and walked towards the patrol officers and soldiers. The cold weather is not suitable, how many hours to patrol every day, how many kilometers to walk ...... The general secretary asked very carefully, and with the officers and soldiers together.

When General Secretary Xi Jinping sent a New Year message in 2018, this precious group photo was placed on the bookshelf behind him.

The outpost is located on the mountaintop at an altitude of over 1000 meters.At the outpost, he listened to the report on the situation and observed the situation around the outpost under the guidance of the soldiers.

"Today, I am on duty with you." General Secretary Xi Jinping said emotionally.

One year after the trip to Aershan, all officers and soldiers wrote to the general secretary with deep feelings, reporting on strengthening the company's construction, fulfilling the mission of guarding the border, and personal growth and progress.

"A year ago, I went to Alsan to visit you, and the firm determination and high spirit of the comrades to guard the frontier in the ice and snow left an unforgettable impression on me. In the past year, the comrades have made new progress, and I am very happy." In February 2015, in his reply, General Secretary Xi Jinping encouraged the officers and soldiers to focus on strengthening the overall construction of the company, promote the goal of strengthening the army to take root in the company and the border defense, and make new contributions to building a security and stability barrier in the northern border of the motherland!

"We need to add the word 'sand' here."

"To coordinate the management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands, and sand systems, the word 'sand' should be added here."

On March 5, 2021, at the Fourth Session of the Thirteenth National People's Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to his Inner Mongolia delegation to participate in the deliberations and put forward requirements for further strengthening ecological governance.

"How to control the landscape, forest, field, lake, grass and sand, it is necessary to do a good job in top-level design and comprehensive management. This is a systematic project that takes a long time to work." General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that it is necessary to coordinate the management of the landscape, forest, field, lake, grass and sand system, implement the ecological protection and restoration project, increase the protection of the ecosystem, and improve the stability and sustainability of the ecosystem.

Inner Mongolia is an important ecological security barrier in northern my country. General Secretary Xi Jinping has always paid close attention to the local ecological environment protection and construction, and emphasized the need to build the green Great Wall of the northern border of the motherland more firmly.

"As long as there is still one household or even one person who has not solved their basic living problems, we cannot be complacent."

In January 2014, in the depths of winter, the grasslands of Inner Mongolia were covered in ice and snow for thousands of miles. In some places, the temperature reaches over minus 30 degrees Celsius.

The Story of General Secretary Xi Jinping and Inner Mongolia when Learning is in Progress | Xi Jinping | Inner Mongolia

He said that the Spring Festival is approaching and he knows that you are facing difficulties, so he came specifically to visit you. Seeing that housing for the people such as Guo Yongcai is still quite difficult, he urged local officials to accelerate the renovation of shantytowns, set a schedule, and let the people live in new houses as soon as possible; We must do a good job in comforting the disadvantaged and ensuring that every family has a good holiday.

General Secretary Xi Jinping said emotionally: "We party members and cadres must have such a consciousness: As long as there is still a family or even a person who has not solved the basic life problems, we cannot be at ease; as long as the masses' vision of a happy life has not become a reality., We must not slack off, unite and lead the masses to fight together."

"Inner Mongolia's industrial development cannot only focus on sheep, coal, soil, and gas"

As a resource rich region, Inner Mongolia has significant and far-reaching significance in exploring a high-quality development path that is in line with its own characteristics.

He vividly stated that the development of Inner Mongolia's industries should not only focus on sheep, coal, soil, and gas, but also vigorously cultivate new industries, new driving forces, and new growth poles. At the same time, it is also important to pay attention to what is done and what is not done, and not to make a big fuss and rise up in unison.

"Sheep, coal, soil, and gas" refer to Inner Mongolia's abundant natural resources, while also representing old development patterns such as traditional industries, low-end industries, resource-based industries, and labor-intensive industries.

In July 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Inner Mongolia again. When listening to the work report, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward further requirements around promoting high-quality development, emphasizing that supply-side structural reforms should be focused on making up for shortcomings, consolidating the results of "three cuts, one reduction and one supplement", and unswervingly deepening reform and opening up. Enhance the vitality of micro-entities, enhance the level of the industrial chain, smooth the economic cycle, promote the high-quality development of agriculture and animal husbandry, and promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas.

"Always be the 'Red Art Light Cavalry' on the grassland."

In 2017, 16 members of Ulan Muqi, Sunite Right Banner, Inner Mongolia, wrote to General Secretary Xi Jinping to report on the development of Ulan Muqi over the past 60 years and express their determination to contribute to the prosperity and development of socialist literature and art. General Secretary Xi Jinping wrote back to them, praising generations of Ulan herdsmen and riders for facing the wind and snow, braving the cold and heat, and trekking on the Gobi and grasslands for a long time, using the sky as the curtain and the ground as the stage, and sending joy and civilization to the vast number of farmers and herdsmen. It conveys the voice and care of the party.

Ulan Muqi is a cultural work team born to adapt to the production and living characteristics of grassland areas. Its Mongolian original meaning was "red tender shoots", later extended to "red artistic light cavalry", and has been thriving since its birth in 1957, performing over 7000 times a year.

In his reply, General Secretary Xi Jinping encouraged them to vigorously carry forward the fine traditions of Ulan Muqi, take root in the fertile soil of life, serve the herdsmen, promote literary and artistic innovation, and strive to create more outstanding works that are grounded, spread, and retained., Always be the "red literary light cavalry" on the grassland ".

"Promote all ethnic groups to tightly embrace each other like pomegranate seeds in the Chinese national family"

National unity is the lifeline of the people of all ethnic groups in our country, and the sense of community of the Chinese nation is the foundation of national unity.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized the need to promote all ethnic groups to hug together like pomegranate seeds in the big family of the Chinese nation, jointly build a great motherland, and jointly create a better life.

Nadam is a popular ethnic characteristic activity among the Mongolian people.

In the traditional ceremony of "praying for the five animals", General Secretary Xi Jinping, in accordance with Mongolian customs, dipped his ring finger in fresh milk in a silver bowl and played it three times, wishing the coming year good weather, prosperity of the five animals, and happiness and well-being of the people. During the inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping repeatedly emphasized that we must always hold high the banner of national unity and uphold and carry forward the good tradition of heart-to-heart and hand-in-hand of all ethnic groups.

During the inspection in 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping went deep into the community of Chifeng City to observe the situation of national unity and integration. "The community is the common home of the people of all ethnic groups, and the unity of the nation is one family." General Secretary Xi Jinping said that it is necessary to further promote national unity and progress, create communities, build communities into big families where people of all ethnic groups watch and help each other, and actively create a good community environment for people of all ethnic groups to live and work in peace and contentment.

Time flies, deep affection remains unchanged.

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