To guide children and adolescents in the scientific prevention and control of myopia, Shanghai released the first national "hyperopia reserve" standard

Release time:Jun 01, 2024 13:21 PM

Today is the "June 1" International Children's Day. Under the guidance of the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission, Municipal Education Commission, Municipal Sports Bureau, and Municipal Disease Control and Prevention Center, Shanghai Eye Disease Prevention and Control Center, Shanghai Visual Health Center, Shanghai Science and Technology Art Education Center, Shanghai The Shanghai Shooting Sports Center hosted the "National Eye Care Day" myopia prevention and control themed publicity event in Shanghai. News came out: Shanghai's local standard for hyperopia reserve - "Children and Adolescents' Naked Vision and Diopter Evaluation Standards" was officially released. This is also my country's first hyperopia reserve. The standards can provide standard support and scientific guidance for myopia prevention and control personnel, parents, teachers, children and adolescents at all levels to scientifically and efficiently prevent and control myopia.

The number of people with myopia in our country has exceeded 600 million, and this number is still rising. Myopia in children and adolescents has a high incidence rate and is becoming younger. Myopia not only affects daily life and learning efficiency, endangers physical and mental health, but also affects the quality of the people. It is a major health issue related to the future of the country and the nation.

To intervene in myopia early and achieve better prevention and control, the concept of "hyperopia reserve" deserves to be known to more people. What is hyperopic reserve? Medical experts explain: Vision is like a bank. Human beings will receive the "maximum amount" of 300 degrees of hyperopia reserve around the age of three, and the hyperopia reserve will gradually be depleted as they grow older. The so-called myopia means that the farsighted reserve is consumed too quickly or even overdrawn.

In addition to normal consumption, some bad ways of using your eyes will cause your farsightedness reserve to be depleted too quickly, such as lack of outdoor activities, excessive use of your eyes at close range for a long time, high workload, excessive use of electronic products, lack of sleep, unbalanced diet, etc. In recent years, the eye health index of children has continued to decline significantly. It has been clinically found that many children's hyperopia reserve has returned to zero when they are 6-8 years old, which deserves high vigilance.

This time, the Shanghai Eye Disease Prevention and Treatment Center led a number of units to jointly draft the "Guidelines for the Evaluation of Naked Vision and Diopter in Children and Adolescents", which will help administrative departments such as health and wellness understand the visual growth and development characteristics of children and adolescents of different ages, and provide a basis for formulating guidelines for the prevention and treatment of eye diseases in children and adolescents. and myopia prevention and control technical solutions and provide the basis for carrying out population and individual prevention and treatment practices, timely discover related eye diseases that affect children's visual development, and carry out targeted myopia prevention and control.

The specification also stipulates the requirements for the measurement and evaluation of naked-eye refraction of children and adolescents in Shanghai, and lists the visual abnormality judgment values ​​for different age groups and the recommended values ​​for cycloplegic hyperopia reserve, providing guidance for the assessment of vision and refractive error for children and adolescents in the city.

It is reported that Shanghai has taken the lead in establishing the only three-level eye disease prevention and treatment system in the country, that is, an electronic eye health file and dynamic management model for myopia screening, referral, and graded and classified intervention. From 2020, it will achieve full coverage of student refractive development file management. So far, more than 3.89 million students have benefited, and more than 11 million participants have participated.

The prevention and control system regularly sends professionals to kindergartens, primary and secondary schools to collect preliminary data on the hyperopia reserve of children and adolescents, determine whether the hyperopia reserve is sufficient, and issue notifications to parents. If the initial examination suspects that the hyperopic reserve is insufficient, you need to go to a medical institution for a dilated eye examination to determine the child's hyperopic reserve and prevent myopia in advance.

At today's event, Academician Fan Xianqun of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Director of Shanghai Science and Technology Museum Ni Minjing, and nationally renowned myopia prevention and control experts, representatives of Shanghai Myopia Prevention and Control Publicity Group members Xu Xun, Zou Haidong, and Zhou Xingtao led the students in reading "Bright Eyes Strong" "State Owned by Me" initiative. Olympic champion Tao Luna leads the children in the Eyesight Games. The event simultaneously launched the construction of Shanghai's "Sight Health Future" standardized comprehensive myopia prevention and control base, helping to build a bright eye city network and promote the standardization and standardization of myopia prevention and control.

To guide children and adolescents in the scientific prevention and control of myopia, Shanghai released the first national "hyperopia reserve" standard
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