It was found that more than 19,000 vehicles were illegally parked and charged, and Shanghai launched a centralized night inspection operation of electric bicycles

Release time:May 30, 2024 14:05 PM

Last night, Shanghai's fire protection, public security, market supervision and housing construction departments, with the cooperation of local streets and village committees, mobilized the city's grassroots grid forces to carry out the second centralized night inspection operation of electric bicycles across the city. During the operation, more than 32,000 inspectors discouraged "flying charging" in more than 1,560 places, dissuaded more than 19,000 electric bicycles from illegal parking and charging, and rectified on-the-spot illegal behaviors such as blocking fire escapes.

In a community on Shoonencun Road in Jing'an District, the inspection team discovered phenomena such as electric bicycles parked in public areas of corridors and "flying wire charging". The inspectors immediately came to inform the residents of the fire hazards of electric bicycles and persuaded residents to park their electric bicycles in centralized charging places. . The Minhang District inspection team went deep into 84 residential communities, focusing on inspections of underground non-motorized garages, centralized parking and charging areas, overhead floors and other areas, and rectified illegal parking and charging and "flying wire charging" and other illegal activities.

Chongming Fire Rescue Department inspects the underground parking garage

In addition to residential areas, the inspection team also focused on inspecting shops along the street and express delivery service outlets. At the safety exit of a shop in Hongkou, an electric bicycle was connected to the power strip for charging. The inspector immediately interviewed the person in charge of the place and the owner of the vehicle. That night, the Hongkou Fire Department inspected a total of 133 residential areas and 70 shops along the streets, and cleared a total of 157 illegally parked and charging electric bicycles on site.

In Huangpu District, the relevant person in charge of the Shanghai Fire Brigade led a team to the "Ruyili" community in the Bund Street to conduct timely supervision and inspection of the management of electric bicycles in the old community and the fire safety work of street charging piles. At the same time, the inspection team also visited street micro fire stations and conducted spot checks on combat readiness and team members’ professional capabilities.

In accordance with the unified deployment of the national special team to rectify the entire chain of electric bicycle safety hazards, from late May to mid-June this year, four electric bicycle night inspection operations will be organized and carried out across the city.

It was found that more than 19,000 vehicles were illegally parked and charged, and Shanghai launched a centralized night inspection operation of electric bicycles
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