Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:51 PM

Looking ahead to the future, as two major countries, China and the United States have a more important responsibility for world peace, stability, and development, and should and must achieve mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation. The hope of China US relations lies in the people, the foundation lies in the people, and the future lies in the youth. The healthy and stable development of China US relations in the new era requires the participation and support of the Flying Tigers team members. It is hoped that the spirit of the Flying Tigers team can be passed down from generation to generation between the two peoples.

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The "Flying Tiger Friendship" remains fresh and enduring

The Flying Tigers were an air force unit created by American flight instructor Claire Lee Chennault during World War II, consisting of American pilots who fought against the Japanese army in China, Myanmar, and other places. In the anti fascist war, the "Flying Tigers" fought alongside the Chinese military and civilians against the Japanese aggressors, engaging in deadly battles over China.

Documentary photos taken during World War II of Glen Benida, a pilot of the Flying Tigers, and his comrades together. Shen Jizhong

According to statistics, during the operation to aid China, 2193 American members of the Flying Tigers sacrificed themselves in the battle, more than 200 members of the Flying Tigers were rescued by the Chinese people, and thousands of Chinese people sacrificed their lives during the rescue process.

For over 80 years, this cross ocean "flying tiger friendship" has remained fresh and enduring.

During World War II in China, members of the 76th Squadron of the 23rd Combat Regiment of the US 14th Air Force took a group photo in front of two Flying Tigers fighter jets painted with the "shark beak" logo. Shen Jizhong

Flying goggles, military oil and gas stoves, and taking photos with Chinese military and civilians... In the exhibition hall of the Flying Tigers Memorial Hall in Kunming Museum, each cultural relic showcases the experiences and friendships of the Chinese and American military and civilians who fearlessly sacrificed themselves and fought together in the anti fascist war.

Yunnan Yichang Airport Information Map

The smoke has long dissipated, but the stories of the Flying Tigers and Yunnan are still talked about by people today.

In September 2015, 15 veterans of the Flying Tigers who participated in the 70th anniversary parade of China's victory in the Anti Japanese War revisited Kunming. During the event, Yunnan Net reporters had exclusive interviews with several veterans, including Frank Losanski, a member of the Flying Tigers team, and Chen Bingjing, the only living Chinese Flying Tigers player at the time, listening to them slowly talk about those unforgettable years in Yunnan.

On February 6, 2020, Frank Rosensky passed away at his home in Georgia at the age of 99. On the early morning of December 23, 2022, Chen Bingjing passed away in Hong Kong at the age of 104.

The following content is excerpted from a 2015 report by Yunnan Net titled "Flying Tigers Never Far Away - Exclusive Interview with US World War II Veterans Returning to Kunming".

Flying Tigers Never Far Away - Yunnan Net Exclusive Interview with US World War II Veterans Returning to Kunming

On September 5, 2015, the day after the 70th anniversary parade of China's victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan, 15 veteran Flying Tigers who participated in the parade revisited Kunming, Yunnan - the main battlefield where they fought with blood.

These veterans have an average age of 90, with four or five of them unable to walk and using wheelchairs throughout the journey. What supported their tireless return was their longing for peace, their nostalgia for the history of the Flying Tigers, and their deep affection for the land of Yunnan.

From airport pick-up to hotel, to various event venues, Kunming citizens warmly welcome and embrace each other.

During the event, Yunnan Net reporters conducted exclusive interviews with several veterans, listening to them slowly talk about those unforgettable years in Yunnan.

Frank, a veteran of the Flying Tigers: Transporting firearms and ammunition to Yunnan. After the war, only four survived

Frank Rosensky

Frank Rosensky, 94 years old, used to be an aircraft repairman for the Flying Tigers. Old Mr. Frank is sitting in a wheelchair with gray hair. His two sons and daughter-in-law accompanied him to Kunming for a tea party on the afternoon of the 5th, a visit to the Anti Japanese War Memorial Hall at the Kunming Museum on the morning of the 6th, a prayer for peace at the Sany Church in the afternoon, and a ceremony to present the "Honorary Citizen of Kunming" in the evening. Mr. Frank participated throughout the entire event. Next, we will follow the anti Japanese war veterans who arrived in Yunnan to Baoshan and Tengchong to retrace the path of resistance.

On the evening of the 5th, at the restaurant of Cuihu Hotel, the reporter had dinner with Mr. Frank. Frank struggled to speak and his voice trembled, slowly talking about those unforgettable years in Yunnan.

"I followed the first group of Flying Tigers to Yangon to transport firearms and ammunition for Yunnan, which made me very excited. At that time, only four of my comrades who accompanied me were alive after the war," Frank said.

From July 1941 to July 1942, he fought together with the Yunnan Flying Tigers in the Anti Japanese War. Frank personally experienced the Anti Japanese War in Baoshan. After the Japanese army captured Tengchong, Baoshan, as the main battlefield of the Western Yunnan Anti Japanese War, had a very important strategic position. Frequent battles required Frank to promptly repair the fighter jets of the Air Force's 3rd Squadron, and every step was crucial as it was crucial for the pilot's personal safety and the victory or defeat of the war.

After the end of the Anti Japanese War, Frank briefly stayed in China and returned to the United States to repair fighter jets. The experience of the Flying Tigers in the Anti Japanese War has always influenced him. Having experienced the war, Frank also possessed an adventurous spirit and traveled to many countries. He has a deeper understanding of world peace. Frank believes that his work has always contributed to peace.

Frank recorded all the stories of the Flying Tigers he experienced and published them in a book, which contains a large amount of historical facts and picture materials. During his time in the United States, Frank shared his personal experiences of World War II with his family and friends, and also conveyed the spirit of the Flying Tigers to them. On the afternoon of July 6th, Frank donated the military uniform he wore during the war and a painting of the Flying Tigers to the Kunming Museum to commemorate the history of the Flying Tigers.

97 year old Chen Bingjing: the only living Chinese Flying Tiger team member

Chen Bingjing

Mr. Chen Bingjing, who is 97 years old, can still walk on his own without the need for crutches or wheelchairs, even though he cannot see with one eye. He is spirited and energetic. When talking to the reporter, the train of thought is clear. Recalling his experiences during the Anti Japanese War, such as fighting in Yunnan, being captured by the Japanese army, and living alone with his wife in Hong Kong in his later years, Mr. Chen was deeply touched.

In March 1943, Brigadier General Chennault served as the commander of the 14th Air Force of the United States Army, and the only Chinese Air Force member was P-40 Brigadier Pilot Chen Bingjing, who served in the 75th Squadron of the 23rd Squadron of the 14th Air Force.

In October 1943, Chen Bingjing was unfortunately captured during his final flight mission. This incident has had a profound impact on Mr. Chen, and he remembers every fragment clearly.

This battle was extremely brutal. In the moment before the engine exploded, Chen Bingjing luckily parachuted out of the plane and landed in a dense forest, trapped for 6 days. The area where he fell was under the joint rule of France and Japan. As Chen Bingjing belonged to the United States Air Force, the French army immediately replaced him with a French military uniform after patrolling and discovering him. In the subsequent patrol, the French army encountered another group of Japanese patrol soldiers, and the yellow skinned Chen Bingjing was among the French, arousing suspicion from the Japanese army. Due to helplessness, the French military handed over Chen Bingjing to the Japanese military and assured him, "You are the US Air Force, and they will not cause harm to you."

Because he insisted on claiming to be from the Chinese Air Force, Chen Bingjing was subjected to severe torture and interrogation by the Japanese army, and was not released from prison until August 1945.

On the day of his release, it was also the time when the Japanese army executed other imprisoned companions. Chen Bingjing thought he would also go to the execution ground, so he prepared a piece of broken glass and planned to commit suicide before being shot by the Japanese army, unwilling to be humiliated by the Japanese army. I didn't expect to survive in the end.

After being released from prison, it was revealed by the driver in the car that Japan had surrendered and China had achieved victory in the War of Resistance. Upon hearing this news, tears welled up in his eyes.

Chen Bingjing participated in several major battles, mainly in Yunnan. Mr. Chen's feelings for Yunnan are very deep. He said, "I have dreamed of Yunnan many times, dreaming of familiar places. I became a pilot, fighting against the Japanese army in the sky of Yunnan, and serving the country. In my heart, Yunnan is my hometown. This time when I returned to Kunming, got off the plane, and kissed the land at the airport, many people couldn't understand my emotions. I miss this land too much, it has made me successful and enriched the meaning of my life."

After 20 years of combat, the US Air Force can receive a pension. After serving for 16 years, Chen Bingjing retired without a pension. In his later years, he took his wife to live in Hong Kong.

"In Hong Kong, I have never exposed my identity because I don't speak Cantonese well and it's difficult to find a job in a company. Chen Bingjing and his wife rely on their own labor and do some small business, living a simple life."

The Yunnan sentiment of the Flying Tiger team members

Flying Tiger Veteran revisits Kunming

During Frank's years in Yunnan, the local people were always enthusiastic in helping them, arranging housing, washing clothes, and spontaneously taking care of the food, drink, and daily life of the Flying Tigers. Frank, a veteran who had already struggled with his speech, still enthusiastically recounted the days in Yunnan when the Chinese showed concern and care for American soldiers, which he found difficult to understand in other countries.

"I still remember three boys who often took the initiative to help me clean planes. The workload was heavy and time was tight. They didn't complain and contributed their efforts to the Flying Tigers' battle. After I left China, I also hoped to see these three boys again, but I couldn't contact them anymore," Frank said.

Not only does Mr. Chen Bingjing have feelings for Yunnan, but his comrades in the Flying Tigers team also often think about it. Mr. Chen said that during a routine mission of the 14th Air Force, a teammate's plane was shot down at the Tengchong border and injured during a parachute jump. A Chinese man saved him and crossed mountains with his family for three days before using his only small cart to transport him back to Kunming Airport. When the US military officer learned about this, he was filled with tears and deeply moved. The rescued American comrade has always been grateful to the Chinese people who helped him. At this point, the old man looked gloomy and choked up.

The members of the Flying Tigers who once came to Yunnan to fight never forget this land of Yunnan. Jay Winyad, a member of the American Flying Tigers, also received help from many Chinese people during his battle in Kunming. Mr. Chen Bingjing said emotionally during the media and public meeting at the Kunming Museum during his trip, "I am the son of Yunnan, I have returned home!"

Mr. Chen Bingjing said, "After the war, every time my teammates called me, they would ask, 'Is Yunnan okay?' As soldiers, they have a deep affection for this place, and the kindness of Yunnan people to them is also remembered in their hearts.".

The United States supported China in the Anti Japanese War, and many Americans died in the war in China. Yunnan carries the ideals of the people of the Anti Japanese War.

Part of the content is comprehensively reported by Xinhua News Agency and Yunbao client

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