Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:26 PM

From September 16th to 19th, the Second Vocational Skills Competition of the People's Republic of China was held in Tianjin, where skilled craftsmen from all over the country gathered to showcase their unique skills and surpass themselves.

At present, China has established the world's largest vocational education system, continuously providing technical and skilled talents for economic and social development. Craftsmen of the new era, shining brightly in their lives on different tracks, chasing their dreams.

Three hundred and sixty lines, each line produces a champion. I hope you will inherit the fine traditions, keep up with the times, study diligently, master more practical skills, and strive to become talents that are useful to the country and meet its needs.

[Fly, Life]

Love is the driving force for progress, as Wu Hongwei deeply understands.

Wu Hongwei, who graduated from Tianjin Electronic Information Vocational and Technical College, is now a "safety officer" of high-speed rail - an onboard mechanic.

Over the years, he has undertaken the first mission of the "Tianjin Baotou Railway", "Xicheng High speed Railway", and "Tianjin Hong Kong High speed Railway", which is an honor and a recognition of Wu Hongwei's excellent technology.

"My job is where my interests lie, so I am full of motivation to study," he said.

Wu Hongwei has been strong in hands-on skills since he was young. He can repair even small household appliances that break down, which makes his parents very proud. In 2011, after graduating from high school, he decided to turn his hobby into a career and applied to the Department of Electronic and Communication Technology at Tianjin Electronic Information Vocational and Technical College.

"I told myself that one must master a skill proficiently in order to have more development space in the future." With faith in his heart, Wu Hongwei stepped into the school gate.

On campus, Wu Hongwei vividly remembers his excitement when he first saw the "Great Craftsman" standing on the three foot podium. "The growth experience of Lu Qin, the gold medal coach of the World Vocational College Skills Competition, inspired me to become a good craftsman like him," he said.

Superb technology is accumulated and honed bit by bit. In class, Wu Hongwei took notes one after another; Outside the classroom, he immersed himself in the year-round open school training center, from making a small hammer to making network cables and laying out network chains... He often forgot time.

After 3 years of vocational college training, Wu Hongwei successfully passed interviews with 4 units and eventually became a high-speed train mechanic at the Tianjin high-speed train depot of China Railway Beijing Group Co., Ltd.

The basic work started with tightening the screws, and he followed his master to carry out daily maintenance on the high-speed rail at night. Due to the strict standards, he only took the simplest step of tightening the screws on the lower skirt of the car for four months. "Every time I twisted the screw, the master would use an instrument to verify the value, and in the end, I achieved almost zero error."

In addition to hard work, Wu Hongwei also enjoys studying and pondering how to operate and maintain every component of the high-speed rail. Through repeated practice, he had a maintenance diagram of each component of the high-speed rail in his mind.

On July 10, 2019, the "Tianjin Hong Kong High Speed Railway" was opened. Wu Hongwei relied on his perseverance, continuous learning and practice, and ultimately stood out from the selection of over 120 mechanical engineers, becoming one of the first batch of mechanical engineers to enter Hong Kong.

"Everyone has a different life positioning, and I believe that with hard work, everyone can shine in different positions," said Wu Hongwei.

As the only national modern vocational education reform and innovation demonstration zone in the country, Tianjin has been adhering to demand oriented education for many years, ensuring that the talents cultivated are "marketable". Currently, the employment implementation rate of most vocational college graduates is higher than the national average level.

[Shake hands, school enterprise]

More than three years ago, after visiting the workshop of a laser technology enterprise, Song Zengxiang, the dean of the Intelligent Manufacturing College of Linyi Vocational College in Shandong, couldn't sit still.

"I thought at that time that if we could send our students to work in laser companies, they would definitely be more competitive," said Song Zengxiang.

At the end of 2019, the national high-tech enterprise Pentium Laser Technology Co., Ltd., which settled in Linyi, officially put into operation. In early 2020, Song Zengxiang led students to visit the company's production workshop.

A large laser cutting machine with a width of 3 meters and a length of 27 meters, after the technical personnel input the processing command, the cutting head quickly moves, and the laser beam can cut thick steel plates into a set of industrial parts in tens of seconds

Seeing the high-power intelligent laser cutting machine being tested up close, Song Zengxiang was deeply attracted by this technology, which is cleaner, more environmentally friendly, faster, and has higher processing accuracy than traditional flame cutting, electric spark cutting, plasma cutting, and other technologies.

Linyi City is undergoing the transformation and upgrading of enterprise digitization, informatization, and intelligence, creating a high-end optoelectronic industry cluster. The development of laser technology is the "vanguard" of industrial adjustment.

As a teacher engaged in teaching mechanical and electrical engineering, I want to focus on cultivating a group of students in the field of laser technology. Song Zengxiang, who has studied mechanical and electrical engineering for nearly 30 years, keenly realized that it is necessary to grasp the development needs of this cutting-edge industry and make students more competitive in employment.

After returning from the visit and study, Song Zengxiang organized teachers to sort out the laser industry plan and related policies, analyze the distribution of job groups in the laser industry chain, add training directions, adjust course settings, and start the cultivation of laser technology application talents.

The college invites laser enterprise engineers to discuss course offerings and determine courses on laser equipment assembly and debugging, laser processing technology, and testing technology. At the same time, students are selected from three classes in related majors to form a laser technology order class.

In order to improve the level of teaching staff, the college selects professional teachers to take up positions in laser enterprises for training, and forms a dual mentor teaching team composed of school teachers and enterprise skill masters. The team is jointly trained by the school and enterprises to jointly carry out teaching, ensuring that students improve their skills and apply what they have learned.

In 2021, the first batch of 30 graduates entered the Pentium Laser internship. After training and assessment, they were all registered as formal employees by the company.

At the end of 2022, the General Office of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Opinions on Deepening the Reform of Modern Vocational Education System Construction", which comprehensively laid out the integration of industry and education in vocational education through "one body, two wings".

In Song Zengxiang's view, this points the way for the school to further deepen its integration with industry enterprises, industry and education.

"Our responsibility lies in cultivating professional technical and skilled talents for enterprises. We will deepen the integration of vocational education, industry and education, and school enterprise cooperation to serve regional economic and social development," said Song Zengxiang.

【 Embrace, far away 】

The most memorable teaching experience for Jiang Ying in Sino foreign exchange classes was a few months ago when she taught together with Lucas from Portugal. Due to their tacit cooperation, they embraced excitedly after class.

Jiang Ying is the director of the Electrical Automation Teaching and Research Office at Tianjin Mechanical and Electrical Vocational and Technical College, while Lucas is the leader of the Automation major at Setubar Institute of Technology. In December 2018, the Luban Workshop in Portugal, jointly built by two schools, was launched to cultivate talents in the fields of electrical automation and industrial robotics.

The Luban Workshop, named after the famous craftsman Luban from the Spring and Autumn period, is an international brand of vocational education originally created and led by Tianjin. The Portuguese Luban Workshop was the first Luban Workshop in mainland Europe.

In April this year, Lucas brought four teachers and students to Tianjin for a month of learning and exchange. "We jointly gave students a professional course on industrial robots. We share a common teaching philosophy and cooperate very well," said Jiang Ying.

In order to help Portuguese teachers and students better understand the practice of integrating industry and education in vocational education in China, Jiang Ying and colleagues also accompanied them to visit enterprises such as Tianjin Haier Washing Machine Interconnection Factory. Lucas stated that the intelligence level of Chinese enterprises is already very advanced, and the talents cultivated by Chinese vocational education have also made a difference in these enterprises, which we greatly appreciate.

This is not Lucas's first time coming to China. Before the operation of the Luban Workshop in Portugal in 2018, Lucas visited Tianjin for inspection. Entering the practical training center of a vocational school, Lucas expressed great recognition for this teaching method as he saw teachers using advanced equipment for on-site teaching, and students experiencing the knowledge in textbooks through practical operations.

"For over four years, we have repeatedly communicated teaching issues through video. This year's offline communication has allowed us to have a deeper exploration of teaching methods, student development, and other issues." Jiang Ying said that the Luban Workshop has built a bridge of mutual learning and mutual learning.

Since the first Luban Workshop was established in Thailand in 2016, China has built 21 Luban workshops in 20 countries across Asia, Africa, and Europe. This not only provides advanced training equipment for partner countries, but also offers Chinese vocational education programs, cultivating the necessary technical and skilled talents for the local community.

"The Luban Workshop's' China Plan 'for vocational education has promoted exchanges and cooperation between China and many countries around the world, and has gained recognition across borders," said Jiang Ying, who has been working in the field of vocational education for more than 20 years.

Leading text poster production: Fang Jinyang

Product: Huo Xiaoguang

Produced domestically by Xinhua News Agency

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