Citizens experience ointment exercises and solar terms health knowledge on the spot. Shanghai’s “TCM Health Festival” has been held for 19 consecutive years.

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 21:58 PM

Today is the cold dew of the 24th solar term. Cold dew condenses, so it is called "cold dew". The 19th Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Festival of Yueyang Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Affiliated to Shanghai University of Chinese Medicine was officially launched today. Experts explained the application of ointments and the time to maintain health during the cold dew solar term. In particular, it is pointed out that with the recent drop in temperature, you should not blindly pursue the "autumn freeze". Proper keeping warm can help prevent diseases.

"Collection of the Seventy-Two Hours of the Moon Order" mentions: "On the ninth day of the ninth month, the dew will be cold and will condense." When the cold dew rises, the dew will be heavy and thick, and it will condense into frost. After half a month, the dew will condense into frost. Zhou Bingduo, chief physician of the Gastroenterology Department of Yueyang Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, said that the solar term entering the cold dew period means that the weather is transitioning from cool to cold. Citizens should pay attention to health care to avoid diseases. "Human beings are born from the energy of heaven and earth, and are formed by the laws of the four seasons." That is to say, the human body needs to add or remove clothing according to the climate changes in the four seasons, and adapt to the cold and warm temperatures to maintain health. During the cold dew season and the weather is getting colder, citizens with "yang deficiency" should add more clothes and quilts in time to keep warm and cold, and enhance their immunity.

Experts say keeping feet warm is particularly important. The feet are located in the lower body of the human body and are most susceptible to the influence of cold evil. If invaded, the circulation of Qi and blood in the organs and meridians will be blocked, resulting in stagnation and stagnation, which will lead to many diseases. During the cold dew season, foot soaking in hot water, medicated foot baths, and foot massage are all effective health care methods. Citizens should keep their feet warm during the cold dew season, and keep their feet warm and their hearts warm.

During the cold dew season, autumn air is crisp and autumn dryness is in season. Uncomfortable symptoms such as dry mouth and throat, dry nose and dry cough are common. These are all caused by the influence of dryness evil and lung and stomach yin deficiency. It is recommended that the public should eat more sweet, light and moist foods on the basis of balancing the five flavors in their diet, which can not only benefit the spleen and stomach, but also moisturize the lungs. You can choose fruits such as pears, grapes, grapes, water chestnuts, hawthorns, bananas, etc., and vegetables such as carrots, winter melon, tomatoes, lotus roots, white fungus, lilies, etc. Pay attention to eating less spicy, fried and grilled foods in daily life. The above foods can easily cause further depletion of yin fluid in the human body and aggravate the symptoms of autumn dryness.

"The sound of the west wind makes crabs' legs itch." During the cold dew season, the chrysanthemum yellow crabs are fat, the female crabs are full of eggs, and the yellow paste is plump. It is the best season to eat female crabs. Crabs are high in protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamin A. Among them, steamed hairy crabs are the most authentic and have good nutritional value. They can clear away heat and dissipate stagnation, nourish yin and dredge meridians, nourish the liver and kidneys, harmonize the stomach, digest food, and strengthen muscles and bones. and other effects. However, experts remind: River crabs are salty in taste and cold in nature. People with weak spleen and stomach should not eat large amounts of crabs. They should mix it with rice wine, ginger juice, etc. to neutralize its cold nature. In addition, women during menstruation and those who have cold dysmenorrhea should eat with caution.

The crisp autumn air is the best time for exercise and fitness. As the saying goes, "good qi remains within, and evil cannot be eliminated." During the cold dew season, it is recommended that citizens jog, cycle, swim, Tai Chi, yoga, etc., so that they can recover quickly from slight fatigue. Excessive sweating and fatigue fitness are not recommended. The appropriate time for exercise is in the morning before meals, in the afternoon and in the evening. It is not advisable to do a lot of strenuous exercise immediately after a meal or after drinking to avoid symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, and gastroptosis.

In addition, pay attention to hydrating during exercise to prevent cold and haze. There is cold and dew. If the temperature is low and the fog and dew are heavy, it is not suitable for outdoor sports. After exercise, you should replenish water in time, eat bananas and other fruits appropriately, replenish lost electrolytes, and quickly restore physical fitness.

News came out during today’s Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Festival: The ointment clinic of Yueyang Hospital opened for appointments on September 25, and so far, the number of appointments has been nearly 5,000. Zhou Yang, director of the disease treatment department, said: The ointment is a traditional Chinese medicine dosage form that is mainly tonic and has both therapeutic and conditioning effects. Compared with traditional Chinese medicine decoctions, ointments are more effective in nourishing the body.

The people who are suitable for taking the ointment mainly include: patients with chronic diseases, patients in the recovery period of diseases, people prone to fatigue, high work pressure and sub-healthy people, the elderly, women and frail people, some people with recurrent respiratory tract infections, children with delayed growth and development, and people recovering from chronic diseases. period children, etc. However, experts also remind that the ointment is not suitable for everyone. For those in the acute attack phase of chronic diseases, or those with spleen and stomach dysfunction, the underlying disease should be treated and the spleen and stomach function adjusted first, and a Chinese medicine practitioner will decide whether to take the ointment.

As the construction unit of the national "flagship" hospital pilot project for the collaboration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, Yueyang Hospital has held the Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Festival for 19 consecutive years. It has been well received by the public for its "public welfare, scientific nature, and popularization" and has benefited more than 200,000 people. In recent years, traditional Chinese medicine health festivals have been held in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other Yangtze River Delta regions, allowing residents in the Yangtze River Delta to enjoy the effects of Shanghai-style traditional Chinese medicine without leaving home. The event also included traditional Chinese medicine health consultation, Chinese medicine constitution identification, popular science lectures, and promotion demonstrations of Chinese medicine health care exercises such as massage exercises Yi Jin Jing, osteoporosis health exercises, and the Six-Character Breathing Jue.

Citizens experience ointment exercises and solar terms health knowledge on the spot. Shanghai’s “TCM Health Festival” has been held for 19 consecutive years.
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