Will diabetics raise blood sugar quickly if they eat rice dumplings? Shanghai Hospital integrates health elements to launch traditional Chinese medicine "healthy rice dumplings"

Release time:Jun 05, 2024 10:58 AM

The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival for Chinese people. It is customary to plant mugwort and wear sachets. In some areas, there is also the custom of collecting medicine and drinking realgar wine. Before and after the Dragon Boat Festival, every household would sweep the courtyard and put calamus and moxa sticks on the lintel. Ancient people accumulated rich experience in fighting against diseases and poisonous insects. For this reason, the Dragon Boat Festival is also called the "Traditional Medicine and Health Festival".

How to integrate traditional food Zongzi with health? On the occasion of the Dragon Boat Festival in the Year of the Dragon, Shuguang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine launched four traditional Chinese medicine-specific health-preserving rice dumplings based on the origin of medicine and food and the health-preserving rules of solar terms, namely rose beauty-preserving rice dumplings, hawthorn slimming rice dumplings, wolfberry solid-yuan rice dumplings, and five-bean rice dumplings. Dehumidify rice dumplings. Chen Shengfang, deputy director of the nutrition department of Shuguang Hospital, explained it one by one.

Rose Beauty Rice Dumpling is made with glutinous rice and served with roses, longan, tangerine peel, etc. It has the functions of soothing the liver and strengthening the spleen, nourishing the lungs and kidneys, regulating qi and blood, and beautifying the skin.

Hawthorn slimming rice dumplings are made with glutinous rice, yellow glutinous rice, hawthorn, oats, quinoa, etc., which have the functions of strengthening the spleen, digesting, regulating fat and slimming.

Wolfberry Gu Yuan Zong is made of glutinous rice and fresh meat, accompanied by wolfberry, yam, gorgon fruit, etc. It has the functions of nourishing yin and moistening the lungs, nourishing the blood and liver, strengthening the spleen and stomach, and nourishing the kidneys and strengthening the Yuan.

The five-bean rice dumpling is made of glutinous rice and blood glutinous rice, accompanied by adzuki beans, black beans, white beans, etc. It has the functions of strengthening the spleen and kidneys, diluting water and reducing dampness.

Chen Shengfang also said that as a traditional Dragon Boat Festival delicacy, glutinous rice, the main ingredient of Zongzi, is sweet and warm in nature. It enters the spleen, stomach and lung meridians and has the effects of replenishing qi, strengthening the spleen and stopping diarrhea, astringent sweating and detoxification, but glutinous rice is rich in nutrients. It contains amylopectin. When soaked in water and heated, the starch gelatinizes and is easy to digest and absorb. After cooling, the starch ages and becomes difficult to digest. Therefore, the rice dumplings should be eaten while they are hot. When reheating, they must be soaked in water and cooked thoroughly. Generally speaking, glutinous rice dumplings can raise blood sugar quickly after being eaten, so people with diabetes should not eat more of them. The five-bean wet rice dumplings and hawthorn slimming rice dumplings launched this time fully take into account the current food nutrition concept for metabolic-related chronic diseases.

Experts specifically remind: The elderly and children should not eat rice dumplings with cores; patients with bile and pancreatic diseases or dyslipidemia should not eat large meat rice dumplings and salted egg yolk rice dumplings. As the college entrance examination approaches, candidates must consider food safety when eating rice dumplings and choose rice dumplings that are fresh, have simple ingredients, and are commonly eaten to avoid food hygiene problems.

Will diabetics raise blood sugar quickly if they eat rice dumplings? Shanghai Hospital integrates health elements to launch traditional Chinese medicine "healthy rice dumplings"
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