Confirming that "AI is changing the traditional production model of the manufacturing industry," Germany's largest industrial association held an industry conference in Shanghai

Release time:Jun 04, 2024 14:25 PM

The "Second Facing the Future: German Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing Federation Industry Conference" with the theme of "A New Era of Intelligent Manufacturing: The Transformative Power of AI in Production" was held today in Zizhu High-tech Zone. Experts and corporate executives from global manufacturing industries More than 400 people, including managers and technicians, gathered together to discuss the application and development of artificial intelligence in manufacturing, provide new ideas and solutions for the application and development of artificial intelligence in the manufacturing field, and contribute to the economic and trade cooperation and technological cooperation between China and Germany. Exchanges provide new opportunities and platforms.

It is understood that the German Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing Federation is the largest industrial association in Germany and even Europe and a representative organization of the German manufacturing industry. It is composed of 35 industry associations and has more than 3,600 member companies, leading the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry. The federation’s chief representative in Shanghai introduced in his opening speech, “This industry conference is a platform to promote mechanical engineering solutions for future production in China. Every year, we carefully select a theme that meets the current needs of the manufacturing industry. This year, we decided to focus on Artificial intelligence and its impact on the production sector.”

At the meeting, many experts, scholars and corporate executives shared the latest research results and practical experience in the application of artificial intelligence in manufacturing, confirming that artificial intelligence is an important force in promoting the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry and will lead the global manufacturing industry to become intelligent and digital. direction development.

In the manufacturing industry, the application of artificial intelligence technology is gradually changing the traditional production model. Mr. Gu Han, General Manager of East China Region of Microsoft China Eco-Partner Division, shared a keynote speech on "Microsoft AI Capability Insights and Application Implementation" and looked forward to the prospects of artificial intelligence technology empowering the manufacturing industry and helping companies improve production efficiency and quality.

Dr. Guo Xin, senior director of business development of the digital manufacturing department of Siemens Digital Industrial Software Company, interpreted the connotation of "software-defined engineering design - non-standard automation equipment" through the application of artificial intelligence technology in Siemens production.

Li Shiqi, senior architecture manager of Intel Co., Ltd., gave a keynote speech on "Software-defined industrial automation systems" and introduced how to upgrade and optimize industrial automation systems through software definition. He emphasized that software-defined industrial automation systems will be an important trend in the future manufacturing industry.

In the keynote speech "AI Large Model Leads the Fourth Industrial Revolution", Dr. Zhang Yu, Vice President of Technology of Estun Automation Co., Ltd., deeply analyzed the role of AI large models in promoting the Fourth Industrial Revolution and shared It summarizes Eston’s research results and application practices in AI large models, and provides valuable case references.

During the roundtable discussion, the guests conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on the opportunities and challenges faced by artificial intelligence technology in the process of transformation and upgrading, and briefly analyzed the current status of global AI supervision and the importance of establishing a sound supervision system. Everyone agreed that the new artificial intelligence technology, as a strategic technology that leads the technological revolution and industrial revolution, is the focus of global technological innovation at the moment; China and Germany, both major manufacturing countries, have broad cooperation prospects and strong potential for cooperation.

In the view of the leaders of Minhang District, this conference held in Zizhu High-tech Zone is an important opportunity for Zizhu High-tech Zone to focus on the intelligent manufacturing industry and develop new productivity. It is also a powerful manifestation of Minhang District's insistence on "establishing a manufacturing district and developing a strong service district." Mutually beneficial cooperation between Chinese and German enterprises will further promote the growth of bilateral trade, accelerate technological innovation and industrial upgrading, and provide a strong impetus for the sustainable economic development of the two countries.

It is understood that Zizhu High-tech Zone has always been positioned as a global strategic emerging and high-end industry, attracting many multinational corporate R&D headquarters and high-end intelligent manufacturing companies to settle there. Currently, among the 7,399 companies settled in Zizhu High-tech Zone, 507 are foreign-funded companies, attracting a total of US$9.44 billion in foreign investment, forming a powerful new productivity industry cluster.

Europe is one of the key directions for Zizhu High-tech Zone's investment promotion work, and Germany has many outstanding well-known companies and hidden champion companies, especially in the field of high-end machinery and equipment manufacturing. Zizhu hopes that through this cooperation with the German Machinery Equipment Manufacturing Federation, more German and other European companies will pay attention to Zizhu, choose Zizhu, and seek common development.

Confirming that "AI is changing the traditional production model of the manufacturing industry," Germany's largest industrial association held an industry conference in Shanghai
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