Xi Jinping replied to letter to Kean University President Ray Pollet

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:Jun 06, 2024 09:04 AM

Beijing, June 6th: Recently, President Xi Jinping responded to a letter to Ramon Repolet, President of Kean University in the United States, encouraging universities in China and the United States to strengthen exchanges and cooperation and contribute to the promotion of Sino-US friendship.

Xi Jinping said, in 2006, I witnessed the signing ceremony of Sino-US cooperation in establishing Wenzhou-Kean University at your school. With the joint efforts of both parties, Wenzhou-Kean University has achieved remarkable results and has become a landmark project of Sino-US educational cooperation, which is gratifying.

Xi Jinping pointed out that Sino-US relations are related to the well-being of the two peoples and the future and destiny of mankind. Educational exchanges and cooperation help promote mutual understanding and similarity between the two peoples, especially the young people, and are a future project for the development of Sino-US relations. In your letter, you stated that you would deepen cooperation with Wenzhou-Kean University and encourage American students to come to China for exchange and study, which I appreciate very much. It is hoped that universities in both countries will strengthen exchanges and cooperation through various forms, cultivate young envoys who are familiar with both China and the United States, and build more bridges to promote Sino-US friendship.

Xi Jinping said in his reply that you and other people in the American education community are welcome to visit China more often, and please also convey my greetings to the former president, Dr. Farahi.

In May 2006, under the care and promotion of Xi Jinping, then Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, Wenzhou University and Kean University in the United States formally signed a contract and decided to jointly establish Wenzhou-Kean University. In 2014, with the approval of the Ministry of Education, Wenzhou-Kean University was officially established. Currently, there are about 4,500 undergraduate, master's and doctoral students, and it has trained 8 undergraduate graduates in total, more than 3,300 people. Recently, Kean University President Ray Pollet sent a letter to President Xi Jinping to introduce the situation and results of cooperative education, saying that he would actively respond to President Xi's initiative to help more American teenagers come to China for exchange and study, and to promote stronger exchanges between the young generations of China and the United States.

Xi Jinping replied to letter to Kean University President Ray Pollet
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