Afraid of undergoing gastroscopy? Want to see Gallery 600? These citizens walked into Shanghai's "Hospital Open Day"

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:38 PM

Hearing a gastroscopy examination, I hesitate. Is there a less painful examination method? What are the paintings in Gallery 600 really like? The 5th Shanghai Municipal Hospital "Citizen Health Science Popularization Week" and "Hospital Open Day" activities, sponsored by the Shanghai Shenkang Hospital Development Center and jointly participated by 37 municipal hospitals, have officially launched recently. Citizens have entered medical institutions and gained new experiences and understanding of places that are both familiar and mysterious.

The "Hospital Open Day" of the Sixth Hospital in the city.

Municipal Sixth Hospital: Revealing Digestive Endoscopy, No Longer Fear of "Mirror"

Afraid of undergoing gastroscopy? Want to see Gallery 600? These citizens walked into Shanghai's "Hospital Open Day"

As the saying goes, "ten people have nine stomachs", indicating the universality of stomach diseases. In recent years, with the change of diet and lifestyle, the incidence rate of digestive tract diseases is increasing, and digestive system tumors account for about 40% of the total incidence rate of tumors. To enhance the awareness and prevention of digestive tract diseases among citizens, this morning, the Sixth People's Hospital of Shanghai launched an offline activity, opening the digestive endoscopy center to more than 20 citizens. Through immersive visits, interactive questioning, and other activities, the process of gastrointestinal endoscopy examination was revealed, and relevant knowledge was popularized.

"Do people without gastrointestinal diseases need to undergo regular gastroscopy at a certain age?" "Do you have a less painful gastroscopy examination?" Before the event began, many citizens had already prepared questions in advance. Entering the Digestive Endoscopy Center, attending physician Wu Shan took out a prepared stomach model and showed everyone the complete process of gastroscopy entering the human body. "The mirror will first enter the esophagus from the oropharynx, and then enter the gastric cavity, duodenal bulb, and descending duodenum in sequence. The entire examination process will last about ten minutes."

Digestive Endoscopy Center of the Sixth Hospital of the city.

Afraid of undergoing gastroscopy? Want to see Gallery 600? These citizens walked into Shanghai's "Hospital Open Day"

Director Wan Xinjian of the Digestive Endoscopy Center introduced that as the most commonly used and reliable diagnostic method for gastrointestinal diseases, gastrointestinal endoscopy can visually present lesions, clip biopsies, and directly perform endoscopic treatment for some lesions, achieving synchronous diagnosis and treatment. "Considering that early gastrointestinal tumors generally do not cause any physical discomfort, it is often difficult to detect them without gastroscopy. Therefore, for citizens who do not have relevant symptoms or a family history of hereditary diseases, it is still recommended to undergo regular gastroscopy examinations starting from the age of 40."

In fact, many citizens are aware of the necessity of regular gastroscopy examinations, but due to the pain of traditional examinations deeply ingrained in people's hearts, most people do not actively accept examinations unless absolutely necessary. For patients with color changes caused by the use of endoscopy, Wan Xinjian suggests that under the evaluation of an anesthesiologist, painless gastrointestinal endoscopy can be attempted, which not only meets the patient's needs for comfortable diagnosis and treatment, but also improves the accuracy of diagnosis to a certain extent.

Entering the Medical Simulation Training Center, the rich and colorful creative intestinal illustrations also allow citizens to quickly immerse themselves in the mysterious world of the intestines. While appreciating the works, they can also obtain relevant intestinal health knowledge by scanning the QR code below the illustrations. Physician Xia Jie from the Digestive Endoscopy Center demonstrated the digestive endoscopy simulator, which can reproduce the process of gastrointestinal endoscopy examination and accurately simulate the symptoms that patients react to. From the moment the simulator is turned on, doctors can train as if they were in a medical room. Under the guidance of Xia Jie, many citizens attempted to complete their first endoscopic examination in life. "It turns out that gastroscopy is done through a thin and soft tube, which is not as scary as imagined." After the experience, Ms. Yang, a citizen, said that she will definitely include gastroscopy in her annual routine medical examination in the future.

Afraid of undergoing gastroscopy? Want to see Gallery 600? These citizens walked into Shanghai's "Hospital Open Day"

From the Digestive Endoscopy Center to the Medical Simulation Training Center, from technical demonstrations to humanistic care, citizens have gradually let go of their prejudices against gastroscopy in science popularization and experience. The person in charge of the hospital introduced that in the future, the Digestive Endoscopy Center of the Sixth Hospital of the city will continue to provide citizens with a more comfortable diagnosis and treatment experience, and provide better humanistic care and dignity.

The "Hospital Open Day" of the Municipal Jingwei Center.

Municipal Jingwei Center: Doctors and teachers share topics on adolescent health together

Afraid of undergoing gastroscopy? Want to see Gallery 600? These citizens walked into Shanghai's "Hospital Open Day"

"Welcome everyone to the famous' 600 Wanping South Road '." Introduction by Cai Jun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Mental Health Center, kicked off the' Hospital Open Day 'event. For citizens, this place is both familiar and mysterious - many people's impressions of hospitals come from the images in news reports and film and television works. In recent years, with the increasing public awareness of mental health, more and more people have realized the importance of mental health.

At the same time, "600 Wanping South Road" is also increasingly entering the public eye. From the "600 Mooncake" and "600 Gallery" to the "600 Mask" brand, hospitals use the "600" brand as a driving force to eliminate discrimination and prejudice against patients and diseases, and further promote the refinement of management in various aspects such as smart healthcare, process improvement, professional services, logistics management, and humanistic care.

Gallery 600.

Afraid of undergoing gastroscopy? Want to see Gallery 600? These citizens walked into Shanghai's "Hospital Open Day"

At the event site, attending physician Jin Jin discussed adolescent mental health issues with citizens through the popularization of "Connecting Adolescent Psychology". "With the increasing pressure in today's society, the psychological problems of teenagers are becoming increasingly prominent. Jin Jin wants to tell everyone that the reason why teenagers become 'rebellious' is not only related to their rapid physical growth and emotional setbacks, but also to the limitations of their brain development during adolescence. Therefore, she suggests that parents should understand more about teenagers, not only their psychological state, but also their brain development characteristics, sexual psychological development characteristics, self-awareness, and boundary sense development.".

So, how do teenagers understand their worries? A discussion between doctors and teachers caught everyone's attention. Director Fan Juan and Dr. Jin from the Children's and Adolescent Department of the Municipal Jingwei Center, as well as Teacher Hou Qingqing from Shibei Junior High School in Jing'an District and Teacher Huang Yong from Shanghai Private Yangbo Middle School in Jing'an District, led the on-site citizens to brainstorm together.

Teachers believe that the four common psychological problems among adolescent students include academic stress, peer relationship issues, family relationship issues, and emotional and emotional issues among adolescent students. "In recent years, the number of outpatient visits for teenagers has indeed been increasing. Among them, emotional problems account for the majority." Fan Juan was very touched. Why are children's emotional problems on the rise? "On the one hand, it is related to the rapid development of society and high competition pressure, as well as the long-standing educational philosophy. On the other hand, it is related to the parent-child relationship in the family. Parents' anxiety and prominent conflicts in the family can lead to significant emotional fluctuations in their children."

Afraid of undergoing gastroscopy? Want to see Gallery 600? These citizens walked into Shanghai's "Hospital Open Day"

Experts have mentioned that schools have implemented relevant measures, such as ensuring "two lessons and three activities" to provide students with opportunities for physical exercise and participation in activities; implementing a "full teacher system" to assign a mentor to each child, shifting from only focusing on their academic performance to paying more attention to their psychological growth and learning ability improvement. In addition, efforts are also being made to expand mental health education from the classroom to communities and families, and actively strengthen medical education cooperation. "In terms of academic performance, it is necessary to understand the actual abilities of children in order to match education, which can reduce frustration. In terms of interpersonal relationships, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of children's social interests and closely connect with home and school. In the construction of family environment, warm and highly accepting families can significantly reduce children's anxiety in reality and reduce the sense of achievement brought by the online 'reward mechanism'. Parents need to understand the reasons behind their children's behavior in order to truly help them.".

Gallery 600.

After an endless exchange of ideas, citizens visited Gallery 600, a recreational park, a psychiatric department, and a psychological counseling clinic in the form of on-site experiences. Through close contact, they learned about the working status of mental health specialized medical institutions and experienced firsthand the various work done by municipal hospitals to improve the patient's medical experience. "This is my first time walking into '600' and I feel that the environment is very good." "I hope there are more opportunities for communication and visits, so that everyone can understand mental health." "The mental health of teenagers is very important, and I hope to cooperate more with '600' in the future. As a teacher, we can work together with medical students to create a 'beautiful space' for children."

"The center will continue to lead the high-quality development of health education in this city and establish a new trend of healthy living by creating a group of professional, authoritative, vivid and practical original science popularization." Cai Jun said, "No. 600 looks forward to working together with all sectors of society to create a 'community with a shared future for mental health'."

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Nine medical experts from Shanghai who helped the residents of Karamay in Xinjiang free clinic, spanning more than 4000 kilometers Father | Expert | Shanghai

At the arrival of the sixth "Chinese Doctor's Day", nine medical experts from Shanghai, including Renji Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Tongji Hospital affiliated to Tongji University, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai Dermatology Hospital, and China Welfare Society International Peace Maternal and Child Health Care Center, including neurology, urology, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, thyroid surgery, breast surgery, hematology, geriatrics, and dermatology, went to Karamay Central Hospital and Karamay Third People's Hospital to carry out free clinic activities. Among them, 6 experts are doctors dispatched by Tongji Hospital to aid Xinjiang, and 3 experts have traveled over 4000 kilometers to Ke to help local patients clarify their doubts. Urumqi residents drove over 400 kilometers with their father to a free clinic, where Patiguli underwent a small physical examination

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"Thank you Director Liu for helping me solve a big problem! I've been struggling with paronychia for two years. I had to pull out my toenails twice before, but they didn't grow well. I kept getting inflamed and my mentality was about to collapse. This time, the problem has finally been completely solved." In the outpatient consultation room of the Tenth People's Hospital of Shanghai, Miss Zhang expressed her sincere gratitude to Liu Guangpeng, the director of plastic surgery. At the beginning of 2021, Xiaozhang accidentally cut his toenails too deep, injuring the nail bed. Although he disinfected it with iodine at the first time, he didn't expect to become inflamed a few days later. His entire first toe was red, swollen, and painful, and he even limped while walking. External use of iodine is ineffective, oral antibiotics are ineffective, and the only option is to choose toenail removal that sounds very painful. I originally thought that pulling out my toenails would remove the old and replace the new, but I never expected that the newly grown toenails would always "burrow into the flesh", causing inflammation to recur,

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Some family doctors have also opened a special clinic for diabetes... 60% of residents in this district of Shanghai are diagnosed and treated in Fengxian | residents | community

Fengxian is located in the remote suburbs, with limited medical resources. Community diagnosis and treatment have become the top priority for residents' health. How to build a good network base to serve the people? The reporter recently learned from the district health commission that based on the actual situation of the region, taking into account the size of the service population and the trend of population introduction, the district health commission is promoting the horizontal integration of community health resources. Residents are willing to "vote with their feet" to choose the community, and the solid foundation and warm service of community family doctors are indispensable. Data shows that there are currently 549 general practitioners in Fengxian District. Last year, the proportion of community diagnosis and treatment accounted for 49% of the total diagnosis and treatment in the district. In the first half of this year, the proportion of community diagnosis and treatment has increased to 60%. Wang Tao is a family doctor at the Xidu Community Health Service Center in Fengxian District who has been committed to the community for ten years and has signed contracts with more than 1900 community residents

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In this regional medical center, patients make sachet masks to feel the warmth of home. The Dragon Boat Festival medical center | patients | sachets

Today is the traditional Dragon Boat Festival. As a regional medical center, Shibei Hospital of Jing'an District organized a special "love on the left and accompany on the right" activity to welcome the Dragon Boat Festival. The patients and their families wrapped Zongzi together to make sachets and feel the warmth of home. It is reported that the Elderly Rehabilitation Department of Shibei Hospital is a key discipline in Jing'an District, with 80% of hospitalized patients being over 70 years old, including those aged 90 or 100. During the meticulous treatment of the elderly, the Rehabilitation Department integrates family oriented services throughout, creating a humane "warm service" and building a harmonious doctor-patient relationship. Shu Jin, director of the Elderly Rehabilitation Department, said that with the arrival of the Dragon Boat Festival, medical staff have found that a small number of patients lack family companionship and their psychological and emotional needs cannot be met. The hospital's social work department and department medical staff work together to build a "heart to heart bridge" for doctor-patient interaction and two-way communication,

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The annual throat preservation rate is nearly 80%, and Shanghai research was included in the International Annual Conference: Immunotherapy for locally advanced head and neck tumors | Patients | Local

At the recent 2023 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, research from Fudan University Affiliated Cancer Hospital was quite impressive: in the field of head and neck tumors, "induction chemotherapy combined with treprizumab can be used for laryngeal preservation treatment in patients with locally advanced laryngeal/hypopharyngeal cancer. The results of the Phase II clinical trial showed a one-year laryngeal preservation rate of 79.4%." The first author of this study, abbreviated as INSIGHT, is Professor Xiaomin Qu from Fudan University Affiliated Cancer Hospital, and the corresponding authors are Professor Yu Wang and Professor Xiayun He. It is reported that laryngeal cancer and hypopharyngeal cancer are one of the most common head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in China, with the incidence rate accounting for about 20% of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Due to the insidious symptoms of the disease, the patient was diagnosed later and had a poor prognosis. Previously, surgical resection was used to prolong survival. With the development of multidisciplinary comprehensive treatment, diagnosis and treatment

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