The agent openly said, "The house in the photo is from abroad!" Can't we control the fake property? Viewing houses on Anjuke

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 19:50 PM

At the beginning of this year, Ms. Qian and her friends were interested in a duplex house on Anjuke, with a monthly rent of 7800 yuan. She excitedly contacted the agent and wanted to go to the scene to see the house, but the agent said, "The house you are interested in is a foreign house, and the picture was stolen from the internet by me."

The intermediary's words made Ms. Qian laugh and cry. Subsequently, the intermediary actively recommended other houses according to Ms. Qian's rental requirements, but whether it was the size, decoration quality, or transportation convenience of the house, it was far from the one she was interested in.

Ms. Qian is somewhat puzzled. The relevant departments have repeatedly ordered real estate agents to strictly prohibit them from soliciting customers through false listings. Why do they still act recklessly? At the same time, the reporter noticed that many citizens on the 12345 Citizen Service Hotline have also reported similar experiences and called for strengthened management. Why is it difficult to cure the Boniu disease caused by false housing listings?

The agent openly said, "The house in the photo is from abroad!" Can't we control the fake property? Viewing houses on Anjuke

"The picture does not match the actual product"

Due to the honesty of the agent before viewing the house, Ms. Qian was able to avoid the hardships of running around. On the other hand, Mr. Gong, out of his trust in the Anjuke platform, has caused himself a lot of trouble.

Due to work reasons, Mr. Gong paid a deposit to the agent after browsing the online housing information, but was unable to find time to view the house offline. However, to his surprise, when he checked in with his belongings, he found that none of the room numbers, room types, and photos previously sent by the other party were real.

The agent openly said, "The house in the photo is from abroad!" Can't we control the fake property? Viewing houses on Anjuke

Mr. Gong recalled that due to the limited number of photos uploaded on the platform, he even added WeChat to request the other party to send more photos and requested a room number. "The room type and lighting in the photos meet my requirements very well," he said. When he arrived at the scene, the other party claimed that the apartment he was looking at had already been rented out and took him directly to another house. "The room type is different, and when entering the house, you have to go down the stairs. The windows are even smaller, and the room is pitch black, not exactly what it looks like in the photo." When he questioned, the agent claimed to want to rent the room he saw online, "that's not the price anymore.". This made Mr. Gong very angry, and the two sides were unable to reach an agreement through negotiation. He had to temporarily book a hotel and said, "Isn't this a scam?"

The house you are interested in has been rented out, and you can also help recommend other properties. This seems to be a common saying among the agents on Anjuke. When the reporter downloaded the Anjuke app to view details, they encountered two similar plots. Is the housing on the platform really so popular?

A house located in Block F of Everbright Convention and Exhibition Center has attracted the attention of reporters, including "whole rental", "going out is the subway station", "facing south", and "moving in with a bag". The introduction column shows that the house is one bedroom, one living room, and one bathroom, with an area of 35 square meters and a monthly rent of 4000 yuan. In the real-life video footage, the house is spacious and comfortable, with a large window facing south and good lighting. The balcony, living room, sofa, and king bed are all available, and the decoration is also quite exquisite. The statement "The property has been verified through real house shooting" at the bottom of the page adds a bit of credibility to it.

The agent openly said, "The house in the photo is from abroad!" Can't we control the fake property? Viewing houses on Anjuke

Introduction to the housing resources of Everbright Exhibition Center.

Introduction to the housing resources of Everbright Exhibition Center.

The webpage shows that the property was uploaded by a certain real estate brokerage company. Before the reporter could ask for specific information about the properties, agent Zou candidly told him, "To be honest, the pictures on the platform are for traffic." He took the opportunity to recommend other properties in the relevant area to the reporter.

The agent openly said, "The house in the photo is from abroad!" Can't we control the fake property? Viewing houses on Anjuke

A conversation between the journalist and Mr. Zou on the Anjuke platform regarding the authenticity of the housing images.

A conversation between the journalist and Mr. Zou on the Anjuke platform regarding the authenticity of the housing images.

The reporter first went to the first house priced at 3800 yuan. After entering a long string of numerical passwords, a single room of less than 20 square meters came into view, far from the finely decorated repair room in the video. The real house is similar to a hotel style apartment, with rooms facing north and poor lighting. There is no living room, balcony, etc. as shown in the video, only a bed that can barely sleep for two people. A small window is squeezed at the head of the bed, and a small table that can hardly fit a seat is placed in the corner of the house. In addition, due to the limited space in the bathroom, the toilet can only be placed diagonally, and the shower head is only connected to a separate pipe next to the sink, without achieving wet dry separation.

The agent openly said, "The house in the photo is from abroad!" Can't we control the fake property? Viewing houses on Anjuke

Real estate photos of Everbright Convention and Exhibition Center.

Real estate photos of Everbright Convention and Exhibition Center.

Another more expensive property priced at 4800 yuan is located on the 7th floor, facing south and equipped with facilities such as a wardrobe, dressing table, and bathroom. However, it still bears no resemblance to the housing images on the rental platform, and the balcony, sofa, and bedroom in the platform video are completely absent.

The agent openly said, "The house in the photo is from abroad!" Can't we control the fake property? Viewing houses on Anjuke

Is the role of the platform to "connect and bridge"?

When it comes to the difference between the actual product and the picture, Zou admitted, "Everyone uses stolen pictures. If I show you the real pictures here and mark the real price, would you still want to rent them?"

In fact, the phenomenon of "physical objects not matching photos" on Anjuke platforms is common. Most of the housing images listed on the Anjuke platform will not be taken in real time. Even in real time, wide-angle lenses have already been used, and the proportion of the images will be elongated in the later stage to visually increase the room area. This is almost a consensus among intermediary agencies.

The agent openly said, "The house in the photo is from abroad!" Can't we control the fake property? Viewing houses on Anjuke

Zou claimed that the seemingly exquisite and affordable housing listings on the platform are mostly scams set up by intermediaries to attract traffic. Customers often do not immediately rent a house after seeing it online, but will first have a detailed discussion with the agent and then visit the property on site. In this process, "the intermediary first needs to have channels to reach out to customers. Anjuke is such a channel with high traffic, good promotion, and many customers. We first use pictures to attract customers, invite them out, and then recommend them to choose other real houses. Anjuke platform plays a more important role in 'matchmaking and bridging'."

Zou also claimed that the platform itself tacitly approves of the existence of this "matchmaking and bridging" method. In order to verify the theory of "tacit approval", the reporter tried the housing upload function of Anjuke platform and found that the platform's review of uploaded housing information is not strict. The review content only includes real name registration procedures such as bank card entry and facial recognition authentication, while the basic information of the property can be changed by the uploader at will. A fake property can be easily listed without uploading the property certificate. Due to Anjuke being a brand under, the listings uploaded by the reporter on the Anjuke platform will also be synchronized with The platform will continuously recommend and activate various traffic channels, paying to increase exposure.

The Anjuke platform only requires the uploader to undergo real name authentication to publish the housing list, and the verification of the authenticity of the housing is not strict.

The agent openly said, "The house in the photo is from abroad!" Can't we control the fake property? Viewing houses on Anjuke

When uploading housing listings on the Anjuke platform, you can modify the housing area by yourself.

As a comparison, the reporter also tried the function of uploading housing listings on the Shell platform. During the discovery period, it is necessary to contact the broker and upload the owner's identification documents, as well as nationally recognized property ownership certificates such as property certificates and real estate rights. However, these necessary processes do not exist in Anjuke.

When uploading housing listings on the Beike Housing Platform, strict review of the property ownership certificate is required, and the building area cannot be modified without authorization.

The agent openly said, "The house in the photo is from abroad!" Can't we control the fake property? Viewing houses on Anjuke

Regarding this, Li, the agent of another intermediary, bluntly stated that the reason why platforms such as and Anjuke have "many tricks" is precisely because the platform lacks a mechanism to restrict the illegal behavior of intermediary agencies. "The area and price can be modified by oneself, and the rules are full of loopholes, which cannot be controlled at all.". According to him, "Renting a house on the platform with good decoration and a price far lower than the market transaction price is likely to be fake."

Expert: Institutionalized control of housing should be implemented

Recruiting customers with false information about high cost-effectiveness or sold properties has become a hot complaint topic in the field of housing security. In recent years, market supervision and management departments at all levels in this city have launched multiple rounds of rectification work against illegal and irregular behaviors in the real estate market.

The agent openly said, "The house in the photo is from abroad!" Can't we control the fake property? Viewing houses on Anjuke

At the end of 2020, the Shanghai Real Estate Trading Center attempted to punish illegal intermediaries who released false housing listings and issued a notice on further regulating the verification and information dissemination of existing housing listings, requiring real estate brokerage institutions to verify listed housing listings and distribute information in accordance with regulations. In 2021, the market supervision and management departments at all levels in this city launched centralized rectification measures against a series of illegal behaviors of real estate enterprises, including unfair competition, illegal advertising, illegal unlicensed operation, and illegal consumer rights protection. However, the illegal behavior of intermediaries releasing false housing listings to attract customers is still repeatedly prohibited. How should we manage it?

Industry insiders believe that customers mainly focus on factors such as housing prices and location when renting or purchasing a house. False housing listings directly target customers' concerns about housing prices, and publish information on low priced housing listings on the platform to attract customers, which is a marketing activity that leads to incorrect guidance for customers. The number of false housing listings on the market is often related to the current market situation. In the past two years, the supply of houses has increased, and the number of listed houses has correspondingly increased. This phenomenon has begun to emerge, especially in big cities, and can be considered a series of problems caused by the rise in housing prices. Of course, some intermediary agencies, during periods of low business volume, also use a large number of fake housing listings to attract customers. The key to rectifying such violations lies in strengthening platform supervision and implementing institutionalized controls on housing listings. For platforms and stores that have not undergone strict review, their transactions should be restricted.

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The agent openly said, "The house in the photo is from abroad!" Can't we control the fake property? Viewing houses on Anjuke
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