"School of Rock" explores a new model of drama school integration and comes to the eighth school in Shanghai

Release time:May 31, 2024 16:20 PM

From picking up the beat and figuring out the accents of the lyrics and vocals, to learning to sing a complete song along with the accompaniment, to the end of the workshop, the children devoted themselves to performing the excerpts for several minutes. On May 31, the musical "School of Rock" entered Shanghai World Foreign Language Primary School, and on the eve of Children's Day, it brought more than 300 students a lively and interesting musical workshop. This is the eighth school that "School of Rock" has entered since the launch of the series of activities.

The original English musical "School of Rock" created by Andrew Lloyd Webber will be performed at the Bank of Communications Qiantan 31 Performing Arts Center in Shanghai from July 18 to August 4. In order to let more young people understand the birth process of a musical, the producer of "School of Rock" Shanghai Media Group and the nationally operating Shanghai Musical Art Center have joined hands with the musical education institution "Love Drama" to launch "School of Rock" "Enter the Campus" series of activities brought exciting musical theater classes to the students.

When rock elements meet musicals, what kind of sparks will collide? As Weber's breakthrough creation when he was 70 years old, "School of Rock" broke the conventional music narrative method in musicals. Under the cloak of "rock rebellion", it became a carrier for teachers and students, children and parents to convey emotional value.

At the beginning of the class, the lecturer "Love Drama" dismantled the components of a musical step by step and played excerpts from a children's musical adapted from famous comics. The strange colors of the stage shine through the screen, making the students marvel and applaud. Behind the scenes, the fun of musical theater is beginning to take hold. Through the more than an hour-long workshop, the teacher guided everyone into the wonderful world of musicals through emotive explanations, appreciation of musical clips, and interesting interactions.

"School of Rock" makes everyone move involuntarily

"School of Rock" makes everyone move involuntarily

In "School of Rock", the down-and-out rock star Dewey Finn has always had a dream, secretly forming a school rock band under the noses of his parents and principal. A message board was placed at the "Enter Campus" workshop, filled with colorful sticky notes written with the children's voices. Messages that are usually not delivered to teachers and parents are released at the "campus" site. This session specially designed for children uses the power of music to awaken children to open their hearts and show and express their true selves.

In recent years, the musical theater industry has experienced a positive trend from entering the audience's field of vision to flourishing. More and more people have begun to pay attention to musicals and their role in promoting campus aesthetic education. As an art category that integrates singing, dancing, acting and speaking, musicals have strong artistry, creativity and inclusiveness. The Shanghai Musical Theater Art Center has successively launched a series of "on-campus" activities based on internationally renowned plays such as "The Sound of Music" and "School of Rock" to broaden the scope of cultural, artistic and aesthetic education with musicals as the core. In the future, the aesthetic education section of the Musical Art Center will continue to follow the development path of integrating culture and education, explore and explore the many possibilities of integrating its high-quality IP resources into theater schools, and help develop the artistic literacy of young people.

"Musicals are not unattainable. On the contrary, they have novel and diverse forms, a relaxed atmosphere, and are easy to get started. The Musical Theater Arts Center has introduced and will continue to introduce many high-quality original IPs to provide resources for the long-term development of the 'Entering Campus' series of activities. Dai Xiaoying, general manager of the Shanghai Musical Art Center, said that optimizing the aesthetic education section of the Musical Art Center is a major move to comply with the sustainable development trend of the industry and to accumulate potential for artistic and aesthetic education. The "Into Campus" activity allows musicals to go out of theaters and reach more children. By adjusting and customizing appropriate teaching and experience content for students of different ages, it mobilizes children to fully appreciate the unique charm of musicals.

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