Xi Jinping holds talks with King Hamad of Bahrain

Release time:May 31, 2024 17:28 PM

Beijing, May 31 (Xinhua) On the afternoon of May 31, President Xi Jinping held talks at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing with King Hamad of Bahrain, who was in China for a state visit and attended the opening ceremony of the 10th Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum. The two heads of state announced the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Pakistan.

Xi Jinping pointed out that Bahrain is China's good friend and good partner in the Gulf region. Although the two countries have different national conditions, they have always treated each other with sincerity and lived in friendship. In recent years, under our joint leadership, China-Pakistan relations have developed steadily and healthily. This year marks the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Pakistan. Both sides have agreed to upgrade China-Pakistan relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership, which is a new milestone in the history of China-Pakistan relations. China is willing to work with Pakistan to develop the China-Pakistan comprehensive strategic partnership and better benefit the two peoples.

Xi Jinping emphasized that China firmly supports Bahrain in safeguarding national sovereignty, security, and stability, supports Bahrain in pursuing an independent development path, supports Bahrain’s “2030 Economic Development Vision” and diversified development strategy, and is willing to work with Bahrain to strengthen energy, investment, transportation, new Cooperation in energy, digital economy and other fields will promote high-quality joint construction of the “Belt and Road” to achieve more results. Both sides should intensify people-to-people and cultural exchanges and personnel exchanges, and continue to consolidate the public opinion foundation of China-Pakistan friendship. China advocates mutual respect and peaceful coexistence among countries with different systems and civilizations, and supports countries in the Middle East region to enhance unity and cooperation, achieve peace and reconciliation, and promote development and revitalization. China is willing to work with regional countries, including Bahrain, to promote China's relations with GCC countries. To achieve greater development, successfully host the second China-Arab Summit and accelerate the construction of a China-Arab community with a shared future. Strengthen communication and coordination at the United Nations and other multilateral platforms, practice true multilateralism, and safeguard the common interests of developing countries.

Hamad said that China is a great country and has provided a lot of support to Bahrain's national construction, for which Bahrain is deeply grateful. Bahrain hopes to take the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership as an opportunity to align the development strategies of the two countries, intensify practical cooperation in various fields, and help Bahrain achieve diversified development. Pakistan highly appreciates and fully agrees with China's noble values ​​and rational and wise policy propositions. Only when China develops well can other developing countries develop well, and only then can the world's multi-polarization process continue to advance. Pakistan firmly believes that China will achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and make greater contributions to world peace and prosperity. Pakistan adheres to the one-China principle and supports China's peaceful reunification. We are willing to work closely with China on multilateral cooperation to better ensure that people of all countries enjoy equal rights to survival and development. Pakistan is willing to work with China to promote the early conclusion of the GCC-China Free Trade Agreement, carry forward the spirit of Afghanistan-China friendship, and jointly build an Arab-China community of a shared future facing the new era.

Hamad briefed on the recent 33rd Arab League Summit, especially the position of Arab countries on the Palestinian issue and the efforts made to promote an end to the Gaza conflict as soon as possible. He appreciated and thanked China for always upholding a just position and looked forward to China's role. greater effect. Xi Jinping emphasized that China and Pakistan hold the same position on the Palestinian issue. China appreciates that the Arab League summit issued a common Arab voice on the Palestinian-Israeli issue, and is willing to work with Bahrain and other Arab countries to promote an early comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue.

After the talks, the two heads of state jointly witnessed the signing of a number of bilateral cooperation documents on investment, green and low-carbon, e-commerce, digital economy and other fields.

The two sides issued the "Joint Statement between the People's Republic of China and the Kingdom of Bahrain on the Establishment of a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership."

Before the talks, Xi Jinping held a welcome ceremony for Hamad in the square outside the east gate of the Great Hall of the People.

When Hamad arrived, soldiers of honor lined up to salute. The two heads of state boarded the reviewing stand, the military band played the national anthems of China and Pakistan, and a 21-gun salute was fired in Tiananmen Square. Accompanied by Xi Jinping, Hamad inspected the honor guard of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and watched the procession.

That night, Xi Jinping held a welcome banquet for Hamad in the Golden Hall of the Great Hall of the People.

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