Bay Area Quick Review丨What new information does the "Bay Area Large Subway" "circle"?

Release time:May 31, 2024 17:30 PM

With the Guangzhou-Foshan South Ring and the Foshan-Dongguan intercity in the Greater Bay Area officially opened for operation, and connected end-to-end with the already-opened Foshan-Zhaozhou intercity and Dongguan-Huizhou intercity, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has formed an east-west line spanning five cities and the entire country. A 258-kilometer-long transportation artery. Passengers can reach Foshan and Dongguan in 30 minutes from Panyu, Guangzhou, and reach Zhaoqing and Huizhou in 60 minutes.

Compared with ordinary intercity railways, after completion, this intercity railway will not only become the longest urban railway in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, but also realize "transit-like" operation between multiple intercity lines. Therefore, it is generally called "The Bay Area". District L-Subway".

What are the profound implications behind the opening and operation of the "Bay Area Large Subway"? What are the key points for the "circle" of the Greater Bay Area as a new artery connecting the five cities?

Cities connected in series have high “gold content”. Regardless of the length of the line or the difficulty of construction, this transportation artery may not be outstanding, but it plays a key role at a key location.

The "Fourth Line" connects five cities in series. Among them, there are two trillion-dollar cities, Guangzhou and Dongguan, as well as industrial towns such as Foshan and Huizhou - connected together is the golden area of ​​the Greater Bay Area.

In addition to industrial value, convenient transportation also activates the mutual empowerment and linkage of more cultural and tourism resources. Let’s look at the stations along the line: Guangzhou Chimelong Station, Zhaoqing Dinghu East Station, Dongguan Songshan Hubei Station, Huizhou West Lake East Station are set up so that tourists can see pandas in Guangzhou in the morning - taste Shunde delicacies at noon - and go to Songshan in the afternoon Check in at the lake to enjoy the city. The travel method of "no need to check in, swipe the QR code to enter, and enter the station and leave" has turned the Bay Area city check-in into a "Citywalk" that can be walked away. More tourists can realize "multi-city in one journey", which brings great benefits to the Greater Bay Area tourism. Open up more new routes and unlock more new ways to play.

The roads are open and the sales are great. Up to now, the total GDP of the five cities along the route - Guangzhou, Foshan, Zhaoqing, Dongguan and Huizhou - has exceeded 6 trillion yuan, and the regional resident population has reached 50 million. This also means that the time and space distance between the business districts of the five cities has been greatly shortened, and a larger " The formation of "pan-consumption circle" will be accelerated.

"Circle" brings "new depth" to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

Looking beyond the Bay Area: At the same time as the "Fourth Line" was completed, the northern extension of the Guangqing Intercity Railway has begun track laying, and the excavation of the Shantou Bay Tunnel has been accelerated. This has also accelerated the "Bay Area on Track". Expand the circle again.

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, which will be opened in June, and the Huangmao Sea Cross-sea Channel, which is expected to open by the end of the year, are "super projects" that span rivers and seas and will further strengthen the ties between the bays, make travelers more accessible, and boost business travel.

From 0:00 on June 15, the national railways will implement a new train schedule. At that time, the fastest travel time from Changsha South to Guangzhou South will be 1 hour and 59 minutes, a reduction of 19 minutes. The Greater Bay Area is not only a gathering place for talents, technology and business, but also a hub connecting the country and even the world.

Building a "Greater Bay Area on Track" and realizing a "one-hour living circle in the Greater Bay Area" are requirements of the "Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area". Based on the Greater Bay Area, the four-line interconnection operation not only creates a living circle and economic circle, but also creates a new depth for the future integrated development of the Greater Bay Area.

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