Marching towards the breadth and depth of science and technology, General Secretary Xi Jinping is concerned | They

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:May 31, 2024 16:36 PM

For our country to achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance, it ultimately depends on high-level innovative talents.

"Practice has proved that my country's independent innovation is very promising! The vast number of scientific and technological workers in our country are very promising!" Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has been obsessed with building a world power in science and technology and has placed high hopes on scientific and technological workers.

Keeping in mind the general secretary's instructions, the majority of scientific and technological workers insist on facing the world's technological frontiers, facing the main economic battlefield, facing the country's major needs, and facing people's lives and health, and continue to march towards the breadth and depth of science and technology. On the eighth "National Science and Technology Workers Day", let us listen to their innovation stories.

[Innovation Story] "The experiment the day before yesterday lasted until about two o'clock in the morning, and the experiment last night ended in the early morning. We have been working hard and excited for more than half a year..." Dr. Li Pan, Institute of Plasma, Hefei Institute of Physical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences Standing in the tall and spacious control hall of the "Artificial Sun", I sighed sincerely as I looked at the experimental parameters on the large data screen.

All things grow dependent on the sun. If humans can use controllable nuclear fusion reactions to create a "sun" on earth, it will be like having a power plant with inexhaustible raw materials and no pollution.

Now in Hefei, Anhui, based on the independently developed fully superconducting tokamak nuclear fusion experimental device known as the "artificial sun", a Chinese science and technology team of nearly 500 people is working hard to hit a new world record: let the "artificial sun" Stable "burning" at a high temperature of 100 million degrees Celsius for 1,000 seconds!

To climb the peak that no one has ever reached in the world requires continuous scientific and technological research. As the experimental operation team leader, Li Pan said that in order to achieve a high temperature of 100 million degrees Celsius, a variety of heating methods need to be used, which is equivalent to using tens of thousands of household microwave ovens to heat together.

"No material on earth can accommodate a 'fireball' of hundreds of millions of degrees. We use a magnetic field to make a 'cage' to restrain it, but some high-temperature particles will still escape and hit the furnace wall, sputtering out impurities and destroying stability." Li Pan said that for this purpose, it is necessary to develop cutting-edge wall materials and control systems to predict in advance, monitor in real time, and intelligently discover, adjust, and eliminate problems.

Li Pan, 31, has been involved in fusion energy research for eight years. More than half of his team are born in the 1990s like him. They carry out hundreds of experiments from morning to night every day, and advance in three shifts in an efficient cycle.

"General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that strengthening basic research is an urgent requirement to achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and is the only way to build a world power in science and technology." Li Pan said that high-intensity research tests everyone's mental, physical and willpower, "We Adhering to the team spirit of dedication, unity and cooperation, we will advance towards the goal step by step, but we are full of confidence!”

On May 28, Li Pan and team members worked in the "Artificial Sun" experimental control hall.

[News in-depth] Facing the world's technological frontier, Chinese scientists bravely reach new heights. The world's first urban quantum network based on entanglement was successfully built, and the Einstein probe satellite successfully "captured" the fleeting "fireworks" of the universe...More and more breakthroughs and landmark achievements highlight the achievements of the Chinese nation. Surging innovation vitality.

[Innovation Story] "As products are released, production capacity must be increased" "R&D must also keep up, and talent recruitment cannot fall behind"... It has already passed lunch time, and discussions are taking place in the conference room of Huayinxin Technology Co., Ltd. located in China's Optics Valley Still hot.

As the birthplace of my country's first optical fiber, China Optics Valley is the world's largest optical device R&D and production base and the main force representing my country in global cooperation and competition in the field of optoelectronics.

Sun Leimeng, 35-year-old founder of Huayinxin Company and doctoral supervisor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, said that the high-end LED chips developed by the company have cooperated with well-known automobile brands, and orders in the first quarter exceeded 50 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 200%.

Sun Leimeng studied at Huazhong University of Science and Technology as an undergraduate, and then went overseas to study for a master's degree and a doctorate. Along the way, he deepened his studies. He saw the gap and found his goal. "LED chips are the heart of LED car lights. China is very mature in general LED lighting technology, but high-end LED chips in niche areas still need to be imported."

In recent years, Sun Leimeng established Huayinxin Company and led his employees to carry out technological innovation day and night. Released the world's smallest-sized MiniLED product that can be mass-produced, and proposed the first AMM Mini-LED backlight solution for automotive displays... A series of self-developed high-end light sources and chips have been released one after another.

Facing the main economic battlefield and accelerating the transformation of industry, academia and research, China Optics Valley now has more than 500 square kilometers of land, 16,000 optoelectronic information companies have been nurtured, covering the entire industry chain of optical cores, screens, terminals and networks.

"General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the optoelectronic information industry is a strategic high-tech industry with a wide range of applications, and it is also a high-tech industry that my country has the conditions to take the lead in achieving breakthroughs." Sun Leimeng said that in the field of semiconductor light sources where he has focused his efforts, the localization of high-end products has become a Trend, "With good air and soil, we must seize opportunities and strive to climb to the top of the industry."

On May 29, at the R&D center of Huayinxin Technology Co., Ltd., Sun Leimeng was guiding the MiniLED light source reliability test.

[News in depth] Facing the main economic battlefield, Chinese scientists are pioneering and innovating. The C919 domestically produced large aircraft soars into the sky, the first domestically produced large-scale cruise ship sails on a long voyage... The transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements are accelerated, constantly promoting industrial changes, and promoting high-quality economic and social development.

[Innovation Story] "How is the weather at the target range? We should focus on the camera geometric registration accuracy..."

On a weekend in May, at the Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, researcher Liu Chunyu was communicating with colleagues in Beijing to conduct on-orbit debugging of the recently launched 4D Gaojing-301 optical camera.

Liu Chunyu, who has nearly 20 years of experience in the research and development of aerospace optical remote sensing cameras, is the head of the research and development team of the 4D Gaojing-3-01 optical camera.

Solution design, indicator analysis, system integration... Liu Chunyu likes to take notes when encountering problems. She has used dozens of thick notebooks, and the stack is half as tall as a person.

"It is usually difficult for optical remote sensing cameras to have both large width and high resolution, but the 4D Gaojing-3-01 optical camera has a large width of more than 130 kilometers, sub-meter resolution and 9 spectral imaging bands. It can cover the entire Changchun in one pass. , and can even see the outline of cars on the ground clearly." Liu Chunyu was full of pride when talking about the team's achievements.

"General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that exploring the vast universe, developing the aerospace industry, and building a powerful aerospace nation are our unremitting pursuit of the aerospace dream." Liu Chunyu said that the general secretary's encouragement has given young people confidence and motivation to engage in the aerospace industry. The current results are inseparable from the unremitting efforts of this young team with "post-90s" as the main force over the past two years.

During the Spring Festival this year, project testing entered the most intense stage. On New Year's Eve, Liu Chunyu asked everyone to go home for the holiday, and one person took over the night test. Zhi Zheng, a team member who lives out of town, volunteered to work overtime with her. It was already early in the morning when the work was over. The master and the apprentice were eating takeout and sending blessings to each other.

"Looking at the lights of thousands of houses, I made a wish. I hope that our cameras can be used in the fields of land and resources survey, urban management, environmental protection and other fields." Liu Chunyu said that she hopes that more young people can dream of the stars. .

On May 29, Liu Chunyu conducted an on-orbit test of an aerospace optical camera.

[News in-depth] Facing the country’s major needs, Chinese scientists are forging ahead with determination. Chang'e-6 embarked on the world's first "treasure digging" journey on the back of the moon; it invented the world's thinnest optical crystal... Behind each breakthrough lies the unremitting pursuit of countless scientific and technological workers to set the trend of science and technology and climb the peak of innovation.

[Innovation Story] After two simple bites, Xiao Peng finished his dinner in a hurry.

"I'm going to the hospital soon to test the application of the results." The professor from the School of Information Science and Technology of the University of Science and Technology of China spoke quickly.

That morning, in the school laboratory, he and his team explored a new method for PET image reconstruction. A few hours later, he came to the industrialization company to follow up on the project engineering.

"If I was engaged in digital PET research out of curiosity, now it is more out of a sense of mission." Xiao Peng said that in 2009, he met Professor Xie Qingguo, the inventor of digital PET, and began research in related fields.

Digital PET is currently the most advanced medical molecular imaging equipment and has advantages in the research, diagnosis and treatment of health hazards such as malignant tumors and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular system diseases.

"The simplicity of mathematics, the agility of physics, and the sophistication of engineering are perfectly combined in this direction." Xiao Peng said.

In 2017, Xiao Peng's mother was diagnosed with rectal cancer. After the mother was admitted to the hospital, the first clinical digital PET developed by their team was used for examination before the treatment plan was determined. "I saw my mother lying on the detection bed in the hospital. I was very happy to think that the scientific and technological achievements I developed could be applied." Xiao Peng said that at that moment, he was determined to use his efforts to benefit more people.

In February this year, the all-digital PET/CT developed by Xiao Peng's team was installed in Anhui. It can complete scanning and imaging of a single bed in 20 seconds, and can detect tumors and other disease lesions faster and more accurately.

"General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that we must concentrate our efforts on key core technologies and speed up the solution of 'stuck neck' problems in a number of pharmaceuticals, medical devices, medical equipment, vaccines and other fields." Xiao Peng said that the market independence of high-end medical device products should be achieved as soon as possible. Controllability is his lifelong pursuit.

On May 28, Xiao Peng was conducting research and development work.

[News in-depth] In the face of people's lives and health, Chinese scientists are determined to tackle key problems. In 2023, the number of medical equipment patent applications will reach more than 138,000; 61 innovative products of Class III medical devices such as proton therapy systems have been approved for sale... As the key core technologies of high-end medical devices continue to make breakthroughs, more and more "Made in China" From the laboratory to the application field, benefiting the people.

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