When Lane 2767 of Pingliang Road becomes a news course, Dinghai Road Street | Dashide | Pingliang Road

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:04 PM

Lane 2767, Pingliang Road, is located in the northeast corner of Shanghai, on Dinghai Road Street in Yangpu District, commonly known as "Xiajiaojiao".

In 1921, the First Cotton Mill of the Japanese Commercial University was established here. In 1922, its supporting staff and worker dormitories were completed and named "Gongda North South Workshop".

After the victory of the Anti Japanese War in 1945, it was renamed as Shanghai 19th Textile Factory of China Textile Construction Corporation the following year.

When Lane 2767 of Pingliang Road becomes a news course, Dinghai Road Street | Dashide | Pingliang Road

After the establishment of the People's Republic of China, it was renamed as the state-owned Shanghai 19th Cotton Textile Factory on July 1, 1950, and the community was subsequently renamed as the Shangmian 19th Factory Workshop.

2021 is the 100th year of Lane 2767, Pingliang Road. In September, Professor Zhang Lifen from the School of Journalism at Fudan University walked into this area with 12 undergraduate students and 2 teaching assistants.

A new course - "Urban, Field Investigation and Recording" has begun. Lane 2767 on Pingliang Road is their "field".

When Lane 2767 of Pingliang Road becomes a news course, Dinghai Road Street | Dashide | Pingliang Road

Two years later, on June 16, 2023, the publication and academic seminar of "Lane 2767, Pingliang Road" was held at the School of Journalism, Fudan University. On this morning, Fudan University held the 2023 undergraduate graduation ceremony. The students who participated in this course and the author of this new book arrived at the seminar from the graduation ceremony.

On the morning of the seminar, it was the graduation ceremony of the 2023 undergraduate students at Fudan University, photographed by Shi Chenlu

A rivet, a field specimen

When Lane 2767 of Pingliang Road becomes a news course, Dinghai Road Street | Dashide | Pingliang Road

"My 12 students and 2 teaching assistants, our lives and professional careers have been in contact with Lane 2767 on Pingliang Road since the end of summer 2021," said Zhang Lifen.

In 2016, Zhang Lifen, who had previously served as the deputy editor in chief of the Financial Times and the founding editor of FT China, returned to his alma mater to teach.

"Returning from London to Shanghai, in my interactions with the students, I felt that they were tired of too many courses, trapped by too many 'internships', and their curiosity was dulled. This direct feeling prompted Zhang Li to open up this new course that spans across journalism, sociology, and anthropology.".

When Lane 2767 of Pingliang Road becomes a news course, Dinghai Road Street | Dashide | Pingliang Road

He said that news is a record, news is about memory, and news focuses on the "microstructure". And Lane 2767 on Pingliang Road is a qualified field specimen.

Why? This area strictly follows social class, rank, and position, and has constructed different types of buildings, including English style villas, Japanese style townhouses, and modern style alleyways and simple houses. Its history is in line with several hopes of tension, including the shadow of the origin of modern Shanghai, the fertility of civil society, the memory of concessions, and the reconstruction of new society by New China. I have ulterior motives in setting up the first field base in Yangpu, hoping to add a memory rivet to the map of the old area that laid the foundation for modern industry in Shanghai. This rivet is located in Lane 2767 of Pingliang Road, the employee dormitory area of the 19th Cotton Factory, a textile factory that no longer exists, and a residential area where factories and residential areas still exist.

Photo taken by Shi Chenlu at the seminar site

When Lane 2767 of Pingliang Road becomes a news course, Dinghai Road Street | Dashide | Pingliang Road

When these teachers and students who teach news and study news approach this "rivet", it is loosening. Lane 2767 on Pingliang Road was included in the government's old renovation and relocation expropriation plan that year, and the time period coincided with the curriculum plan.

"To be honest, at the beginning, I heard that the research group was coming, and I had concerns. As a grassroots worker in the old house renovation, my task was to do a good job in promoting the old house renovation. The research group led by Professor Zhang aimed to retain the memories of the people. When they entered the households of residents, would it arouse their nostalgia for houses?" Yang Jianyuan, the director of the Old House Renovation Office in Dinghai Road Street, recalled directly.

Not only did Yang Jianyuan have concerns, but Zhang Lifen candidly stated that when he first contacted the residents, they also had questions, "What exactly is this professor returning from the UK going to do?"

When Lane 2767 of Pingliang Road becomes a news course, Dinghai Road Street | Dashide | Pingliang Road

"Why should residents entrust their memories to us?" Chen Yang, a 2019 undergraduate journalism student who participated in this course, was also puzzled. She referred to entering Lane 2767 on Pingliang Road as the entry of the field, which requires patience and attention. "There was an uncle and aunt who opened a noodle shop on the street corner. At first, I didn't dare to ask them too many in-depth questions. I went to eat noodles every week until they moved out, and finally I dared to go to their house to record the scene when they left. We sat together for breakfast and talked about things we didn't dare to talk about in the past. At that moment, I felt that our relationship was substantially different from before." Chen Yang said, "Many residents were confused, why did they take pictures of me?"? My living conditions are not very good, and my experiences are insignificant. In the process of interacting with residents, she found that "individual memories connected together are far richer than simple grand narratives.".

"The grand narrative hinders the study of real problems, and 'making a big fuss' is prevalent. Can we reverse it to' making a big fuss'?" said Zhang Lifen.

Photo taken by Shi Chenlu at the seminar site

When Lane 2767 of Pingliang Road becomes a news course, Dinghai Road Street | Dashide | Pingliang Road

Picking up "garbage" and picking up memories

"Climbing up and down every day to 'pick up garbage' - a household item left by residents, without the shelves of scholars." This is the impression of Zhang Lifen by resident Dashide of Lane 2767 on Pingliang Road.

"Da Shu", Li Lian Fen and his students all refer to Da Shide, who was born in 1953, as such.

When Lane 2767 of Pingliang Road becomes a news course, Dinghai Road Street | Dashide | Pingliang Road

On page 340 of Lane 2767 on Pingliang Road, there is a photo titled "Field Lesson 1: Uncle Da and His Handdrawn Blackboard.". I heard that the research group from Fudan University is coming. The indigenous people of Lane 2767, who see Fudan as their inner sanctuary, found three blackboards and drew three maps of different eras in Lane 2767. The excerpt of "Tianye" teaching records included in the book, the last one dated December 28, 2021, is also related to Dashide. He sent a text message to Li Lianfen informing him, "The small courtyard has been closed today, the sign has been placed in the neighborhood committee, and if the toilet is not needed, it will be disposed of. Several items in the conference room will continue to be kept..." There are also 10 additional questions for the students. For example, where was No. 1 of Lane 2767? What is the maximum number of door numbers for Lane 2767? Is there number 11 on Lane 2767? Why? "The survey is over, can all students answer correctly?"

"2767 Lane is too complicated, and people outside will be confused as soon as they come in." Dashide has stayed at three different addresses in 2767 Lane on Pingliang Road, including the front hall at No. 7 Lane 13 West, the front and back hall at No. 2 Lane 5 East, and the front hall at No. 3 Lane 5 West. "My 97 year old father has lived in the workshop for 80 years, but now he has limited mobility and still misses the life in the workshop. His mother passed away last year, and the neighbors who used to have a good relationship with them are basically gone."

"There are very few indigenous people in the oral records, mainly those born in the 1950s, and there were few firsthand experiences before the founding of the People's Republic of China. This indicates that the records made by Lane 2767 on Pingliang Road, as a sample, have salvage significance for residents," said Xu Jinjiang, director of the Urban Cultural Innovation Research Institute of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.

When Lane 2767 of Pingliang Road becomes a news course, Dinghai Road Street | Dashide | Pingliang Road

Another resident of Lane 2767, Qiu Jiaxin, also attended the seminar. He was born in the same year as Dashide. "In May 2021, our neighbors gathered and had already heard about the demolition plan. Our old neighbors coincidentally reminisced about their childhood. After the gathering, I wrote an article that in just one month, I walked through several groups in Lane 2767, not because I wrote well, but because Lane 2767 is our home. I thought my beautiful memories would disappear in time, but I was lucky enough to have Professor Zhang and his students." Qiu Jiaxin said that this book "Lane 2767 on Pingliang Road" will definitely be loved by the old neighbors and classmates. "I hope that our next generation will also be interested and know where we come from and where we will go." Go. "

"Every person who is about to move out may have complex emotions, hatred for the increasingly dilapidated and crowded houses, and love for the memories they once had. Because shared memory generates a high degree of identification, a community community, a cohesive structure as Asman said, and allows culture to continue. Without the community community formed by this shared cultural memory, people will lose their 'place', which may be their lifelong belonging and attachment." Xu Jinjiang said that in the great changes of cities, this emotional component must be cared for, and historical research is not only archaeological, but also to revitalize and "return to the future.".

"I also picked up some 'garbage', which sounds like a treasure." Dashide brought a few pages of paper to Zhang Lianfen, including receipts from the Nanyang Model School in the 1950s and appointment letters for teachers at the Workers' Amateur School in the 1970s

When Lane 2767 of Pingliang Road becomes a news course, Dinghai Road Street | Dashide | Pingliang Road

Photo taken by Shi Chenlu, a resident's belongings collected by Zhang Lifen recently at Lane 2767, Pingliang Road

Zhang Lifen prepared a gift for Liu Bifang, the interviewee who was unable to attend the seminar due to physical reasons - an old illustrated newspaper. Liu Bifang was born in 1952, and his father was an engineer from a senior technical worker background. On page 189 of Lane 2767 on Pingliang Road, there is a photo of young Liu Bifang sitting on a rattan chair at home, reading the illustrated newspaper "New Albania" in his hand. "Every month, I go to the post office in Wujiaochang to buy the only foreign illustrated newspaper that can be bought at that time, which is an important memory of her youth. I am a professional in 'picking up garbage' and found the" New Albania "illustrated newspaper from May 1970 in this photo." Zhang Lifen said.

Starting from the course, overflowing from the course

When Lane 2767 of Pingliang Road becomes a news course, Dinghai Road Street | Dashide | Pingliang Road

"In 2021, Li Fen said he was going to open a new course, and I asked a question: Will this course torture students? He said it must be 'torture'. I have a deep understanding in my heart." Fudan University Vice President Xu Lei said, "A course that 'tortures' students means' torturing' the teacher first. Only when the teacher works hard, can the students work hard."

"Professor Li Fen not only 'tortures' students, but also' tortures' editors, and also 'tortures' himself." Lou Lanlan, Vice President of Xuelin Publishing House, confirmed Xu Lei's judgment.

"At the end of last year, we saw the achievements of the project team, and the editing and author teams worked together time and time again, ultimately forming the presentation of this book. The main body of the manuscript was 16 first person oral narratives, supplemented by the field notes of the interviewees from the perspective of others. At the same time, 89 sets and 120 pictures were inserted, starting with a guide to sort out the history of the 19th Cotton Factory." In Lou Lanlan's view, "Lane 2767, Pingliang Road" is a book full of Fudan temperament. "The students' investment and pursuit of the ultimate spirit in this area were deeply felt by the editors through the manuscript. One student did the" Flora "of this area, and another student gave a lecture." I have drawn 15 hand drawn pictures to clearly understand the changes in the furnishings and living space of the interviewee's family over the past 50 years

When Lane 2767 of Pingliang Road becomes a news course, Dinghai Road Street | Dashide | Pingliang Road

Lou Lanlan and her colleagues designed a special postcard for the new book, which was printed with a group photo of the "last lesson" that the teachers and students of this course cherish. Photographed by Shi Chenlu

"This course brings us inspiration: how to cultivate students in journalism? How to cultivate students at Fudan University? In the era of AI, what kind of education do we need? What kind of journalism talents do we need? Xu Lei's answer is" depth "." To cultivate a person's depth of thinking, ability to ask questions, learn, and practice, there is no need to fear being replaced by AI. "

"Curriculum and educational reforms, going deep into reality, touch upon practical difficulties and pain points, and it is difficult to completely overturn them all. The course 'Urban and Field Investigation and Recording' is an incremental approach, using it as a specimen, and continuing to strengthen one point at a time like the old reform." Zhang Taofu, Dean of the School of Journalism at Fudan University, talked about his communication with CCTV host Bai Yansong, "Even in the era of artificial intelligence, 70% of the knowledge, abilities, and requirements of journalism and communication majors remain unchanged, and the remaining 30% are how to do better."

When Lane 2767 of Pingliang Road becomes a news course, Dinghai Road Street | Dashide | Pingliang Road

"Students participating in this course must independently complete an oral history of residents. From contacting interviewers to interviewing, organizing into a draft, and then supplementing interviews, the average time spent is 30 hours, equivalent to the teaching time of a basic course for the entire semester. Students are also divided into four professional groups to undertake different research tasks." Zhang Lifen said that the focus of journalism is interdisciplinary, integrating core abilities, focusing on the "surrounding world", and learning about "micro society". "Practice is a necessary part of academic, academic, and university education, and is endogenous. Through this practical course, students may find observation and research interesting and meaningful. They may discover that the world around them is complex, but more warm and humane than they imagine. Being honest and trustworthy, not taking shortcuts, can still earn trust." As a teacher and a Fudan senior student, being able to teach these students is a joyful thing, and it is a reward that I care about very much. "

After the seminar, Zhang Lifen signed for the course teaching assistant and students, and Shi Chenlu took a photo

"Respect for facts, respect for the people, respect for history, and value the scene and people," said Wu Yiyang, who interviewed "Uncle Da". "During the period of confusion in my junior year, the motivation I gained from this course should be remembered for a lifetime."

When Lane 2767 of Pingliang Road becomes a news course, Dinghai Road Street | Dashide | Pingliang Road

"I come from Zigong, Sichuan, a once industrialized fifth tier city. Walking into Lane 2767 on Pingliang Road, I feel a sense of homecoming." Ou Konan is a student of the "Nineteen Cotton Plant Chronicles", which includes onions, garlic, leeks, pomegranate pomelo, ginkgo camphor, etc. "From the residents' mouths, I learned that the huge ginkgo tree has gone through 80 years of wind and rain. No one has certified it as an ancient tree, but it is indeed a guardian and witness."

"Flora" by Ou Ke Nan, photographed by Shi Chenlu

"What does personal memory and community memory mean to the younger generation? A classmate wrote in his notebook: 'Walking into Nineteen Cotton, I found that Nineteen Cotton had actually quietly left before the old reform. Nineteen Cotton and the life it preserved and supported are gradually passing away. Pack up your memory bags, it's time to say' goodbye '. The younger generation is not dragging their feet, not as entangled as the older generation. For them, field research is more like a meeting and awakening.'" Xu Jinjiang said.

"The" 2767 Lane on Pingliang Road "is a deep excavation of a century old community's cultural history that has formed its own unit. It is a panoramic sketch of the daily life of ordinary people in the city in the style of the" Qingming Riverside Map ". It is a humanistic archaeology with rescue properties for a community that is about to disappear. It is a model work of urban oral history made by a group of scholars with sociological awareness, historical literacy, and journalism. Shanghai history expert Xiong Yuezhi wrote a ten thousand word preface for this book. The" Cultural Relics Protection Law of the People's Republic of China "stipulates that when construction units carry out basic construction projects, they must first go through archaeological exploration by relevant units, abbreviated as" archaeological pre exploration ".". "The cultural heritage of a city lies in its humanistic history. The oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, happiness, anger, sorrow, family background, cultural literacy, and patriotism of thousands of ordinary residents have converged into a turbulent urban context. In the future, if all the alleys that are about to be demolished, renovated, or disappear were to undergo this' cultural and archaeological pre construction ', our city's cultural heritage would inevitably be richer, more warm, more livable, suitable for business, and suitable for tourism. If so, the significance of this oral history would far exceed the scope of Lane 2767 on Pingliang Road, Shanghai, and even journalism, sociology, and history."

"This week, Uncle Da and I went to 'pick up trash' again. We ate beef noodles together and felt relieved." Li Lian Fen said, "Lane 2767 on Pingliang Road is really gone. We have a more complete account of the history, resident memories, daily life, architecture, and spatial changes of an old community in Shanghai. The memory of this community will be forever preserved."

Four and a half hours of marathon style seminars, sincere sharing one by one. Provided by the organizer

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