77 year old Yu Qiuyu returns to Shanghai Theatre Academy for "class" online | Student | Shanghai Theatre Academy

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:05 PM

"33 years ago, I resigned from the position of Dean of Shanghai Theatre Academy, and most of the people present here have not yet been born. Time creates mysterious gatherings between people, such as today when we have conversations like friends." On June 15th, at the age of 77, Yu Qiuyu returned to Shanghai Theatre Academy and engaged in a dialogue with Xie Wei, the secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Theatre Academy, about "New Era and New Cultural Mission". "Watch less computers and walk more, imitate less, practice more basic skills and innovate more." Yu Qiuyu sent a message to the students, "From enlightenment and love to great beauty."

Grasping a stone on the road

"For art, any abstract concept needs to become a concrete plot, any group needs to become an individual, and any thinking needs to become an emotion." Years ago, Yu Qiuyu embarked on a cultural journey of searching for roots. "I walked in a gray cotton jacket, old sneakers, and a thin backpack on the northwest plateau, searching for the Tang Dynasty in the 7th century and the Han Dynasty before the Tang Dynasty. At that time, there were not many highways, let alone highways. Sometimes, I was afraid of encountering bad people or beasts, so I walked with a stone in my hand."

"The small inn is very simple, and it takes a long way to go to the bathroom." Writing in such a small inn, Yu Qiuyu saw a green mailbox on the streets of Lanzhou and sent the manuscript to the "Harvest" magazine edited by his acting classmate Li Xiaolin, giving birth to "Cultural Journey".

"A horse travels thousands of miles without washing away dust and sand." Yu Qiuyu reminds students not to waste too much time in front of their computers. "Hurry up and go for more walks. The online information can affect your time, thinking level, and mentality. During the journey, you will have a better understanding of the beauty of Chinese culture and the beauty soaked in poetry. This kind of beauty is remarkable, and it will also generate cultural confidence and tell Chinese stories well."

77 year old Yu Qiuyu returns to Shanghai Theatre Academy for "class" online | Student | Shanghai Theatre Academy

The second generation of stars cannot act

Yu Qiuyu gave a classical literature class on the audio sharing platform Himalaya, and there was an opening line that said, "Chinese culture is a flowing river, not the withered vines and old trees by the river." In his view, moving forward with innovation does not mean abandoning tradition. Our ancestors came this way, and our cultural cultivation also came this way, but we hope to invest more effort in innovation. "Culture must be innovative and connected to today's life and the new era."

Taking the annihilation of Yuan Dynasty drama as an example, Yu Qiuyu said, "The most touching thing in the history of Chinese drama is Yuan Dynasty drama, where playwrights such as Ma Zhiyuan and Bai Pu emerged. However, Yuan Dynasty drama only lasted for 70 years, and after 70 years, it gave way to the new genre of Kunqu opera. When a genre falls to the ground, it is resounding and loud, rather than lying in a hospital bed begging for infusion. If the stage is prepared for people with white hair, the era will come to a standstill. We must innovate, and Shanghai Theatre Academy has a character that I am proud of - not sticking to conventions, always on the path of innovation."

How can art innovate? Yu Qiuyu instructed students to find their own nature, write slowly, and never imitate. "During the time of Li Bai and Du Fu, there were no newspapers, the internet, or computers, and they didn't know what other people were writing. Some people said to imitate before writing, and if not, to imitate first. If you get the starting point wrong, the shadow of imitation will follow you for a lifetime, and you can't get rid of it. Why are many children of great actors not very good at acting? Parents set a model for them too early, which is bad."

My book has readers

77 year old Yu Qiuyu returns to Shanghai Theatre Academy for "class" online | Student | Shanghai Theatre Academy

At the age of 7, I wrote letters to my neighbors on behalf of my mother, giving Yu Qiuyu his initial writing experience. "I listened to the old lady crying and the aunt complaining, turning their words into letters. At that time, many words were not yet written, and I had already written hundreds of letters. Why does my book always have readers? Because writing means for me, there will always be a recipient in front of me."

"The concept of 'empathy' plays a crucial role in Yu Qiuyu's creation. 'I often think from the perspective of the audience whether the work can be accepted. As screenwriters, directors, actors, and stage designers in the future, you should always maintain the identity of the audience, pay attention to when the audience's boredom occurs, and grasp it in every minute and second.'"

"The essence of art is creation, not memorization. What needs to be stimulated is not memory, but creativity. Nowadays, young people can easily find all ancient poems and books from the computer." Yu Qiuyu once again reminds everyone, "Don't become a slave to information, constantly looking at the computer all day. The longer a person pays attention to something, the more their spiritual level will fall into that place. In the era of advanced information, it is even more important to stay clear and clean in information, maintain one's integrity, and not be overwhelmed by information."

Looking at the Future from the Book List

In what areas should I focus on during my four years of study in university? "Learn some of the most basic things in the classroom. A great artist is a shining tower, and the basic education of the school is to walk towards the steps of the tower. Don't walk the steps, just look at the tower with your eyes, and you have to fall." Yu Qiuyu believes that studying classic works and performances from ancient and modern times, China and abroad, you need to learn subtraction. "After watching 100 movies, choose 20 movies that are worth watching again, and then realize that there are only 5 movies that you truly like in your heart. The same goes for your favorite actors. At first, there were 10 people, but later, you were selected to 3 people, which is the reserve and eternal aesthetic coordinate in your heart."

77 year old Yu Qiuyu returns to Shanghai Theatre Academy for "class" online | Student | Shanghai Theatre Academy

The staff of the Shangxi Library once told Yu Qiuyu that students can perceive their future achievements from their borrowing lists. "People who change books every day are mostly not good at it. They need to quietly stick to their research content, so that they have the traces of complete thinking. If they find that their research direction is not right, giving up is also a gradual change, rather than a daily change."

Technology is constantly changing, information is constantly changing, and art seeks eternity in a constantly changing world. "This' eternity 'tells us the preciousness of life and the cuteness of the world." Yu Qiuyu said, "If a person doesn't have something eternal, they will look around all day, waiting for various opportunities. Sometimes they will be overjoyed, and sometimes they will be very frustrated. This kind of life is regrettable."

He advocates creators to achieve great beauty through great enlightenment and love. "Great enlightenment is about observing light arts, fame, wealth, and various relationships. Great love is about loving people around us to loving different groups of people. Artists ultimately turn it into 'great beauty', elevating their pursuit of art and its beauty to the height of life."

"Everyone has a responsibility to inherit the excellent culture of the Chinese nation and showcase their intelligence to promote the innovation and development of traditional culture." Xie Wei hopes that the library of theatrical performances will have more and more readers, and the upcoming summer social practice will see more theatrical performers' footsteps.

At the end of the event, Yu Qiuyu smiled and said, "A few days ago, a photo of me and my wife shopping on the street appeared on the website. The person who took the photo was too embarrassed to take it directly or from the side, so we could only take it from the back. My wife and I were looking for a way in the crowd at that time. My friend saw the photo and joked that the image was sneaky. I said it's okay. I will give a speech at the Drama Academy soon, and the image you saw will not be weak, so I am very happy today."

77 year old Yu Qiuyu returns to Shanghai Theatre Academy for "class" online | Student | Shanghai Theatre Academy
The documentary "Elephant Journey" will be released in 2024, and the migration journey of wild elephants in Yunnan will be brought to IMAX screen company | Production | Elephant Journey
The documentary "Elephant Journey" will be released in 2024, and the migration journey of wild elephants in Yunnan will be brought to IMAX screen company | Production | Elephant Journey

IMAX, Singapore Beach Villa Film Co., Ltd., a production company under Blue Ant Media, and China International Communications Group Interpret China Studio announced on July 3 that they will jointly produce the documentary film "Elephant Journey". This film will document the migration journey of wild Asian elephant herds that began in 2020, presenting the habitat of wild elephant herds - the hidden scenery of Yunnan, China, and revealing the stories and little-known secrets between humans and wild elephants. The documentary film has a duration of approximately 90 minutes and is currently being produced in China using IMAX cameras. It is planned to be released in IMAX theaters in 2024. "Elephant Journey" not only presents the relationship between humans and wild elephants, but also records from a new perspective the well-known departure of 16 wild Asian elephants in March 2020

Exploring new possibilities, not blindly copying dance dramas, dance drama documentary film "Eternal Radio Waves" started filming on July 1st in Shanghai | Documentary | Movie
Exploring new possibilities, not blindly copying dance dramas, dance drama documentary film "Eternal Radio Waves" started filming on July 1st in Shanghai | Documentary | Movie

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A Good Magnolia - Xu Jinping's Traditional Chinese Painting Works Exhibition Appears at the Magnolia | Xu Jinping | Works Exhibition
A Good Magnolia - Xu Jinping's Traditional Chinese Painting Works Exhibition Appears at the Magnolia | Xu Jinping | Works Exhibition

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Hu Ge: Being caught off guard in the face of life is a worthwhile trip | Liu Jiayin | Hu Ge
Hu Ge: Being caught off guard in the face of life is a worthwhile trip | Liu Jiayin | Hu Ge

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