With the aspiration of winning the crown, Qin Haiyang's agreement with the swimming pool: chopping the waves

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 22:04 PM

On the morning of September 22nd, the Chinese sports delegation announced that swimmer Qin Haiyang and basketball player Yang Liwei will serve as the flag bearers for the Chinese sports delegation at the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games.

Let's pursue the growth process of "New Frog King" Qin Haiyang together!

"Many years ago, I promised my coach that one day I would win the world championship. This promise became a small promise between me and him."

In Fukuoka, Japan, 24-year-old Tan Haiyang took off his swimming cap and punched the water with both fists. The excitement and unreality of creating history condensed into reality in the splashing water. He had just set a new world record with a time of 2:05:48, and won the men's 200m breaststroke championship. Including his two gold medals in the men's 50m and 100m, Tan Haiyang has won three consecutive championships at this World Championships, becoming the first athlete in history to achieve a "breaststroke championship" at a single World Championships.

The agreement that spanned many years finally came true, and this historic moment is destined to be remembered. The official account of the World Swimming Federation crowned Qin Haiyang at the first time: "Please call him the king of breaststroke!" Japanese "frog king" Yasuke Kitajima also generously praised, "He swam an epic moment." At the award ceremony, he even personally stepped forward to hang a heavy gold medal for the new generation of "frog king.". As the champion of the men's breaststroke at the two Olympic Games, Yasushi Kitajima is a mountain that generations of breastswimmers have been determined to climb. "Kitajima was once an iconic figure in Asian breaststroke, and I watched his competition videos when I was a child," sighed Qin Haiyang.

From being unknown to creating history, Qin Haiyang's breaststroke journey was not smooth sailing. With a 50 meter long swimming lane, he had to overcome more than just the resistance of the water flow.

At the beginning of the journey, one must forge ahead

Qin Haiyang entered the swimming pool at the age of 5 and arrived at the Minhang District Sports School in Shanghai from Zhuzhou, Hunan at the age of 9. Four years later, he entered the Navy Sports Engineering Team for trial training. In 2014, at the age of 15, Qin Haiyang officially became a member of the Navy Swimming Team.

Although the young Qin Haiyang may seem lukewarm and even introverted, he has shown maturity far beyond his peers. Survival of the fittest is the fundamental principle of competitive sports. From the moment he stepped into the standard swimming pool of the swimming team, he understood the weight of professional sports: "This principled standard became the psychological bottom line that constrained me."

Day after day, fully focused, Qin Haiyang devoted his time and energy to the refinement of physical fitness, technology, and tactics. The coach also caught his shining point: "This child is down-to-earth and hardworking, persistent, seemingly slow and leisurely, but actually with a firm heart." Under the halo of his predecessors and the accumulation of hard training every day, Qin Haiyang's efforts gradually bear fruit. In 2017, 18-year-old Qin Haiyang won the men's 200 meter breaststroke championship for the first time at the National Games, marking the beginning of his journey of honor. In the second year, he won the national championship, and in the third year, he won the runner up at the World Military Games

The young breaststroke master quickly caught the attention of the world, but no matter how dazzling the spotlight was, his heart never wavered: "I hope to cherish time and create more value in my career, not only for myself, but also for the team and career I love."

But the cruelty of the professional arena came unexpectedly. In the 200 meter breaststroke preliminaries at the Tokyo Olympics, Qin Haiyang made a comeback and chased from seventh to first. I saw that I could advance smoothly, but I was found to have committed a technical foul and my participation was cancelled. In front of everyone's eyes, those who fall all the way from the mountainside to the foot of the mountain, no matter how calm the situation is, their mentality will also be fiercely impacted. Qin Haiyang is no exception: "Standing on the highest level stage, integrating the complex feelings of the country, team, family, individuals, and so on, it is really hard to say."

In addition to sudden setbacks, the ups and downs of his state during long training and competition are also affecting him. His physical weakness, mental fatigue, and fluctuations in performance, after putting in tremendous effort, these negative factors are particularly distressing. "Especially when I'm stuck in a bottleneck, I feel a sense of distance when I see the pool."

The power of agreement is unstoppable

Encountering major setbacks and turning his previous passion into a laborious job, Qin Haiyang did not shrink back from it. He still remembers the promise he made with the coach back then, which helped him overcome the toughest moments. "People need to give themselves some faith," he said. "This statement became the driving principle that I gritted my teeth and persisted in during the game." After the game, he had in-depth heart to heart talks with the coach and teammates, analyzed technical and psychological details with the team, and turned lessons into experience. After the 2022 World Championships, he changed his mind and said, "I have returned to the way I started swimming, enjoying the competition process, rather than just focusing on results."

In addition to changing his mindset, Qin Haiyang will also perceive the ups and downs of his state in advance and adjust his training plan with the team. The scientific and refined training method, along with his resilient and calm mind, gradually restored Qin Haiyang's body and mind to their optimal state.

Since the beginning of this year, Qin Haiyang's performance has been particularly impressive, first winning the three breaststroke championships at the National Spring Swimming Championships, and then breaking the Asian record for the 100 meter breaststroke in the championship race in May. This kind of change has doubled his confidence, as he usually "acts better than words". He spoke in front of the media, "I want to break the world record and win the breaststroke gold medal in Fukuoka. I know no one has done it before, but I really have confidence."

As expected, Qin Haiyang was unstoppable in Fukuoka and created history.

Amidst the flowers and applause, Qin Haiyang did not lose himself. Instead, he remained calm and composed, setting himself the requirement to "step off the podium and start from scratch.". In his view, the "world's third person" honor of breaking 58 seconds in the 100 meter breaststroke is just a "meaningful bottom test", and next year's Paris Olympics is his ultimate goal. There, he wants to fulfill the unfinished wish of three years ago and create the most perfect closed loop for that promise.

Join hands with Tai Bao and make plans for the future

This spirit of agreement and commitment coincides with the corporate spirit of China Pacific Insurance. Qin Haiyang trained in Shanghai since childhood, which is also the headquarters of China Pacific Insurance. He heard about this brand from his elders and friends a long time ago. After this year's spring championship, just as Qin Haiyang was reflecting on his performance not as expected, the invitation from China Taiping Insurance came unexpectedly. "After years of hibernation and hard work in the swimming pool, I feel that being seen and recognized at this moment is a great motivation for me," said Qin Haiyang.

As a "fellow villager" in Shanghai, China Taiping Insurance has always been paying attention to the progress of Qin Haiyang. They quickly provided a full set of insurance services for Qin Haiyang, especially for long-term training and overseas competitions, providing personal accident insurance, major medical insurance, short-term outbound accident insurance and other personal products. While Qin Haiyang was busy with training, China Taiping Insurance also provided comprehensive guarantees such as life insurance, family doctors, and online consultations for his family, making his journey more secure and reassuring.

"Injecting a drop of water in daily life, one can have the Pacific Ocean in difficult times." This is the agreement between the Chinese Taibao and Qin Haiyang, and it is also the consistent commitment of the Chinese Taibao. The cooperation between Qin Haiyang and China Taipao is more like mutual commitment, companionship, and support among friends. "When I was chopping through the waves, there was also Tai Bao's guard in the back, allowing me to challenge my target without any worries, which was very reassuring."

On September 3rd, as the countdown to the Hangzhou Asian Games approached 20 days, Qin Haiyang officially became the "Taibao Service" experience officer. In September this autumn, as a member of the "Tai Bao Blue Team", Qin Haiyang will travel to Hangzhou to welcome the Asian Games. As he sets out to pursue new goals, the Chinese Taibao will also provide him with the most reliable and reassuring security, just like guarding countless families day and night and supporting China's sports industry for a long time, fulfilling the promises made since its inception.

China Taipao sincerely congratulates Qin Haiyang, a member of the "Taipao Blue Team", for his blue strength and strong sense of responsibility!

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