Why does Chinese-style modernization have a bright future? The answer lies here...

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 21:51 PM

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the reception celebrating the 74th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China that our future is bright on our new journey. Unity is strength, and confidence is worth more than gold. We must strengthen our confidence, inspire our spirit, work in unity, continue to climb over obstacles and overcome difficulties, and unswervingly move forward towards the grand goal of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that from now on, the central task of the Communist Party of China is to unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups in the country to comprehensively build a modern and powerful socialist country, achieve the second centenary goal, and comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization. The essential requirements of Chinese-style modernization are to “adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, adhere to socialism with Chinese characteristics, achieve high-quality development, develop people’s democracy throughout the process, enrich the people’s spiritual world, achieve common prosperity for all people, promote the harmonious symbiosis between man and nature, and promote Build a community with a shared future for mankind and create a new form of human civilization. "From a philosophical perspective, essential requirements are the external manifestations of the essential characteristics of things. Mastering the essential requirements will grasp the essential characteristics.

1. Upholding the leadership of the Communist Party of China and adhering to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics are the banner and direction.

Going one's own way is the entire theoretical and practical foothold of the Communist Party of China. Chinese-style modernization is socialist modernization led by the Communist Party of China. This essential feature of Chinese-style modernization reflects the original mission of the Chinese Communists, who always regard the people as the center as the main line of modernization development and are committed to realizing the free and comprehensive development of people. Development transcends the logic and confrontation of western modern capital-led labor and is the "soul" of Chinese modernization.

Looking back on 2008, when the global financial crisis broke out, there was a revival of left-wing socialist thought and critical theory of capitalism in Europe. More and more scholars at home and abroad have begun to conduct ideological and theoretical research on "CCP Studies" and the modernization of the "Chinese Model" under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, in order to solve the "mystery of the Chinese Communist Party." Western scholars’ positive attention and research on China is worthy of recognition, but their research is often limited and they fail to conduct in-depth field investigations and understand China. As a result, most of them fail to find the secret to the success of the Chinese Communist Party. The Communist Party of China has always represented the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, and shares weal and woe with the people, life and death. Upholding the leadership of the Communist Party of China is the most essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This is not only the advantage of China’s economic model, but also the key to the Communist Party of China’s leadership of the Chinese people to continuously create miracles on earth and achieve the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It will also be It has become the source of confidence and strength to achieve the second centenary goal and comprehensively build a modern and powerful socialist country.

2. The essential characteristics of Chinese-style modernization profoundly reflect the people-centered value stance.

Achieving high-quality development is for the people's good life, and today's people's good life has further pointed to the development of whole-process people's democracy, enriching the people's spiritual world, achieving common prosperity for all people, and promoting the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

In 1978, China kicked off its reform and opening up. At that time, China's economic development was 20 to 50 years behind that of Western developed countries. How can China catch up with its modernization? What is our modernization goal? In 1979, Deng Xiaoping proposed Chinese-style modernization for the first time. When Deng Xiaoping met with Japanese Prime Minister Masayoshi Ohira, he said, "Our four modernization concepts are not your modernization concepts, but a 'moderately prosperous home'". Deng Xiaoping believed that the fundamental task of socialism is to develop productive forces, gradually get rid of poverty, make the country rich and strong, and improve people's lives. Socialism without poverty. The characteristic of socialism is not poverty, but wealth, but this kind of wealth is the common prosperity of the people. Deng Xiaoping clearly answered how China's modernization can catch up and what its future goals are.

In today's China, the Communist Party of China has led the Chinese people through decades of arduous exploration and practice, and has successfully embarked on a Chinese-style modernization path, created two miracles of long-term social stability and rapid economic development, and has embarked on a broad road. Chinese-style modernization continues to make theoretical summaries on the basis of practice, and the characteristics of the Chinese-style modernization path have become increasingly clear.

3. Chinese-style modernization is committed to promoting the building of a better world with a shared future for mankind.

The Communist Party of China leads the people across the country to pursue modernization, and is committed to seeking happiness for the Chinese people, rejuvenation for the Chinese nation, and harmony for the world. It pursues the great ideal of the stars and the sea, and is committed to the lofty goal of "sharing beauty and beauty." It has never used oppression and the goal of defeating any country or nation.

Chinese-style modernization reflects on and solves the shortcomings of Western modernization. Western modernization is essentially capital-centered modernization, and its antagonism and various drawbacks are inevitable. Therefore, Western modernization is a modernization of polarization, a modernization of materialistic expansion, and a modernization of external expansion and plunder. The essence of Chinese-style modernization is people-centered, and its basic characteristics are modernization with a huge population, modernization with common prosperity for all people, modernization with harmonious material and spiritual civilization, modernization with harmonious coexistence of man and nature, and peaceful development. Modernization of roads. Chinese-style modernization conforms to China's national conditions and has the advantage of being a latecomer. It absorbs the strengths of Western modernization, such as the universal characteristics and common choices of modernization trends such as promoting industrialization, developing marketization, and integrating into globalization. At the same time, guided by Marxist theory and combined with the specific practice of China's modernization, we creatively transform and innovatively develop the core of Chinese civilization - China's excellent traditional culture, giving traditional Chinese civilization a new life and embarking on a modernization path with Chinese characteristics. . The combination of the universal characteristics of modernization and the specific choices of Chinese style makes the path of human development and modernization more rich, vivid and exciting.

4. Chinese-style modernization creates a new form of human civilization and demonstrates the distinctive characteristics of new human civilization.

Chinese-style modernization has created a new path for developing countries to modernize, and great practice has proved that modernization does not equal Westernization. Judging from the transformation practices of some countries, the a priori logic that modernization is Westernization is fictitious. The path of modernization experienced by Western countries was mainly achieved through colonial plunder, imperial conquest, political slavery, and cruel exploitation, relying on the first-mover advantage of industrialization and science and technology. After World War II, many developing countries believed in the Western development model, and the modernization process encountered many shortcomings and problems. The free market has evolved into an anarchic economy in some countries, or into a barbaric economy that plunders the masses. Not only has the market failed, but the government has also failed, leading to the forced suspension of modernization.

The essential characteristics of Chinese-style modernization mark the progressive nature of this new plan for human modernization. Marx pointed out that the development of human civilization in the past society was "the development of human abilities on one side was based on the restriction of the development of the other side. All civilization and social development so far are based on this confrontation." However, the new form of human civilization created by Chinese-style modernization pursues the goal of common prosperity and adheres to the essential requirements of socialism, opening up a new path and new direction for the development of human civilization. Chinese-style modernization incorporates the clear thinking and proactive choices of the Chinese Communists, which means that the world modernization process has bloomed "new flowers" on the land of China, and proposes a Chinese plan for mankind to modernize.

Why does Chinese-style modernization have a bright future? The answer lies here...
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