Need to create a cultural ecology and "spiritual climate" for cultural inheritance and development | Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences | Culture

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 06:45 AM

Recently, the Shanghai Federation of Social Sciences and the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences "in-depth study of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Symposium on Cultural inheritance and Development" was held at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.

Wang Weisong, Secretary of the Party Group and Full time Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Federation of Social Sciences, stated that the key to achieving remarkable achievements in socialism with Chinese characteristics, which is vibrant and full of vitality, lies in the Chinese characteristics, and the key to Chinese characteristics lies in the combination of the two. The second combination is a profound summary of our party's historical experience in the sinicization and modernization of Marxism, a profound grasp of the development laws of Chinese civilization, indicating that our party's understanding of the Chinese path, theory, and system has reached a new height, indicating that our party's historical self-confidence and cultural confidence have reached a new height, and that our party's consciousness in promoting cultural innovation in inheriting excellent traditional Chinese culture has reached a new height. Social science workers should make more achievements in the "second combination", further strengthen relevant theoretical research, decision-making consultation, and publicity and popularization, which is the basic work we need to do. Accelerate the promotion of theoretical innovation based on practice, provide intellectual support for better promoting high-quality development, and make the promotion and popularization of relevant content more deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Focusing on the important topics and discussions on the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, the "second combination", cultural confidence and self-improvement, the construction of a strong cultural country, as well as the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional Chinese culture, as discussed in General Secretary's important speech, interdisciplinary exchanges and discussions are of great value. In the future, we need to further deepen our learning, fully leverage the advantages of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences with a relatively complete range of disciplines, organize research teams to conduct interdisciplinary in-depth research, and strive to release more research results and theoretical articles.

Gao Keqin, former president of Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, introduced his experience and feelings of participating in the symposium on cultural inheritance and development, and elaborated on his understanding of doing a good job in organizing ancient books to inherit Chinese culture. He believes that ancient books carry rich historical and cultural connotations. To inherit Chinese culture, the first step is to protect and organize these ancient books, and then create a new era of exquisite works on the basis of inheritance, promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional Chinese culture. As an ancient book sorting and publishing worker and theoretical worker, one should engage in the work of ancient book sorting and publishing with a sense of responsibility towards the country and the nation, as well as a reverence for traditional culture, and engage in the interpretation, promotion, and popularization of traditional culture. To create a timeless masterpiece that lives up to the times, we will launch a large number of rare ancient books from the new era.

At the meeting, Huang Kaifeng, Director of the Institute of Chinese Marxism at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Qu Jun, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Department of History at East China Normal University, Zheng Chongxuan, Deputy Director of the Institute of Literature at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Zhou Wu, Deputy Director of the Institute of World Chinese Studies at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shao Jian, Researcher of the Institute of History at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, and Zhao Qi, Deputy Researcher of the Institute of Philosophy at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, delivered exchange speeches.

Huang Kaifeng believes that it is necessary to carefully understand the connotation of "mutual fit" and "mutual achievement" from two aspects: the inspiration and melting of Marxism to Chinese excellent traditional culture, and the response and influence of Chinese excellent traditional culture on Marxism, and deeply understand the new cultural form of Chinese path to modernization formed through "combination".

Qu Jun stated that we must grasp the "Chinese nation" and understand the great Chinese civilization that is shaped by the five prominent characteristics of "continuity, innovation, unity, inclusiveness, and peace"; Grasp the "modern", understand the Chinese path to modernization road that re shines the glory of Chinese civilization; Grasp "civilization" and establish the grand goal of modern Chinese civilization construction for the construction of a cultural power.

Zheng Chongxuan stated that the establishment of cultural subjectivity is the prerequisite and foundation for "cultivating new cultural life forms". The key to consolidating cultural subjectivity is to deeply grasp and thoroughly adhere to the "second combination". Building a socialist cultural power is the only way to consolidate cultural subjectivity.

Need to create a cultural ecology and "spiritual climate" for cultural inheritance and development | Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences | Culture

Zhou Wu took the development of Shanghai style calligraphy and painting, as well as the Commercial Press, as an example to propose the need to create a cultural ecology for cultural inheritance. The reason why Shanghai style culture can grow into a towering tree is mainly due to the open, inclusive, and innovative urban character of Shanghai, as well as the cultural ecology and spiritual climate created by these three urban characters.

Shao Jian said that there is a strong internal connection between Chinese civilization and Chinese path to modernization, as well as a deep foundation support. The characteristics of Chinese civilization determine that the Chinese people follow their own path and that Chinese path to modernization is not a simple imitation of western modernization, but a comprehensive transcendence and self sublimation.

Zhao Qi believes that the successful genes of Chinese civilization lie in the unity of truth and goodness, the unity of Tao and virtue, and the knowledge system behind them. To create a new culture that belongs to our era, we must adhere to the successful genes of Chinese civilization, interpret and update the traditional knowledge system of China, and construct a modern civilization knowledge system of the Chinese nation.

He Qiang, Deputy Leader of the Fourth Tour Guidance Group of the Municipal Party Committee, Ren Xiaowen, Member of the Party Group and Full time Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Federation of Social Sciences, Zhu Guohong, Vice President of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, and Gan Chunhui attended the meeting.

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