The city with the most projects in Zhenjiang is actually Shanghai? Ma Minglong, Secretary of the Zhenjiang Municipal Party Committee, said three sentences

Release time:Jun 03, 2024 05:54 AM

This year is the sixth year that the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta has been elevated to a national strategy. In order to implement the spirit of the General Secretary's important instructions, Liberation Daily and Shangguan News launched a series of interviews with political figures in the Yangtze River Delta cities, interviewing responsible comrades in key cities in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui to discuss how to further promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta.

Zhenjiang is located in southern Jiangsu. Its regional GDP reached 526.4 billion yuan last year, ranking 19th among the 41 cities in the Yangtze River Delta. If we look at the whole country, Zhenjiang is a top student, ranking 45th in the list of China's top 100 cities, and its per capita GDP has basically reached the level of moderately developed countries. But in southern Jiangsu, Nanjing and Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou are already trillion-dollar cities, and Zhenjiang feels somewhat existentially anxious.

In December 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Zhenjiang and expressed his sincere message that "Zhenjiang has a bright future." Zhenjiang has been thinking about how to better show the "promising" reality. At the beginning of 2020, not long after Ma Minglong took office as Secretary of the Zhenjiang Municipal Party Committee, he tried to come up with a new solution - issuing a mobilization order of "Run, Zhenjiang" to encourage the whole city to adopt the spirit of "Run, Zhenjiang" and speed up the writing of "Zhenjiang has a promising future" "A new chapter.

Ma Minglong used two metaphors: one is "riding a bicycle". In the development of Zhenjiang city, only maintaining the momentum and inertia of "running" is the most stable. If it is too fast or too slow, it is easy to fall. "The appropriate speed can "Relatively stable" to explain the relationship between development speed and quality; the second is "rowing". Regional integrated development is not feasible with one hand. Only when both sides work hard can we achieve strength. Only coordinated development can exert strength and keep the course accurate. Ma Minglong said that under the leadership of Shanghai, the brother cities along the Shanghai-Nanjing line are all top students, and Zhenjiang must keep up. "Although there is still a gap in performance now, as long as we work hard and don't stop, we will have a bright future and a bright future."

Ma Minglong: At that time, Zhenjiang’s economic growth rate was not ideal, and there was also a heavy task of debt reduction. There was an urgent need to boost the spirit of the whole city. After the idea of ​​"Run, Zhenjiang" was put forward, it not only inspired the high morale of local cadres and masses, but also many people said to me during meetings in other places, "You are really starting to run Zhenjiang." Now, it has become the ideological consensus and action awareness of Zhenjiang people to adhere to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability and to promote a good state of passionate running. Moreover, the direction of running is becoming more and more precise, the pace is becoming more and more steady, and the results are becoming more and more obvious.

On the one hand, Zhenjiang’s iconic indicators are becoming more and more eye-catching. We will unswervingly insist on strengthening the city through industry, establish the "four clusters and eight chains" leading industrial layout, and carry out in-depth three-year actions of "strengthening industrial chains". The average annual growth rate of GDP is higher than the national and provincial averages, and the regional GDP will reach 2022. has reached the level of 500 billion yuan, ranking 36th among the top 100 cities in the country's advanced manufacturing industry. On the other hand, the iconic results are becoming more and more fruitful. We have firmly established the concept of "new officials need to settle old accounts" and "resolving debt is also a political achievement", and make debt reduction a top priority. The government debt ratio has been significantly reduced, the debt structure has been significantly optimized, financing costs have been significantly reduced, and the transformation from "ICU ward" has been achieved. From "rescue" to "intravenous drip in general ward", we are working towards "complete recovery and discharge".

In the face of tight financial resources, Zhenjiang focuses on the future and adopts the attitude of "killing chickens and slaughtering sheep to treat guests". The expenditure on talent funds has only increased but not decreased, and has deeply implemented the talent "Zhenjiang" action, introducing 4 new talents with college or above every year. With approximately 10,000 people, it ranks 39th in the talent attractiveness of Chinese cities and 31st in the country's urban innovation capabilities. With talents and innovation, Zhenjiang is becoming more and more "modern" and "international".

Ma Minglong: Only when the real economy grows stronger can the comprehensive strength of the city be simultaneously improved. After in-depth research, we proposed the strategy of strengthening the city through industry, and held the "First Meeting of the New Year" focusing on this theme for four consecutive years in order to further unify our thinking, focus our efforts, and achieve long-term success, and solve the problem of which industries to focus on and how to focus on them. , how to optimize the business environment and better serve the industry and other key issues.

We insist on “developing Zhenjiang beyond Zhenjiang” and place Zhenjiang’s industrial development within the Yangtze River Delta industrial system for consideration and control. We propose the development of “four groups and eight chains” industrial clusters, including intelligent equipment manufacturing, integrated circuits, biomedicine, and aviation. Strategically advantageous industries such as aerospace are led by city leaders and promoted jointly. In order to build a market-oriented, legalized and international business environment, we have visited Shanghai many times for study and inspection, and strived to build the "Zhenheyi" service brand. Now Zhenjiang's industrial development is getting more and more The healthier the economy, the deeper the integration of the industrial chain and the innovation chain, and the stronger the resilience of the industrial chain.

In this year’s “First Meeting of the New Year”, we focus on “innovation-led industries to strengthen the city”, deploy and promote the “876” innovation-led project, accelerate the development of new productive forces, and build new advantages to strengthen the city through industries. In terms of key directions, it is clear that 8 emerging industries should be strengthened, 7 future industries should be cultivated, and 6 traditional industries should be renovated. In terms of spatial layout, we strive to build an innovative layout of "one area, one corridor, three poles and multiple points". The overall goal is to become an important national scientific and technological achievement transfer and transformation base by 2025; to build an important node city for scientific and technological innovation in the Yangtze River Delta by 2030; to build an industrial scientific and technological innovation highland with national influence by 2035.

Ma Minglong: When it comes to our relationship with Shanghai, we always say three things - learn from Shanghai, connect with Shanghai, and serve Shanghai. Learning from Shanghai means fully learning and drawing on Shanghai’s advanced concepts, successful experiences, innovative ideas, and international vision; integrating with Shanghai means having a sense of urgency that “if you don’t advance, you will retreat, and if you advance slowly, you will retreat.” We must grasp Shanghai’s leading role and be proactive in a timely manner. Take the initiative to connect with others and avoid being passive in Southern Jiangsu, where there are many strong players; to serve Shanghai, we must actively pursue the development of "Shanghai-Township Integration", take the initiative to undertake industrial transfers and project overflows in Shanghai, and strive to form a "leader in Shanghai, supporting facilities in Zhenjiang" The collaborative innovation model of “R&D in Shanghai, manufacturing in Zhenjiang” promotes more win-win results from cooperation.

"Shanghai-Township Integration" is a benign two-way interaction. On the one hand, Shanghai’s radiation belt is getting stronger and stronger. In the past three years, Zhenjiang has signed 55 new projects from Shanghai, with a total investment of 32.1 billion yuan. Shanghai has become the city with the largest number of project sources in Zhenjiang, accounting for more than 10% of the newly signed projects. In addition, Zhenjiang also cooperates with the Shanghai Stock Exchange to With the establishment of a capital market service base in Zhenjiang, etc., Shanghai’s driving force and spillover effects have become increasingly apparent. On the other hand, Zhenjiang serves Shanghai more and more closely. For example, the C919 large aircraft successfully made its first commercial flight last year. About 90% of the cabin interior parts, 50% of the aluminum materials, 50% of the composite structural parts, 10% of the spare parts, as well as supporting services such as general aviation operations came from Zhenjiang. For another example, many local companies in Zhenjiang have established R&D institutions in Shanghai.

Ma Minglong: Zhenjiang is an important member of the Nanjing metropolitan area. Its biggest advantage is that it is the closest to Nanjing, has the closest contact services, the most direct radiation, the most convenient sharing of resources, and the best foundation for coordinated development. In order to make full use of this advantage, Zhenjiang and Nanjing have signed the "Framework Agreement on Jointly Building the G312 Industrial Innovation Corridor". The rapid reconstruction project of the Ningzhen Section of National Highway 312 will be completed and opened to traffic by the end of this year. By then, the journey from Nanjing Xianlin to Zhenjiang City will be Reduced to 20 minutes. These have laid the foundation for deepening projects and carrier construction between Ningzhen and Ningzhen. We will conduct in-depth research on Ningzhen’s industrial map, give full play to the comparative advantages of the industrial chain, and closely cooperate with upstream, mid- and downstream, large and medium-sized enterprises to form a larger industrial cluster effect.

For Zhenjiang, Shanghai and Nanjing are both "peaks". We focus on "reaching both sides" and integrate the "small triangle" of Ning and Zhenjiang into the "big triangle" of the Yangtze River Delta. Conceptually, we should actively embrace and achieve a two-pronged approach and learn from each other; in terms of actions, we should use the ladder to climb higher, rely on the rise of the two "peaks" of Shanghai and Nanjing, identify our own advantageous links in the Yangtze River Delta industrial chain, and develop in a dislocated manner. , win-win cooperation, and let Zhenjiang’s “hillside” continue to rise.

Establish a firm ambition to strive for supremacy and achieve "new road to transcendence"

Ma Minglong: General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that to further promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, it is necessary to coordinate the leadership and promote each other's strengths. I understand that in order to occupy a place in regional competition, we must not only improve our advantages and make our characteristics special, but also make up for our shortcomings and strengthen our weaknesses.

In terms of maximizing advantages, I feel that Zhenjiang has the following advantages: First, policy advantages. Major strategies such as the national “One Belt and One Road”, the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the Yangtze River Delta Integration, and the Ningxia-Zhenyang Integration overlap Zhenjiang. The second is the ecological advantage. Zhenjiang is surrounded by mountains and rivers. It is a rare city in the country that blends mountains, rivers, cities and forests. The third is location advantage. Zhenjiang is an important transportation node city where rivers meet, and it is also a national-level waterway, highway, and railway transportation hub. The fourth is resource advantages. Zhenjiang has 9 universities including Jiangsu University and Jiangsu University of Science and Technology and more than 140,000 college students. The density of college students is second only to Nanjing in southern Jiangsu, and the intensity of land development is the lowest in southern Jiangsu. The fifth is the cost advantage. Zhenjiang has the lowest production and living costs on the Shanghai-Nanjing Line, and the rail, road and water transportation is convenient and the transportation cost is low. Sixth, cultural advantages. Zhenjiang has a written history of more than 3,000 years and is a national historical and cultural city. We will make good use of Zhenjiang’s advantages such as large space, low cost, and good environment, actively graft technology, talent, capital and other resource elements in surrounding areas, and work together to build an “innovation and entrepreneurship blessed land and a famous landscape garden city” ".

To make up for the shortcomings, the first thing is to have accurate positioning. We will strive to build an important transfer and transformation base for scientific and technological achievements in the country and serve as the "back garden" of big cities. Secondly, the thinking must be clear, and a very important one is "transcendence on new roads". Promoting high-quality development is like running a marathon. For heavy-duty runners like Zhenjiang, it is difficult to pursue them in a straight line. Curving is more physically demanding and requires higher skills, so a new track needs to be opened. The key to achieving new breakthroughs lies in the layout and development of future industries, such as low-altitude economy, cell and gene technology, cutting-edge new materials, etc. The third is to carry forward the city spirit. Since ancient times, Zhenjiang has had the gene of competing for supremacy with "a river running across it, hills on three sides, creating a competitiveness for supremacy". We must stimulate the endogenous sense of competition and opportunity, and establish a strong competitive spirit. The ambition to be heroic will reshape the momentum of striving for supremacy.

Ma Minglong: This year marks the 10th anniversary of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s inspection of Zhenjiang, and it is also a new starting point for us to strive towards “Zhenjiang has a bright future”. We focused on implementing the important instructions of the General Secretary's important speech on Jiangsu work and Zhenjiang work, clarified eight aspects of special work, and set up a special team to strengthen promotion. Next, we will use the General Secretary’s care and concern as an inexhaustible driving force and strive to deliver answers to the era of “Zhenjiang has a bright future”. Focus on "four things": First, things that have overall motivating effect. For example, services are integrated into major regional strategies and the G312 industrial innovation corridor is created. The second is to promote the development of high-quality things. For example, we will launch a new type of industrialization by focusing on "intelligent transformation, digital transformation and network connection", and using project breakthroughs and park construction improvements as support to accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system; we will learn and apply the experience of the "Ten Million Project" and strive to build a distinctive industrial A land of plenty and plenty in the new era. The third is to enhance the people’s sense of gain. For example, we regard "ecological improvement" as an urgent and unremitting task, focus on the protection of the Yangtze River and a new round of comprehensive management of Taihu Lake, and make the beautiful Zhenjiang more impressive and perceptible. The fourth is to enhance cultural soft power. For example, we should vigorously carry forward the cultural tradition of advocating literature and valuing education, the fighting spirit of "forty-four thousand", and stimulate the endogenous power of Chinese-style modernization with new practices of humanistic economy.

Kunshan Yushan Town's GDP has exceeded 100 billion yuan, with Jiangsu accounting for 137 out of 86 in Zhejiang. It is listed as one of the top 500 towns in China
Kunshan Yushan Town's GDP has exceeded 100 billion yuan, with Jiangsu accounting for 137 out of 86 in Zhejiang. It is listed as one of the top 500 towns in China

Recently, CCID Consulting, a subsidiary of the China Electronics Information Industry Development Research Institute under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, released the 2023 Top 500 Town Economy List. Jiangsu Province occupies 137 seats, with 37 towns in the top 100, ranking first in the country in terms of quantity. Among the Fortune 500, Zhejiang occupies 86 seats, ranking second in the country; Among the top 100, Zhejiang has 10 seats, ranking third in the country. From the perspective of the counties where the towns on the list are located, the characteristics of strong towns are obvious: among the top 500 towns, 257 administrative towns are located in counties ranked among the 2023 Saidi Top 100 Counties and Top 100 Districts, accounting for more than half. Among them, Yushan Town of Kunshan in Suzhou ranks first in the country. Its GDP in 2022 has exceeded 100 billion yuan, about 102 billion yuan, and its economic volume has exceeded many county-level cities and even prefecture level cities in the country, such as Mount Huangshan City in the Yangtze River Delta

[Yangtze River Delta Daily] Suzhou Nantong will jointly build a national transportation hub, Nanjing Sports College | Construction | Suzhou Nantong
[Yangtze River Delta Daily] Suzhou Nantong will jointly build a national transportation hub, Nanjing Sports College | Construction | Suzhou Nantong

1. Suzhou Nantong signed a strategic cooperation agreement to jointly build a national comprehensive transportation hub. Today, the Suzhou Municipal Government and Nantong Municipal Government signed a strategic cooperation agreement to jointly build a national comprehensive transportation hub, working together to promote high-quality modernization of transportation and cross river integrated development. Suzhou Municipal Party Secretary Cao Lubao, Deputy Party Secretary and Mayor Wu Qingwen met with Nantong Municipal Party Secretary Wu Xinming, Deputy Party Secretary and Mayor Zhang Tong, and witnessed the signing of the contract together. In recent years, Suzhou and Nantong have pressed the "fast forward" button for comprehensive cross river integration and high-quality integrated development. With the accelerated construction of a number of major transportation infrastructure such as the Tongsu Jiayong Railway, the North Along the Yangtze River Railway, the Zhangjinggao Yangtze River Bridge, and the Haitai River Crossing Channel, the two regions are becoming increasingly closely connected and have greater potential for cooperation. Their service capabilities and support for the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta are fully enhanced

[Yangtze River Delta Daily] Jiangsu ranks first in multiple indicators nationwide. Jiangsu | National | Yangtze River Delta
[Yangtze River Delta Daily] Jiangsu ranks first in multiple indicators nationwide. Jiangsu | National | Yangtze River Delta

1. Jiangsu has multiple indicators, ranking first in the country on the 8th. At the Jiangsu Provincial Government's "Efforts to Promote Jiangsu to Continue to Lead in High Quality Development" series of themed press conferences, it was learned that focusing on industrial technological innovation and building a modern industrial system, Jiangsu has multiple indicators ranking first in the country. Data shows that the added value of Jiangsu's manufacturing industry accounts for 37.3% of GDP, ranking first in the country; The high-quality development index of the manufacturing industry has increased to 91.9, ranking first in the country for three consecutive years; 10 clusters have been shortlisted for 45 national level advanced manufacturing clusters, ranking first in the country in terms of quantity; The industrial chain in multiple sub sectors such as integrated circuits, shipbuilding and marine engineering, and engineering machinery is complete, with the largest scale in the country; The proportion of industrial strategic emerging industries and high-tech industries in the output value of large-scale industries has reached 41.1% and 4% respectively

Yangtze River Delta Satellite Manufacturing Enterprise | Satellite | Satellite Manufacturing
Yangtze River Delta Satellite Manufacturing Enterprise | Satellite | Satellite Manufacturing

A few days ago, good news came from the private aerospace industry. The ultra-low orbit test satellite Qiankun-1 was launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. As China's first ultra-low orbit test satellite, its successful launch is of great significance. Simply put, according to the regulations of the International Telecommunication Union, the rules for satellite frequency and orbit use are "first come, first served", and the number of satellites that the orbit can accommodate is limited. The United States has already taken the lead in launching low orbit satellites from around 300 to 1000 kilometers, making it easier to achieve "overtaking on bends" by targeting ultra-low orbit satellites from around 150 to 300 kilometers. It is worth mentioning that the enterprise developing the Qiankun-1 satellite comes from Zhejiang and was established in 2020. The R&D center of Saisi Beisi Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. is located in Hangzhou, and its aerospace intelligent manufacturing base has settled in Zhuji Economic Development Zone

Let's take a look at New York New Jersey Port, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui Institutions | Development | Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui
Let's take a look at New York New Jersey Port, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui Institutions | Development | Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui

In the five years since the implementation of the national strategy for integrated development in the Yangtze River Delta, significant achievements have been made in implementing the new development concept and constructing a new development pattern. At the same time, the division of labor and cooperation in the integration of the Yangtze River Delta has also entered the stage of reform and tackling difficulties. The New York New Jersey Port Authority, as the first and largest interstate public institution in American history, has played an extremely important role in promoting transportation and economic linkage development in the New York and New Jersey regions. Drawing on the institutional establishment and management operation model of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey may be of great benefit to the deepening of cost sharing and benefit sharing cooperation in the Yangtze River Delta. It can provide experience and reference for promoting the integration of transportation, ports and other infrastructure and commercial trade cooperation and sharing in the Yangtze River Delta. New York New Jersey Port is located at the mouth of the Hudson River in the northeastern United States