Enterprises from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan appear at the International Cultural Expo - inheritance, innovation and expansion of the broad market

Release time:Jun 03, 2024 07:16 AM

At the 20th China International Cultural Industry Expo and Trade Fair held recently, cultural products such as art design and digital creativity from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan were unveiled, showcasing the cultural characteristics and innovative achievements of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and helping them expand into a broader market.

Entering the Hong Kong Creative Pavilion of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Cultural Industry Innovation Exhibition, the main venue of the CIIE, a site-specific installation composed of a group of blue and white porcelain artworks first comes into view. This is an art work designed by Hong Kong's emerging artist Hui Kaijiao. The original work will More than 500 pieces of blue and white artwork are arranged on the 14-meter-long dining table, bringing a dazzling visual feast to the audience. Some of the works are brought to the CIIE this time. “During the design process, I combined our country’s traditional cultural elements with modern life scenes, and presented Western elements such as ice cream, red wine, and birthday cakes with traditional foods such as xiaolongbao, giving people the space to imagine traveling through time and space, and allowing people to travel through time and space. Everyone learned about Chinese history through interaction," Xu Kaijiao said.

The reporter saw at the Hong Kong Creative Center that there are many creative design works inspired by traditional Chinese culture, such as cheongsams with denim elements, Guangcai hand-painted tableware, enamel dolls of Qin terracotta warriors, and ceramic watches. Ang Lee, founder and chairman of Sanlian Cultural Fund, who participated in the curation of the Hong Kong Creative Museum, said that the Hong Kong Creative Museum is hosted by the "Creative Hong Kong" office under the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR Government and curated by Liang Guanwen, senior project manager of Sanlian Cultural Fund , bringing together 300 exhibits, covering design, film and television, animation and other fields. The Hong Kong pavilion also held exchange meetings such as the "Ceramic Craft Symposium", inviting Hong Kong cultural and creative industry practitioners to communicate with mainland scholars and entrepreneurs.

“The Hong Kong Pavilion highlights the integration of Chinese and foreign cultures and the local characteristics of Hong Kong. While inheriting traditional culture, it uses creative expressions that are in line with modern life, forming cutting-edge innovative designs and modern cultural and creative products, which not only enrich people’s daily life Life, but also to highlight the charm of Chinese culture on a global scale." Ang Lee said that we hope to use the CIIF as an important national cultural exchange and display platform to let more young designers and artists in Hong Kong be seen, so that they can have the opportunity to do so. More opportunities to connect with the vast mainland market.

The Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao SAR Government, which has participated in the CIIF for 19 consecutive times, has set up the Macao Creative Pavilion at this CIIF, with an exhibition area of ​​approximately 210 square meters, to promote Macao’s fine art, literature, film and television works to the outside world, and to showcase Macao’s cultural connotations and cultural and creative achievements. The Macao Pavilion also held a series of promotion sessions for exhibitors to explain the characteristics of Macao’s film, television and imaging technology services. The Macao SAR government department also introduced policy support such as the "Macao Filming" and "Macao Elements" financial subsidy programs to attract more film and television teams to Macao for filming and promote the development of the film and television industry and related industries.

It can be seen from the exhibition site that the Macau Creative Pavilion mainly exhibits film and television technology service companies, bringing professional service solutions such as video production, AI interactive photography, and stage design. Zeng Zhibo, co-founder of Hao Technology Co., Ltd., pointed to the application cases of software and hardware combined technology presented on the display screen and introduced to reporters that through the use of artificial intelligence technology, innovative digital art and virtual design products are formed, which are used in cultural exhibitions and digital exhibitions. In the museum exhibition, the audience can experience the charm of high technology more immersively.

"For the special art exhibition "Torch of Light and Shadow: Meeting Leonardo Da Vinci Again" previously held in Macau, we obtained official authorization to create a digital Mona Lisa. She could turn her head and blink her eyes, becoming a major feature in the exhibition. The highlight is that the audience can travel through historical time and space in the interactive experience and feel the charm of light and shadow of digital humanities." Zeng Zhibo said that the company also combines digital art with tourism services to provide better opportunities for the display and promotion of cultural tourism projects in Macau, Zhuhai and other places. A service carrier with a sense of technology.

Leong Wai Man, Director of the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao SAR Government, said that Macao’s original film and television productions have grown steadily in recent years, with diversified themes, and some of them have won international awards. The Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao SAR Government continues to promote the development of the cultural industry and actively promotes interaction between the film and television industry and related industries. By organizing the Macao film and television industry to participate in the CIIE this time, we hope to enhance exchanges with the cultural industry in Shenzhen, continuously expand the space for industrial cooperation, and let the world see more unique and exciting Chinese cultural products.

In the Cultural Industry Comprehensive Hall A of the CIIE, the Taiwan-themed pavilion, full of retro street scene elements and sky lantern folk culture, was crowded with people, and Taiwanese singers sang classic songs live.

"We not only organized well-received high-quality cultural and creative brands to participate in the exhibition, but also introduced 33 manufacturers representing Taiwan's specialties to bring visitors a complete experience of color, fragrance and flavor." Zheng Yujun, special manager of the Taiwan Pavilion of the International Cultural Expo, said that Taiwan Strait, which is participating in the exhibition for the first time, The Cross-Strait Tourism Association also displayed a wealth of tourism information on site.

The reporter saw at the scene that the Taiwan theme pavilion not only has Hakka lime tea, grapefruit ginseng, pineapple cake and other specialties, but also invites well-known Taipei Ningxia night market merchants to set up stalls. The audience can taste licorice guava, winter melon lemon, brown sugar pearl milk, etc. Speciality cuisine.

Taiwan's cultural and creative industry developed earlier and has demonstrated strong competitiveness in the global cultural and creative industry. Taiwan's Qili Coral Company has participated in the CIIF for seven consecutive years. This time it brought exquisitely carved coral craft ornaments. These crafts are made entirely of deep-sea red corals. The original stone bases attached to them are retained during salvage. Through fine craftsmanship, Carved, the characters have different expressions, and the animals and plants are lifelike. "The Qili Coral brand was founded in 1973, and its products are still selling well at home and abroad." Lu Jiahua, deputy general manager of Taiwan Qili Coral Company, said that in recent years, the company has combined traditional carving techniques with modern design, constantly seeking innovation and changes to adapt to young consumers. aesthetic changes. The company also launches semi-finished products such as coral bare stones, allowing consumers to add their own design ideas and customize unique jewelry.

"The CIIE has built an important bridge of communication and cooperation for Taiwanese exhibitors to explore the mainland market." Lu Jiahua said that Taiwan is one of the world's largest coral producing areas and hopes to use the CIIE, a large-scale exhibition, to display and promote this rare treasure. and high-quality process design.

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