Tibet accelerates the development of new momentum for foreign trade

Release time:Jun 03, 2024 07:16 AM

Economic Daily News from Lhasa, June 2. In the first quarter of this year, the total import and export value of Tibet’s goods trade reached 2.178 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 216.7%, and the growth rate ranked first in the country.

In recent years, Tibet has continued to leverage its location and resource advantages, continuously improve its level of opening up, build an opening platform, accelerate the cultivation of new drivers of foreign trade, and enhance the vitality of economic development.

In the Lhasa Comprehensive Bonded Zone, large trucks loaded with new energy vehicles are waiting for inspection and release. The person in charge of the Lhasa Comprehensive Bonded Zone Management Committee said that this is the first time that the Lhasa Comprehensive Bonded Zone has launched the "one ticket, multiple vehicles" business since the customs were closed for a year. As of April 1, a total of 540 new energy vehicles have entered the zone, with a total value of 76.961 million yuan, of which more than 300 have successfully left the zone.

Tibet has also accelerated the construction of border economic cooperation zones and land ports. In Shigatse City, the construction of the international land port and Jilong Bianhe District is in full swing. Shigatse Mayor Wang Fanghong said that he will actively promote the construction of a central city open to South Asia, deeply integrate into domestic and international markets, and better transform location advantages into opening advantages and development advantages.

In light of the actual situation of foreign trade, Lhasa Customs has cultivated new growth points for exports by implementing measures such as "customs officials delivering policies to your doorstep". Barkhor Customs, a subsidiary of Lhasa Customs, pays close attention to the advantages of Tibet's characteristic industries and helps companies apply for the "Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement Certificate of Origin." Last year, the customs issued a total of 26 "Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement Certificates of Origin" to enterprises.

It is reported that this year Tibet will achieve new improvements in opening up and cooperation with the outside world. Yan Jinhai, Chairman of the Tibet Autonomous Region, pointed out at the region's economic work conference that to serve the country's overall diplomatic interests, it is necessary to implement a package of opening-up policies such as expanding open areas, promoting trade flows, and strengthening port construction, and to introduce special policies to support Tibetan characteristic and advantageous products. We will enter domestic and foreign markets, especially the South Asian and Southeast Asian markets, and strive to increase the total foreign trade volume by more than 10% this year.

Tibet accelerates the development of new momentum for foreign trade
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Recently, Mr. Wang from Shanghai came across a short video of a high-end restaurant exploring a restaurant on an online platform, claiming that he could "check in" for a high-end seafood buffet for over 700 yuan. There is an unlimited supply of ingredients such as Boston lobster, abalone, and peony shrimp, as well as one-on-one "butler style service". Mr. Wang, who was tempted, followed the recommendations of the store blogger and came to the store to consume. However, he found that the tempting peony shrimp and turtle shrimp in the video were not even available, and the emperor crab and Boston lobster were also greatly reduced. Only some "scraps" were limited in supply, and one-on-one high-quality service was not available. Placing an order would take a long time. The dining experience was seriously inconsistent with the content promoted by the blogger. Mr. Wang felt that the shop owner was suspected of false advertising, so he searched in the Dianping software. The search results show that only the first few pages are positive reviews from some food bloggers, while the latter