[Guangming Forum] Expand the cultural industry with innovation to develop new space cultural market | cultural creativity | cultural products

Release time:Jun 03, 2024 07:16 AM

Recently, the 20th China International Cultural Industry Expo and Trade Fair came to an end. This year's CIIE has reached a new high in terms of exhibition scale, number of exhibitors, number of overseas exhibitors and buyers. As my country's only national, international and comprehensive cultural industry expo and trade fair, this year's cultural and creative products and projects are brilliant. The "national trend" and intangible cultural element exhibits have attracted countless fans, and new qualities in the cultural field have attracted countless fans. Productivity apps are getting a lot of attention. A large number of domestic cutting-edge cultural technology, cultural equipment manufacturing, and artificial intelligence companies participated in the exhibition, and large AI models were released and promoted, comprehensively demonstrating the broad development prospects of new productive forces in China's cultural field and bringing more imagination and expectations to people.

To build a new development pattern and promote high-quality development, culture is an important fulcrum. Building a culturally powerful country requires us to strengthen our cultural confidence, uphold openness and inclusiveness, and persist in integrity and innovation. Deeply digging into the historical genes rooted in China's excellent traditional culture, inheriting revolutionary culture, developing advanced socialist culture, and promoting high-quality development of the cultural industry with the empowerment of science and technology will gather more powerful spiritual power for the realization of Chinese-style modernization.

Enrich the supply of high-quality cultural products. The cultural industry actively integrates into the new development pattern and directly faces the demand for higher-quality cultural market. Continuously consolidating and improving cultural supply capabilities and levels is an integral part of promoting cultural prosperity. This requires us to inherit and carry forward China's excellent traditional culture, focus on resource innovation, and strengthen the exploration, refinement and transformation of traditional cultural resources. Consolidate the foundation of cultural self-confidence and self-improvement with profound cultural heritage and spiritual connotation, and adapt to the intergenerational shift of cultural consumer subjects. The Beijing Winter Olympics mascots Bingdundun and Xuerongrong have changed their costumes, and the Sanxingdui bronze masks have crossed over into popular games popular with young people. These are all successful explorations in promoting the integration of China's excellent traditional culture into modern life. Actively embracing new technologies and new business formats, these excellent cultural IPs have gained a lot of attention and love through the organic integration of multiple elements, new carriers and vivid design languages. They not only demonstrate the vitality and creativity of China's excellent traditional culture, but also build bridges for cultural exchange and integration.

Strengthen the brand building of cultural products. Encouraging and supporting the development and transformation of original IP with distinctive traditional cultural characteristics and promoting the incubation of regional characteristic cultural brands will help guide the cultural industry to avoid low-level homogeneous development. The activation and utilization of the cultural resources of the Great Wall is a typical example. Chinese and foreign tourists can not only experience ancient style flash mobs and close-up magic in Badaling, but also appreciate the natural and cultural charm of the Great Wall in the Hexi Corridor through study and hiking. Explore the optimization and upgrading of domestic brands, tell brand stories in a youthful, personalized and popular way, build cultural confidence, and create new advantages in international competition. In addition, we should further relax market access, promote the diversification of investment entities in the cultural industry, give full play to the positive role of the modern cultural market, continue to promote the supply-side structural reform of content production, improve the high-quality content output mechanism, and realize "production-consumption" and the positive interaction of "supply-demand".

Promote the development and growth of digital cultural and creative industries. Digital technology has given birth to new cultural business formats, opened up new channels for cultural exports, and innovated new models of cultural consumption. According to statistics, in 2022, the scale of my country's digital cultural industry will reach 1.8 trillion yuan, accounting for more than 50% of the cultural industry for the first time, becoming the leading force in the cultural industry. In 2023, the 16 sub-categories of China's cultural new formats with obvious characteristics will achieve operating income of 5.2395 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 15.3%, and the contribution rate to the operating income growth of all cultural enterprises above designated size is as high as 70.9%. Continuously enriching and improving tax and other policy preferences and support will better promote the development and growth of the digital cultural and creative industry and promote the convergence and growth of digital clusters.

In the process of development, on the one hand, it is necessary to enhance the originality capabilities of the digital cultural industry, give full play to the role of virtual reality technology in content creation, product development, model innovation, etc., while exploring the use of modern scientific and technological means to strengthen the protection and restoration of antiquities, monuments, and ancient books. and innovative expression, providing immersive and interactive cultural products to make traditional culture come alive, while exploring new business models such as Internet-based personalized customization, precision marketing, and collaborative innovation. On the other hand, we should give full play to the borderless and strong integration of cultural industries and rely on "cultural technology" to improve the cultural connotation and vitality of traditional industries. In recent years, new cultural tourism formats such as immersive exhibitions and digital virtual scenic spots have developed rapidly. Cloud tourism projects such as "Digital Dunhuang", "Panorama Forbidden City" and "Tracing the First Emperor's Mausoleum" have performed well, making a good start for similar integration explorations. . In addition, infringement problems are common in areas such as digital audio and video, online games, and digital reading. In this regard, intellectual property protection should be continuously strengthened.

Innovative cultural exchange platform. The "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Cultural Industry" clearly states that based on the domestic cycle, we should give full play to our comparative advantages and coordinately promote the development of domestic cultural industry and international cooperation. First, we must improve a multi-dimensional external communication platform, fully tap the influence of China's self-built overseas platforms, continue to expand international publicity channels, and spread more good voices of China. The second is to give full play to the advantages of cross-border e-commerce. At the beginning of this year, there was an unprecedented increase in orders for new Chinese-style Hanfu such as horse-faced skirts on cross-border e-commerce platforms. Traditional clothing and the oriental charm it carries have attracted widespread attention and discussion. Therefore, upgrading the digital trade platform, strengthening the allocation and precise docking of supply and demand, will also help promote innovation in cultural expression forms and improve cultural narrative capabilities, and enhance the international competitiveness of cultural products. The third is to explore the establishment of platforms for talent training and artistic exchange, such as the development of Silk Road "cloud exhibition" and "cloud tourism" platforms, to enhance people-to-people connectivity and consolidate the foundation for international cooperation.

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High Quality: Three Provinces | Cities | Yangtze River Delta with the Strongest Sound of Integrated Development in the Yangtze River Delta

【 Focusing on the Integrated Development of the Yangtze River Delta 】 Not long ago, Jiang Xia, a junior student born in 2000, departed from Hefei City and transferred to 32 buses throughout the journey, passing through 696 stations. It took 4 days and 3 nights, passing through 8 cities, and returning to Shanghai for school. Along the way, Jiangxia truly felt the integration and convenience of the Yangtze River Delta. "Enterprises in the Yangtze River Delta need to seize opportunities, work together with thousands of industries to build an industrial ecosystem in the Yangtze River Delta, and promote the deep integration of general artificial intelligence with the real economy, landing and blooming in more industries and application scenarios." On June 3, the Yangtze River Delta Entrepreneur Alliance released the "Hefei Declaration on General Artificial Intelligence". The Declaration highlights corporate responsibility in the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, and is also a common expectation for high-quality development of enterprises in the Yangtze River Delta under the background of integration. Not long ago,

Promote the continuous growth and upgrading of new consumption models | Consumption | Models
Promote the continuous growth and upgrading of new consumption models | Consumption | Models

With the gradual implementation of multiple policies and the orderly recovery of consumption scenarios, China's consumption continues to rebound and improve. In April, the total retail sales of consumer goods increased by 18.4% year-on-year, 7.8 percentage points faster than the previous month. As the trend of consumption upgrading continues to emerge, continuously promoting the growth of new consumption models will bring new growth points for consumption expansion. The consumption data in April continued the continuous positive recovery trend since the beginning of this year. Especially with the rapid release of suppressed demand for service-oriented consumption in the early stages. The consumption of holiday travel, shopping, accommodation and catering is very popular. The number of tourists and tourism income during the May Day holiday, calculated according to comparable standards, have exceeded the level of the same period in 2019. At present, consumption presents some prominent characteristics. The consumption of contact services is growing rapidly. Residents go out shopping, dining, and traveling

Finding the return capsule as soon as possible in the Gobi, this communication support team is indispensable. Team | Communication | Communication Support
Finding the return capsule as soon as possible in the Gobi, this communication support team is indispensable. Team | Communication | Communication Support

In the return search mission of the Shenzhou spacecraft, timely and stable communication is an important factor in determining whether the search and rescue team can find the return capsule and rescue astronauts in a timely manner. At the Dongfeng landing site, there is a team distributed among professional search and rescue forces in the air and on the ground, providing communication support for astronaut search and rescue decision-making and command. The fourth landing point forecast for Beijing has been issued, Xiongying. Xiongying understands that the longitude of the landing point is 100 degrees and 05 minutes east longitude. This is a comprehensive exercise for the return of the Shenzhou-15 spacecraft to the entire system. The communication team of the aerial team has just received the final landing point forecast, and they need to land and complete the first communication link construction of the return module landing point in the shortest possible time. They need to transmit images and voice to Beijing as soon as possible, so that the whole country can see the health status of the astronauts. CCTV reporter Shen Ling: In Flight

From October to November this year, the Shenzhou Sixteen and Shenzhou Seventeen crew will undergo rotation missions | Shenzhou | Astronauts
From October to November this year, the Shenzhou Sixteen and Shenzhou Seventeen crew will undergo rotation missions | Shenzhou | Astronauts

According to Lin Xiqiang, Deputy Director of the China Manned Space Engineering Office, the space station has entered the stage of application and development. During this stage, astronauts will continue to stay on the space station for a long time, usually undergoing two crew rotations and 1-2 supplies per year. At present, the three astronauts of Shenzhou 16, which is currently on the space station, plan to return to the Dongfeng landing site in November this year. Before they return, they will welcome the visit and docking of the Shenzhou 17 manned spacecraft. According to the basic information of the manned space mission for 2023 released by the China Manned Space Engineering Office, the Shenzhou-17 manned flight mission will be launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in October this year, and the flight crew will still be composed of three astronauts.

Beware of being "cut off" by online marketing, explore the "food" platform | Video | Food
Beware of being "cut off" by online marketing, explore the "food" platform | Video | Food

Recently, Mr. Wang from Shanghai came across a short video of a high-end restaurant exploring a restaurant on an online platform, claiming that he could "check in" for a high-end seafood buffet for over 700 yuan. There is an unlimited supply of ingredients such as Boston lobster, abalone, and peony shrimp, as well as one-on-one "butler style service". Mr. Wang, who was tempted, followed the recommendations of the store blogger and came to the store to consume. However, he found that the tempting peony shrimp and turtle shrimp in the video were not even available, and the emperor crab and Boston lobster were also greatly reduced. Only some "scraps" were limited in supply, and one-on-one high-quality service was not available. Placing an order would take a long time. The dining experience was seriously inconsistent with the content promoted by the blogger. Mr. Wang felt that the shop owner was suspected of false advertising, so he searched in the Dianping software. The search results show that only the first few pages are positive reviews from some food bloggers, while the latter