Xinhua All Media+| Exhibition of Jiangnan Charm and Promotion of Chinese Soul - Observation of the "Cultural Asian Games"

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:37 PM

This will be a vibrant sports event, and more importantly, a magnificent cultural feast.

In a few days, the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou will kick off on the land of Zhijiang. When the beauty of sports and the charm of a millennium old capital shine together, and when the Olympic motto of "faster, higher, stronger - more united" meets the passion of Chinese civilization, a wonderful and diverse "Cultural Asian Games" will undoubtedly leave a strong and colorful mark in the history of sports and culture in Asia and the world.

Inheritance of "Fireworks", Illuminating the Light of the Asian Games

On the morning of June 15, 2023, in the northwest of Hangzhou, Liangzhu Site. At the holy land of the 5000 year history of Chinese civilization, the spark collection ceremony for the Hangzhou Asian Games was held.

On the Damojiao Mountain in the center of Liangzhu Ancient City, a fire collection device shaped like Liangzhu Jade Bi gathers the beam of the sun. After a moment, the sacred flame burned brightly on the torch.

On June 15, 2023, the spark collection ceremony for the Hangzhou Asian Games was held at the Liangzhu Ancient City Site Park in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. The picture shows a flame picker igniting a torch. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Zongzhi

At the 1990 Beijing Asian Games, the flame was collected at the foot of the Nyainqen Tanggula Peak in Xizang; At the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games, the flame was collected at the Juyongguan Great Wall in Beijing. Now, the fire from the millennium old Liangzhu once again shines the light of Chinese civilization on the century old Asian Games.

Passing on the torch, Chinese culture endows the Hangzhou Asian Games with a profound cultural background——

At the 100 day countdown to the opening theme event, the Hangzhou Asian Games medal "Hushan" unveiled the true face of Lushan, with a unique design that was eye-catching.

Square with a circle in it, blending the characteristics of traditional medals and the charm of Liangzhu Jade Cong; On the front, the dynamic lines outline the picturesque scene of Hangzhou City with "three cloud mountains and one city", and the beautiful scenery of West Lake is presented in every inch. The romance of Chinese people hiding the sun and moon in a pot is fully demonstrated.

In the Hangzhou Asian Games, such clever ideas can be seen everywhere: the Chinese delegation dress incorporates elements such as blue and white porcelain; The first Asian Games flower vase launched showcases the minimalist aesthetic of Song Dynasty with the shape and meaning of a flower vase; The core graphic of the Asian Games, "Runze," incorporates Hangzhou's representative specialty silk

The Chinese elements and the scenery of the Zhijiang River together endow the Hangzhou Asian Games with a unique and profound heritage. As the name of the torch for the Hangzhou Asian Games is pungent: the torch of the Asian Games is passed down from generation to generation, and Chinese civilization continues to thrive.

Throughout history, the Hangzhou Asian Games have activated excellent traditional Chinese culture——

As the opening ceremony approaches, the Hangzhou Asian Games mascots "Jiangnan Yi" can be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys of Hangzhou: Congcong, Lianlian, and Chenchen.

These three adorable robots exude a sense of the times and elevate traditional values: Congcong wears the Liangzhu "God Man Beast Face Pattern" headdress, representing fearlessness, self transcendence, and perseverance; The "three pools imprinting the moon" on the head of the lotus symbolizes the harmonious ecological civilization of all things; Chen Chen's creativity combines the imagery of the Gongchen Bridge on the Grand Canal of Beijing and Hangzhou with the world's wonder of the Qianjiang River, symbolizing the spirit of intersection, integration, and standing at the forefront of the tide.

Create from tradition and activate through practice.

Whether it is the mascot that comes from "memories of Jiangnan, the most memorable is Hangzhou", or the Hangzhou Asian Games color system that draws inspiration from "light makeup and heavy makeup are always suitable"; Whether it is a stop motion animated promotional film made of silk embroidery, or the slogan of the Asian Games with the Internet symbol "@"... Through the Asian Games, the long-standing Chinese culture has a fresh expression, and the elegant and beautiful Jiangnan sentiment has been presented with the times.

Xinhua All Media+| Exhibition of Jiangnan Charm and Promotion of Chinese Soul - Observation of the "Cultural Asian Games"

Attracting worldwide attention, Chinese culture once again ushers in a shining moment——

On August 25th, the Hangzhou Asian Games welcomed the first batch of overseas athletes. In the following few decades, this will become the focus of the world.

The light of culture always shines first into people's hearts.

Strolling West Lake, checking in on the "Big Lotus", and collecting "Memories of Jiangnan"... 19-year-old Nigerian international student Preis said, "Visiting Hangzhou on the eve of the Asian Games makes me cherish my time in China even more. I want to learn more about China's rich and outstanding cultural heritage and their profound influence in the world."

Passing down the torch, bursting with vitality and infinite charm.

Spanning over 30 years, China has hosted the Asian Games for the third time. The Hangzhou Asian Games, carrying the light of 5000 years of civilization, will surely attract the world's attention with a magnificent feast of Eastern aesthetics.

The charm of Jiangnan, writing cultural confidence

After 8 years of preparation, Hangzhou invited guests from all over the world to participate in the Asian Games during the autumn equinox season, which symbolizes abundant harvest.

Organize a meeting well and elevate a city. For 8 years, this city, once hailed by Marco Polo as the "most beautiful and luxurious city in the world," has blended the beauty of culture with the soul of the Asian Games, and beautiful poetic paintings have unfolded one after another on the coast of the East China Sea.

Revitalizing the Games with Culture, the Asian Games leave a mark on Jiangnan——

By the Qiantang River, the venue of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Hangzhou Asian Games and the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium are like a "big lotus".

The design of this venue is inspired by the ancient silk texture and weaving system, and the architectural form is derived from the dynamics of the Qiantang River. Looking down from the air, it is like a "flower" blooming side by side with the Asian Games tennis competition venue "Little Lotus", reminiscent of the poem "The lotus leaves from the sky are infinitely blue, and the lotus flowers reflect the sun in a unique red color.".

This is a photo taken on March 30, 2022, of the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium and the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Tennis Center. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Zongzhi

The Hangzhou Fuyang Water Sports Center is inspired by the landscape form in the "Dwelling in Fuchun Mountain" painting; The Hangzhou Asian Games Baseball Sports and Cultural Center, located in Shaoxing, is like an open boat surrounded by ribbons; The sub villages of Jinhua Asian Games are like a Jiangnan garden, showcasing the exquisite Jiangnan temperament

When the Asian Games encounter rivers and mountains, people can see a different Asian Games event from the exquisite and elegant poetry and painting of Jiangnan.

Revitalizing the city through meetings and promoting the flourishing development of the cultural economy——

Not long ago, riding the east wind of the Asian Games, Hangzhou launched 50 new cultural experience points for the Asian Games, transforming cultural resources into cultural tourism products and endowing tourism consumption with more cultural connotations.

Xinhua All Media+| Exhibition of Jiangnan Charm and Promotion of Chinese Soul - Observation of the "Cultural Asian Games"

The flourishing of culture promotes economic prosperity. The Asian Games is a rare cultural event.

As a co host city of the Asian Games, Huzhou has launched six themed travel routes, including "Mountain and Water Asian Games · Day Reading Tour" and "Cultural Asian Games · Exploration Tour", outlining the beautiful texture of Huzhou's mountains and waters; Ningbo has created 10 "Asian Games themed tourism boutique lines" to drive the upgrading and networking of urban and rural infrastructure

Following the footsteps of the Asian Games, various regions in Zhejiang actively explore more possibilities for positive interaction between culture and economy, transforming urban culture from "soft decoration" to "soft power", and adding vitality to the development of culture and economy through sports.

To benefit the people with cultural people and the city of the Asian Games——

Jumping houses, sliding slides, playing ping pong, playing soccer... The once abandoned parking lot has been transformed into an embedded sports stadium for the Cai Ma Grand Canal Happiness Home in Shangtang Street, Gongshu District, Hangzhou City.

The theme of the Asian Games is to put people first.

In the process of preparing for the Asian Games, Hangzhou fully considered the needs of the people for a better life, resulting in a more beautiful city with warmer temperatures.

Implementing comprehensive environmental improvement in key areas to make residents live more comfortably; The competition venues and training venues of the Asian Games are all open to the public, allowing citizens to exercise happily; The "Asian Games" subway customized special train has officially opened, making it convenient for citizens to watch the Asian Games... More and more people are truly feeling that "sports make life better" because of the Asian Games.

During the Hangzhou Asian Games, projects and enterprises will not be suspended to ensure that people's livelihoods are not affected.

On April 26, 2023, the Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee released the above news. Netizens commented that this is a scientific decision made from the perspective of the sense of gain of enterprises and the people, and it is a pragmatic move for the people.

Always putting people first and benefiting the people, the Hangzhou Asian Games has a bright background and unchanged original intention.

Consolidate strength and raise the spiritual backbone

Sports competition is a competition between physical fitness and skills, as well as a display of spiritual style.

Through the window of the Hangzhou Asian Games, what kind of China, what kind of Chinese people, and what kind of Chinese spirit will the world see?

This is a pioneering posture that bravely stands at the forefront of the trend——

The emblem of the Hangzhou Asian Games, "Tide", features the Qiantang River and Qianjiang Tide as the core image, showcasing the spirit and temperament of Jiang'er women standing at the forefront.

Looking back at the development path of Zhejiang, the spirit of being a trendsetter has always been accompanied. Nowadays, Zhejiang is once again embarking on the grand road of pioneering the construction of a demonstration zone for common prosperity.

Xinhua All Media+| Exhibition of Jiangnan Charm and Promotion of Chinese Soul - Observation of the "Cultural Asian Games"

Making progress in the tide is precisely the characteristic of this Hangzhou Asian Games. This is the largest Asian Games, with over 12000 athletes registering to participate; This is the Asian Games with the most events, and new events such as esports and breakdancing will make their debut; This is the most widely covered Asian Games, with an unprecedented set of 5 co hosting cities, and the complexity of the event organization far exceeds previous years.

Fearless of difficulties, unafraid of challenges, willing to fight and win. The surging spiritual drive of the Chinese people to move forward is resonating with the Hangzhou Asian Games, writing a clear footnote to the spirit of the Chinese people standing at the forefront.

This is the spirit of self-reliance and confidence——

On September 8, 2023, at the Yongjin Park Square in West Lake, Hangzhou, Chinese female swimmer and Olympic champion Luo Xuejuan, as the first torchbearer, began the torch relay for the Hangzhou Asian Games.

The carefully designed torch relay route, from West Lake, a world cultural heritage site, to the hometown of Lu Xun in Shaoxing, is also a "cultural route" that Zhejiang takes pride in.

From a sports powerhouse to a sports powerhouse, Chinese athletes have achieved excellent results on the international stage, greatly inspiring national pride. Now, this confidence is condensed in the preparation of athletes, blooming in the smiles of ordinary citizens on the streets and alleys, and the world will perceive a more confident and composed China from it.

This is a broad mindedness of tolerance and friendship——

On the eve of the opening of the Asian Games, the "Colorful Asia: Asian Costume Exhibition" met with visitors at the China Silk Museum in Hangzhou. 140 pieces of clothing from 27 Asian countries showcase the rich and colorful Asian culture, and have become witnesses of Asian friendship.

Chinese people have always admired beauty and harmony. The Cultural Asian Games is also a dialogue of diverse Asian civilizations.

In the Asian Games Village, various cuisines are ready to cater to the different dietary habits and lifestyles of participating countries and regions; Both inside and outside the venue, volunteer "Xiaoqinghe" showcases the Chinese people's "friendly" hospitality with thoughtful and considerate service; The "Fun Run to Hangzhou Asian Games" event has been launched in multiple countries and regions in Asia, conveying the spirit of unity, friendship, and cooperation

At the Hangzhou Asian Games, all 45 members of the Asian Olympic Council participated, showcasing the shared destiny and progress of Asia.

Dangui fragrance welcomes guests, hearts and minds blend together at this moment.

Hangzhou is ready for a sports and cultural event.

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