World Meteorological Organization: El Niño will hit Latin America and the Caribbean hard in 2023

Release time:May 09, 2024 03:19 AM

The "Climate State of Latin America and the Caribbean 2023" report released by the World Meteorological Organization on the 8th local time showed that the El Niño phenomenon and long-term climate change hit Latin America and the Caribbean hard last year. Droughts, heat waves, wildfires, extreme rainfall, and record-breaking hurricanes have significant impacts on local health, food and energy security, and economic development.

Last year was the region's hottest year on record, 0.82 degrees Celsius warmer than the 1991-2020 average, the report said. Mexico is the fastest-warming country in the region.

△October 27, 2023 local time, Acapulco, Mexico

The report points out that the transition from La Niña to El Niño in the middle of last year led to large changes in rainfall patterns, with many areas experiencing extreme polar reversals of drought and floods. Sea level rise is accelerating, with mean sea levels in the South Atlantic, subtropical and tropical North Atlantic rising faster than the global average, putting many coastal residents at risk.

World Meteorological Organization: El Niño will hit Latin America and the Caribbean hard in 2023

Data show that a total of 67 disaster events related to meteorology, hydrology and climate were reported in the region in 2023, of which disaster events related to storms and floods accounted for 77%. The economic losses caused by these disaster events are estimated to be US$21 billion, although actual losses may be higher due to underreporting and missing data in some countries.

The report also said that disasters and climate change have dealt a heavy blow to agriculture and food security in the region, with 13.8 million people suffering severe food crises last year. The negative impact of El Niño on agricultural production and food security will continue.

In addition, people in the region face greater health risks due to cardiovascular and respiratory diseases caused by heat waves, wildfire smoke, dust and air pollution.

The report highlights the need for increased investment in national meteorological and hydrological services in Latin America and the Caribbean to enhance forecasts and early warnings. In this region, 47% of WMO member states provide only “basic or essential” meteorological services, and only 6% provide “comprehensive or advanced” meteorological services.

World Meteorological Organization: El Niño will hit Latin America and the Caribbean hard in 2023
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