Xi Jinping and Serbian President Vucic jointly met with reporters

Release time:May 08, 2024 20:14 PM

Belgrade, May 8 (Xinhua) At noon on May 8, local time, President Xi Jinping and Serbian President Vucic jointly met with reporters after their talks at the Serbian Building in Belgrade.

Xi Jinping first expressed his sincere greetings to President Vucic, the Serbian government and the brotherly Serbian people on behalf of the Chinese government and people.

Xi Jinping pointed out that I paid a state visit to Serbia in 2016 and was warmly received by Serbian leaders and people, which I will never forget. Visiting again after 8 years, I am very happy to see that under the leadership of President Vucic, Serbia’s economy and society are booming, its comprehensive national strength and international status have been significantly improved, and people’s living standards have been continuously improved. China and Serbia are true friends and good partners. Their political mutual trust is as solid as a rock, their practical cooperation has been upgraded, multilateral coordination is close and smooth, and their iron-clad friendship will last forever.

Xi Jinping emphasized that last night, President Vucic and his wife, as well as the Prime Minister, former President, Speaker, Foreign Minister and others went to the airport to greet me and my wife, and arranged a unique Serbian performance, which was touching. This morning, President Vucic arranged a grand and warm welcome ceremony for the masses. Once again, I was moved by the Serbian people’s sincere feelings for China and the Chinese people. Just now, President Vucic and I had an in-depth exchange of views on China-Serbia relations and issues of common concern in a cordial and friendly atmosphere, and reached many new important consensuses.

——We jointly announced the establishment of a community with a shared future between China and Serbia in the new era and opened a new chapter in the history of China-Serbia relations. Eight years ago, Serbia became China’s first comprehensive strategic partner in Central and Eastern Europe. Today, Serbia has become the first European country to jointly build a community with a shared future with China, which fully reflects the strategic, special and high-level nature of China-Serbia relations.

——We unanimously agreed to guide and steer the China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era by strengthening strategic communication. Both sides should firmly support each other's core interests and major concerns and consolidate the political foundation for building a community with a shared future. China supports Serbia in adhering to independence and pursuing a development path that suits its national conditions, and supports Serbia's efforts to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity on the Kosovo issue.

——We jointly witnessed the signing of a number of cooperation documents, giving new impetus to win-win cooperation between China and Serbia. China and Serbia have achieved fruitful results in the high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road". The two sides will continue to promote practical cooperation with a wide range of areas, high quality and good benefits. It will not only provide solid assistance to each other's economic and social construction, but also become an important factor in promoting economic globalization and benefiting all. Vivid practice of inclusive development.

——We unanimously agreed to solidly advance cooperation in traditional advantageous areas such as transportation and energy infrastructure, and build innovative cooperation into a new growth point for bilateral relations. Expand personnel exchanges in various fields and comprehensively deepen cooperation in culture, education, sports, tourism and local areas. Strengthen inter-party exchanges and exchanges of experience in state governance. Jointly implement the three major global initiatives and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. We must uphold fairness and justice and jointly oppose hegemonism and power politics.

Xi Jinping announced China’s first six pragmatic measures to support the building of a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era.

First, with the joint efforts of both parties, the China-Serbia Free Trade Agreement officially came into effect on July 1 this year;

Second, China supports Serbia in hosting the 2027 Professional World Expo, and will send delegations to participate in the exhibition and encourage Chinese enterprises to participate in the construction of relevant projects;

Third, China is willing to expand imports of high-quality agricultural products with Serbian characteristics. The two sides have completed the procedures for exporting dried plums and blueberries to China, and have lifted the ban on highly pathogenic avian influenza in Serbia;

Fourth, China will support 50 young Serbian scientists to go to China to carry out scientific research exchanges in the next three years;

Fifth, China will invite 300 Serbian teenagers to study in China in the next three years;

Sixth, China welcomes the Serbian side to open a direct flight from Belgrade to Shanghai, and encourages the air transport companies of the two countries to open a direct flight from Belgrade to Guangzhou.

Xi Jinping pointed out that looking back on history, China-Serbia friendship was forged in the great struggle to jointly safeguard world peace and development and was forged with blood and lives. Focusing on the future, building a community with a shared future between China and Serbia in the new era is a strategic choice for both sides. The goal is to realize the aspirations of the two peoples for a better life. The driving force comes from the firm support and extensive participation of the two peoples. China is willing to join hands with Serbia to embark on a new journey of building a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era.

Vucic said that President Xi Jinping’s visit again after eight years is of great significance to Serbia. Serbia-China cooperation has achieved fruitful results, and the Serbian people have received tangible benefits. The talks I just had with President Xi Jinping were in-depth and extensive and I benefited a lot. President Xi Jinping and I also signed a joint statement on building a community with a shared future for Serbia and China in the new era. Thanks to President Xi Jinping for announcing a number of practical measures to support Serbia-China cooperation. We are proud to have a great friend like China and the new positioning of Serbia-China relations, and are full of confidence in the future of Serbia-China relations. Serbia will continue to stand firmly with China on all issues involving China's core interests. The iron-clad friendship between Serbia and China will not be interfered with or destroyed by any force.

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