Attending the warning education learning exchange meeting, Shanghai leaders conducted learning and education at the city’s warning education base for comprehensive and strict governance of the party

Release time:May 08, 2024 15:21 PM

Carrying out in-depth warning education is an important part of party discipline study and education. This morning, Municipal Party Committee Secretary Chen Jining, Municipal Party Committee Deputy Secretary and Mayor Gong Zheng, Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee Director Huang Lixin, CPPCC Chairman Hu Wenrong and other city leaders came to the Municipal Party School to carry out study and education at the city's warning education base for comprehensive and strict Party governance, and attended Warning education learning exchange meeting. Chen Jining pointed out that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on strengthening the party’s discipline construction, always maintain a sense of awe and keep the alarm bell ringing in accordance with the party’s discipline and rules, and earnestly shoulder the responsibility of governing the party and governing the party without stopping. We will deepen the comprehensive and strict governance of the party, and make every effort to protect and build the spiritual home of the Communists, so that the original aspirations can be passed down from generation to generation, and the mission can be shouldered bravely.

Since its opening in August last year, the city’s comprehensive and strict party governance warning education base has become an important position for Shanghai to carry out warning education in a regular and institutionalized manner. Chen Jining and other city leaders came to the exhibition hall to review the great exploration of our party in carrying out party discipline construction in the early days of the founding of the party, and to understand Shanghai's practical exploration of unswervingly and strictly governing the party in an all-round way and keeping discipline and rules at the forefront. From what happened in this city Learn profound lessons from typical cases of violations of disciplines and laws. Everyone said that this warning education was a vivid political class, ideological class, and discipline class. It was a baptism of spirit and a shock to the soul. It was an examination of the original intention and questioning of the original intention, and a deeper understanding of comprehensive and strict governance. The party is always on the road, and the party's self-revolution is always on the road. We must continue to sound the alarm against corruption and prevent degeneration, and work tirelessly to combat corruption and promote integrity, truly transform disciplines and rules into political consciousness, ideological consciousness, and action consciousness, and use a thorough self-revolutionary spirit to practice our original aspirations, bravely shoulder our mission, and benefit the people.

At the warning education learning exchange meeting, the participating comrades made exchange speeches based on what they saw, thought, and felt and their experience in party discipline learning.

Chen Jining pointed out that Shanghai is the birthplace of the party, the place where the original intention was launched, and the place where the great spirit of party building was nurtured. If we want to give full play to our leading and exemplary role in promoting Chinese-style modernization, we must keep in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping’s earnest instructions, constantly strengthen strict discipline, a practical style, and integrity, and remain true to our original aspiration, work tirelessly, and never disgrace our roots. Strive to be at the forefront of comprehensively and strictly administering the party. We must take the study and education of party discipline as a spur, consciously carry forward the great spirit of party building, consciously inherit the red gene, always maintain the courage to innovate, the spirit of being the first, and the vigorous vitality, so as to protect, build and build the glorious city of Shanghai. Develop well.

Chen Jining pointed out that we must always keep discipline and rules in front, check them at all times, and strictly enforce political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, mass discipline, work discipline, and life discipline. We must be strict with ourselves, be responsible for our responsibilities, and manage our jurisdiction strictly. By strengthening the implementation of responsibilities, we must cultivate, create, and maintain a clean and upright political ecology. It is necessary to unify grasping the "key minority" and driving the "majority" to achieve self-righteousness, self-purification, and self-hardness. Take the lead in tempering political character, loyally support the "two establishments" and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards"; take the lead in practicing the purpose of serving the people, firmly establish the correct view of power, political performance, and career; take the lead in promoting the spirit of struggle and never take refuge in anything , do not shirk responsibility; take the lead in strengthening integrity and integrity, be strict with self-cultivation, power use, and self-discipline; take the lead in promoting new trends and righteousness, and be the leader, builder, and defender of good political ecology and social atmosphere. Strictly manage the team, lead the team, and lead the atmosphere, so as to better drive the city's party members and cadres to learn the newly revised disciplinary regulations and abide by the rules. It is necessary to unify the tightening of the institutional cage with the strengthening of discipline consciousness. Adhere to the party spirit, party style and party discipline, guide party members and cadres to continuously improve their party spirit cultivation, ideological realm and spiritual pursuit, and continuously enhance their political determination, discipline, morality and anti-corruption. It is necessary to unify strict management and supervision with encouragement and responsibility, insist on being stricter than the law and discipline before the law, deepen the implementation of "three distinctions", and encourage party members and cadres to dare to do good deeds. It is necessary to unify the universal requirements for the implementation of discipline with the actual situation of the unit, strengthen problem orientation, improve the pertinence of party discipline learning and education, and enable party members and cadres to consciously engrave compliance with rules and disciplines in their hearts and practice them.

Chen Jining emphasized that we must do a good job in building a culture of integrity in the new era. We should carry out in-depth warning education, make good use of the "living teaching materials" around us, and give good party discipline lessons, so that party members and cadres can be alert, understand the bottom line, and know to be in awe. Vigorously promote red culture, take the "Birthplace of the Party" red culture inheritance and promotion project as a guide, fully explore and make good use of Shanghai's rich red resources, guide party members and cadres to draw strength from them, strengthen their beliefs, beliefs and confidence, temper their integrity and integrity, and always maintain The Communists are full of vitality, high spirits and righteousness.

Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee members Li Yangzhe, Zhao Jiaming, Chen Tong, Zhu Zhisong, Zhang Wei, Chen Jinshan, Li Zheng, Hu Shijun, and responsible comrades of the Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee, Municipal Government, and CPPCC participated.

Attending the warning education learning exchange meeting, Shanghai leaders conducted learning and education at the city’s warning education base for comprehensive and strict governance of the party
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