Letters from a Great Power | China-Hungary Friendship Envoy

Release time:May 08, 2024 19:52 PM

Twenty years ago, a Hungarian-Chinese bilingual school was built in Budapest on the banks of the Danube River, and a seed of Sino-Hungarian friendship was planted. Twenty years later, this seed has matured and blossomed. Groups of children who yearn for China come here, and young people who love Chinese culture come to China one after another. Hu Lingyue and Song Zhixiao are among them. In January 2023, as student representatives of the Hungarian-Chinese Bilingual School, the two received a reply letter from President Xi Jinping. How is their life and study going now? Let’s take a look at today’s “Letter from a Great Power”.

Letters from a Great Power | China-Hungary Friendship Envoy

Hu Lingyue, a Hungarian international student at Capital Normal University: In addition to learning the Chinese language here, we also need to have a deeper understanding of knowledge other than language.

Letters from a Great Power | China-Hungary Friendship Envoy

Song Zhixiao, a Hungarian student at Capital Normal University: I am very grateful to President Xi because he encourages us to come to China to walk around and see it, and also encourages us to come to China to study at university.

Letters from a Great Power | China-Hungary Friendship Envoy

Hu Lingyue, a Hungarian student at Capital Normal University: Four is four, ten is ten, fourteen is fourteen, and forty is forty. My Chinese name is Hu Lingyue. I think Chinese characters are very special and very logical, and the pinyin and pronunciation are also very special. I studied Chinese at a Hungarian-Chinese bilingual school for 12 years.

Letters from a Great Power | China-Hungary Friendship Envoy

Song Zhixiao, a Hungarian student at Capital Normal University: I think calligraphy is very interesting and I like it very much. My name is Song Zhixiao, and I am currently an undergraduate student at Capital Normal University.

Letters from a Great Power | China-Hungary Friendship Envoy

Hu Lingyue, a Hungarian student at Capital Normal University: On January 18, 2023, Song Ji-hyo and I won the Chinese Ambassador Scholarship for the second time. We are very happy and excited, and especially want to share our joy. In addition, we also want to send New Year blessings, so we plan to write a letter to Grandpa Xi.

Letters from a Great Power | China-Hungary Friendship Envoy

We know that when you came to the school in 2009, you asked the students to focus on the future, lay a solid foundation, and be successors to the cause of China-Hungary friendship. We have studied Chinese here for twelve years and have learned about China and like China. We hope to go to university in China after graduating from high school and contribute to the friendship between Hungary and China in the future.

Letters from a Great Power | China-Hungary Friendship Envoy

My wife and I are very happy to receive your letter during the Spring Festival of the Year of the Rabbit. I still remember the scene of communicating with teachers and students at the Hungarian-Chinese Bilingual School in 2009. I know that you have persisted in learning Chinese for a long time and are determined to contribute to China-Hungary friendship. I applaud you.

Letters from a Great Power | China-Hungary Friendship Envoy

China and Hungary both have a long history and splendid culture. The two peoples have traditional friendship and cultural exchanges are becoming increasingly close. I welcome you to go to China to study at university after graduating from high school. I also hope that more and more Hungarian teenagers will like to learn Chinese and learn Chinese, and have the opportunity to walk around and see China, and learn more about today's China and its history and culture. Strive to be an envoy to carry forward and develop the cause of China-Hungary friendship.

Letters from a Great Power | China-Hungary Friendship Envoy

Hu Lingyue, a Hungarian student at Capital Normal University: We feel very happy and excited when we received Grandpa Xi’s reply letter.

Letters from a Great Power | China-Hungary Friendship Envoy

Song Zhixiao, a Hungarian student at Capital Normal University: We didn’t expect him to reply to us. We were really excited and honored to receive his reply.

Letters from a Great Power | China-Hungary Friendship Envoy

Hu Lingyue, a Hungarian international student at Capital Normal University: I want to say to Grandpa Xi that we are here. I came to Capital Normal University to start my college life, and I feel great.

Letters from a Great Power | China-Hungary Friendship Envoy

Song Zhixiao, a Hungarian student at Capital Normal University: Only here can we know that the Chinese people are so enthusiastic and willing to help us when we encounter problems.

Letters from a Great Power | China-Hungary Friendship Envoy

Hu Lingyue, a Hungarian student at Capital Normal University: I have met many enthusiastic and kind-hearted Chinese people and Chinese friends, and I just enjoy communicating with them. I heard a lot of Chinese people say "what did you say", but I just couldn't figure out what it meant. I started learning these colloquial words and expressions, which I found quite interesting.

Letters from a Great Power | China-Hungary Friendship Envoy

Song Zhixiao, a Hungarian international student at Capital Normal University: We had a class last semester called "Into Chinese Characters". We had the opportunity to learn more about Chinese characters. For example, the "friend" of a friend is like an oracle bone inscription, with two right hands, and then one. Mine and the other one is my friend's.

Letters from a Great Power | China-Hungary Friendship Envoy

Hu Lingyue, a Hungarian international student at Capital Normal University: We learn more idioms and sayings here, and the one that impressed me the most was "waiting for pie to fall from the sky", which made me understand that if I want to realize my ideal , we can’t just talk, but we must take action and stick to it.

Letters from a Great Power | China-Hungary Friendship Envoy

Song Zhixiao, a Hungarian student at Capital Normal University: Hu Lingyue and I both participated in the school sports meeting, and we got good results. I think the atmosphere of mutual encouragement is particularly good.

Letters from a Great Power | China-Hungary Friendship Envoy

Hu Lingyue, a Hungarian student at Capital Normal University: When I came to China, I also had the opportunity to try Tai Chi. Also, this semester I started learning Chinese folk dance. When I dance, I feel relaxed and happy.

Letters from a Great Power | China-Hungary Friendship Envoy

Hu Lingyue, a Hungarian student at Capital Normal University: I think China has a long history, rich culture, and rapid technological development.

Letters from a Great Power | China-Hungary Friendship Envoy

Song Zhixiao, a Hungarian international student at Capital Normal University: Compared with Hungary, the pace of life in China is faster and more convenient in many aspects. Especially when paying with WeChat, it is very convenient, and then you just scan the code when you get on the bus and get off.

Letters from a Great Power | China-Hungary Friendship Envoy

Song Zhixiao, a Hungarian student at Capital Normal University: At first, my parents chose the Hungarian-Chinese Bilingual School, and then I fell in love with the Chinese language. My brother also attended the Hungarian-Chinese Bilingual School, and my younger brother is also a student there.

Letters from a Great Power | China-Hungary Friendship Envoy

The Hungarian-Chinese Bilingual School was established in September 2004. It is the only public full-time school in Central and Eastern Europe that uses Chinese and the language of the host country to teach.

Letters from a Great Power | China-Hungary Friendship Envoy

Up to now, the school has 20 classes in 12 grades and more than 500 students. Students can study Chinese systematically for 12 years.

Letters from a Great Power | China-Hungary Friendship Envoy

Dan Lina, a student at the Hungarian-Chinese Bilingual School: What I like most is learning kung fu, because I think the movements of Chinese kung fu are very cool.

Letters from a Great Power | China-Hungary Friendship Envoy

Dorina, a student at the Hungarian-Chinese Bilingual School: I can talk and communicate with Chinese people, make Chinese friends, and understand culture and history.

Letters from a Great Power | China-Hungary Friendship Envoy

Erdey Susanna, principal of the Hungarian-Chinese Bilingual School: I remember very clearly when President Xi visited our school in October 2009. President Xi’s reply letter also convinced me that the development direction of high-level Chinese language teaching we adhere to is completely correct, and it will play an important role in the continued development of relations between Hungary and China.

Letters from a Great Power | China-Hungary Friendship Envoy

Song Zhixiao, a Hungarian student at Capital Normal University: After graduating from university, I plan to be a teacher or a translator.

Letters from a Great Power | China-Hungary Friendship Envoy

Hu Lingyue, a Hungarian international student at Capital Normal University: If you want to see farther, reach a higher level. This poem made me understand that we can look at the world around us from another perspective and understand the world better. We will definitely not live up to Grandpa Xi’s expectations of us, and we will definitely work hard to be envoys who inherit and develop the cause of China-Hungary friendship.

Letters from a Great Power | China-Hungary Friendship Envoy

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Letters from a Great Power | China-Hungary Friendship Envoy
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