What's the name?, Japan's "Death Penalty Minister" Becomes the Third Female Foreign Minister

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:59 PM

·On September 13th, Uesukawa faced the media as Minister of Foreign Affairs.

On September 13th, 70 year old Yoko Uesugawa wrote a sentence on his social media account: "Don't forget the original intention of the vast expanse."

Five days later, he flew all the way to Shangchuan, the United States, and met with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in New York to talk about the Russia-Ukraine conflict, talk about U.S. - Japan cooperation, and thank the United States for its "support and understanding" on Japan's nuclear contaminated water discharge.

Uesukawa is going to attend the United Nations General Assembly, which is her diplomatic debut as Japan's new Foreign Minister. On September 15th, before departure, she stated that her trip would "showcase Japan's presence on the United Nations stage.". In addition to giving speeches, she also held talks with the British Foreign Secretary, Brazilian Foreign Minister, and Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, and attended the G7 Foreign Ministers' Meeting, hoping to showcase Japan's great power demeanor.

What's the name?, Japan's "Death Penalty Minister" Becomes the Third Female Foreign Minister

During the reigns of Shinzo Abe and Yoshihide Suga, Uekawa served as Minister of Justice multiple times, claiming to be a prominent figure in the legal world, but it was her first time engaging in diplomacy. At the age of seventy, learning to blow and play is impossible without a big heart.

Uekawa is the third female Foreign Minister in Japan, following Makiko Tanaka and Shunko Kawaguchi. But Japanese netizens are still pondering why Prime Minister Fumio Kishida wanted her to become Foreign Minister - "It's not because she can speak English, is it?"

·Upagawa's personal page: "Take responsibility for the future.".

"Yangzi, now we can only rely on you!"

What's the name?, Japan's "Death Penalty Minister" Becomes the Third Female Foreign Minister


When Kishida reorganized his cabinet, it was a tumultuous time. At the end of August, domestic polls in Japan showed a continuous decline in support for their cabinet. If we don't take action to reorganize, our popularity may be even lower.

Jiang Feng, the editor in chief of the Japanese Overseas Chinese Daily, told the global figure Kishida that "being able to speak English" may indeed be one of the reasons why he chose to go to Sichuan. Uesukawa's predecessor was Lin Fangzheng. According to the Japanese newspaper Sankei Shimbun, Lin Fang is a "pro China faction", which has raised concerns from the US government, which continues to have tense relations with China. Uesukawa is more familiar with the United States.

Uesugawa, born in 1953, comes from Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture. After graduating from Shizuoka Shuangye High School, she was admitted to the Department of International Relations at the Faculty of Education, University of Tokyo. After graduation, she married her classmate from Tohoku University, Uesukawa Zhuomiao. My husband works at a Japanese bank and has been working in the financial industry ever since. Yoko Uesukawa joined Mitsubishi Institute of Integrated Research as a researcher.

What's the name?, Japan's "Death Penalty Minister" Becomes the Third Female Foreign Minister

The Mitsubishi Institute is a leading think tank in Japan, with research topics spanning both political and business fields. Uesukawa's ability to become a researcher also has a certain element of luck. The concept of male superiority and female inferiority was originally strong in Japan. After the introduction of the Equal Employment Opportunities Act for Men and Women in 1985, women had the opportunity to hold positions in research, management, and other fields. Uesukawa just stepped on the right spot.

The work of Mitsubishi Institute of Comprehensive Research has exposed Uesukawa to a lot of political knowledge and sparked a desire to study politics. In 1988, she went to the United States for graduate studies and obtained a Master's degree in Political Administration from the Kennedy School of Political Science at Harvard University.

During his time in the United States, Uesukawa interned at the US Congress as an intern secretary for Senator Max Baux. This experience allowed Uesukawa to be exposed for the first time to the operation of the American national machinery, and it is also helpful for her current dealings with American colleagues.

·Yoko Ukawa met with Secretary of State Antony Blinken of the United States.

What's the name?, Japan's "Death Penalty Minister" Becomes the Third Female Foreign Minister

After returning to China, Uesukawa was appointed as the President of Global Link Company. This is a consulting company that cultivates business talents. She is busy with work and neglects her health and family.

One evening in 1989, Uesukawa, who was pregnant with a second child, took the tram home after finishing long hours of overtime. On the way, the tram was suspended due to heavy snow, and she transferred to the bus with other passengers, suddenly showing signs of miscarriage. Fortunately, I rushed to the hospital in time and managed to save the child. She said, "At that time, I deeply felt the failure of being a mother."

In 1996, at the age of 43, Uesukawa made the decision to abandon business and enter politics in pursuit of his original aspiration of achieving great success. Previously, she had some communication with a senior cabinet official. The high-ranking official said, "If you want to be a village chief, you need to consider from the perspective of the mayor. If you want to be a mayor, you need to plan from the perspective of the governor. If you want to do something well, you need to do it in the interest and perspective of the country."

To run for the first district representative of Shizuoka Prefecture, she rode a bicycle with her 11 year old daughter, holding a loudspeaker and using a hoarse voice to solicit votes. Her campaign slogan is: "Yoko, now we can only rely on you!"

What's the name?, Japan's "Death Penalty Minister" Becomes the Third Female Foreign Minister

Uesukawa, who had no background in social circles, suffered a disastrous defeat in his first battle. After a painful experience, she joined the Liberal Democratic Party and embarked on a fast lane in politics.

Since 2000, Uesukawa has been elected to the House of Representatives six times. In 2004, she served as the director of the Women's Bureau of the Liberal Democratic Party and is still participating in and organizing the National Conference of Women's Directors.

·Uesukawa participated in the National Conference of Women Directors.

Jiang Feng analysis: "Shoda follows Abe's example and wants to carry out his own the final say 'prime minister's official residence diplomacy'. As a Shoda faction with a high degree of cooperation, Shokawa is undoubtedly the best candidate for the Foreign Minister. Shokawa once served as the acting secretary-general of the Liberal Democratic Party, and her work achievements have been highly recognized by Shoda. In addition, she also has experience in the United States and private enterprises in Japan, and has a strong will, which is sometimes needed in diplomacy."

What's the name?, Japan's "Death Penalty Minister" Becomes the Third Female Foreign Minister

Executed 17 prisoners

Uesukawa's ruthlessness was honed during his tenure as Minister of Justice.

In 2008, when Abe formed his cabinet, Uesukawa first served as Minister of Justice, demonstrating his dominance.

In Japan, all death penalty orders must be signed by the Minister of Justice, but most of them are afraid of retaliation or concerned about issues such as votes, and dare not sign them easily, unwilling to bear the name of "executioner". So, Japan only executes criminals who commit multiple homicides.

What's the name?, Japan's "Death Penalty Minister" Becomes the Third Female Foreign Minister

Uesugawa is a special case. She executed 17 prisoners during her tenure. Resolute attitude, not afraid of retaliation.

Especially in July 2018, Uesukawa signed 13 death penalty orders in one go, executing the leader of the terrorist organization Aum Shinrikyo, Shoko Asahara, and several of his subordinates. Uesukawa was also given the nickname "Minister of Death Penalty" as a result.

On the eve of the execution of Asahara, Uesukawa raised his glass and shouted "Long live" with the leaders of the Liberal Democratic Party, including Kishida, at the Liberal Democratic Party dormitory "Liberal Democratic Pavilion". After this incident was exposed, Uesukawa was also criticized by the media for it.

·Uesugawa attended the "Zimin Pavilion" dinner and sat next to Abe.

What's the name?, Japan's "Death Penalty Minister" Becomes the Third Female Foreign Minister

In November 1989, six key members of the Aum Shinrikyo sect stormed into the home of renowned anti cult lawyer Sakamoto Tei, causing a massacre. On March 20, 1995, under the guidance of Shoko Asahara, believers dropped sarin gas and venom at several subway stations in the center of Tokyo, causing 13 deaths and over 6300 injuries after vaporization.

When it was decided to execute Asahara Sapporo, Uesugawa already had grandchildren. Before signing the execution order, everyone around her advised her to give up, but Uesukawa remained resolute. She said, "The terror, pain, and despair experienced by victims who have been taken away and survivors who have regained their lives from the brink of death are unimaginable."

·In September 2020, when the cabinet of then Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga made its debut, Uesukawa was appointed as Minister of Justice.

On September 16, 2020, Uesukawa served as Minister of Justice for the third time in the cabinet of Yoshihide Suga.

What's the name?, Japan's "Death Penalty Minister" Becomes the Third Female Foreign Minister

On August 24th of the following year, the Fukuoka District Court in Japan sentenced the leader of the underworld organization "Kudo Association", Satoru Nomura, to death. Nomura participated in the 1998 shooting of the former president of the Fisheries Association, the 2012 shooting of the Fukuoka Prefectural Police, the 2013 stabbing of a nurse, and the 2014 stabbing of a dentist. This person is arrogant and has a wide network in politics. His "Kudo Association" was defined by the Japanese government as the "only specially designated violent group in the country.".

During the trial on that day, Nomura, who learned that he had been sentenced to death, was furious and threatened the judge, "What kind of judgment is this? You, you will regret it for a lifetime." This was the first time a Japanese court sentenced the death penalty to the death of a designated violent group leader, and it was also a new record set during Uesukawa's tenure as Minister of Justice.

However, as a woman, Uesukawa also dislikes the nickname "Minister of the Death Penalty". In order to create a people-oriented image, she frequently appears in folk activities across the country.

It is said that Uesukawa believes that Japan's chauvinism is "foolish". She advocates amending the law to support couples with different surnames as a way to promote gender equality.

What's the name?, Japan's "Death Penalty Minister" Becomes the Third Female Foreign Minister

In a survey questionnaire, Uesukawa chose "not needed" in the question "Should Japan consider developing nuclear weapons?".

·In 2023, Uesugawa participated in the Shizuoka Prefecture Summer Festival.

"Softening Japan's national image"

Kishida appointed Uesukawa, and Jiang Feng believes there is another reason: "Uesukawa is the best ambassador for Kishida's' women's active social construction 'policy, which can soften Japan's national image in the international community, earn attention and goodwill."

What's the name?, Japan's "Death Penalty Minister" Becomes the Third Female Foreign Minister

·Uesugawa met with Gada Fathi Willi, Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

However, the practice of discharging nuclear contaminated water into the sea has caused public anger in Japan's neighborhood, and it is not easy to save it. The Japanese people are also aware of this. A netizen wrote, "Can she save such a big diplomatic matter on her own?"

However, the outside world still holds high expectations for Uesukawa's new appointment.

On September 14th, Uesukawa stated at his inauguration press conference that Prime Minister Kishida has not changed his stance on China and believes that both sides are committed to building a constructive and stable relationship.

What's the name?, Japan's "Death Penalty Minister" Becomes the Third Female Foreign Minister

Regarding this, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning stated that China has congratulated Ms. Yoko Uesukawa on her appointment as Foreign Minister. Ms. Uesukawa had previously participated in a delegation visit to China and also participated in events held by the Chinese Embassy in Japan as Deputy Minister of General Affairs. I hope that the diplomatic departments of both countries can work together to implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of both sides, strengthen dialogue and cooperation, control conflicts and differences, and jointly promote the construction of a constructive and stable Sino Japanese relationship that meets the requirements of the new era.

Jiang Feng believes that "refreshing the position of Foreign Minister has a certain short-term effect on reshaping Japan's international image, but it is not an easy task to achieve more 'monetization'." He said, "This year marks the 45th anniversary of the signing of the China Japan Peace and Friendship Treaty. Although Yoko Uekawa has stated that his stance on building constructive and stable China Japan relations remains unchanged, whether he can actively influence the direction of relations on his own will depend not only on Japan's fundamental diplomatic line, but also on how his' three fires' will burn."

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