Wen Zhu Hun Ying Shen Zhou - Observation on Beijing's Full Efforts to Promote the Construction of National Cultural Centers

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:18 PM

Author: Xinhua Daily Telegraph reporter Wang Minghao, Li Dexin, Tian Chenxu, Yang Shujun, Luo Xin

September in Beijing, with the refreshing golden breeze and the fragrance of osmanthus, is the perfect time for traveling.

Early in the morning, many citizens and tourists climbed to the top of the Wanchun Pavilion in Jingshan, leaning against the railing to overlook. The city of Beijing shone brightly under the sun, heavy, grand, and full of vitality.

From the majestic Yongding Gate to the quaint and elegant Bell and Drum Tower, the north-south central axis still exudes a solemn and magnificent charm with a lingering charm; From the vibrant CBD commercial district to the century old Shougang, which witnessed the "Double Olympics", the east-west Chang'an Street is full of openness, prosperity, and colorful charm... Beijing, a historical and cultural city with a history of over 3000 years of construction and 870 years of capital, is also the world's first "Double Olympics" city, blending culture, history, and modernity.

This is Yongdingmen, the southernmost point of Beijing's central axis. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li He

Having the largest urban museum cluster in the country, with the number of physical bookstores owned by 10000 people ranking first in the country, the proportion of added value of cultural industry to GDP ranking first in the country for consecutive years, and the comprehensive index of cultural industry development ranking first in the country for 7 consecutive years

Wen Zhu Hun Ying Shen Zhou - Observation on Beijing's Full Efforts to Promote the Construction of National Cultural Centers

Culture is the soul of a city.

Tourists are playing in Tiananmen Square. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ren Chao

Live inheritance and polishing of historical and cultural "golden business card"

During the white dew season, the valley turns yellow and the fields are busy with farming. On the west side of the southern section of the Beijing Central Axis, in the Yitian area of the Xiannong Altar, there is a scene of hot and abundant harvest.

The Xiannong Altar was a place where the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties worshipped the Xiannong gods and held their own farming ceremonies. After more than half a year of renovation, in July of this year, the sacrificial altar area restored its historical style, and the mysterious veil of the Zai livestock pavilion courtyard was unveiled for the first time. The Beijing Ancient Architecture Museum, located here, also reopened, adding another "cultural pearl" to the central axis.

"Ji was first widely planted in northern China and later spread to other countries..." A group of elementary school students were listening attentively to the explanation and experiencing the fun of agricultural culture. Behind them, the Shencang architectural complex, named after storing the grain obtained from the emperor's personal cultivation and use of fields, has been hidden for more than 200 years, revealing its true appearance to the audience.

Wen Zhu Hun Ying Shen Zhou - Observation on Beijing's Full Efforts to Promote the Construction of National Cultural Centers

"The doors, windows, and pillars of the building have been restored to their original vermilion color, and all the colorful paintings on the eaves of the palace have been preserved and recreated in their original form," said Zhang Min, a researcher at the Beijing Museum of Ancient Architecture. "In the future, modern exhibition methods will be used to systematically explain the history, culture, and functions of the Shencang, so that this group of royal buildings can better approach the public."

Tourists are visiting Qianmen Street in front of Zhengyangmen Arrow Tower. Photo by Ju Huanzong, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

The 7.8 kilometer long central axis of Beijing has gone through more than 700 years, shaping Beijing's unique and magnificent order, and is known as the soul and backbone of the ancient capital. Since 2011, Beijing has been continuously promoting the protection of cultural relics along the central axis, issuing relevant regulations and plans, and launching over a hundred cultural relic restoration projects. The Imperial History Hall, Xianliang Temple, and Taimiao Temple have been orderly vacated, and the Bell and Drum Tower, Sheji Altar, and Zhengyang Gate Arrow Tower have been repaired one after another. The grand layout of the capital has become increasingly clear.

The old city of Beijing is the essence of China's excellent traditional culture. Driven by the protection of the central axis, Beijing strictly implements the requirement of "the old city cannot be demolished again", carefully protects its historical and cultural landscape, and improves the quality of the city. When the old city no longer grows tall and the alleys are no longer widened, what remains is a livable urban area that is sparse, solemn, and blends ancient and modern.

The smooth and clean slate road, unique hand painted graffiti, and internet famous coffee shops along the street... In the afternoon, the Rotten Man Hutong is filled with a romantic atmosphere.

"Our alley has indeed undergone significant changes. In the past, the road surface was bumpy and once it rained, it would accumulate water and be covered with overhead lines." Resident Song Xinglan said, "Now the lines have all entered the ground, and the road surface has been paved with new bricks. The flower boxes along the way are particularly beautiful."

Wen Zhu Hun Ying Shen Zhou - Observation on Beijing's Full Efforts to Promote the Construction of National Cultural Centers

The photo taken on June 20th of Langman Hutong in Beijing. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Luo Xin

The No. 108 Courtyard of Langman Hutong is a part of the former site of Jiangning County Hall in the Qing Dynasty, which is a two-story quadrangle courtyard. To make up for the functional shortcomings of the neighborhood, the first courtyard has been converted into a "red reception hall", which can hold community activities on a regular basis; The second courtyard is a "symbiotic courtyard", where residents can enjoy the convenience of various facilities after renovation and upgrading. The once privately built "mixed courtyard" has transformed into a spacious and tidy "beautiful courtyard".

Gradual "micro renovation" replaces large-scale demolition and construction, with a focus on implementing "one street, one strategy" for the back streets and alleys. Beijing promotes the restoration of the texture of alleys and alleys through embroidery efforts. As of now, more than 100 "beautiful courtyards" and "most beautiful courtyards" have been built in the old city of Beijing, including No. 3 Courtyard of Caochang Toutiao in Qianmen Street and No. 22 Courtyard of Dongzhong Hutong. The guild halls, former residences, and other relics hidden in the alleys have not only restored their appearance, but also achieved a "living" inheritance.

"The activities in the reception hall are so diverse that I often come to participate," Song Xinglan warmly invited, "and you often come and take a look when you have time!"

On July 19, 2022, the CPC's early revolutionary activities memorial hall in Beijing was shot in Dongcheng District, Beijing. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Zhonghao

Red is the distinctive background color of Beijing. In recent years, Beijing has strengthened the protection and utilization of revolutionary cultural relics, built a three-dimensional revolutionary cultural relics protection system, and formed three major red culture theme areas, namely, the CPC's early revolutionary activities in Beijing, the Anti Japanese War, and the founding of New China.

Wen Zhu Hun Ying Shen Zhou - Observation on Beijing's Full Efforts to Promote the Construction of National Cultural Centers

As an important stop on the journey of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to Beijing for exams, the former site of Tsinghua Garden Station, which has a history of over 100 years, officially opened to the public in March this year. The once chaotic environment has been rejuvenated, with lush grasslands and newly paved walkways extending into the distance along the timeless railway tracks, where time is gently intertwined. Nowadays, this has become a new "check-in spot" for many young people.

On March 25th, as an important stop on the path of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to rush to Beijing for exams, the former site of Tsinghua Garden Station was officially opened to the public. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Zhonghao

"The restoration of historical scenes and the presentation of rich historical materials in the old site of Tsinghua Garden Station leave a deep impression on people," said Deng Zhenzhi, a student at Peking University. "When passing by the old site, one always remembers the route taken by their ancestors and draws strength from it."

The Grand Canal of Beijing and Hangzhou flows with great momentum, and the entire 62 kilometer section of the Beijing Hebei section has been opened for navigation, continuing the magnificent charm of a thousand years; The majestic Great Wall stretches and becomes a demonstration case for world heritage protection and management, contributing "Chinese experience"; The Yongding River in Xishan combines strength and softness, and the environmental quality has steadily improved, presenting a landscape style that blends mountains and rivers and is grand and magnificent... Beijing continues to polish its historical and cultural "golden card", showcasing the charm of a world-renowned historical and cultural city with the style of the capital, ancient capital, and era. Rooted in the profound cultural heritage of the millennium old capital, it is shining with vitality in the new era.

Summer Beijing Bell and Drum Tower. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Luo Xiaoguang

Innovation empowers effective supply and enhances "happiness"

Wen Zhu Hun Ying Shen Zhou - Observation on Beijing's Full Efforts to Promote the Construction of National Cultural Centers

"It's like embarking on a wonderful exploration journey and reaping great rewards!" Walking in the exhibition hall of the National Museum of Nature, Wang Haoyu, a cultural and museum enthusiast from Yuncheng, Shanxi, sighed.

Large dinosaur fossils, lifelike animal specimens, and lively and interesting science popularization exhibition boards... In January of this year, the Beijing Museum of Nature was officially renamed as the National Museum of Nature. As the summer "museum fever" continues to heat up, this place has become a must visit destination for many tourists coming to Beijing, and "going to the museum" has become a new way of life and social trend.

On June 5th, visitors took photos of exhibits at the National Museum of Nature. Shen Jizhong

Beijing is one of the cities with the most museum resources in the world. As of the end of August 2023, there are 218 registered museums in the city, with an average annual reception of over 50 million visitors. Since Beijing proposed to build a "city of museums" in 2020, the history exhibition hall of the CPC and the China National Arts and Crafts Museum have been built in succession, and a large number of national and urban museums have completed reconstruction, expansion and reopening, greatly enriching the museum system in Beijing.

"Although cultural relics and specimens are static, the information and value they carry are 'live'," said Meng Qingjin, the director of the National Museum of Nature. "We help create a 'mobile museum' and an 'never-ending museum' through digital presentation, exhibition 'going out' and other methods, providing accessible services for more audiences."

Culture is like water, infiltrating silently. High quality cultural supply is continuously improving the happiness index of the people.

Wen Zhu Hun Ying Shen Zhou - Observation on Beijing's Full Efforts to Promote the Construction of National Cultural Centers

In the theater, literary and artistic works with Beijing as the creative theme sound the horn of the times. The Beijing opera "Li Dazhao", the drama "Night of Fragrant Mountains", and the dance drama "Five Stars Leaving the East" continue to emerge as literary and artistic masterpieces, and the cultural business card of "watching Beijing for big dramas" is becoming increasingly shining.

In the streets and alleys, the cultural spaces of "small yet beautiful" and "diverse styles" are rich in cultural fertile soil. The Pigment Guild Hall continues its string music, and the Zhengyi Temple Theater reopens... One hall, one strategy promotes the integration of traditional culture into modern life, lighting up the carrier of traditional culture.

In the golden autumn season, the Ditan Park is filled with the fragrance of books. After a decade of separation, the Beijing Ditan Book Market has returned to its readers. Early on the opening day, 72 year old Dou Sanbao rushed over. "The Ditan Book Market is a dream for the people of Beijing, and the familiar feeling has returned!"

On September 8th, citizens selected books at the Ditan Book Market. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Zhonghao

As a supporting event of the 2023 Beijing Cultural Forum, the 11 day book market has set up 8 specialized areas with over 200 exhibitors, showcasing and selling over 400000 types of books.

"Compared to buying books online, going to the book market feels very different. When you find a book you particularly like or haven't seen for a long time, you feel very happy," said Chen Dandan, a Beijing resident.

Wen Zhu Hun Ying Shen Zhou - Observation on Beijing's Full Efforts to Promote the Construction of National Cultural Centers

To build a cultural city, to prosper the city with culture. Beijing vigorously promotes the "cultural+" strategy of integrating culture and technology, as well as culture and tourism, effectively unleashing Beijing's technological resources, human resources, and innovation vitality, and empowering cultural development.

At the just concluded 2023 Service Trade Fair, the audience and actors had in-depth interaction in the "immersive performance hall" built by Happy Fried Dough Twists, sharing the performance space and performing the plot together.

"Immersive performance brings a very different experience to the audience, who are both viewers and participants." Liu Yuanyuan, general manager and producer of Happy Fried Dough Twists Region, told reporters that since its launch in 2019, immersive performance has become increasingly popular with the audience, and this year's performance is expected to exceed 3000.

Immersive is an important feature of new cultural formats, which fully integrates digital technologies such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and big data into cultural experiences, creating new cultural products and consumption scenarios. Tianning No.1 Oriental Art Space, Tianqiao Art Center New Space Theater, Liangma River International Style Waterfront... Beijing relies on the construction of a smart city, "City of Performing Arts", and an international consumption center city to cultivate immersive and interactive performance formats, effectively promoting the deep integration and development of culture and tourism.

This is when people take a cruise ship to enjoy the night view of Liangma River in Beijing. Photo by Sun Ruibo, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

"The excellent cultural and innovative environment in Beijing provides strong support for our creative development. We are also constantly trying to use digital new technologies to create better performance effects and bring more exciting viewing experiences to the audience," Liu Yuanyuan said.

Wen Zhu Hun Ying Shen Zhou - Observation on Beijing's Full Efforts to Promote the Construction of National Cultural Centers

Technology empowers culture, and culture empowers cities. Beijing continues to strengthen its innovation drive, with new cultural formats leading the country. In the first half of this year, Beijing's cultural new business enterprises achieved a revenue of 642.08 billion yuan, accounting for more than a quarter of the national revenue of cultural new business enterprises. The proportion of added value of cultural industries to GDP has increased from 8.1% in 2013 to 11.0% in 2021, consistently ranking first in the country.

Yang Shuo, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, stated that in the future, Beijing will base itself on the abundant cultural and tourism resources of the capital, strengthen cultural confidence, promote tourism for the people, and continuously advance the high-quality development of the capital's culture and tourism to new heights.

Exchange and mutual learning, join hands with the world to shine with "new colors"

"I am very happy to see that opera is becoming more and more popular among Chinese friends."

In August, at a lecture on the opera "La Traviata", the appearance of many "old friends" made the speaker and opera production consultant of the National Grand Theatre, Giuseppe Kucha, very happy. 12 years ago, when he came to Beijing, he never expected that Western opera art could find many "close friends" in Beijing.

As a well-known artist in the European opera production industry, Kucha was invited to become the opera consultant for the National Theatre in 2011. "This is a complex yet interesting experience, and I am honored to have such a collaboration." In Kucha's view, he and Chinese artists have gone through a period of language, culture, and way of thinking adaptation together. In order to pursue common artistic pursuits, they overcame difficulties together and created fruitful artistic achievements.

Wen Zhu Hun Ying Shen Zhou - Observation on Beijing's Full Efforts to Promote the Construction of National Cultural Centers

Over the past 12 years, Kucha has been deeply involved in the creation and rehearsal of numerous programs. The opera works such as "The Camellia Woman" and "Tosca" directed by him have been performed in many parts of China and have received high praise. At the same time, he went deep into multiple schools in Beijing to introduce opera culture to young Chinese people and stimulate their interest in opera art.

"In the future, I hope to introduce modern China to more countries, showcase its beautiful scenery and rich culture." Kucha said, "If one day, I can be remembered by everyone as a cultural exchange ambassador between China and foreign countries, it will be my luckiest thing."

The exhibition of authentic works of Monet, Van Gogh, and modernist masters was recently held at the 798 Museum of Encounter. Photo by Zhang Manzi, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

To cultivate people with culture and to connect the heart with art. The theater is filled with exciting performances, and the cultural industry park is also home to a collection of high-quality products. In the 798 Art District located in Chaoyang District, Beijing, numerous cultural and artistic exhibitions centered around contemporary art, excellent traditional Chinese culture, and other themes are attracting visitors to visit. At the Encounter Museum, Beijing 798 Museum, the "Monet, Van Gogh, and Modernist Masters Exhibition" brings the precious paintings of 36 world-class art masters to Beijing.

The authentic Monet work "Pink Water Lilies" exhibited in Beijing this time. Respondents provide pictures

The shimmering water surface, the colorful fields of blooming flowers, and the quietly blooming water lilies... These paintings made art enthusiast Xie Xiaoling linger for a long time, reluctant to leave until the museum closed. "In recent years, major art parks in Beijing have often exhibited art masterpieces from both domestic and foreign countries, allowing people to have 'zero distance contact' with masters from all over the world without leaving Beijing. I heard that there is also a Henry Matisse art exhibition in 798 recently, and I must not miss it."

Wen Zhu Hun Ying Shen Zhou - Observation on Beijing's Full Efforts to Promote the Construction of National Cultural Centers

World filmmakers gather year after year by the Yanqi Lake to participate in the grand event of the Beijing International Film Festival; Beijing Universal Resort settled in Tongzhou, witnessing the rapid development of the cultural and tourism industry in the convergence of Eastern and Western cultures; More than a hundred international organizations have settled in Beijing, playing an important role in promoting cultural exchange between the East and the West... In the process of building a national cultural center, Beijing has always maintained an open and inclusive attitude, continuously strengthened dialogue with the outside world, and actively attracted high-end cultural elements from both domestic and foreign sources. The ancient capital, with its long history, is increasingly becoming an important platform for international cultural exchange and a highland for civilization dialogue.

World civilization blends here, and Chinese culture also moves towards the world from here.

The opening ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics and Winter Olympics, as well as cultural performances, will tell the world about the long-standing Chinese civilization; In the 2014 APEC Conference, the Yanqi Lake International Conference Center, inspired by the architectural features of the Han and Tang dynasties during the prosperous period of the ancient Silk Road, was unveiled in a stunning manner; At the "the Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum, the ancient Silk Road glowed with new charm of the times... In a series of major state events, the world focused on Beijing, and every scene and every detail was interpreting the breadth and depth of traditional Chinese culture, showing the charm of modern China.

The "Happy Spring Festival" festival event brand has been held in Helsinki, the capital of Finland for many consecutive years. The Northern Kunqu Opera Theater has moved classic plays such as "Peony Pavilion" to overseas theaters, and film and television works represented by "Wandering Earth" have attracted high attention. Local IPs created by cultural and creative enterprises such as Bubble Mart have "gone abroad"... In cultural exchanges, cultural "Beijing" products have received numerous praises, showcasing the diversity and unity of Chinese culture in every event, work, and product, interpreting the prosperity and vitality of contemporary China.

Civilizations exchange due to diversity, learn from each other through exchange, and develop through mutual learning. Nowadays, Beijing embraces the colorful world with open arms and is also taking steps to add color to the garden of world civilization. Between "One Way" and "One Way", it fully demonstrates the cultural confidence and humanistic atmosphere of the capital of a great country, and moves forward hand in hand with the world through mutual learning of civilizations.

The completion of three new cultural landmarks, Beijing Art Center, Beijing City Library, and Beijing Grand Canal Museum, along the banks of the millennium flowing Dayun River, is imminent, opening a new chapter in the construction of national cultural centers. Throughout its thousand year history, Chinese civilization and regional culture have jointly shaped this ancient city. Facing the future, the open and vibrant capital of a major country will surely lead the long cultural heritage forward and radiate a strong vitality in the new era!

Wen Zhu Hun Ying Shen Zhou - Observation on Beijing's Full Efforts to Promote the Construction of National Cultural Centers
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