"Trying this satellite phone..." National netizens are testing Huawei's new phone in a fancy way! Urgent reminder, "I'm on the plane."

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:02 PM

Recently, Huawei's release of a new model Mate60 has attracted attention from the outside world, with some passengers on board turning on the Mate60's satellite phone function.

The plane was flying above the clouds, and passengers turned on the satellite phone function of Huawei Mate60.

After more than a minute, the connection was made and the video quickly spread online, causing a lot of discussion among netizens. "Hello, Xiao X, can you hear me, right? I'm on the plane, trying out this satellite phone..."——

"For those who enjoy self driving tours, this is simply a lifesaver."

"Some unexpected situations, such as the last flood that cut off communication in several villages in the suburbs of Beijing, and the disconnection of railway passengers and their families, are very useful in these situations."

"Isn't this illegal?"

The reporter contacted the passenger, who said he was testing his phone in the uninhabited area of Hami, Xinjiang.

"Trying this satellite phone..." National netizens are testing Huawei's new phone in a fancy way! Urgent reminder, "I'm on the plane."

"This is the Gobi Desert and the desert. We test our mobile phones' satellite phones while driving. Satellite phones may not guarantee smooth communication during off-road driving due to bumps. Only by stopping and turning our phones in a certain direction can we make a call."

Why do we need to test satellite phones on the flight?

He said he wanted to try out the issue that everyone is concerned about: if there is an emergency on the plane, can we contact our loved ones. He also reminded everyone not to try again on the plane and to comply with laws and regulations.

Can I make satellite phone calls on the flight?

Huawei Terminal BG CTO Bruce Lee responded: Recently, some users have been using Mate60Pro's satellite phone function to make calls and record videos during civil aviation flight, which violates relevant flight safety regulations. Please remember to activate the flight mode during the aircraft flight phase and comply with all flight safety regulations.

The airline staff of the passenger's flight stated that they have not received any information regarding satellite phone calls made during the flight. When taking a flight, flight attendants usually request to turn off their phones, as turning them on can affect flight safety. But in terms of satellite phone, there is no relevant business knowledge, so I cannot reply.

The reporter searched for information and found that in 2016, the revised draft of the Civil Aviation Law of the People's Republic of China for soliciting opinions was published, which regarded the use of mobile phones in violation of regulations as "illegal interference that endangers the safety and order of civil aviation", but did not refine the regulations on the use of mobile phones and satellite phones.

"Trying this satellite phone..." National netizens are testing Huawei's new phone in a fancy way! Urgent reminder, "I'm on the plane."

The 6th revised Civil Aviation Law of the People's Republic of China in 2021, Chapter 7 "Air Navigation", Section 3 "Flight Support", Article 88:

Radio stations and other instruments and devices used by any unit or individual shall not interfere with the normal use of civil aviation radio dedicated frequencies. If harmful interference is caused to the dedicated frequency of civil aviation radio, relevant units or individuals shall promptly eliminate the interference; Before eliminating interference, the use of the radio station or other instruments and devices should be stopped.

To test Huawei satellite signals

Netizens climb mountains, drill holes, and go into the sea

In addition to making satellite calls on airplanes, many netizens have also taken this phone to "unmanned areas" such as the vast sea and deep mountains and forests for testing.

Someone was riding on a yacht in the vast sea, but their phone didn't have a single signal. They plugged in the phone card that opened the satellite phone service and directly searched for the satellite signal, and the phone was connected.

Someone measured and connected it on a plateau surrounded by mountains at an altitude of 3000 meters.

"Trying this satellite phone..." National netizens are testing Huawei's new phone in a fancy way! Urgent reminder, "I'm on the plane."

Someone went down to a sinkhole in Jingmen, Hubei, but did not find any satellite signals. Climbing up in the deep mountains and dense forests, you can find satellite signals, but you can't connect. Later on, in an open area, I found satellite signals and connected them.

How to activate satellite phone?

Is the cost expensive?

A salesperson at a Huawei experience store in Linhai, Taizhou, Zhejiang told reporters that Huawei's new phone sales are booming, but there is no stock available, and bookings also take a long time.

According to Huawei's official customer service, Mate60 does not support Tiantong satellite communication but supports Beidou satellite messaging. Mate60 Pro only supports telecommunications cards and satellite dedicated cards for Tiantong satellite communication, but does not support Beidou satellite messaging. Mate60pro+only supports telecommunications cards and satellite dedicated cards for Tiantong satellite communication, as well as Beidou satellite messaging.

China Telecom customer service stated that by activating the satellite phone function, relevant packages can be processed. You can go to the business hall to handle it, or directly call "10000" to handle it, or use the China Telecom client to handle it. One is a satellite call package that costs 10 yuan per month, with a two minute satellite call duration. Another type is a temporary package with a validity period of 31 days, "For example, 200 yuan for direct satellite connection for 50 minutes, 300 yuan for 100 minutes, and 500 yuan for 200 minutes, all of which are valid for 31 days."

The annual package costs 1000 yuan per year, with 750 minutes of domestic calls and 5 domestic text messages. However, it is understood that the third package has not yet been launched in some regions.

"Trying this satellite phone..." National netizens are testing Huawei's new phone in a fancy way! Urgent reminder, "I'm on the plane."

Fisherman brothers who often go out to sea

Why is there not much interest in satellite phone?

Daishan Ship Boss Qian Zhifang said he won't switch to Huawei phones. There is a satellite phone on the ship, but he hasn't used it for five or six years.

"Nowadays, fishermen use WeChat to make phone calls, and there is onboard satellite broadband communication equipment, which is received by the satellite and has fast network speed." He said that in 2017, the fishing boat was equipped with satellite broadband communication equipment, Boxing Tong, which cost 25000 yuan. The following year, he bought another set of China Telecom satellite equipment, which cost 15000 yuan. Last year, the country installed another set of onboard precision intelligent control terminals.

Satellite broadband communication equipment on fishing boats

"There are three sets of equipment on board now. I basically use the country's precision intelligent control equipment, which allows me to access the internet, make free phone calls, and see various locations on the ship. BoxingTong is still in use, and I buy around 5000 yuan of data every year as a backup."

Another boatman said that the fishermen on the boat like to play Tiktok and make WeChat calls when they are not working. "A few years ago, I installed a telecommunications satellite broadband on board the ship and spent 15000 yuan. It can be used for free for two years with a certain amount of data usage, and even if it is used up within two years, it needs to be recharged." He said that fishermen all use this broadband, but they have to register their own accounts and recharge the data, spending less than four to five hundred yuan per month and more than a few thousand yuan. "Satellite phones are not as good, and the data used for making WeChat calls is less and cheaper."

"Trying this satellite phone..." National netizens are testing Huawei's new phone in a fancy way! Urgent reminder, "I'm on the plane."

A ship owner who is fishing along the coast likes to use walkie talkies to chat with other ship owners. "Our offshore work area is relatively close, and we don't install satellite networks once every few days. We don't need Huawei's new phones, so we probably won't buy them."

A captain of a fishing boat in Putuo said that based on his understanding of fishermen, he is generally not likely to buy Huawei's new mobile phones. "Basically, there are satellite phones or satellite networks on board, and fishermen can use them for emergencies."

Sun Pinghua, Director of the Information Center of the Zhoushan Ocean and Fisheries Bureau, said that fishing boats with more than 10 people in Zhoushan are equipped with built-in Beidou satellite phones on board. Fishermen do not need to buy additional equipment themselves. "The operator provides free rental equipment, and can make 1000 minute phone calls for 2500 yuan per year."

Once upon a time, the way fishermen resolved conflicts on the vast sea was very primitive, following the principle of having a big fist. In extreme cases, they even collided with a boat, and whoever had a powerful fishing boat had an advantage. At sea, it is difficult to obtain evidence for such disputes, even if law enforcement is carried out on shore. However, when devices such as Poseidon are applied on fishing boats, broadband networks are available at sea, which means there is a way to obtain evidence. The barbaric way of resolving disputes quickly disappears.

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