Tidal Sound | How Hangzhou Public Transportation "Holds" the Peak Test of the Asian Games

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:16 PM

In less than 10 days, the long-awaited Hangzhou Asian Games from Zhejiang will be opening. To ensure the smooth hosting of the Asian Games, Hangzhou, as the main competition area, has recently launched a series of temporary traffic management measures to promote green travel for citizens.

During the Hangzhou Asian Games, the rules for the passage of small buses and some trucks within the Hangzhou Ring Expressway have been adjusted. For example, from 7am to 8pm, Zhejiang A small buses are allowed to pass through with odd or even numbers, and non Zhejiang A small buses are prohibited from passing through.

Adopting temporary traffic management measures is an international practice for hosting large-scale sports events. But many citizens are also worried that during this period, can Hangzhou's public transportation ensure daily travel such as commuting? Can the supply of daily food and supplies in the city be stable?

With these questions in mind, Chao News reporters visited relevant government units and enterprises to dispel the doubts in the hearts of citizens.

Can I take the bus or subway during rush hour in the morning and evening?

According to public information, there are currently about 20 million daily travel needs in Hangzhou, of which public transportation accounts for about 18% to 23%, and small bus travel accounts for about 27%.

From September 18th to October 9th, on all roads within the Hangzhou Ring Expressway, from 7am to 8pm every day, all Zhejiang A small buses will operate on a "single and double number" basis, and non Zhejiang A small buses will be prohibited from passing.

According to this regulation, nearly half of the citizens who used to travel by small buses will change their mode of transportation, with the majority transitioning to public transportation.

In addition, the Asian Games, combined with the Mid Autumn Festival, National Day, and Qiantang River Tide Watching, have attracted a large number of non local residents to watch and travel to Hangzhou. According to temporary traffic restrictions, most of them will also choose public transportation for travel.

This will bring carrying pressure to Hangzhou's public transportation. During the interview, many citizens told reporters that their biggest concern is whether they can squeeze into buses and subways during rush hour.

"We are working hard to improve our ability to withstand short-term high traffic pressure through digital technology in weaving a dense public transportation network," said the relevant person in charge of the Hangzhou Transportation Bureau.

Firstly, there is the subway. The 516 kilometer subway line covers the ten urban areas of Hangzhou and forms the backbone network for public transportation.

Citizens who often take the subway have a feeling that the crowded routes during morning and evening rush hours are concentrated in the urban area, and many suburban routes are not crowded, let alone during normal peak hours.

Tidal Sound | How Hangzhou Public Transportation "Holds" the Peak Test of the Asian Games

At present, the highest daily passenger flow of Hangzhou Metro has exceeded 4.6 million people. By fully utilizing digital technology and dispatching regional trains, there should still be room for passenger capacity in Hangzhou Metro.

During the Asian Games, the Hangzhou Metro will extend peak hours in the morning and evening based on the passenger flow of each line, and key lines will be organized to operate during peak hours throughout the weekend; For popular Asian Games competitions, transportation capacity will also be dynamically adjusted based on competition time, number of spectators, and other factors.

Next is public transportation. Before the opening of the Asian Games, Hangzhou will complete the optimization and new construction of over 190 subway connecting lines, achieving effective connection with the subway.

In response to the short-term high traffic formed after the popular Asian Games, Hangzhou has added 18 subway connecting lines to venues and 4 shuttle lines to Asian Games venues, and increased the frequency of 103 regular bus routes around the venues.

Ren Wenyin, Deputy Manager of the Passenger Transport Management Department of Hangzhou Public Transport Group, told reporters that the venue subway connecting lines will depart from the subway station 2 hours before the start of the competition, and depart from the venue within 1 to 2 hours after the start of the competition, implementing the policy of "leaving when fully seated"; The shuttle line of the venue is used to meet the needs of some spectators for changing venues to watch the competition.

In fact, during this year's May Day holiday, Hangzhou has conducted a partial test of "single and double number" traffic in the West Lake scenic area. With the cooperation of "subway+public transportation" and digital scheduling, the bus routes in West Lake Scenic Area have doubled their capacity, ensuring the daily public transportation needs of 360000 people.

The public transportation scheduling during the Asian Games requires scaling up this part of the test several times, which is indeed a major challenge for Hangzhou's public transportation.

Question 2: What should I do if there is an urgent matter during the car restriction period?

Some citizens are also concerned that if they encounter special circumstances such as the need for medical treatment, and their family's small buses happen to be restricted, and public transportation cannot reach them quickly, what should they do?

Don't worry, Hangzhou will launch the "Urgent Notice" during the Asian Games on September 16th. From September 18th to October 9th, all limited passenger cars can apply for the "Urgent Notice" due to special circumstances, no more than twice.

The relevant person in charge of the Traffic Police Detachment of Hangzhou Public Security Bureau told reporters that the "Urgent Notice" will take effect at 7am on the selected day, and will be valid for all days. From the 16th, you can apply by searching the "Urgent" app on "Police Uncle", "Zheli Office", "Alipay" and other APPs.

In addition, due to emergencies such as emergencies, if restricted vehicles urgently need to enter the restricted area, citizens can seek help from the road duty police.

The reporter also learned that the public security traffic control department also launched the embedded "electronic map" service in conjunction with Internet map navigation, which will also be launched in the near future. As long as citizens input the destination, they can check whether the location is within the traffic limit.

Tidal Sound | How Hangzhou Public Transportation "Holds" the Peak Test of the Asian Games

In addition to applying for the "Urgent Notice" and driving by oneself, citizens can also take a taxi for transportation if needed. In the vast majority of restricted time periods and areas, taxis and ride hailing services are available.

So, can the existing taxi and ride hailing capacity in Hangzhou meet the passenger flow needs after the upgrade of travel restrictions?

Hu Huijian, Director of the Taxi Department of Hangzhou Road Transport Management Service Center, told reporters that under normal circumstances, the total number of taxis and ride hailing services operated in Hangzhou every day is nearly 80000, which can handle about 1.3 million orders and 1.8 million passenger flows. Digital technology can achieve more scientific scheduling.

"With this foundation in place, coupled with some market-oriented dynamic adjustments, there is still idle space for capacity to be regulated." He said that in response to unexpected situations, 24 Asian Games taxi vanguard service teams were also formed as emergency capacity guarantees.

Many ride hailing platforms have also introduced incentive mechanisms and other measures to guide more drivers to participate in the travel security during the Asian Games. "During the competition, we will adjust the driving rewards for hot areas and peak hours, encourage drivers to go to the 'hot areas' to take orders, and alleviate the pressure of using cars in local areas," said the person in charge of T3 transportation.

If the destination is not far, citizens can also choose to travel by bike. In addition to the small red cars scattered throughout the streets and alleys of Hangzhou, the shared bicycle operation company will also dynamically adjust the number of placements and strengthen the strength of operation and maintenance personnel to ensure the convenient use and orderly parking of shared bicycles on the road.

Besides public transportation, during the Hangzhou Asian Games, citizens still have a relatively diverse range of travel options.

Question three: Can goods be supplied normally due to restricted truck travel?

Not only for small buses, but also for the temporary traffic management measures launched by Hangzhou, the restrictions on the movement of trucks have been adjusted.

From September 16th to October 9th, from 7am to 10pm every day, all Zhejiang A yellow license plate trucks, blue license plate dump trucks, and non local trucks are prohibited from passing on all roads within the Hangzhou Ring Expressway.

At first glance, there should be many restricted trucks. However, data provided by relevant departments in Hangzhou shows that based on the current situation of trucks passing through the Hangzhou Ring Expressway, about 74% of trucks are not within the restricted range.

It is reported that 74% of these trucks are non dump blue brand trucks from Zhejiang A, and the original traffic management measures will still be maintained, not affected by this restriction upgrade.

In recent days, transportation service guarantee agencies at the two levels of Hangzhou city have been actively promoting temporary traffic management measures during the Asian Games to enterprises in their jurisdiction, hoping that all enterprises in the city can scientifically arrange production and operation plans and make appropriate reserves of raw materials, components, and finished products; From September 16th to October 9th, try to adjust the transportation vehicle type to Zhejiang A non dump blue brand trucks, and adjust the travel time to the window period from 10pm to 7am as much as possible.

Tidal Sound | How Hangzhou Public Transportation "Holds" the Peak Test of the Asian Games

In addition, for necessary transportation demands during the Asian Games, relevant demand enterprises can submit applications to the corresponding industry regulatory departments in their respective districts and counties as soon as possible. The city side transportation service guarantee agencies on the "white list" of supply guarantee at the city and city levels will respond in a timely manner and provide advanced services. "White list" trucks can pass through the "freight navigation" system according to specified times and routes.

The person in charge of the "White List" special office for ensuring the supply of trucks in Hangzhou told us that what are the specific arrangements for the daily supply of urban living materials?

According to data provided by the Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce, the daily necessities guaranteed in the urban area of Hangzhou are basically maintained at over 1000 tons of pork, over 6000 tons of vegetables, and over 1000 tons of eggs.

"The Asian Games will coincide with the Golden Week of Tourism, and Hangzhou will face an increase in foreign tourists and an increase in demand for daily necessities. Therefore, we have requested the leading enterprises in the 'vegetable basket' supply guarantee and emergency supply guarantee and joint supply enterprises to be prepared. We suggest that enterprises prepare in advance to increase their inventory by 50% in case of emergencies." said the relevant person in charge of the Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce.

The increase in material supply means that the transportation task of materials during this period is heavier than usual. But the upgrade of truck restrictions has reduced the number of trucks that can be transported. What should we do?

The relevant person in charge of the Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce told reporters that the main transportation of daily necessities is carried out by Zhejiang A non dump blue brand trucks, and there will be no restrictions on upgrading during this period. In addition, more than 500 yellow license plate trucks with approved passes will also participate in the supply guarantee in Hangzhou; For enterprises that do require restricted trucks, they can also apply for a pass.

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