This veteran is not easy! After retiring for 15 years, he became the director of the Municipal Double Support Office

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:33 PM

Character profile

Park Xingyun, born in Yanji, Jilin in 1981, enlisted in a certain unit of the former Shenyang Military Region in 1997 and became a gunner in the howitzer company. During his service, Park Hsing yun loved the military and practiced military skills diligently. He also participated in the 1998 flood control and rescue efforts in the Nenjiang and Songhua river basins with his troops. In December 1999, Park Sing yun retired and returned to his hometown, where he was placed to work at the funeral home in Yanji City. In 2008, he was transferred to the Civil Affairs Bureau of Yanji City to work as a welfare worker. In 2015, he took up the position of director of the Double Support Office. After the establishment of the Yanji Veterans Affairs Bureau in 2019, he continued to serve as the director of the Double Support Office. As a retired soldier, Park Hsing yun has been responsible for the dual support work for 15 years. He has worked hard and wholeheartedly to do a good job in supporting the military and providing preferential treatment to families, actively solving problems for the vast number of retired soldiers and beneficiaries, and promoting the introduction of multiple policies and regulations in the placement of retired soldiers, visits and condolences to military families, and maintenance of martyr memorial facilities. In 2019, Yanji City achieved "nine consecutive championships" in its efforts to create a "National Model City for Double Support". In 2023, Park Xingyun was named "Yanbian Good Person · Most Beautiful Retired Soldier".

As night falls and the lights start to shine, a dual support themed light show is being performed brilliantly on the main streets of Yanji City, Jilin Province. Over the years, this border ethnic city has won the honor of "nine consecutive championships" in the selection of the "National Model City for Double Support". When it comes to this, the leaders and people of Yanji City have said that the achievement cannot be achieved without the hard work of Park Hsing yun, director of the Double Support Office of the Yanji Veterans Affairs Bureau. In the past 15 years of being responsible for the dual support work in Yanji City, Park Hsing yun has actively explored new ideas and developments in the dual support work, and has always served various ethnic groups with full enthusiasm. He admitted to the reporter that he is a retired soldier with military experience and feelings. Therefore, he is more dedicated and dedicated to serving the families of soldiers, retired soldiers, and other beneficiaries of preferential treatment.

Park Hsing yun: I exercised myself in the melting pot of the army. My brief military career has greatly elevated my life. I think my greatest glory is having served in the military, and now my glory is being able to serve retired soldiers.

Park Sing yun's military photos

In December 1997, Park Hsing yun joined the army and became a gunner in the 352nd Regiment of the 118th Division of the Shenyang Military Region. In the army, he actively faced various challenges, practiced military skills diligently, and quickly transformed from a local youth to a qualified soldier. In the summer of 1998, floods occurred in the Nenjiang and Songhua river basins. Park Hsing yun accompanied his troops to the front line of flood control, making every effort to protect the safety of people's lives and property.

Park Hsing yun: When participating in flood control, the floods were surging and the water level rose rapidly. We fought hard in Harbin for three or four consecutive days, but hardly slept a wink. This experience of fighting floods has trained me. Although I have suffered a lot, it has greatly helped me in my later growth.

This veteran is not easy! After retiring for 15 years, he became the director of the Municipal Double Support Office

In December 1999, Park Sing yun retired and returned to his hometown, where he was placed to work at the funeral home in Yanji City. In this special unit, he promotes the style of soldiers who are not afraid of hardship and fatigue, and conscientiously completes every task assigned by the leadership. In March 2008, Park Hsing yun was transferred to the Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau to work on preferential treatment and subsistence allowances. In order to better solve practical difficulties for service recipients, Park Sing yun often visits their homes to learn more about the situation. Once, he learned that a service recipient suffering from lymphoma had applied for subsistence allowance, but had difficulty moving around. He brought his colleagues to register information and complete the procedures, allowing this disadvantaged group to apply for subsistence allowance without leaving their homes.

Park Hsing yun: Our job is to implement policies well and ensure that service recipients receive the best treatment within the scope allowed by the policies.

In the early stages of his work, Park Hsing yun also experienced impatience, but as he gained more work experience, he became more familiar with policies and work processes, and his restlessness gradually subsided. A few years ago, some retired veterans often came to their homes for consultation. Park Hsing yun always patiently and meticulously served them a cup of hot tea, asked them to sit down and listen carefully to their complaints. For those who were indeed facing difficulties but met the policy requirements, he replied face-to-face and dealt with them in a timely manner. For those who did not meet the policy requirements, he kindly explained.

Park Hsing yun: We are receiving retired soldiers, and I myself am also a retired soldier. I always feel that we should calm down, listen to others nagging, listen to their stories, demands, and actual situations, and then prescribe the right medicine to the problem, carefully and seriously explain the policies to them.

In 2015, Park Hsing yun took up the position of Director of the Office for Preferential Care and Double Support Placement in Yanji City, Jilin Province. The promotion of his position did not make him forget his identity as a retired soldier. He continued to devote himself wholeheartedly to serving the families and veterans of the military. There are many beneficiaries of preferential treatment in Yanji City, and many people come to inquire about policies every day. In order to facilitate visits, Park Xingyun has placed his desk directly opposite the office door. No matter how busy his work is, he will warmly receive and patiently listen to their demands. A veteran who participated in the war encountered difficulties in his life and lived in a dilapidated house. After verifying on site, Park Hsing yun coordinated with multiple government departments to help the elderly apply for a preferential housing. Nowadays, the elderly treat Park Sing yun like a family member and often make phone calls, chat, and greet him.

Park Hsing yun: He treats me as a family member, and I feel that our relationship has become much closer. Every year during the Chinese New Year, he calls me and greets me, and I also ask about his health. If he has any questions he wants to consult about policies, he will also call me, and I feel very pleased.

Park Hsing yun comforts the families of active duty soldiers and sends a letter of condolence

This veteran is not easy! After retiring for 15 years, he became the director of the Municipal Double Support Office

The example of this veteran is just a small microcosm. For Park Hsing yun, preferential treatment work is not only about implementing various preferential treatment policies from superiors, but more importantly, it is about understanding the suffering of the beneficiaries and helping them solve their existing difficulties with dedication. Under his active coordination, 10 key beneficiaries of preferential treatment in the city were accommodated in public rental housing equipped with elevators, and 324 beneficiaries were included in the subsistence allowance. There is a veteran surnamed Jin who retired due to illness in less than two years of service 20 years ago. In the years he returned home, his severe illness and high treatment costs almost dragged down his already financially disadvantaged family. After learning about this situation, Park Hsing yun promptly reported to the leadership and coordinated with relevant departments to study rescue solutions. Later, he was arranged to be admitted to Yanbian Rongjun Hospital, and his personal treatment expenses were fully reimbursed by the government.

Park Hsing yun: Through communication and coordination from multiple parties, and in accordance with relevant policies and regulations, his problem was resolved and he was arranged to be admitted to the Rongjun Hospital. After hospitalization, all his hospitalization expenses were reimbursed, and his father was able to free up time to go out and find a job to support his family.

Park Hsing yun visited and comforted the families of retired soldiers

After the establishment of the Yanji Veterans Affairs Bureau in 2019, Park Hsing yun continued to serve as the director of the Double Support Office. Standing at a new starting point, Park Hsing yun took advantage of the situation and coordinated the introduction of a series of documents such as the "Implementation Measures for the Employment and Placement of Military Family Members in Yanji City" and the "Interim Measures for the Service Management of Retired Soldiers Arranged by the Government in Yanji City". While doing a good job in the placement work, he and his colleagues also created conditions for retired soldiers and military dependents to start their own businesses through measures such as organizing skills training, holding special job fairs, and reducing taxes and fees, so that the satisfaction rate of employment and placement work for retired soldiers and military family members in the city reached 100%. At the same time, during the resettlement process of retired soldiers, Park Hsing yun actively reported to the Municipal Party Committee and Government, and arranged all retired soldiers who met the government's arranged working conditions to their corresponding positions by adopting measures such as retaining positions and ensuring staffing.

Park Hsing yun: Every year after we submit our demands to the Municipal Party Committee and Government, relevant units will allocate certain career positions to accommodate retired soldiers. If 16 retired soldiers return this year, we will allocate 20 to 30 positions for them to choose according to their wishes. Our warm service to retired soldiers is reflected in this aspect.

With the joint efforts of Park Hsing yun and colleagues, the Yanji Veterans Affairs Bureau has also studied and issued implementation opinions on visiting and comforting military personnel and their families, clarifying the timing and content of the visit, and expanding the scope of the visit. The inclusion of active duty soldiers winning awards above the regimental level in the scope of good news delivery and bonus distribution allows more military personnel and their families to enjoy the care of the Party and the government. The dual support work covers a wide range of content and heavy responsibilities. In recent years, Park Hsing yun has spared no effort and visited 34 martyr memorial facilities in Yanji City, actively participating in the maintenance of these facilities.

Park Hsing yun delivers good news to families of military personnel who have been awarded meritorious service

This veteran is not easy! After retiring for 15 years, he became the director of the Municipal Double Support Office

Park Hsing yun: We have repaired 34 martyr memorial facilities and created the only intelligent management platform in the province. We need to ensure that every monument is visited, cared for, and commemorated by people. I think this is the most important test for us to do martyr work.

This year, Yanji City will strive to become a "National Model City for Double Support" for ten consecutive championships. Since the beginning of the year, Park Hsing yun and his colleagues have continuously improved relevant policies to protect military personnel, military dependents, retired soldiers, and other beneficiaries. At the same time, they have carefully created distinctive military support cultural venues such as the Military Support Street, the Double Support Forest, and the Double Support Amusement Park, vigorously creating a strong social atmosphere of military love for the people and civilian support for the military.

The beautiful Burhatong River flows quietly, passing through Yanji and witnessing the deep affection of the military and civilians in this border town. When it comes to his future plans, Park Sing yun said that he will always maintain a sincere original intention, continue to dedicate himself to the path of dual support work, and implement the care of the Party and the government for military personnel, their families, retired soldiers, and other beneficiaries into practical policies and measures, so that they can truly feel the visible and tangible respect and glory.

Park Hsing yun: As a retired soldier, I will never forget my original intention and keep my mission in mind. I will make the work of retired soldiers my lifelong career, constantly innovate, and provide attentive services, contributing all my strength to the work of retired soldiers in our city.

This issue of the Chinese Veterans column

Author: Yang Hong, Duan Yijun, Wu Guangyan

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