The wife is the real fraudster... However, the man reported to the police that his wife had been deceived

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:45 PM

"My wife was scammed! The scammer ran away." A man named Ah Hua called the police and reported that his wife Ah Zhen had been scammed.

Later, Ah Hua came to the police station to be questioned, looking anxious and helpless: "Ah Zhen has multiple loan accounts and bank card accounts that have been overdrawn, with a huge amount of several million yuan. I suspect she has been scammed."

According to the clues provided by Ah Hua, police investigation found that Ah Zhen's multiple bank account transactions were frequent, with large amounts of funds being transferred in and out. However, most of the funds flowed into Ah Zhen's bank account from different credit cards. At the same time, Ah Zhen's account also transferred small amounts of funds to someone else's account, which is different from her husband's description of being scammed.

The investigation results looked a bit strange, and the police immediately summoned Ah Zhen. On the afternoon of December 28, 2022, Ah Hua accompanied Ah Zhen to the police station to surrender. Faced with the police, Ah Zhen finally admitted that she was not a victim of fraud, but rather the perpetrator of the fraud.

Falsely claiming to work at the Planning Bureau

Ah Hua and Ah Zhen have been married for over 10 years. After graduating from high school, Ah Hua did not study anymore and has been working in a property management company with low salaries and limited knowledge. After marriage, both of them had unstable jobs, and Jane changed jobs several times.

For the first three years starting in 2011, from Ah Zhen getting pregnant to giving birth and taking care of their children, both of them were unemployed at home with no source of income and relied on overdraft credit cards to make ends meet.

Before the child was born, Ah Zhen's mother also asked her daughter if the money was enough. Ah Zhen refused to tell the truth and fooled her. In the second half of 2013, Ah Zhen found a job as a regular clerk in a company under the local planning bureau, with a low income.

So how did the couple live these years? By 2016, Ah Zhen had borrowed 40000 yuan from a loan platform, overdrawn her credit card for over 200000 yuan, and even mortgaged her parents' house for over 120000 yuan, with some of the money paid for her child's tuition. At that time, Ah Zhen's monthly salary was only over 2000 yuan, and she had to pay off at least nearly 10000 yuan in debt each month. Ah Hua had no job, and Ah Zhen felt that she couldn't repay the money on her own, so she had the idea of deceiving others.

Jane has been falsely claiming to her family and friends that she is a public official in the planning bureau. Because Ah Zhen's workplace is in the same place as the Planning Bureau, neither her mother's nor her husband's family knows anyone from the government agency. Relatives believe that Ah Zhen is a government official and consider this job to be "high-end".

In order to cheat money, Ah Zhen can blurt out various excuses. She always looks mysterious and promotes her reliable investment channels to the outside world.

In 2018, Fan Xiaojun, a friend of A Zhen's colleague, met A Zhen. Ah Zhen said she is investing in a certain company and urgently needs capital turnover. Ah Zhen promised to pay high interest to Fan Xiaojun, allowing him to use credit cards to cash out and various loan platforms to raise funds for investment. Fan Xiaojun invested a total of 40000 yuan, but the actual interest received was only 4000 yuan, far from the high interest promised by Ah Zhen.

In November 2018, Ah Zhen told her cousin Zeng Lingli that she could use her identity as a civil servant in the Planning Bureau to gather some "positive" information. She knew that a company was launching an investment project and suggested that Zeng Lingli invest, promising high interest rates. She asked Zeng Lingli to borrow money from the loan platform and also asked her to use her credit card.

As of December 24, 2022, Zeng Lingli and her husband have invested 420000 yuan in Ah Zhen's place. Zeng Lingli used to send the bill to Jane for interest as usual, but Jane sent her a strange message: "I'm in the intensive care unit. I'll come to you when I'm out of danger." Later, Zeng Lingli contacted other relatives and heard that they were deceived by Jane.

Ah Zhen also deceived two colleagues. Ah Zhen told her colleagues that she had invested in certain loan platforms and used high interest rates as bait to ask her colleagues to go to her designated loan platform to borrow money and hand it over to her for operation. Ah Zhen promised to pay them the high interest rates.

Apart from being squandered by Ah Zhen, some of this money is also used by her to "fill in holes" and "rob Peter to pay Paul", repay some loans, credit card loans, and pay high interest.

There are many excuses for Ah Zhen to deceive people. In addition to claiming to have reliable investment channels, she also claims to have met many big bosses due to work relationships.

In 2019, Ah Zhen informed Ah Hua that she knew the vice president of a certain bank, which launched a credit card business and could receive high rebates. So, Ah Hua introduced a friend to Ah Zhen to invest in this business. Whenever someone asks about the specific investment model of Ah Zhen, she always has a way to deceive her because she will promise to regularly "refund interest" to the victims.

Since Jane cheated money with various false promises, their family has been living a privileged life. The family often travels, eats and stays in star rated hotels, and even buys gold and silver jewelry for their children. During holidays and weekends, Jane and her family of three fly to popular tourist attractions to enjoy themselves. On Ah Hua's birthday, Ah Zhen gave him a branded coat worth tens of thousands of yuan. Ah Zhen also bought a car for Ah Hua and paid for her social security. The cigarettes and teapots used by Ah Hua are both expensive.

Jane constantly showcases and boasts about her extravagant lifestyle to those around her.

300 credit cards were maxed out

In 2022, although the victim had not yet come to their doorstep due to receiving overdue payment reminders, Jane had a premonition that something was going to happen. Jane has over 300 credit cards in her hand, and each time she cashes out one credit card and returns another credit card that is about to expire. Jane has been robbing Peter to pay Paul, moving around, so it's only a matter of time before all her credit cards are maxed out.

In October 2022, due to a reduction in credit card limits, Ah Zhen was unable to withdraw cash from all her cards. Knowing that she couldn't hold on anymore, she began to feel restless and unable to sleep at night. Ah Zhen told Ah Hua that she had been deceived, and the boss who cheated money ran away.

In December 2022, Ahua went to report to the police; On December 28th, Ah Zhen voluntarily surrendered; On December 30th, Ah Zhen was criminally detained by the Liangjiang New Area Branch of Chongqing Public Security Bureau. On February 15, 2023, Jane was approved for arrest.

According to the audit, 23 victims suffered a total loss of 5.91 million yuan. After the incident, Ah Zhen and her parents refunded three victims 250000 yuan. These victims are mainly familiar individuals such as relatives, colleagues, friends of the couple, and parents of their children and classmates.

Ah Hua, however, could not give a penny to return it. The couple had no savings under their names, only a car, which had been confiscated by the public security organs in accordance with the law.

What puzzled the investigators was that after living with Ah Hua and Ah Zhen for so long, he claimed to be completely unaware of Ah Zhen's true job and salary, and had no doubts about it. Ah Hua even felt innocent. Although he had been supported by Ah Zhen for six years, he still felt deceived.

The prosecutor repeatedly asked Ah Hua, can he have so much money to support his family and live a luxurious life solely on his salary? Ah Hua firmly insisted that he was unaware. He thinks Jane is a woman who can make money. He didn't carefully consider the source of the money, nor did he inquire about the reliability of so many investment channels. Over time, he became accustomed to this kind of life, not only unwilling to believe that Jane had problems, but even felt that everything was taken for granted.

When the prosecutor interrogated Jane, she remained simple and honest in the detention center. The prosecutor asked her, "Have you ever thought that your credit card would definitely explode one day?" Jane replied, "I didn't think so much, but the debt is snowballing bigger and bigger, and I can only move around like this." Jane has been pampered at home since childhood and has been spending money recklessly. Although her financial situation is tight after marriage, she doesn't want to live in poverty.

Jane told the prosecutor that before her husband reported the case, she couldn't sleep for a while and lived a life of anxiety every day. On the day she turned herself in, she felt relaxed all over.

On May 17, 2023, the Yubei District Procuratorate of Chongqing filed a public prosecution against this case with the Yubei District Court in accordance with the law.

Before the trial, Ahua called the prosecutor in charge of the case, but he refused to go to the trial site because he was afraid of debt collection. On June 25th, the Yubei District Court sentenced Ah Zhen to eleven years in prison and fined 500000 yuan for fraud, ordering her to refund the victim's damaged money.

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