Skills for Success, Skills for the Country - Observational Education | Talents | Skills from the Second National Skills Competition

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 22:03 PM

Tianjin, September 21 (Xinhua News Agency) - Skills for Success and Service to the Country - Observations from the Second National Skills Competition

Xinhua News Agency reporter

Skilled talents are an important force supporting Made in China and Created in China.

In the crisp autumn season, the National Convention and Exhibition Center venues by the Bohai Bay are bustling with activity. Recently, the second National Skills Competition came to an end here, which is currently the highest standard, most projects, largest scale, and highest level comprehensive national vocational skills competition in China.

Labor is glorious, skills are precious, and creation is great, which has become a new trend of the times. Skilled craftsmen from all over the country compete face to face, showcasing not only their extraordinary skills but also the glory and dreams of achieving success and serving the country with practical postures.

"Expert" competition, showcasing skills in peak battles

Looking from the back, Wu Xuguang's shirt was mostly wet, but his expression and gaze were unusually focused. He melted a lead tin alloy and poured it into the lead sealing area of the cable, carefully poking, pasting, kneading, and wiping according to the process. After some operation, the originally uneven cable joints gradually showed soft lines and smooth surfaces.

Wu Xuguang, 32 years old this year, comes from State Grid Tianjin Electric Power. At this time, he is currently competing with athletes from all over the world in the second National Skills Competition's Power System Operation and Maintenance event.

"Ten years of sharpening a sword, this craft tests the athlete's precise control over the heat and timing." Tianjin representative team coach Zhang Hua explained, "The senior professionals in the cable industry likened this craft to fried noodles and fish in people's homes, and it must be alternated between 'civil, military, and fire' to meet the requirements of the craft."

Skills for Success, Skills for the Country - Observational Education | Talents | Skills from the Second National Skills Competition

This type of high-level competition was evident in the second National Skills Competition. More than 4000 contestants stood out from hundreds of thousands, representing the highest level of skill competition in various events in China.

On September 17th, contestants participated in a masonry project competition. Photo by Zhao Zishuo, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

As a bridge crane driver of Ningbo Zhoushan Port Group, Wu Fei came to Tianjin for the first time to participate in the emerging competition of lifting equipment application technology. What's even more unique is that the competition venue of the project is located in Tianjin Port.

Sitting upright in the operation room of the competition, Wu Fei silently recited the tricks of "stability, accuracy, and speed", manipulating the field bridge and shore bridge thousands of kilometers away. "Remote operation requires higher technical skills," Wu Fei said, hoping to force himself to develop strong skills through competitions and serve the development of the port.

The 109 skill projects competed in this skills competition involve 15 sectors of the national economy, including manufacturing, information technology, transportation, construction, service, and mining.

In a corner of the field, Jiang Zhifa from Shanghai is calmly cutting wood using traditional techniques. He is the oldest player in this competition. In addition to being a contestant, Jiang Zhifa also has one important identity - the coach of the fine woodworking project in the World Skills Competition. "I hope to teach students traditional methods to pass on our country's woodworking skills." Jiang Zhifa's participation is the best interpretation of the inheritance of the "craftsmanship spirit.

From "teacher masters" to "small craftsmen", from master's and doctoral students to vocational school students, the total number of skilled talents in China has exceeded 200 million, accounting for more than 26% of the total employment; There are over 60 million highly skilled talents. Various skilled talents are active in the production line and at the forefront of innovation, and have become an important force in promoting high-quality development.

"Novice" demonstrates their abilities, and innovative competitions lead the trend

Skills for Success, Skills for the Country - Observational Education | Talents | Skills from the Second National Skills Competition

During the competition, Xue Maoyun, the chief referee of the Internet marketing event of the competition, came to the competition early to witness the fierce competition of top players from many places in China.

"This is a new event. The competition requires the combination of traditional sales and modern information technology." Xue Maoyun said that the target of the competition is the new profession of Internet marketer.

Behind the expansion of the new competition is a long-term plan to serve the new track.

The event settings of this competition are full of novelty. Wang Xiaojun, Deputy Director of the Department of Vocational Capacity Building of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, said that compared with the first session, 20 new professional and digital technology skills events, such as Internet marketing, had been added, which was of great significance to enhance the social identity of new professional practitioners and promote employment and entrepreneurship. The addition of five professional technical competition projects, including virtual reality engineering technology, is more in line with the trend of technology and skill integration development.

On September 16th, the contestant participated in a virtual reality engineering technology project competition. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Ran

In the virtual reality engineering technology competition area, after carefully understanding the rules, the contestants immediately started to complete the three-dimensional model construction within the specified time, develop a game to avoid bullet comments, and deploy the application in the system.

"More than 200 vocational colleges across the country have offered majors related to virtual reality." Professor Liu Yue from the School of Optoelectronics at Beijing Institute of Technology is the presiding judge of the project. He said that from the traditional Internet to mobile Internet, and then to the future immersive Internet, virtual reality is expected to become a new generation of computing platform to better serve the real economy.

"The purpose of this competition is to promote training through competitions, training through competitions, and construction through competitions, continuously improving the mechanisms for cultivating, using, evaluating, and motivating skilled talents." Wang Xiaoping, Minister of Human Resources and Social Security, stated that with vocational skills competitions as the guide, we will improve the lifelong vocational skills training system, promote the development of vocational education with distinctive characteristics, create a skilled workforce that is dedicated, large-scale, structurally reasonable, and of excellent quality, and promote high-quality and full employment.

Merit leads to talent, and career leads to talent. The quality of workers is crucial for the development of a country and a nation.

Skills for Success, Skills for the Country - Observational Education | Talents | Skills from the Second National Skills Competition

In this competition, there has been a significant increase in the number of employees and highly educated participants. The proportion of employee athletes is 54.1%, which is 7.6 times higher than the first competition; Most highly educated contestants are concentrated in the fields of new professions and digital technology skills, indicating that under the trend of technology and skill integration, talents with different educational levels can carry forward the spirit of labor and have practical applications.

"Experts" are popular, and skilled talents are highly sought after

Assembly of quartz clock parts, threading of Lamian Noodles, repair of aircraft composite materials... The competition between traditional skills and top technologies was extremely wonderful. Players showed their skills and skills, attracting the attention of many enterprises.

Feng Wei, a participant in the intelligent manufacturing engineering technology competition, is a PhD and a lecturer at the School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Chongqing University of Science and Technology.

"The competition requires the use of technologies such as digital twins, big data, and deep learning, with high requirements for professional technical abilities." Feng Wei believes that currently, many traditional enterprises in China are transforming towards digitalization. Only by keeping up with the pace of the times and holding onto the "diamond" can they showcase their skills in the workplace and become indispensable talents for enterprises.

In the new journey of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country, vocational education has a broad future and great potential.

Skilled talents are constantly becoming popular and have become a coveted target for enterprises. As a strategic partner of this competition, Xu Yong, Deputy Director of the Talent Work Department of the Human Resources Department of China National Petroleum Corporation, has not only provided excellent support and services for the competition, but also turned his attention to the skilled "experts" on the field.

On September 16th, the contestant participated in the mobile robot project competition. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Ran

Currently, the demand for economic restructuring and industrial upgrading in China is becoming increasingly strong, and the demand for senior skilled workers is also increasing.

Skills for Success, Skills for the Country - Observational Education | Talents | Skills from the Second National Skills Competition

In 2022, the General Office of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of High skilled Talent Teams in the New Era", emphasizing the need to increase the training of high skilled talents and proposing that by the end of the 14th Five Year Plan period, the proportion of skilled talents in employment should reach more than 30%, and the proportion of high skilled talents in skilled talents should reach 1/3, indicating the direction for strengthening the construction of high skilled talent teams in the new era.

"Only by increasing investment in human capital can we enhance total factor productivity, and the coordinated development of education, technology, and talent can more effectively unleash the energy driven by innovation," said Yang Zhiming, President of the China Labor Association. Skilled talents are an important force supporting Made in China and Created in China. High skilled talents are the core backbone of the skilled talent team, which is of great significance for improving core competitiveness and enhancing national scientific and technological innovation capabilities.

As of the end of 2022, there are a total of 2551 technical colleges and universities in China, with over 4.45 million students enrolled, and approximately one million graduates are sent to society every year. The highly anticipated system for cultivating, utilizing, evaluating, and incentivizing skilled talents has been gradually introduced, expanding the development channels for skilled talents and helping to steadily expand the total number of highly skilled talents in China, with a continuous improvement in the structure.

"Holding a national skills competition is an important means to promote the work of skilled talents." Wang Xiaojun said that building a stage for skilled talents to shine, sing the protagonist, and showcase their talents through the national skills competition can stimulate the enthusiasm of workers to love and learn skills, and inspire more young people to pursue the path of skill success and skill service to the country.

As a representative of skilled talents, Zhang Liming, the "model of the times", "reform pioneer", and the monitor of the distribution emergency repair class of State Grid Tianjin Binhai Company, appealed that the majority of skilled workers would closely link their ambition to serve the country with their own talent, based on the needs of the country and the trend of the industry, constantly improve their skills and creativity, and contribute wisdom and strength to the construction of Chinese path to modernization.

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