"Porsche Cayenne, Mercedes Benz"... The hospital director revealed details of corruption, with 6 million cash in 8 cars and 7 rooms

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:25 PM

On September 15th, Lianjie Sichuan released the "Strict Investigation of Medical Malpractices", revealing the centralized rectification process of corruption in the medical field of Yibin City. Details of corruption were exposed, including Luo Xiance, former director of the Department of Urology at Yibin Sixth People's Hospital, former party secretary of Yibin Sixth People's Hospital, Changjiang Huashan Hospital, former party secretary and president of Yibin First People's Hospital, Xie Mingjun, former party secretary and president of Yibin Fifth People's Hospital, and others.

They are "angels in white"

But he is critically ill and difficult to self medicate

Last June, the first inspection team of the Xuzhou District Committee of Yibin received a report letter while inspecting the Sixth People's Hospital of Yibin City. The informant reported that after the urology department of the hospital completed the surgery for the patient, they directly asked the patient to transfer the handling fee to the head nurse, rather than paying through the hospital window.

"Porsche Cayenne, Mercedes Benz"... The hospital director revealed details of corruption, with 6 million cash in 8 cars and 7 rooms

Ren Xin, Deputy Director of the Third Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of the Xuzhou District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in Yibin City: After receiving clues from the inspection team, our special task force immediately investigated the department and quickly identified that it was instructed by the department director Luo Xiance.

However, as the backbone of the hospital's business, Luo Xiance did not realize the seriousness of the problem. When the investigation team first talked to him, he evaded the situation and explained to the department the issues of setting up a small treasury and receiving drug rebates.

Luo Xiance, former director of the Department of Urology at the Sixth People's Hospital of Yibin City, believes that this matter may not be very big, and even if we talk, we may go back and end up like this. At most, I will refund the money.

At the same time, upon learning that Luo Xiance had been organized for a conversation, Jiang Huashan, as the president of the hospital, couldn't sit still. Under his leadership and tacit approval, the "unwritten rule" of hospitals accepting kickbacks has become popular. In order to prevent Luo Xiance from being investigated, he quickly privately contacted Luo Xiance and asked him to "discuss the matter as it is".

"Porsche Cayenne, Mercedes Benz"... The hospital director revealed details of corruption, with 6 million cash in 8 cars and 7 rooms

Former Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Sixth People's Hospital of Yibin City, Jiang Huashan: Of course, as soon as Luo Xiance's incident occurred, my mindset changed instantly. It means that there are problems in the hospital, and there are major problems. Once exposed, whether it is for the hospital or for oneself, it will bring catastrophic consequences. Therefore, we will set up defenses everywhere.

The day has eyes, the night has ears. The fact of Jiang Huashan's violation of discipline and law has also surfaced. During his 11 years working at Six Hospitals, Jiang Huashan went from being an assistant to the dean to becoming a vice dean, dean, and party secretary. He was committed to developing the hospital's business, improving technical level and service quality. In 2020, he also led the hospital to successfully establish itself as a Grade 3B hospital. But power is a double-edged sword, and with the development of hospitals, Jiang Huashan has become increasingly enthusiastic about socializing. Seeing a group of unscrupulous businessmen with low cultural level but relying on hospitals to operate dozens or millions of drugs and consumables, earning several times higher income than themselves, Jiang Huashan's heart began to feel uneasy.

"My heart has also undergone some subtle changes, and I feel that my efforts should still be rewarded. In addition, I haven't paid attention to related studies in my daily life, so I gradually relaxed my vigilance and was blinded by the benefits."

After investigation, it was found that Jiang Huashan took advantage of his position as the Party Secretary and Dean of the Sixth Hospital to provide assistance to more than 10 pharmaceutical representatives in opening hospital accounts, introducing and selling drugs, equipment, consumables, engineering project construction, and payment collection for related enterprises. He bribed more than 6 million yuan, and the pharmaceutical representatives obtained improper benefits of more than 30 million yuan from it.

"Porsche Cayenne, Mercedes Benz"... The hospital director revealed details of corruption, with 6 million cash in 8 cars and 7 rooms

Jiang Huashan's leadership in corruption, driven by high kickbacks, has led to corruption within the hospital. A small number of hospital managers lack medical skills and once only wanted to make money, and even experienced the absurd phenomenon of deputy department heads being negligent in their work, forcing the director to share more of the stolen money under the pretext of resignation despite uneven distribution of consumables rebates.

Greed leads to serious illness, and Jiang Huashan and Luo Xiance are terminally ill and difficult to self medicate. The root cause lies not only in their loss of ideals and beliefs, distorted views on power and money, and willingness to be hunted, but also in the excessive concentration of power in the medical system, lack of supervision of power, and imperfect mechanisms. The investigation and handling of the cases of Jiang Huashan and Luo Xiance have opened the curtain on the concentrated rectification of corruption in the medical field in Yibin City.

They are the top leaders of the hospital

But leading the way in corruption and sinking into the quagmire

"Porsche Cayenne, Mercedes Benz"... The hospital director revealed details of corruption, with 6 million cash in 8 cars and 7 rooms

Based on the identified problem clues, the Yibin Municipal Party Committee Inspection Office implemented a "acupoint inspection" throughout the city, conducting city county joint inspections on 15 key units including the Municipal Health Commission and the Municipal First and Second Hospitals. 285 problems in the medical and health field were discovered, and 36 problem clues were transferred.

In December 2022, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Yibin City took detention measures against Xie Ming, former Party Secretary and President of Yibin First People's Hospital.

Xie Mingjun, former Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the First People's Hospital of Yibin City: Every progress and honor, I believe, embodies the care and careful cultivation of the Party organization. Looking back now, who do I deserve? I am guilty to them!

In March 2003, Xie Mingjun was attracted by the superior talent policy of Yibin City and came to work at the First Hospital of Yibin City. From being the director of general surgery, gradually growing into a model dean, national second level professor, and academic expert. However, many halos made Xie Mingjun start to feel proud and forget the sacred meaning bestowed upon him by his white coat. When facing illegal merchants from all directions, Xie Mingjun couldn't escape the magic circle of "boiling frogs in warm water" and began to accept "kickbacks" and "benefits" from pharmaceutical and equipment vendors.

"Porsche Cayenne, Mercedes Benz"... The hospital director revealed details of corruption, with 6 million cash in 8 cars and 7 rooms

In 2016, pharmacist Luo approached Xie Mingjun and requested his help in maintaining and increasing the business volume of the pharmaceutical company in a hospital in the city. Luo promised to provide a benefit fee of 15 million yuan to Xie Mingjun after his retirement.

"In fact, these funds will eventually have to be shared among the patients and have to be paid out by them. In the process of corruption, I didn't expect it to increase the patients' burden, so I feel at ease like this."

The leader leading the way in corruption will seriously damage the political ecology of their department. At a hospital in the city, the medical staff below naturally follow suit and act recklessly. The hospital leaders, pharmaceutical committee, pharmacy department, departments, and medical staff have been repeatedly connected by illegal drug dealers, purchasing these drugs with kickbacks.

Several individuals collude with each other and share the spoils, with bribery payments generally reaching 30% or even 50% of drug prices.

"Porsche Cayenne, Mercedes Benz"... The hospital director revealed details of corruption, with 6 million cash in 8 cars and 7 rooms

After learning that Xie Mingjun had been detained, Shi Jun, the former Party Secretary and President of the Fifth People's Hospital of Yibin City, who had retired and was at home, sat restlessly. He is well aware that during the 23 years from serving as the former director of Nanxi County People's Hospital in 1999 to retiring from the second tier in 2021, his corrupt behavior is likely to be stirred up by this storm!

Shi Jun, former Secretary of the Party Committee and Dean of the Fifth People's Hospital of Yibin City: After I became the Dean, I took ill gotten gains and bought 8 cars and 7 properties, including Porsche Cayenne, Mercedes S300, and Touareg. The 7 properties are mainly located in Chengdu, Yunnan, as well as Nanxi, Hainan and other places, with approximately 6 million yuan in cash.

Ventilation leakage and collusion with surrounding signs are common methods used by Shi Jun to help unscrupulous businessmen successfully enter the hospital supply chain. And those seemingly small pills, inconspicuous infusion sets, and so on, when the equivalent becomes qualitative, the amount of power money transactions is astonishing!

"Because my power is very centralized, I greeted the equipment department head and he followed my advice. Due to the key information we provided, these equipment suppliers were able to win the bid in a relatively large proportion."

"Porsche Cayenne, Mercedes Benz"... The hospital director revealed details of corruption, with 6 million cash in 8 cars and 7 rooms

During his 23 years in office at Shi Jun, he firmly grasped the comprehensive discourse power in various commercial procurement, personnel appointment and removal, infrastructure construction, and other aspects of the hospital. He also cultivated confidants in key positions and facilitated channels for power realization. The "parental system" style has long eroded the rules and regulations to pieces, causing hospital management and employees to bow down and submit to them. Internal supervision has completely lost control, expanding the space for rent-seeking power.

"Some important matters still need to be submitted to the office meeting or party committee for research, but sometimes these matters are just a formality, mainly handled according to my opinions."

Governance of corruption in the pharmaceutical industry

Ensuring the health rights and interests of the people

"Porsche Cayenne, Mercedes Benz"... The hospital director revealed details of corruption, with 6 million cash in 8 cars and 7 rooms

Several public officials in the medical field of Yibin have successively fallen, and their corrupt behavior has seriously damaged the credibility and image of the medical system, as well as infringed on the vital interests of the people. Next, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Yibin City will continue to maintain a high-pressure situation, resolutely investigate and deal with corruption in the medical system, while strengthening the supervision and management of the medical system and institutional construction, improving the quality and level of medical services, and safeguarding the health rights and interests of the people.

Zhong Xiaofeng, Director of the Eighth Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of the Yibin Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision: We are based on maintaining the stability of the pharmaceutical industry, fully utilizing the "four forms", and formulating the "Work Plan for Encouraging Proactive Clarification of Issues in Special Governance in the Medical and Health Field" and policy guidelines for medical personnel to handle them.

Concentrate governance of corruption in the pharmaceutical industry, purify the ecosystem of the pharmaceutical industry, and the people are the most direct beneficiaries. We believe that as the anti-corruption efforts in the Sichuan pharmaceutical industry enter a deep-water zone, the power of leading cadres and key personnel will be further constrained. Adhering to the joint investigation of bribery and bribery will gradually solve the medical problems that are of common concern to the people, and the medical field, which is related to the health and safety of each and every one of us, will also become healthier.

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