Natural resource inspection interviews and criticisms, with 9 city (state) chiefs coming to Beijing to review: the problem of illegal land use highlights natural resources | cultivated land | illegal | discovered | rectified | violated | inspected | problems

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:23 PM

On the afternoon of September 15th, a meeting with the National Natural Resources Inspection Agency was held at the Ministry of Natural Resources located on Funei Street in Beijing.

This interview was commissioned by the National Natural Resources General Inspector to conduct face-to-face interviews with the main responsible persons of the people's governments of nine cities and prefectures with prominent illegal and irregular issues discovered during inspections in 2023. The meeting pointed out the prominent problems discovered during inspections, provided serious criticism, clarified rectification requirements, urged local governments to fulfill their responsibilities, increased rectification and punishment efforts, resolutely curbed illegal activities on farmland, and firmly held the red line of farmland protection.

A total of 9 cities were interviewed in person at the meeting, including 4 provincial capital cities and 5 prefecture level cities, namely Shijiazhuang City in Hebei Province, Harbin City in Heilongjiang Province, Wenzhou City in Zhejiang Province, Chuzhou City in Anhui Province, Linyi City in Shandong Province, Hechi City in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Qianxinan Prefecture in Guizhou Province, Kunming City in Yunnan Province, and Lanzhou City in Gansu Province.

The reporter from Pengpai News noticed that in addition to the mayor, the deputy secretary-general of the provincial government and the head of the natural resources department at the provincial and municipal levels also represented these municipal governments in the interview. Multiple media reporters were also invited on site. This is the first time since the establishment of the Ministry of Natural Resources that such a large-scale, high specification, and centralized and open conference has been held.

At the meeting, the main issues of illegal and irregular activities discovered during routine inspections in 2023 were reported, and Chen Chenzhao, a member of the Party Group of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Deputy General Inspector of National Natural Resources, gave a speech.

Nine mayors also spoke one after another at the meeting, deeply reflecting on the issues and proposing rectification plans.

Ranking high in the number and area of illegal and irregular land use issues in the province where it is located

From April to July this year, the national natural resources inspection agency focused on supervising local governments to implement the main responsibility of farmland protection and promoting the implementation and effectiveness of the results of the "three zones and three lines" delineation. They conducted inspections on the fulfillment of farmland protection responsibilities in 31 provinces and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps in 2022.

The Ministry of Natural Resources stated that overall, various regions are further strengthening farmland protection, continuously improving farmland protection mechanisms, and increasing efforts to investigate and rectify illegal and irregular behaviors on farmland. However, the inspection also found that the responsibility for protecting cultivated land in some areas is not fully implemented, and prominent issues such as the "non agriculturalization" and "non grainification" of cultivated land still exist that impact the red line. Non agricultural construction problems such as unauthorized construction of various parks, development zones, and urban municipal roads are more prominent. The problem of illegally occupying permanent basic farmland and planting grass on general cultivated land exists to varying degrees in some provinces, and the problem of "greenhouse houses" is prohibited but not eliminated. The problem of illegally occupying cultivated land, digging lakes, and creating scenery still occurs in some places. Some places violate the ecological protection red line control requirements, illegally approving mines, and illegally mining seriously damage the ecology. These issues are still prominent in some areas and have a more serious nature.

At the meeting on September 15th, the directors of nine inspection bureaus dispatched by the Ministry of Natural Resources to Beijing, Shenyang, Shanghai, Nanjing, Jinan, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Chengdu, and Xi'an respectively reported on the illegal and irregular issues discovered by the inspectors in the aforementioned nine cities.

The reporter from Pengpai News found that the main reason why the main leaders of these city governments were required to come to Beijing for talks is mainly because they were found to have a high number of illegal and irregular issues by inspectors, involving a large area of land and arable land, and ranking high in their respective provinces.

Sorting out the notification can reveal some representative issues of illegal and irregular land use.

Local governments and relevant departments take the lead in promoting various illegal and irregular issues. The inspector found that out of the 46 problems in Shijiazhuang, 17 were driven by local governments and departments, with a land area of 6838.49 acres; The government of Beisu Town in Wuji County has violated regulations in handling the registration procedures for facility agricultural land. The Natural Resources and Planning Bureau of Wuji County has lax land law enforcement, and has tacitly allowed and condoned Zhao and four others to illegally occupy land to build a door factory and warehouse.

The problem of "greenhouse houses" has rebounded. The long-term supervision mechanism for "greenhouse houses" in Harbin is not fully implemented. After being identified as a Class I "greenhouse house" for rectification in 2019, the Xixi Niu Agricultural Park project in Songbei District illegally changed the agricultural use of facilities for leisure and entertainment in May 2023.

The inspection found that the rectification of problems was not effectively promoted. Wenzhou City has not strictly reviewed and reviewed the rectification of problems pointed out by previous inspectors. After spot checks, it was found that 8 previous inspectors who have passed the city level audit pointed out problems but have not actually completed the rectification. Moreover, there has been a continuous increase in letters and visits in the field of natural resources in Wenzhou city. According to statistics, since 2021, Wenzhou has consistently ranked among the top in the province in terms of the number of petitions and petitions in the field of natural resources.

The problem of illegal mining is prominent. The four illegal mining problems discovered by the inspector in Chuzhou involve a mineral resource volume of 1.803 million tons. In September 2020, the government of Fengyang County held a special meeting and decided to implement a site leveling project beyond the approved scope of the project land. In fact, 190.8 acres of forest land were leveled beyond the approved scope of the land, and 1.557 million tons of building stones were excavated and sold, resulting in a profit of 30.59 million yuan.

The problem of non agriculturalization of arable land is serious. Inspectors in Linyi City have discovered a total of 111 issues of non agriculturalization of farmland, with 1065.56 acres of farmland. Among them, 57 new rural areas have illegally occupied farmland for building houses, with 82.35 acres of farmland. There are 4 illegal and irregular land occupation issues in leisure tourism and other projects, with 181.3 acres of arable land. The Yinhu Homestay Center in Pingyi County, Linyi City has illegally occupied 132 acres of arable land and has been under key supervision.

The problem of infrastructure projects being built before approval is prominent. The inspection found that from 2022 to May 2023, there were 78 infrastructure projects in Hechi City, including transportation, energy, and water conservancy, that were not approved for construction. They illegally occupied 10226.59 acres, involving 2448.92 acres of arable land and 1873.61 acres of permanent basic farmland.

There are many issues of false disposal of land that has been approved but not provided, and there are also issues of illegal land financing. The inspector discovered 68 such problems in Qianxinan Prefecture, covering an area of 2011.87 acres. For example, the Xingren Municipal Government provided 14 plots of land without actual construction projects to the government platform company for mortgage financing through transfer, with an area of 217.08 acres and a financing amount of 711 million yuan; The Xingyi Municipal Government has provided four plots of land without actual construction projects to the government platform company for mortgage financing through transfer, covering an area of 126.96 acres with a financing amount of 721 million yuan.

The problem of illegal occupation of arable land by cultural and tourism projects implemented by city and county governments through illegal decision-making is prominent. The inspector found a total of 13 illegal occupation of 1130 mu of arable land and 119 mu of permanent basic farmland in Kunming City, ranking first in the province in terms of the number of problems and arable land area. For example, the Songming County government made illegal decisions to promote the construction of the Baihuajing Valley Scenic Area, illegally occupying 131 acres of arable land; The government of Luquan County has made illegal decisions to promote the illegal occupation of 534 acres of arable land for greening and landscaping in the Gao'an small watershed management project.

There is a problem of false disposal of idle land. The inspector discovered three issues of false disposal of idle land in Lanzhou, involving 108.40 acres of land, all of which are commercial land of Lanzhou New Area Railway Investment Co., Ltd. Local reports indicate that construction has started, but actual construction has not started, indicating fraud.

Nine mayors made on-site reviews and statements, with some mayors expressing "great guilt and self blame"

The speeches of the mayors were immediately followed by detailed reports by the directors of the inspection bureau on the illegal and irregular issues in nine cities. Each host will call their names and express their opinions one by one.

In their speeches, the mayors, on behalf of the Municipal Party Committee and Government, made a profound reflection. Several mayors also sincerely expressed "great guilt and self blame" in their speeches, and "bravely accept all orders and resolutely rectify them".

The above mayor analyzed and reflected on the reasons for the illegal and irregular use of land in the local area, introduced the latest progress of rectification, and the next steps of rectification measures. We will resolutely implement the decision and deployment of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on strict protection of arable land, face up to the problems pointed out in the interview, implement rectification in accordance with the law and regulations, and promptly file cases, investigate and punish those that need to be transferred. For issues of dereliction of duty, dereliction of duty, and fraud, we will transfer them to the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision for serious accountability. At the same time, draw lessons from other cases, analyze the reasons, plug loopholes, improve mechanisms, actively digest the existing problems, and resolutely curb the increase of problems.

"The purpose of holding this interview today is to seriously point out the illegal and irregular issues of farmland protection and mineral resources in 9 cities, put forward serious criticism, urge the municipal government to deeply reflect on the problems and their causes, draw lessons seriously, and seriously rectify the problems. After the nine interviewed cities made statements, Chen Chenzhao, a member of the Party Group of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Deputy General Inspector of National Natural Resources, gave a speech.".

Chen Chenzhao pointed out that the prominent problems that have emerged in the nine cities are not only due to the low political stance and biased views on political achievements, but also due to the lax and unrealistic work style in implementing them; There are both reasons for the false pressure of responsibility and reasons driven by interests; There are reasons for both illegal decision-making, illegal approval, inadequate supervision, and lax law enforcement, as well as inadequate establishment and improvement of long-term mechanisms.

Some local governments and relevant departments have failed to effectively regulate and guide the use of land and minerals in related fields, and the priority order for farmland utilization and the requirements for "three zones and three lines" control have not been strictly implemented. There is still a mentality of "playing the sidelines" and muddling through, and some even engage in ecological destruction under the guise of ecological construction.

The pressure on the main responsibility and regulatory responsibility is not solid enough, the rigidity and authority of the system have not been firmly established, and the phenomenon of making choices, flexibility, and discounts still exists. In some places, there are orders that do not comply and prohibitions that continue, and regulation and systems have become "scarecrows", "paper tigers", and "rubber bands".

The lack of policy promotion and public opinion guidance in some areas, as well as the lack of strict decision-making and approval, inadequate supervision, and lax law enforcement, are still prominent issues. Some departments have implemented the "build before approval" policy without completing land use procedures in accordance with the law, and the "detect early, stop early, and investigate strictly" control mechanism to curb new additions has not been effectively implemented.

National Deputy Chief Inspector of Natural Resources: 9 Cities Should Face the Issues pointed out by the Inspector

The issues discovered during this inspection have been included in the list of issues in the inspection opinion letter, with some issues included in the list of key supervision issues.

Chen Chenzhao requested that 9 cities should face the problems pointed out by the inspectors, not avoid, shirk responsibility, or slack off. Under the unified deployment of the provinces, they should carefully study and develop targeted rectification work plans, establish specific problem rectification accounts, further refine rectification work measures around each type of problem pointed out by the inspectors, clarify the goals and tasks of each stage and the completion time limit, consolidate the responsibilities of all parties for rectification, and form a joint force for rectification work. We must seriously organize rectification, investigation, and accountability for typical problems under key supervision, and apply examples to promote the rectification of problems throughout the province.

"Everyone must take this interview as an opportunity, turn passivity into initiative, and make up their minds to vigorously implement it," said Chen Chenzhao.

At the same time, for major typical illegal cases, they must be resolutely handled, including those that need to be filed, those that need to be listed, those that need to be supervised, and those that need to be transferred. We must promote the rectification of problems in accordance with laws and regulations, and seek truth from facts. We cannot lower standards, "hold them high, and gently put them down", nor simplify or cut them all. We must not tamper with, make changes, or even resort to fraud during the rectification process.

The National Natural Resources Supervision Bureaus stationed in each locality should make the rectification of the cities under discussion a key task of the supervision work, continuously monitor and supervise the implementation of the rectification. For those who are found to have poor progress in rectification, fail to rectify within the time limit, expand against the wind, or engage in fraudulent activities to cope with inspections, measures such as public notification, warning interviews, and transfer to disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies will be taken.

"Whether it is land using units or local party members and cadres at all levels, they must have a sense of awe when it comes to the issue of cultivated land, truly achieving the goal of 'not daring to occupy, not being able to occupy, not wanting to occupy'." Chen Chenzhao said.

Attachment: Report on 9 cities with prominent illegal and irregular issues discovered during inspections in 2023

1. Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province

The inspection found 46 illegal and irregular issues in Shijiazhuang, involving 7223.02 acres of land, including 7112.07 acres of arable land, ranking first in the province.

Firstly, local governments and relevant departments take the lead in promoting multiple illegal and irregular issues. Among the 46 issues discovered by the inspection, 17 were driven by local governments and departments, with a land area of 6838.49 acres. For example, the People's Government of Lingshou County made illegal decisions to sell sand and stone resources under the pretext of geological disaster management, and Hebei Kaitian Rhenium Mining Co., Ltd. illegally exploited sand and stone resources under the pretext of safety management by encroaching on the ecological protection red line; The government of Beisu Town in Wuji County has violated regulations in handling the registration procedures for facility agricultural land. The Natural Resources and Planning Bureau of Wuji County has lax land law enforcement, and has tacitly allowed and condoned Zhao and four others to illegally occupy land to build a door factory and warehouse.

Secondly, the illegal and irregular occupation of farmland by photovoltaic land and transportation infrastructure is significant. They are 4520.84 acres and 2028.78 acres respectively.

The third issue is the prominent issue of non agriculturalization of cultivated land. The inspector discovered 23 problems, with 6897.13 acres of arable land.

The fourth issue is the prominent problem of rural illegal occupation of farmland for building houses. The inspector discovered 12 problems, with 175.10 acres of arable land.

In addition, there are two illegal and irregular construction issues that encroach on the ecological protection red line, with a problem area of 31.16 acres; There are two illegal mining problems that encroach on the ecological protection red line, covering an area of 79.79 acres.

2. Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province

The inspection found a total of 191 illegal and irregular issues in Harbin, involving 4001.73 acres of arable land, ranking first in the province. Among them, there are 51 issues of "non agriculturalization", with 900.68 acres of arable land; There are 95 issues of non grain conversion, with 3002.67 acres of arable land; There are 45 issues related to illegal mining, inaccurate disposal of idle land, and non-standard approval of land and mining, involving a cultivated land area of 98.38 acres.

One is the inadequate supervision of illegal occupation of arable land. In 2022, there were 51 issues related to the non agriculturalization of cultivated land, with a total area of 900.68 acres. Among them, there are 6 new issues of rural illegal occupation of farmland for building houses. There is one issue of inadequate implementation of the long-term supervision mechanism for "greenhouse houses". After the Xixi Niu Agricultural Park project in Songbei District was identified as a Class I "greenhouse house" for rectification in 2019, it illegally changed the use of facilities for agricultural purposes for leisure and entertainment in May 2023, and the "greenhouse house" problem rebounded.

The second reason is that the disposal rate of land that has not been provided in batches is low. In 2022, 184900 mu of land was approved but not provided, and 4757.40 mu of land was disposed of but not provided. The completion rate of disposal was 2.6%, which did not meet the national 25% disposal rate requirement.

The third issue is inadequate supervision of illegal mining. The inspector discovered 7 illegal mining problems; There are three issues with inadequate and irregular enforcement of mineral law. From January 2022 to May 2023, Wuchang City failed to effectively supervise the illegal mining of granite for construction by Yingze Sand and Stone Co., Ltd., and failed to promptly file a case for investigation and stop. Reporting illegal mining activities as "false changes", false reporting, and handling inspections. Harbin city has inadequate supervision and lax review of the reporting behavior of Wuchang City.

The fourth issue is the lack of effective promotion for rectification of problems discovered by inspectors. The 25 issues discovered by the 2021 farmland protection inspection have reached the deadline for rectification but have not been completed.

3. Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province

The inspection found 193 illegal and irregular issues in Wenzhou, involving 4239.51 acres of arable land, ranking first in the province. Among them, there are 6 typical problems that are under key supervision.

One is the problem of encroaching on farmland and digging lakes, which has not been completely eradicated. The inspector found one problem of encroaching on farmland and digging lakes in Pingyang County, Wenzhou City, illegally occupying 31.46 acres of permanent basic farmland. The development and reform, water conservancy and other departments of Pingyang County have approved the comprehensive improvement and bank protection projects of Mingzhu Lake and river channels, despite the clear proposal by the county's natural resources department that "permanent basic farmland is involved on both sides of Mingzhu Lake, and it is strictly prohibited to occupy permanent basic farmland", to promote illegal occupation of farmland and lake excavation. In addition, the inspection also found 32 new problems of rural illegal occupation of farmland and construction of houses in Wenzhou city; There is one issue of "greenhouse house" or "resurgence".

The second issue is that the implementation of the "three zones and three lines" control requirements is not in place, and the problem of non agricultural construction, afforestation and greening encroaching on farmland, and the protection red line of permanent basic farmland is prominent. The inspection found 104 illegal and irregular occupation of farmland in non agricultural construction such as camping and tourism in Wenzhou, covering 409.78 acres of farmland. 50 issues such as illegal occupation of farmland by afforestation and greening construction, occupying 3741.75 acres of farmland.

The third issue is the lack of standardized approval and strict supervision for land and mineral use, as well as prominent issues such as illegal and irregular approval of land allocation and construction of key projects before approval. The inspection found that there were 14 problems in Wenzhou city's illegal allocation of land for non-public transportation vehicle parking lots, with a total area of 179.92 acres. There are 12 issues with the construction of key projects in cities and counties before approval. One issue of illegal approval for mining of mineral resources, involving 178800 tons of mineral resources; There are four issues with non-standard disposal of mineral products, involving 9.13 million tons of mineral resources.

Fourthly, the inspection found that the rectification of problems was not effectively promoted. Wenzhou City has not strictly reviewed and reviewed the rectification of problems pointed out by previous inspectors. After spot checks, it was found that 8 previous inspectors who have passed the city level audit pointed out problems but have not actually completed the rectification.

Fifthly, there is a continuous increase in letters and visits in the field of natural resources. According to statistics, since 2021, Wenzhou has consistently ranked among the top in the province in terms of the number of petitions and petitions in the field of natural resources.

4. Chuzhou City, Anhui Province

The inspection found 105 illegal and irregular issues in Chuzhou City, involving 932.2 acres of arable land, ranking first in the province. Among them, the problems of encroaching on farmland, digging lakes to create scenery, illegally building houses on newly added rural farmland, and illegal mining are more prominent. Moreover, in 2021, the inspection of farmland protection found that a large number of problems were not rectified in place.

One is the issue of 51 cases of non agriculturalization of arable land, occupying 691.1 acres of arable land. Among them, the government of Lai'an County illegally requisitioned land for the construction of the supporting landscape water system for the Jinling Water Town project, encroached on 400.4 acres of arable land, dug lakes to create scenery, and the nature is harsh. 12 new rural areas have illegally occupied farmland for building houses, occupying 25.4 acres of farmland.

The second issue is the non grainification of permanent basic farmland and cultivated land by digging ponds for fish farming, constructing facility agricultural projects, planting seedlings, and other cultivated land, with a total area of 232.1 acres occupied.

The third is four issues related to illegal mining, involving 1.803 million tons of mineral resources. In September 2020, the government of Fengyang County held a special meeting and decided to implement a site leveling project beyond the approved scope of the project land. In fact, 190.8 acres of forest land were leveled beyond the approved scope of the land, and 1.557 million tons of building stones were excavated and sold, resulting in a profit of 30.59 million yuan.

Fourthly, in 2021, during the inspection of farmland protection, it was discovered that there were 82 problems that had not been rectified within the deadline, covering an area of 3140.1 acres, including 2381.2 acres of farmland.

5. Linyi City, Shandong Province

The inspection found 153 illegal and irregular issues in Linyi City, involving 1885.29 acres of arable land, ranking high in the province.

One is the prominent issue of non agriculturalization of arable land. A total of 111 issues related to the non agriculturalization of cultivated land have been discovered, covering an area of 1065.56 acres. Among them, 57 new rural areas have illegally occupied farmland for building houses, with 82.35 acres of farmland. There are 4 illegal and irregular land occupation issues in leisure tourism and other projects, with 181.3 acres of arable land. The Yinhu Homestay Center in Pingyi County, Linyi City has illegally occupied 132 acres of arable land and has been under special supervision. There are 50 illegal and irregular land occupation issues in infrastructure, industrial and mining enterprises, parking lots, and stacking, with 801.91 acres of arable land.

The second issue is the prominent issue of non grainification of arable land and permanent basic farmland. Inspectors have discovered 26 issues of non grainification of arable land and permanent basic farmland in Linyi City since 2022, with 324.9 acres of arable land. Among them, there are 4 issues of illegal and irregular occupation of farmland for afforestation and construction of green belts beyond the standard, with 80.28 acres of farmland; There are 9 illegal and irregular occupation of farmland and the construction of rural roads on permanent basic farmland, with a total area of 100.56 acres of farmland.

The third is the serious problem of illegal mining of mineral resources. Inspectors have discovered 10 illegal open-pit mining of sand and gravel mineral resources in Linyi City since 2022, under the pretext of various treatments or constructions, involving approximately 11.9878 million tons of ore. Among them, there are 5 problems of unlicensed mining and 5 problems of illegal mining under the name of ecological restoration projects.

In addition, the inspector also found that 204.35 acres of land approved but not supplied and idle in Linyi City were not properly disposed of, and 494.83 acres of permanent basic farmland were occupied or damaged during the mining or construction process of some mineral resources.

6. Hechi City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

The inspection found 208 illegal and irregular issues in Hechi City, involving 2922.57 acres of arable land. Among them, there are 150 issues of "non agriculturalization" of arable land, with 2629.55 acres of arable land; 44 issues of non grain cultivation of arable land, with 118.49 acres of arable land; There are 14 other illegal and irregular issues, involving 174.53 acres of arable land.

One is that the total amount of illegal land use is large, and the order of land management is relatively chaotic. The 2022 satellite law enforcement results show that the illegal land use area in Hechi City is 26180.6 acres, including 6341.3 acres of arable land and 4368.81 acres of permanent basic farmland.

The second issue is the prominent issue of illegal occupation of farmland and construction of houses in newly added rural areas. The inspection found that there were 50 new rural illegal occupation of farmland for building houses in Hechi City, with 62.14 acres of farmland. The local government did not timely detect, stop, and investigate them, and they were not included in the scope of the inspection of newly added rural illegal occupation of farmland for building houses. Three new "greenhouse housing" issues have been added, with 20.75 acres of arable land. Two of them are due to the local government and relevant departments blindly promoting project construction and illegally handling facility agricultural land registration procedures for tourism and entertainment projects.

The third issue is the prominent problem of infrastructure projects such as transportation, energy, and water conservancy being built before approval. The inspection found that from 2022 to May 2023, there were 78 infrastructure projects in Hechi City, including transportation, energy, and water conservancy, that were not approved for construction. They illegally occupied 10226.59 acres, involving 2448.92 acres of arable land and 1873.61 acres of permanent basic farmland.

The fourth is the slow progress in rectifying typical problems under key supervision. In 2022, the inspector pointed out four typical problems that Hechi City will focus on for supervision. As of July 2023, there are still three issues that have not been rectified.

7. Qianxinan Prefecture, Guizhou Province

The inspection found 383 illegal and irregular issues related to land and mining in Qianxinan Prefecture, occupying 3130.17 acres of arable land, ranking high in the province.

The issue of non agriculturalization of cultivated land is more prominent. The inspection found 207 problems, occupying 1649.65 acres of arable land. Among them, 31 infrastructure projects such as transportation and water conservancy were built without approval, occupying 1063.89 acres of arable land; There is one issue of unauthorized construction within the development park, and the Yilong New Area Management Committee has repeatedly violated regulations by approving temporary land for permanent construction.

The second issue is the significant issue of non grainification of arable land. The inspection found 85 problems, mainly involving the occupation of arable land and permanent basic farmland for planting eucalyptus trees, tea, and building rural roads, occupying 1372.06 acres of arable land.

The third issue is that there are many issues of false disposal of land that has not been provided in batches, and there are also issues of illegal land financing. The inspector found 68 such problems, covering an area of 2011.87 acres. For example, the Xingren Municipal Government provided 14 plots of land without actual construction projects to the government platform company for mortgage financing through transfer, with an area of 217.08 acres and a financing amount of 711 million yuan; The Xingyi Municipal Government has provided four plots of land without actual construction projects to the government platform company for mortgage financing through transfer, covering an area of 126.96 acres with a financing amount of 721 million yuan.

The fourth is to illegally approve temporary land use. After the Ministry of Natural Resources issued the Notice on Standardizing the Management of Temporary Land Use, the Natural Resources Bureau of Xingyi City, Qiannan Prefecture, exceeded its authority to approve 14 cases of temporary land occupation of farmland that should be approved by the Qiannan Prefecture Natural Resources Bureau, occupying 552.80 acres of farmland.

In addition, the inspector also discovered three illegal mining problems that encroached on the ecological protection red line, occupying 21.65 acres of the ecological protection red line, and estimating a resource of 1.2991 million tons of illegal mining.

8. Kunming City, Yunnan Province

The inspection found 151 illegal and irregular issues in Kunming, involving 4893 acres of arable land, ranking first in the province in terms of the number of problems and second in terms of arable land area. Among them, there are 83 issues related to the "non agriculturalization" of arable land, involving 2384 acres of arable land. The number of problems and the area of arable land rank first in the province.

One is the resurgence of the problem of "greenhouse houses". The inspection found 9 problems with "greenhouse houses" in Kunming, involving 116 acres of arable land, ranking first in the province in terms of the number of problems. For example, in February 2019, the Yinlian Potted Flower Market in Chenggong District, Kunming City was included in the scope of "greenhouse house" problem rectification and passed the rectification acceptance; In July 2022, Yinlian Community rented out the reclaimed agricultural greenhouse to 76 merchants for commercial activities such as selling potted flowers, agricultural materials, pesticides, etc., illegally occupying 77 acres of farmland.

The second issue is that the problem of illegally occupying farmland and building houses in rural areas has not been effectively curbed. In 2022, the inspection found 11 new problems of illegally occupying farmland and building houses in rural areas. In 2023, the inspection also found 21 new problems of illegally occupying farmland and building houses in rural areas, including 23 acres of farmland and 13 acres of permanent basic farmland.

The third issue is the prominent issue of illegal occupation of arable land by cultural and tourism projects implemented by city and county governments in violation of regulations. A total of 13 projects were found to illegally occupy 1130 mu of arable land and 119 mu of permanent basic farmland, ranking first in the province in terms of the number of problems and arable land area. For example, the Songming County government made illegal decisions to promote the construction of the Baihuajing Valley Scenic Area, illegally occupying 131 acres of arable land; The government of Luquan County has made illegal decisions to promote the illegal occupation of 534 acres of arable land for greening and landscaping in the Gao'an small watershed management project.

The fourth issue is the prominent issue of non grainification of permanent basic farmland. A total of 55 issues of non grainification of permanent basic farmland were discovered, covering an area of 1772 acres. The Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Songming County and the government of Yanglin Town have failed to effectively stop the illegal occupation of permanent basic farmland for planting grass, resulting in the illegal occupation of 1930 acres of arable land and 817 acres of permanent basic farmland.

In addition, 40 other issues related to the non agriculturalization of cultivated land, such as transportation, water conservancy, and energy, were discovered, and 1116 acres of cultivated land and 111 acres of permanent basic farmland were illegally occupied; There are 10 issues of non grainification of general cultivated land, covering 736 acres; Three other questions.

9. Lanzhou City, Gansu Province

The inspection found 53 illegal and irregular issues in Lanzhou, involving 3626.33 acres of arable land, ranking first in the province. Among them, there are 32 issues of "non agriculturalization" of cultivated land, 14 issues of "non grainification" of permanent basic farmland, 3 issues of false disposal of idle land, and 4 issues of illegal mining.

One is that the problem of "non agriculturalization" of cultivated land has not been effectively curbed, and law enforcement and supervision are not strict. The inspector found 32 issues of non agriculturalization of cultivated land in Lanzhou City, occupying an area of 3585.96 acres. Among them, there are 4 new problems of illegally occupying farmland and building houses in rural areas, with 14.52 acres of farmland; There are 13 issues with infrastructure such as transportation, energy, and water conservancy not being approved for construction, with 2570.34 acres of arable land; 15 illegal occupation of arable land issues such as leisure tourism and land reclamation, with 100% of arable land

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Taiwan media pays close attention to the "Incense Gathering": Taiwan related issues and speeches by the defense ministers of China and the United States are the focus of attention. China | Minister of National Defense | Incense Gathering
Taiwan media pays close attention to the "Incense Gathering": Taiwan related issues and speeches by the defense ministers of China and the United States are the focus of attention. China | Minister of National Defense | Incense Gathering

The 2023 Shangri La Dialogue will conclude in Singapore today, with representatives and scholars from more than 40 national defense departments, including Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister Li Shangfu and US Defense Secretary Austin, attending the dialogue to explore ways to maintain peace and stability in the region. The speeches of the defense ministers of China and the United States and their movements at the conference have attracted attention from all parties, and the focus of Taiwan media has been on the Taiwan Strait issue. Taiwan media has been closely following the "Incense Gathering". Several Taiwanese media outlets have continued to report on the event, and Taiwan's United Daily News has focused on China's Defense Minister Li Shangfu's speech titled "China's New Security Initiative". The article cites the speech content and emphasizes that if anyone dares to split Taiwan from China, the Chinese military will not hesitate at all and will not fear any opponents. No matter how much the cost is, they will resolutely uphold it

What kind of grievance does the United States pretend to be?, Xiake Island | Termination: The defense ministers of China and the United States did not fulfill their request. US | China US | United States
What kind of grievance does the United States pretend to be?, Xiake Island | Termination: The defense ministers of China and the United States did not fulfill their request. US | China US | United States

The United States has been wronged again. Recently, the US Department of Defense has been complaining everywhere, saying that China has rejected the US request for a meeting between the US and China defense ministers. Subsequently, American media intervened and claimed that the US had made several weeks of efforts to ensure this meeting, Barbara... At first glance, it seems that China is not giving the US the opportunity and face, but since it is the US who is complaining, the matter needs to be pondered. At present, the 20th Shangri La Dialogue is being held in Singapore, with Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister Li Shangfu invited to attend. The proposed "China US Defense Ministers Meeting" by the US aims to have US Defense Ministers Austin and Lee Sang fu meet in Singapore. Originally, the debut of the newly appointed Chinese Defense Minister's "Xianghui" was highly anticipated. But the Chinese side hasn't said much yet, and the United States has taken advantage of the heat first - on May 30th, the United States

Four Questions on the US Debt Crisis Observation | Xinhua News Agency | Crisis
Four Questions on the US Debt Crisis Observation | Xinhua News Agency | Crisis

Beijing, June 2 (Xinhua) - The United States Senate voted on the 1st to pass a bill on the federal government's debt ceiling and budget, which will take effect after being signed by President Biden. Although this round of US debt ceiling crisis has temporarily eased, the outside world has increasingly questioned the origin, capital flow, sustainability and huge risks of the huge US debt. These issues are intertwined with issues such as US dollar hegemony, US party struggles, and US corruption, becoming a "gray rhinoceros" that threatens global economic and financial security. In response to the four major concerns about the US debt crisis, which have been highly concerned by the outside world, Xinhua News Agency reporters have traced the root cause and clarified its origins. On June 1, pedestrians walked past the "treasury bond Clock" in New York. "Treasury bond clock" is a large counter, which is more real-time

Decision to appoint Chen Jie as Vice Mayor, Report on the Fourth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress | Situation | ShanghaiStrictly abide by the Party Constitution, Party rules, and Party discipline. The Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Party Group of the Municipal Government, and the Party Group of the Municipal Political Consultative Conference held separate meetings to firmly support the Central Committee's decision on the Party Central Committee | Politics | Party GroupCan Shanghai connect with the greenways of these cities? Official: Proposed Preparation of Greenway Construction Standards for the Yangtze River Delta | Standards | Yangtze River DeltaChen Jining, Gong Zheng, and colleagues from the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee exchanged their experiences and insights on thematic education research based on their respective experiences. Education | Municipal Party Committee | ThemeThe Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference awarded commemorative plaques to members and standing committee members of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference who are no longer re elected in ShanghaiPropose ideas and measures around releasing domestic demand, and the Chairman's Meeting of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference deliberates on key research reports and measures | ideas | research