Joint statement between the People's Republic of China and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on establishing an all-weather strategic partnership (full text) Moon | Cooperation | Strategic Partnership

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:07 PM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 13th

Joint statement between the People's Republic of China and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on establishing an all-weather strategic partnership

During the visit, the two heads of state held talks in a warm and friendly atmosphere, exchanging views on China Venezuela relations, cooperation in various fields between the two countries, and international and regional issues of common concern, and reached broad consensus. Premier Li Qiang of the State Council of the People's Republic of China and Chairman Zhao Leji of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress respectively met with President Maduro.

2、 Both sides unanimously believe that since the establishment of diplomatic relations on June 28, 1974, and especially since the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries on July 21, 2014, no matter how the international situation changes, China Venezuela relations have always been fearless and steadfast, and bilateral cooperation in various fields has achieved fruitful results.

3、 Based on the common willingness to enhance the level of bilateral relations, further deepen cooperation in various fields between the two countries, and considering the profound changes in the current international and regional situation, both sides have unanimously decided to elevate the China Venezuela relationship to an all-weather strategic partnership, further leverage the political leadership role of the head of state's diplomacy, expand practical cooperation in various fields between the two countries, strengthen strategic cooperation in international affairs, enhance the well-being of the two peoples, and jointly promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

5、 The Chinese side once again warmly congratulates the Fifth National Congress of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela on its successful convening, and warmly congratulates President Maduro on his re-election as the Chairman of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela. Respect the Venezuelan people's choice of a development path that is in line with their national conditions, and support the efforts of the Venezuelan government and people to maintain national stability, development, and peace.

6、 China and Venezuela are good friends who trust each other, good partners for common development, and good comrades in strategic cooperation. Both sides reiterated their firm mutual support on each other's core interests. China firmly supports Venezuela in upholding national independence, sovereignty, national dignity, socio-economic stability, and self-determination under the guidance of the will of liberator Simon Bolivar. The Venezuelan side reiterates its firm stance of adhering to the One China principle, acknowledges that the government of the People's Republic of China is the only legitimate government representing the whole of China, and Taiwan is an inseparable part of China's territory. It firmly supports all efforts made by the Chinese government to achieve national reunification. Both sides agree to firmly oppose any external forces interfering in their domestic affairs under any pretext, and oppose any forces interfering in China's internal affairs through issues related to Taiwan, Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Tibet, the South China Sea, human rights, etc.

7、 Both sides believe it is necessary to work together to maintain the common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom for all mankind, and commit to continuing to work together to maintain the international order based on international law and basic norms of international relations, the international system centered on the purposes and principles of the United Nations and its Charter, oppose all forms of hegemonism and power politics, oppose all forms of unilateralism, and oppose the formation of camps and exclusive small circles targeting specific countries. The Venezuelan side appreciates China's participation in the "Group of Friends to Defend the Charter of the United Nations" and promises to continue working with China to build a new type of international relations, deepen and expand global partnerships of equality, openness, and cooperation, jointly promote world peace and development, consolidate a polycentric and multipolar world, and work together to build a community with a shared future for mankind.

The two sides recalled the memorandum of understanding on jointly building the the Belt and Road signed in September 2018, spoke highly of the fruitful achievements of the two countries under the framework of jointly building the the Belt and Road, and were willing to continue to deepen cooperation on jointly building the the Belt and Road. On the basis of signing the Memorandum of Understanding between the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Foreign Trade of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on jointly accelerating the preparation of the "the Belt and Road" cooperation plan, the two sides are willing to accelerate the signing of the "the Belt and Road" cooperation plan document between China and Venezuela.

10、 Both sides agree that currently, changes in the world, times, and history are unfolding in unprecedented ways. Both China and Venezuela are developing countries with broad common interests and similar positions in international affairs. Both sides actively evaluate the strategic cooperation between the two countries in international organizations and multilateral mechanisms, and will continue to firmly support each other in international affairs.

11、 The Venezuelan side reiterated its interest in joining the BRICS countries. As a reliable energy supplier and the world's largest oil and fourth largest natural gas reserves, the Venezuelan side can make important contributions to the energy agenda of the mechanism. The Chinese side welcomes the positive willingness of Venezuela to join the BRICS countries and supports Venezuela's efforts to achieve this goal.

12、 The Venezuelan side highly appreciates China's efforts to support the development of countries in the southern world, promote world economic growth, and create new practices in economic governance. It is willing to join financial institutions such as the New Development Bank and financing cooperation initiatives. Similarly, the Venezuelan side will continue to support the internationalization of the renminbi.

13、 Both sides agree that it is necessary to explore a path of democratic and human rights development that meets the needs of the people based on the actual situation of the country. Oppose the abuse of democratic values by any country, using the pretext of defending democracy and human rights to interfere in the internal affairs of sovereign countries, inciting world division and confrontation, opposing the politicization, instrumentalization, and double standards of human rights issues, and opposing the imposition of one's own will and standards on other countries.

14、 Illegal unilateral sanctions seriously violate the basic principles of international law such as national sovereignty equality and non-interference in internal affairs, and seriously damage the right to survival, development, and peace of the Venezuelan people. The Chinese side firmly supports the just struggle of the Venezuelan people to defend national sovereignty and oppose external sanctions. It opposes individual countries imposing illegal unilateral sanctions and so-called "long arm jurisdiction" on Venezuela under any pretext, opposes any political bullying, and opposes military intervention or the threat of force.

15、 Both sides agree that dialogue and negotiation are the only feasible way to resolve the Ukrainian crisis, and all efforts that are conducive to a peaceful resolution of the crisis should be encouraged and supported. The Venezuelan side highly appreciates and firmly supports China's relevant proposals. Both sides call on more countries to play a constructive role in promoting a political solution to the Ukrainian crisis.

16、 Both sides highly praised the 17th meeting of the China Venezuela High Mixed Committee held on September 13, 2023. We unanimously agree to continue to play the institutional role of the High Committee in planning, guiding, and implementing bilateral cooperation, and deepen practical cooperation in various fields.

17、 Both sides will continue to promote and deepen cooperation in energy, finance, economy and trade, investment, mining, agriculture, infrastructure, communication, digital economy and other fields, adhere to mutual benefit and friendship, and benefit the people of both countries. Both sides welcome the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between relevant departments of the two countries on further strengthening exchanges and cooperation in the field of economic development, promoting industrial investment and cooperation, conducting sustainable development cooperation, and strengthening cooperation in the digital economy. The Venezuelan side highly praises China's tremendous achievements in the construction of economic zones and poverty alleviation, and China is willing to support the construction of the Venezuelan economic zones. The Chinese side appreciates the active participation of Venezuela in the CIIE, Canton Fair, and Service Trade Fair, and supports Venezuela's enterprises to participate more in economic and trade exhibitions held in China. Both sides agree to further develop bilateral trade and enrich the variety of traded goods.

18、 Through joint efforts, China and Venezuela have completed negotiations on the Mutual Promotion and Protection of Investment Agreement. Both parties agree to complete the signing and implementation of the agreement as soon as possible, in order to benefit both investors as soon as possible. The Venezuelan side reiterated its welcome to Chinese enterprises and investors to expand their investment in Venezuela and fully leverage the favorable conditions of the existing legal framework.

19、 Both sides agree to deepen exchanges and cooperation between the legislative bodies, specialized committees, and friendly groups of the two countries, and further strengthen the exchange of legislative and governance experience. Agree to strengthen local exchanges and cooperation between the two countries, and further deepen the established friendly provincial state relations. Agree to promote the development of friendly relations among more local provinces and cities.

20、 Both sides agree to further strengthen cultural and educational exchanges, promote exchanges and cooperation between mainstream media and educational institutions of the two countries, and strengthen social and cultural ties between China and Venezuela. Agree to further facilitate the development of Chinese education in Venezuela, welcome relevant departments from both countries to renew the Education Exchange Implementation Plan, and agree to further facilitate personnel exchanges between the two countries, promote the development of Chinese education in Venezuela, and expand tourism exchanges. The Venezuelan side appreciates China's inclusion of Venezuela in the list of countries to resume outbound group tourism.

21、 Both sides recall the achievements made in the "Weixing-1" communication satellite, "Weiyao-1" and "Weiyao-2" remote sensing satellite projects, and agree to further deepen cooperation in the aerospace field, strengthen coordination on platforms such as the United Nations Foreign Space Commission, and promote fair and reasonable global governance of outer space. The Chinese side welcomes Venezuela's participation in the cooperation with the International Lunar Research Station. Both sides highly appreciate the signing of the framework agreement on cooperation in the field of space, and are willing to work together to promote the progress of cooperation projects in fields such as communication and remote sensing satellites, moon and deep space exploration, and promote the improvement of the space capabilities and national economic development of the two countries.

22、 Both sides agree to further strengthen cooperation in the aviation sector, welcome relevant departments of the two countries to sign an air transportation agreement, and encourage airlines from both countries to timely open flights on China Venezuela routes based on market principles.

23、 Both sides have noted their common concerns regarding climate change and will promote the comprehensive and effective implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Paris Agreement based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities. They agree to promote environmental cooperation and address climate change and biodiversity loss. The Chinese side will accelerate the promotion of the aid project for water resource protection materials in Venezuela. Both sides welcome the continuous efforts made by members of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization to develop common policies aimed at protecting the Amazon and sustainable development of the region, with a focus on science and technology and protecting the well-being of its residents.

24、 Venezuela sincerely thanks the Chinese side for its anti epidemic support during the COVID-19 epidemic. Chinese vaccines, medical supplies and Chinese medical teams have played a key role in the fight against the COVID-19 in Venezuela, making important contributions to the lives of millions of people in Venezuela. Both sides agree to promote health cooperation between the two countries by sharing experiences and technologies.

25、 Both sides agree that data security is crucial to the security and economic and social development of various countries. The Venezuelan side actively evaluates China's Global Data Security Initiative and is willing to promote the formulation of global digital governance rules.

26、 Both sides highly value the important role of the China Latin America Forum in promoting China Latin America relations. Both sides are willing to strengthen communication and coordination on the affairs of the China Latin America Forum, and promote stable and far-reaching China Latin America relations in the new era of equality, mutual benefit, innovation, openness, and benefiting the people. The Chinese side highly appreciates the positive role played by Venezuela in Latin American and Caribbean affairs and in promoting the sustainable development of China Latin American cooperation.

27、 Both sides support Latin America and the Caribbean as a nuclear free zone and oppose Japan's discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea.

28、 Both sides agreed to hold a series of activities to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Venezuela in 2024.

29、 The two heads of state expressed satisfaction with the series of outcome documents signed by both sides during this visit.

30、 Both sides believe that the successful visit of President Maduro is of great significance for deepening the all-weather strategic partnership between China and Venezuela and promoting a community with a shared future between China and Latin America in the new era.

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