Is it forced? His situation may be even more dangerous than the President, McCarthy impeachs Biden

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:09 PM

McCarthy's situation,

Maybe it's more dangerous than Biden he wants to impeach.

Author: Zheng Aotian

On September 13th, McCarthy listed the "accusations" against President Biden in his speech, stating that "abuse of power, obstruction of justice, and corruption, when we link all the accusations together, we can see the full picture of it all: a culture of corruption!".

On September 12th local time, US House Speaker and Republican McCarthy officially announced an impeachment investigation into Biden, targeting his son Hunter Biden's business activities in Ukraine and other places.

"Speaker McCarthy's decision is stirring up howls from the Democratic Party and their media maids," said a conservative commentator in the United States gloating.

Is it forced? His situation may be even more dangerous than the President, McCarthy impeachs Biden

Trump's Revenge?


In previously released investigative documents, Republicans accused Biden and Hunter of receiving $5 million in bribes from Ukrainian businessmen in 2016, based on information provided by anonymous sources from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Republicans also claim that in the past few years, the Biden family has benefited from "overseas business" by approximately $20 million, including Biden's brothers and daughter-in-law.

To investigate Biden, Republicans not only demanded the involvement of the judiciary, but also demanded the disclosure of nearly 5000 emails sent by Biden during his tenure as Vice President and President, many of which were sent under his pseudonym.

·McCarthy is announcing an impeachment investigation into Biden.

Several foreign media outlets have pointed out that McCarthy's move is a "unilateral" action and did not seek a full vote in the House of Representatives. During the interview, McCarthy stated that he was following the precedent set by former Speaker of the House Pelosi, emphasizing that Pelosi had issued an impeachment statement before the House vote to impeach then President Trump. "I warned her, but she still did it, so today we are doing it." There was a hint of "you are not kind, no wonder I am unjust.".

Is it forced? His situation may be even more dangerous than the President, McCarthy impeachs Biden

McCarthy's decision dropped a depth bomb in the US political arena, which is currently struggling with the debt ceiling issue. Conservative media have cheered, saying that it is best for Democrats to "fasten their seat belts". White House spokesperson Sams said at a press conference that Biden "didn't do anything wrong", accusing Republicans of doing this only for political gain.

"My best guess: The reason they want to impeach me is because they want the government to shut down," Biden said in response to a reporter's question on September 14th. Some American media have stated that even if the impeachment fails, it is enough to exhaust the White House. At this point, there are only 16 days left until the US government suspends operations due to budget issues.

However, amidst the hustle and bustle of the crowd, one person remained thought-provoking silent. That's Trump.

After McCarthy announced that he would launch an impeachment investigation against Biden, Trump, who has always been a hot topic, did not speak up immediately. There are reports that he is busy preparing for a media group interview to be held on Sunday. People speculate that Trump is holding back his big moves.

As a former president who has been impeached twice, Trump will not be surprised by the impeachment of Biden. In recent months, he has been pushing for this matter. "Trump doesn't need to directly tell people what he wants, people know it well," a source told American media.

On September 10th, Trump met with his political ally and Republican congressman Marjorie Green at a golf club in New Jersey to discuss how to push for the impeachment of Biden.

Is it forced? His situation may be even more dangerous than the President, McCarthy impeachs Biden

·In July 2022, Marjorie Green was talking to Trump.

In a phone interview, Green said, "I gave him a brief report on the strategy I hope to adopt in the impeachment." She said she hopes the impeachment investigation can make Biden feel "a long and unbearable pain," and stated that besides Biden, she also has a "long list of names" in her hand and plans to "sue them one by one" after Trump wins the 2024 election.

To outsiders, McCarthy is the chief director of this impeachment drama. But in fact, McCarthy, known as the chameleon of Capitol Hill, is just an actor struggling to survive in the political vortex.

McCarthy's procrastination

Some American media claim that McCarthy has been delaying the impeachment of Biden.

On June 26th of this year, Republican Representative Boybert proposed an impeachment clause against Biden, which was submitted to the House Judiciary Committee and Homeland Security Committee for review.

Is it forced? His situation may be even more dangerous than the President, McCarthy impeachs Biden

However, McCarthy did not actively support this. He is afraid that impeachment may lead to the Republican Party losing its majority position in the House of Representatives, making him the most short-lived Speaker of the House in American history.

"I think the time to put this matter on the table is not yet ripe, as it may harm the work we are doing," McCarthy said in a media interview. He said he would prefer the Republican Party to hold the House of Representatives for 10 years, rather than "returning it in two years."

Man's calculations are not as good as heaven's calculations. As the differences between the two parties on the debt issue become increasingly irreconcilable, McCarthy found himself carrying the blame for causing the government to "shut down". To save himself, he tried to persuade radical factions within the Republican Party to compromise. Some American media believe that this has made McCarthy a hostage to radical factions within the party. In order to gain their support, McCarthy had to meet the other party's political demands.

·In 2013, the US government was partially shut down due to its budget not being passed by Congress. The picture shows the closure announcement of the Lincoln Memorial during the government shutdown period.

In order to protect himself, "chameleon" McCarthy had to "change color" again, serving as the chief director to impeach Biden. This is not so much his "total attack" on Biden as his "olive branch" thrown at the radical Republican Party.

But this road is not easy for McCarthy either. According to insiders, the McCarthy team's recent investigation showed that initiating an impeachment investigation would not win more than half of the votes if it were to rely on a unanimous vote from the House of Representatives. Reuters analysis shows that up to 20 Republican congressmen oppose the impeachment investigation, while the Republican camp has only a 10 seat advantage in this session of the House of Representatives. This impeachment is more ominous than good.

Is it forced? His situation may be even more dangerous than the President, McCarthy impeachs Biden

"This is McCarthy's last move: self inflicted humiliation," analyzed a senior American political journalist. He said that if McCarthy could bear the shame of the impeachment motion failing with a large number of votes, he could potentially achieve his only true goal: to hold onto his position as Speaker.

·In January 2023, McCarthy walked briskly through the United States Capitol building.

However, the problem is that many Republican radicals are not buying McCarthy's "olive branch".

"Whether the impeachment is successful or not, we are aware that the government budget will be spent on September 30th," said Republican radical congressman Matt Gates. He also stated that McCarthy's statement to initiate an impeachment investigation will not affect his demand for the Democratic Party to lower its budget. Republican congressman Good said, "The impeachment investigation is correct, but it has nothing to do with the 'budget war'. We can push two things at the same time."

In this situation, some American media have pointed out that some within the Republican Party have long been eyeing McCarthy's position as Speaker. If McCarthy's impeachment of Biden fails miserably, it may not only seriously undermine his credibility within the party, but also lead to his political opponents proposing a motion to directly dismiss him from his position as Speaker. From this, it can be seen that the situation McCarthy is facing may be more dangerous than the Biden he is trying to impeach.

This will be a "terrible play"

Is it forced? His situation may be even more dangerous than the President, McCarthy impeachs Biden

Unlike Biden, who attempted to respond to the impeachment in a low-key manner, the other protagonist of this matter, Hunter, quickly launched a "counterattack" after McCarthy announced the launch of the impeachment investigation.

On September 13th, Hunter officially announced his lawsuit against Garrett Ziegler, the White House assistant during Trump's time, on charges of allegedly spreading emails and photos on his personal computer. The complaint referred to Ziegler as a "fanatic", stating that he had launched a sustained, insane, and obsessive attack on Hunter Biden and the entire Biden family over the past two years.

·In April 2023, Hunter accompanied Biden on a trip to Ireland.

Hunter's mention of "personal computers" is one of the sources of this impeachment. In 2019, Hunter sent three laptops to a computer repair shop in Delaware for repair, but did not retrieve the computers or hard drives from the shop. After recovering computer data, the shop owner found a large number of Hunter's personal emails in the hard drive, including Hunter's introduction to a senior executive of Ukraine's Brisma Energy Company to Biden and arranging a meeting between the two. Hunter is a member of the board of directors of Brismarc Corporation. This record clearly breaks Biden's previous insistence that he knew nothing about his son's business.

After the exposure of "Computer Gate", many Trump supporters, including Ziegler, began spreading content from computers on the internet. Subsequently, more witnesses revealed the details of Hunter's business in Ukraine. Hunter's former partner, Davin Achi, once revealed that Hunter would deliberately use hands-free communication when negotiating business with Ukrainians to make Biden, who was in the same room, hear him. Archer believes that Hunter's move is to inform Ukrainian partners that he can directly communicate with Biden.

In August 2023, former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin gave a detailed account of his dismissal during the investigation into the Brisma Gas Company in Ukraine in a media interview, and stated that Biden and Hunter played important roles in the process.

Is it forced? His situation may be even more dangerous than the President, McCarthy impeachs Biden

"I have repeatedly stated in previous interviews that under the insistence of Vice President Biden at the time, Boroshenko fired me because I was investigating Brisma," Shakin said in the interview.

·Former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.

With the fermentation of relevant information, Hunter's overseas business ultimately elicited a response from the US Department of Justice. In August 2023, the US Department of Justice announced the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate whether Hunter was involved in improper business transactions.

In this situation, is Hunter, who is still under investigation, bringing up "computer doors" in response to McCarthy's impeachment investigation, or is it just to punish his political enemies? The public is still unclear.

But what can be certain is that in the coming weeks, the two party struggle in the United States will usher in a new climax. As many American netizens have said, this will be a "bad show".

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