Important Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council Released! Related to the integration and development of both sides of the Taiwan Strait

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:01 PM

Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Supporting Fujian in Exploring New Paths for Cross Strait Integration and Development and Building Demonstration Zones for Cross Strait Integration and Development

Fujian has a unique position and role in the overall work towards Taiwan. In order to deepen the integration and development of various fields across the Taiwan Strait, and promote the process of peaceful reunification of the motherland, the following opinions are proposed to support Fujian in exploring new paths for the integration and development of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and building demonstration zones for the integration and development of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait.

General 1. requirements

Always respect, care for, and benefit our Taiwanese compatriots, improve policies and systems to enhance their well-being and enjoy equal treatment; Adhere to a problem oriented approach, highlight the importance of leading by example, expand authorization and empowerment, and continuously promote policy and institutional innovation; Adhere to the principle of prioritizing ease over difficulty, progressing gradually, continuously advancing, and achieving long-term results, adapting measures to local conditions and conditions, supporting regions with good conditions and prominent advantages to take the lead in pilot projects, guiding other regions to find their positioning and collaborate to increase efficiency.

Work objectives. The demonstration zone for integrated development between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait has been basically completed, and the effect of Fujian as the first home for Taiwanese compatriots and enterprises has been fully demonstrated. The policy and institutional system for integrated development is becoming more perfect, and the social atmosphere of "one family on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, one family on Fujian and Taiwan" is becoming stronger; The personnel exchanges between Fujian and Taiwan are more convenient, trade and investment are smoother, and communication and cooperation are expanding to a wider range and deeper level; The demonstration effect of Xiamen and Kinmen, Fuzhou and Mazu's integrated development is constantly emerging, and the Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone is fully playing its role in Taiwan's integration.

2、 Building the first home for Taiwanese compatriots and enterprises to land in Taiwan

Smooth communication channels for Taiwanese compatriots. Moderately advance the construction of transportation and logistics infrastructure, and increase the guarantee of funding and other factors. Promote the connectivity of infrastructure between Fujian and Taiwan, build a three-dimensional and comprehensive hub for the Taiwan Strait, and facilitate the connection between Fujian and Taiwan with other regions of the mainland. Strengthen the layout and construction of major logistics infrastructure such as logistics hubs, and improve the regional logistics distribution system. Further optimize and encrypt passenger and freight routes between the coastal areas of Fujian and Taiwan, as well as Kinmen and Matsu. To create a more relaxed policy environment for compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait to travel between Fujian and Taiwan, as well as for Taiwan compatriots to stop residing in Fujian. Encourage more Taiwanese compatriots who have crossed the mainland in the future to come to Fujian for visits and exchanges.

Promote Taiwanese students to study and study in Fujian. We will implement a policy of "welcoming students, treating them equally, and enrolling them nearby" for Taiwanese children studying in primary schools and public kindergartens in Minzhong. Support Fujian universities and research institutes to expand the enrollment of Taiwanese students through various means. Support high-level and diversified cooperation between universities on both sides of the Taiwan Strait in Fujian, and support Taiwan's advantageous characteristic industry enterprises to participate in vocational school shareholding and mixed education in Fujian in various forms. Establish a number of cross-strait youth research and learning bases.

Encourage Taiwanese compatriots to come to Fujian for employment. Support various enterprises in Fujian, especially Taiwanese enterprises, to hire more Taiwanese employees. Increase efforts to recruit Taiwanese teachers in Fujian vocational schools. Further expand the scope of direct recognition of professional qualifications in Taiwan. Physicians in Taiwan practice in Fujian according to regulations. Gradually expanding the scope of practicing law in Fujian for Taiwanese residents who have obtained national legal professional qualifications. Vigorously develop diversified human resource service institutions, including Taiwan funded institutions.

Expand the participation of Taiwanese compatriots in society. Support Taiwanese compatriots to participate in the development of various undertakings in Fujian, including ecological and environmental protection, rural revitalization, and social welfare. Support Taiwanese compatriots to deeply participate in practical activities such as local community construction and grassroots governance in Fujian. Support Taiwanese compatriots to join relevant industry, academic, and professional social organizations. Carry out a pilot program for Taiwanese compatriots to serve as leaders and legal representatives of non religious social organizations in Fujian. Support Taiwanese compatriots to participate in the evaluation of honors and awards at all levels in accordance with relevant national regulations. Encourage Taiwanese compatriots to serve as arbitrators, mediators, people's jurors, people's supervisors, procuratorial liaison officers, and judicial assistants to participate in the construction of the rule of law in Fujian.

Convenient for Taiwanese compatriots to live in Fujian. Cancel the temporary registration of Taiwanese residents in Fujian. Encourage Taiwanese compatriots to apply for a residence permit for Taiwan residents. Taiwanese residents settle and settle in Fujian to achieve the goal of "settling down to the fullest extent possible". Expand the application scope of identity verification for Taiwan residents, and strive to achieve equal convenience in the social application of Taiwan residents' residence permits and mainland residents' identity cards. Encourage Taiwanese compatriots to purchase houses and properties in Fujian. Improve the system of employment, medical treatment, housing, elderly care services, and social assistance for Taiwanese compatriots in Fujian, and incorporate them into the mainland's social security system in accordance with the law and regulations.

Improve judicial services related to Taiwan. Build an open resource sharing platform that integrates legal research and consultation related to Taiwan and legal investigation in Taiwan. Strengthen exchanges and cooperation between arbitration institutions across the Taiwan Strait, and allow Taiwan civil and commercial arbitration institutions to establish business institutions in Xiamen and carry out arbitration services related to Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and foreign affairs. To create a preferred location for judicial services related to Taiwan in mainland China, and provide legal protection for Taiwanese compatriots and enterprises to participate in the development of cross-strait integration. Continuously optimize mechanisms for law enforcement, prosecution, trial, and enforcement supervision related to Taiwan, and continuously improve legal services related to Taiwan.

3、 Promote the deep integration of economic and trade between Fujian and Taiwan

Optimize the business environment related to Taiwan. Support Fujian Province in building an international first-class business environment, and guide Taiwanese compatriots and enterprises to jointly build a market-oriented, legal, and convenient business environment. Opinions on formulating special measures to promote the integration of Fujian and Taiwan and relax market access. Encourage the Fujian Pilot Free Trade Zone to expand its pilot program with Taiwan. Support the innovative development of small-scale trade with Taiwan. Build a cross-strait standard common service platform, encourage industry, academia, research and enterprise cooperation between the two sides to develop industry common standards, and explore the establishment of a Taiwanese enterprise qualification evaluation and certification system. Improve the coordination and linkage mechanism for safeguarding the rights and interests of Taiwanese compatriots and enterprises, establish and improve communication channels between government and enterprises, and promote the increase in quantity and quality of commercial and Taiwanese enterprises in Fujian, Taiwan, and Taiwan.

Deepen industrial cooperation. Support the construction of new industrial demonstration bases in regions with conditions, strengthen industrial cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan, and enhance the resilience and security level of the cross-strait industrial and supply chains. Strengthen factor guarantee, support the construction of industrial bases and advanced manufacturing clusters that gather resources and elements from both sides of the Taiwan Strait with global competitiveness, such as the Gulei Petrochemical Industry Base and the Ningde Power Battery Cluster. Support Fujian enterprises and enterprises in Fujian and Taiwan to jointly establish enterprise cooperation alliances. Support the construction of multi-level cross-strait financial markets, innovate cross-strait social capital cooperation methods, promote the establishment of a cross-strait industrial integration and development fund, support the innovation and upgrading of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Center's "Taiwan Asset Market", strengthen cooperation and docking with the New Third Board, promote more qualified high-quality Taiwanese enterprises in Fujian to list on the mainland, and encourage more Taiwanese enterprises to participate in the development of the mainland's financial market. Support cross-strait fashion and creative industry cooperation, and jointly cultivate ethnic characteristic brands.

Promote the development of Taiwan's agriculture, fisheries, and small and medium-sized enterprises in Fujian. Encourage Taiwanese farmers and fishermen to participate in the integrated development of the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries in rural Fujian and participate in rural revitalization. Continuously benefiting Taiwanese farmers and fishermen, providing more convenience in land use, financing, and expanding domestic markets. Deepen the cooperation and development of tourism resources between Fujian and Taiwan, and support Taiwanese businesses to participate in the improvement and upgrading of rural tourism in Fujian. Increase support for the construction of Taiwan Farmers Entrepreneurship Parks, carry out exchanges and cooperation in areas such as marine economy, support the creation of national rural revitalization demonstration counties in areas where Taiwanese enterprises and farmers gather, and build cross-strait rural revitalization cooperation bases and high-quality national modern agriculture and fishery platforms. Attracting Taiwanese businesses to engage in e-commerce, health care, logistics, catering and other service industries in Fujian. Support mainland and Taiwan enterprises that meet the conditions to apply for Chinese time-honored brands. Encourage Taiwan's small and medium-sized enterprises to develop in Fujian and support the establishment of a cross-strait small and medium-sized enterprise cooperation zone in Fujian. Promote future industrial development cooperation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. Explore new forms of cross-strait service trade cooperation and development.

Strengthen cooperation in scientific and technological innovation. Encourage enterprises and research institutions in Fujian and Taiwan to jointly build common technology research and development platforms, and promote the digital, networked, and intelligent transformation of enterprises in Fujian and Taiwan. Support the construction of Fujian Taiwan talent gathering platforms with distinctive characteristics, complementary advantages, and coordinated development in Fuzhou and Xiamen. Build a platform for the transformation of ecological and environmental technology achievements across the Taiwan Strait, and support Taiwan compatriots and enterprises to participate in green economic development.

4、 Promote the integrated development of Fujian province

Support the accelerated integration and development of Xiamen and Kinmen. Support Xiamen in carrying out comprehensive reform pilot projects, granting Xiamen greater autonomy in key areas and key links of reform through a list batch authorization method. Implement equal treatment for local residents in Xiamen for residents of Kinmen, take the lead in promoting the equalization, inclusiveness, and convenience of basic public services, create a "same city living circle" for Xiamen and Kinmen, and deepen inter school exchanges and cooperation between Xiamen University and Kinmen University. Explore the infrastructure cooperation model between Xiamen and Kinmen, accelerate the promotion of electricity, ventilation, and bridge connection with Kinmen, and support Kinmen in sharing Xiamen's new airport.

Support the deepening of integrated development between Fuzhou and Mazu. Create a "same city living circle" in Fuma and support Mazu residents to enjoy the same treatment as local residents in Fuzhou. Establish Fuzhou Mazu Industrial Cooperation Park to promote innovation and integration between Fuzhou and Mazu in cultural tourism, marine fisheries, and other fields, and attract Taiwanese compatriots and enterprises to participate in the development of Fuzhou's digital economy. Promote the connection of water, electricity, ventilation, and bridges between Fuzhou and Mazu. Support the establishment of a collaborative mechanism for Taiwan integration between Fuzhou New Area and Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone, achieving integrated and high-quality development.

Accelerate the opening and development of Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone. Support the Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone to accelerate the construction of a comprehensive opening-up pattern to Taiwan. Gradually build a policy system for the liberalization and facilitation of investment and trade with Taiwan, expand the opening up of cross-border service trade with Taiwan, and explore the construction of a leading area for a common market across the Taiwan Strait. Support the construction of a more convenient cross-strait communication channel in Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone. Research on relaxing access to industries such as information services in Taiwan, and explore measures to accelerate the expansion of education openness.

Promote integration practices in other regions of Fujian. Give full play to the advantages of the main ancestral places of Taiwanese in Quanzhou and Zhangzhou Minnan speaking areas, build a world Minnan cultural exchange center, and carry out integrated development practices with Penghu. Support Longyan and Sanming to leverage the advantages of Hakka ancestral areas and innovate cross-strait Hakka cultural exchanges. Support the construction of the Cross Strait Rural Integration Development Pilot Zone in Sanming. Support Putian to deepen exchanges and cooperation with Taiwan through platforms such as the hometown of Mazu and the Cross Strait Biotech and Medical Health Industry Cooperation Zone. Support the deepening of ecological, cultural, and tourism industry cooperation with Taiwan in Nanping. Encourage Ningde to expand cooperation with Taiwan in the new energy and marine aquaculture industries.

5、 Deepen social and cultural exchanges between Fujian and Taiwan

Expand social and cultural exchanges and cooperation. Support various types of civil organizations in Fujian and Taiwan to carry out regular exchanges, and encourage eligible Taiwanese civil organizations to establish offices in Fujian. Support Xiamen University and other institutions to strengthen the construction of research institutions related to Taiwan, and exchange and cooperate with various think tanks in Taiwan. Organize major cross-strait exchange activities such as the Taiwan Strait Forum. Implement the project of displaying and tracing the history of Fujian and Taiwan, and carry out activities such as docking the Fujian and Taiwan genealogy and visiting the ancestors. Give full play to the spiritual bond of folk beliefs such as Mazu, and carry out various forms of folk belief and customs exchange activities. Encourage Taiwan's religious community and other members of society to come to Fujian for short-term education. Support the exchange and cooperation of Buddhism and Taoism between Fujian and Taiwan. Establish and improve incentive mechanisms for platform enterprises to promote cultural exchanges between Fujian and Taiwan.

Encourage teenagers to communicate and interact. Support youth organizations in various fields and industries in Fujian and Taiwan to establish regular communication channels. Strengthen the construction of employment and entrepreneurship platforms for youth across the Taiwan Strait, and assist Taiwanese youth in pursuing, building, and fulfilling their dreams in Fujian. Support primary and secondary schools in Fujian and Taiwan to strengthen inter school exchanges and carry out cooperation in youth characteristic sports such as baseball and softball. Using new media, popular culture and the Internet, extensive experiential, immersive and interactive exchange activities were carried out, and the common "circle of friends" and "circle of career" of Fujian and Taiwan youth were constantly expanded.

Promote the integration and development of cultural fields. Encourage compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait to jointly promote Chinese culture, promote the protection, inheritance, and innovative development of excellent traditional Chinese culture. Build more cultural industry cooperation platforms and encourage Taiwanese cultural industry professionals to invest and settle in. Support Fujian Taiwan cooperation projects to be showcased through overseas Chinese cultural centers. The pilot allows Taiwanese businesses to invest in establishing broadcasting and television program production and operation companies in Fujian. Guide the Fujian Taiwan industry to collaborate in producing high-quality film and television products. Gathering cultural and entertainment resources from both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and building a popular cultural center for both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Continue to carry out the protection project of cultural relics related to Taiwan. Encourage Taiwanese compatriots to apply for representative inheritors of Fujian Provincial Intangible Cultural Heritage. Support the joint implementation of the "Mazu Belief in Customs" protection project for the representative works of human intangible cultural heritage in the Mazu Temple in Fujian and Taiwan, and share the results of protection. Promote the application of red brick buildings and Mazu cultural heritage sites in southern Fujian on both sides of the Taiwan Strait for world cultural heritage. Implement the "Research on the Origin and Diffusion of the Austronesian Language Family" project. Support Taiwanese enterprises to apply for qualifications in cultural heritage protection projects, and involve professional institutions and personnel in archaeological projects within Fujian Province.

6、 Strengthen organizational support

Upholding and strengthening the Party's overall leadership. Adhere to the centralized and unified leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in exploring a new path of integrated development across the Taiwan Strait and building a demonstration zone for integrated development across the Taiwan Strait in Fujian, and implement the Party's leadership throughout all aspects of work.

Improve the mechanism for implementing work. The Central Taiwan Affairs Office and the National Development and Reform Commission should take the lead in coordinating, making overall plans, establishing dynamic optimization and improvement mechanisms, promoting policy implementation, evaluation and adjustment, and summarizing and promoting work. The relevant departments of the central and state organs should propose innovative measures, strengthen policy support, and fully support Fujian in exploring new mechanisms, paths, and models for deepening cross-strait integration and development. Fujian Province needs to strengthen its main responsibility, establish a collaborative implementation mechanism, leverage the roles of all parties, innovate work methods, and ensure that all measures are implemented and effective. Establish an expert committee in Fujian to explore new paths for the integration and development of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, and conduct policy research on deepening the integration and development of Fujian and Taiwan.

Consolidate the foundation of legal protection. Ensure the construction of a demonstration zone for promoting the integration and development of both sides of the Taiwan Strait with the rule of law. The various policy measures proposed in this opinion, which involve adjusting the application of current laws or administrative regulations, shall be implemented in accordance with legal procedures and authorized by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress or the State Council.

Provide financial support. The central government supports Fujian in carrying out economic cooperation and cultural exchanges related to Taiwan through existing funding channels. Special projects related to investment within the central budget should increase support for Fujian's exploration of a new path of cross-strait integration and development.

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